BK Hansa Raval; cancer cure claims & tax free future

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Post16 Jun 2007

My wife got in touch with Colonel Raval regarding the cancer article. She was referred to Colonel Raval’s legal counsel for a statement. He asked me to maintain his anonymity since it is an on-going case. Apparently, the legal counsel, the Department of Defense and the Pentagon are taking legal actions towards the authors of the fictitious article and any website posting the article.

Following is a notice given to the author of the article:

Calvin Chin
xx xxxxx xxx xxxxxxx 1, xxxxx xxx xxxxxxxx, xxxxxxxx, xxxxxxxx xxxxx

Mr. Chin:

It has come to our attention that a fictitious article authored by you has been circulated on the internet. The article is entitled "Application in Cancer Treatment" and accuses a United States Armed Forces officer of false cancer treatment claims. We have obtained a written statement from Colonel Raval confirming that the information in your article is in fact false and fictitious. The article was written to deliberately mislead the public for an ulterior motive.

It is important to note that Dr. Raval's patient treatment records from all the hospitals she has practiced in confirm that absolutely no patients were offered non-conventional methods of treatment as an alternative to the American Medical Association’s accepted course of allopathic cancer treatment.

Dr. Raval is practicing conventional allopathic medicine in the United States for the past 42 years and uses Raja Yoga Meditation taught by Brahma Kumaris as a complementary aid to allopathic cancer treatment. Dr. Raval has never advocated a substitute of any kind for traditional allopathic cancer treatment.

You are hereby notified:

1. Remove the article "Application in Cancer Treatment" from wealthyalerts.info
2. Inform all websites to which you have either published or sold the article that the article is erroneous and contains false information.

If you do not adhere to the above notifications the following legal actions to be pursued through United States legal channels to prevent your use of US resources to propagate misinformation:

1. Calvin Chin to be banned from all United States based domain registration or site hosting.
2. Calvin Chin to be banned from submitting articles to any United States based online site.
3. Class Action Suit against Calvin Chin for damages caused to all cancer patients misdirected by the article.

The following have already been contacted regarding this issue:
1. United States Department of Defense
2. Embassy of the United States, Kuala Lumpur

We look forward to your immediate email reply,
T- G-
Legal Counsel

******************** END ****************************

Following is a response from ezinearticles.com to the legal counsel. This explains why the article has been disappearing from some websites.


Dear T- G-,

Thank you for notifying us about this issue.

The article was immediately removed last night and the author's account has been suspended.

C- K-

******************* END *************************
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Post17 Jun 2007

It looks like a lawyer's letter fit to wipe one's bottom with, or more politely put, to refer to the Electronic Frontier Foundation. Why and on what grounds could the Pentagon ban a foreign national from owning a domain name over a cancer cure!?! I thought the Pentagon was the center of military intelligence ...

Of course, there is a discrete difference between reporting such claims, criticising such claims and reporting that such claims have been made and then removed under intimidating threat of financial damages and professional restrictions. I find it hard to believe that an article criticising advice as "kooky"and unproven could be held as legal responsible for promoting said advice ...

There seems to be a blurring of borders going on here between Hansa's personal, religious and professional interests. As she did not make the alleged statements on behalf of the US Army;
    • I wonder what it has to do with the Department of Defense and the Pentagon!?!
    • Has the Department of Defense and the Pentagon become the Military Wing for the BKWSU?
    • Is this "new Shrimat" and the way the BKs do business now?
The question is, DID the BKWSU or Hansa Raval make ever such claims or not? Not can individual reporters be hounded into submission by fear and intimidation. I suppose we will have to find some witness to the fact, corroborrating evidence and depend on the subject's own integrity to answer that one ...

Its a good thing if it makes all parties, especially the BKWSU, more cautious over their claims and more accurate over their reporting.

However, I think that unless Hansa deals with such matters very, very carefully, it will only be seen by many to be a new chapter of the extents to which BK followers will make efforts and use professional connections to censor critical media reportage about the BKWSU.

Unfortunately, BKWSU members have depended on such indiscriminate media coverage in the past to promote their religion, and it now looks as thought it is coming back to haunt them. There are too many similar articles on the internet to track fully but I read another article which says,
Raja Yoga teaches students to search their Soul World for answers on where they came from and why the cancer entered their body. They learn what role religion, stress, family and lifestyle played in the cancer

and that she;
proposes that 98 percent of all cancer is psychosomatic.

The first is, strictly speaking, absolutely NOT what BK Raja Yoga is about or does. The second is reported as her own professional hypothesis on many websites. From a BK point of view, it would appear that she is mixing in her own manmat. Curing cancer is never something that either of the possessing spirits have ever channelled through the mediums. Generally, what they (Bap + Dada) say is that you have to face the accounts of the old body.

Can you tell us what is her current professional position on the subject is, or invite her to come onto the forum and defend her interpretation of Gyan?
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Post17 Jun 2007

I bet she has made such claims in private and someone has cooked up a story in public which she desperately wants silenced.

Many doctors have kooky beliefs, doesn't mean they want the public or their employers to know about them.
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Post17 Jun 2007

mr green wrote:Many doctors have kooky beliefs, doesn't mean they want the public or their employers to know about them.

And it does not mean that we should not create a space where they can seriously be discussed in order to examine any potential benefit in them. Space orthodox science and the science media would not allow.

On the Janki Foundation website, Hansa makes similar claims of a "miracle cure" of a shoulder/joint complaints that, despite her experience and connnections, allopathic medicine was seemingly unable to benefit her over a period of 12 months. Apparently it only took a single day in the BKWSU related hospital to fix. Is she asking the Jnaki Foundation to remove it are they too equally likely to be subject to censorship and legal threats from a "Class Action Suit for damages caused to all, say, automobile and sports injury victims misdirected by the article"?

Gosh, there might be a fortune to be made out of the BKWSU by lawyers ... what about God's failed predictions of the End of the World in WWII, 1950, 1976, the mid-80s etc ... do not those constitute undue influence. Many BKs left having given a load of money and time to the BKWSU on the basis that God said it was different. I must dig out my Jagdish Chander books and Purity magazines to find out what other claims the likes of Hansa and the BKWSU made.

My learned friend, on the basis of my own experience of Hansa and the BKWSU, I would concur mr green above. Indeed, I also think I know who claims to be the "crippling arthritis cure" case Hansa also references in other articles. (It would be Sister Joan, snr from London center in my opinion, who made a BK career out of the alleged benefits to her physical illness). It is VERY par for the course for the types of claims BK made and I am very glad to hear that the BKWSU is reviewing such claims and cautioning such BKs from making them in public (which includes to other BKs).

There are the sorts of widespread incidents BKs tell to each other to encourage themselves in their faith. What seems to have happened here is that one has leaked out into the public domain and was reported in good faith. I can think of many such lifesaving, health curing wonders and miracles. Dadi Janki, as one example, is almost a walking medical encyclopedia of survival from fatal illness and her stories are legend within the BKWSU.

TM (the Transcendental Medititation organization has previously gone through identical phases in its growing up period ... but even went and did some science to prove itself. Individual BK and the BKWSU as a whole, especially in litigious America, should do just the same rather than squander money on aggressive attorneys before they, themselves, have their asses sued off. It is not a Brahmin way to do things.

All that is required is to find one family that has been interfered with in an unlawful or illegal fashion by the BKWSU and placed under undue influences and they too could end up in endless and expensive court cases that would cause far greater damage to the BKWSU's reputation and credibility.

What is required is for the individual in question, Dr Hansa, to come forward herself, withdraw any such claims that she might have made, clarify and correct the current situation. As a high qualified and respected individual in a scientific profession, does she surely not have the ability and responsibilty to publish such findings in a professional journal?
Janki Foundation wrote:‘Unravalling’ Spiritual Values Based on an Interview with Colonel Hansa Raval, MD - 2002

Dr Hansa Raval, a retired colonel of the US Army Medical Services, was a lecturer at Harvard University prior to joining one of the largest teaching hospitals for the US Army, Brooke Medical Center, San Antonio, Texas. As Oncologist, Director of Pathology Services and Director of Medical Training, Dr Raval has combined meditation with her medical skills for 25 years.

Initial impressions: When I first started to meditate, I just wanted to be more calm and focused and clearer about the situations that I had to face in my life. Then I started to see that my calmness was having a direct effect on all my patients.

The most memorable was a cancer patient who came to me hopeless, tearful and depressed, since learning about her illness. I remember being empathic with her; I was keeping my attitude calm and my words supportive. I told her that the medical treatment she would receive was the best that medicine could offer, but in order for her to recover, she would need to participate in her own healing. I showed her how she could do this by learning to be peaceful and positive about her illness.

Usually, you would expect a change of attitude to take time but within 12 hours this woman’s outlook towards herself and her illness had completely transformed. When she went for her breast surgery the next day, the surgeon noticed a remarkable change in her and rang me to ask what tranquillisers I had given her! He said she was very calm and co-operating but he was concerned about potential interactions with anaesthetics. I had, in fact, only taught her a basic meditation technique!

She quotes the research of the Simonton Institute, Texas, which used an experimental therapeutic model that has since been replicated in the USA:

Carl Simonton looked at the impact of positive thinking, vegetarian diet, exercise and visualisation on the health of terminally ill people. All hospital staff and relatives were required to complete training in positive thinking and imagery in order to aid the healing of the patients. Patients were also required to do this and to select a goal for their future, which they were to start working on while treatment appropriate to their illness was given.

The results were interesting. Over half of those ‘incurable’ patients recovered physically and nearly all were able to psychologically adjust. However medical institutions are not yet convinced that this approach is a key ingredient in successful treatment. And we do not have the skills to train staff and patients to create this type of positive, healing atmosphere.

Visiting Bhuj, India, in the aftermath of the earthquake of January 2001, she recalls how positive attitudes and feelings have an impact at times of extreme stress:

There was an atmosphere of panic and distress and I decided that I could help most if I maintained my own inner peace and calm. It was then that children and adults, who had gone into emotional numbness and shock, started to open up and share their feelings for the first time since the disaster struck. I felt a surge of trust from them, as though they knew they could receive solace here, even in the midst of the upheaval prevailing.

Being on the receiving end:

Many years ago, I was admitted to GHRC due to severe pain from a shoulder injury. The staff were amused and joked at having me for a patient! But they also gave attention and care with so much love that I found myself smiling and laughing back. I felt at home: comfortable and safe. I had spent 12 months before that with a frozen shoulder that would not heal and, unbelievably, I was out of hospital the next day!

Scientific studies show that our immune system is connected with our state of mind. We cannot always ask or expect a sick patient to be relaxed and positive, but hospital staff can help by providing a calm, positive and caring atmosphere for patients. Perhaps we, as healthcare providers need to master the art of healing by learning positive thinking skills, creating a positive attitude towards patients and a peaceful atmosphere. This may seem to be a ‘soft’ or subtle issue, but herein may lie the key to healing.

I am very pleased to support the work of the Janki Foundation in bringing these issues to the attention of health professionals now.

Interviewed by Dr Kala Mistry, Hospital Psychiatrist

I will have a trawl around the media to find other such articles given time. If you know of any, please draw our and the BKWSU's attention to them. Folks better take screenshots of such articles because it appears that we face another media cull.


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personal view

Post18 Jun 2007

1. It seems animosity has distracted you. Read the letter again. It is not a "BK" issue at all. It is a professional issue which involves slandering a professional with fabricated lies. Some of your questions and comments indicate your lack of experience in military, medical and legal matters.

2. Only a coward will invite someone to defend themselves out in the open while they themselves remain hidden. Anyone can roar like a lion in anonymity.

There are some members of this forum who have made their identity known and even though I may not agree with their views, I commend their courage to be out in the open. We cannot demand transparency from others while we hide in secrecy.

3. Cancer does not discriminate between religion, caste, creed, believers and non-believers, saints and sinners; it does not even leave our pets alone. Anyone who ridicules the suffering or death of a cancer patient is indeed a pathetic human being, for he is poisoned with hatred and is more pitiful than the object of his hate.

If anyone claims to be close to their God and still has to suffer with cancer or calamity, it is a testimony that God is just. He does not play favorites. Only a fool would think that he himself is free of (karmic) sufferings while ridiculing the suffering of others.


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Post18 Jun 2007

Dear Mike peace,

As being in the position of a medical professional, if anyone attempted to question my professionalism or make assertions about me, I would certainly employ lawyers and rectify the accusations if they were not 100% true ... It is an obligation, and to do otherwise leads to the question of authenticity and cover ups.

I find it a little questionable that a hospital would instigate and educate a full staff faculty on the principals and the BK view of positive thinking and healing. I strongly disagree with you here ... this is a BK issue. The article above is on BK website and under the banner of Dadi Janki. You cant get much more BK than that. I assure you, many of the staff would disagree with the underlying principals. The article claims to have trained the whole hospital staff, and in virtually the next sentence claims they do not have the skills to train the staff and patients. So which is it ??? I am afraid 27 years as a medical professional makes me highly question the claims here. It is BK, promoted by BK and claimed by BK. What makes you doubt it is BK?

The medical profession does already have in place counsellors, therapists etc who are very well trained in the psychological aspects of illness. It has a very strong place in palliative care. We also have been bringing in ministers and priests from the day dot. Resources may be limited, but they are there. The only new thing about this is the total BK association, meditation etc is not new in palliative care, neither are unsupported hearsay claims of miracle cures. Show me the medical charts. Not a BK website.

The Simonton Institute, Texas, a pop up window for retreat dates on the home page? This is not BK ??? the covers on the literature, colours, layout etc. I don't believe that this is not BK. I am not saying that some wonderful work is not being done here, but from my experience it is the BKs that are trying to hide in the background and remain anonymous. I assure you, if this work was presented as a BK-based treatment, and the actual core beliefs were disclosed as well, it wouldn't get very far and would not be allowed in our medical system unless it was monitored by an independent body. Which I am sure the BKSWU would not allow. It takes their control away.

I did not read in ex-l's reply anything that ridiculed a person with cancer. Cancer is not the issue here. Unsubstantiate claims, possibility of litigation and professional conduct. My mother is just recovering from radiation therapy. She attended meditation sessions that are not BK derived. So this support therapy is already in place.

On a personal side, anonymity is sometimes a must. It can at times be the only way to expose what is really going on. I don't know any of your real names, where you are and who you are. You are all anonymous to me ... your point is? The people of the resistance did not wear a neon light saying 'resistance', they wouldn't have gotten very far.

Look, this just is not on the level. To get this passed and working in a hospital would be impossible. Medicine has its basis in science and scientific proof, and studies. I don't know what country this was supposed to have all happened in, but I bet it wasn't Western. It gives her credentials, but does not state where this happened. Now as one example happened in the BK hospital ... how can you say it is not a BK issue?

Why cant the BKs just come out in the open and take their rightful place if they are doing all this wonderful work. Why do they have to hide behind various namesakes and cover their actual workings??? I think they should be made accountable.
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Post18 Jun 2007

I am sorry, is the accusation of animosity and insult directed at the journalist, this forum or me personally? I neither wrote nor posted that article.

My short answer is; if you are not BKs then I would be very careful for the sake of yourselves and your client if you are being used and drawn into a debate which you will very quickly proceed out of your depth in. But you are welcome to join us if you are sincere. Folks will respond genuinely to genuine inquiry and offer their experience and support where needed.

My long answer is; well, to be honest, we can really only be interested in the BK aspect of it on this forum. Anything else would be "off topic" and beyond the forum's remit. We are essentially having a free theological debate between Brahmin souls. Only Brahmin souls will be able to make much sense of it.

As far as I can see, the alleged comments were not made as part of her professional responsibilties nor on behalf of her employees but on a personal basis, in her private life, to promote her own religious faith.

I do not see what the connection between this particular individual's faith, her professional life nor American national security interests is ... except for its advantage in fear mongering, and it beneficial use in attempting to supress an innocent journalist's freedom of speech.

You have stated that you and your wife are not BKs, is that true? It puts you to a severe disadvantage when coming to discussing what actually goes on inside BK circles, the culture, what they teach their followers, and what they publish in their magazines. You might be in for a bit of an education and many concepts may appear to be very alien to you.

Having been a surrendered BK, and sat in many such class including those of Hansa Raval, if stuck in a witness box I would swear on oath that the balance of probability in my experience would suggest that such claims were typical of the sort made by BKs and I believe the llike to be irresponsible to neophyte, and especially those with serious illness. I also believe the millenarianist predictions the BKWSU has made through out its history have used irresponsibly as an undue and fraudulent influence over impressionable and often uneducated followers.

Does Hansa believe that all of time is 5,000 years old, that dinosaurs existed 2,500 years and that the end of the world through a nuclear holocaust between Russia and America is about to happen at any time? What is the Pentagon or DOD's position on that? I can state categorically, with references, that the BKWSU teach that God Shiva is inspiring them to make the bombs in order to purify the world and that within about 30 years, only 900,000 BKs will remain alive on earth.

The terrible thing is that we have documented cases where BKs have even said that those suffering from mental illness such as schizophrenia actually had two souls inside them and could be benefited by practising BK-style Raja Yoga. On the other, we have center-in-charges documenting how the practise of BK Raja Yoga has brought on serious psychoses in a student which the senior BK were unable to deal with or take responsiblity for.

With regards medical claims, Dadi Janki and her entourage are constantly claiming miracle cures regarding her health. She has been at death's door for the last 20 odd years. More recently, the BKs have also making claims such as that Dadi Prakashmani's Alzheimers is in some way being ameliorated by the Yoga power of other BKs. The BKs claim that their power of blessings even permeate beyond the grave. They claim to have the power of "purifying the wombs" of the mothers that deceased Raja Yogis will take their next rebirth in.

My friend, you are not alone in having chronic or terminal illnesses such as cancer touch your life and so if you wish to discuss your and your wife's suffering, and any personal gratitude you feel towards Hansa sympathetically, then please do. There is a positive news section in the BK forum. But to use that suffering as part of an censorship offensive is a terrible, terrible thing to do, in my opinion.

All the same, if you want to know what the actually practise of BK Raja Yoga and the lifestyle within the BKWSU in detail, then please ask. We are here for you and you have found the right place for honest, direct answers.
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Re: personal view

Post18 Jun 2007

mikepeace wrote:2. Only a coward will invite someone to defend themselves out in the open while they themselves remain hidden. Anyone can roar like a lion in anonymity.

There are some members of this forum who have made their identity known and even though I may not agree with their views, I commend their courage to be out in the open. We cannot demand transparency from others while we hide in secrecy.

Et Tu Brutus ...
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abrahma kumar

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Post18 Jun 2007

mikepeace wrote:My wife got in touch with Colonel Raval regarding the cancer article. She was referred to Colonel Raval’s legal counsel for a statement. He asked me to maintain his anonymity since it is an on-going case. Apparently, the legal counsel, the Department of Defense and the Pentagon are taking legal actions towards the authors of the fictitious article and any website posting the article.

Following is a notice given to the author of the article ...

What fun!

do not know if the following is going to make any sense on this thread but can only say that it IS a genuine correspondence emanating from the BKWSU. Neither is it being posted in any attempt to prove or disprove anything that has been or will be discussed on this thread. Timing is EVERYTHING and I guess that i am just sharing a scene from my own personal lifestory. I would like to acknowledge the following:
DISCLAIMER: The much referred to entity, "i", in the following is not nor bears any resemblance to abek. Thank you.
Hope in Health Care - Leading from Within

June 1st-3rd, 2007

I attended one of the Hope in Health Care retreats this weekend at Peace Village. It was titled Leading from Within. The workshop was for healthcare providers that were interested in gaining the tools that would allow them to become more integrated in their roles as practitioners while lowering levels of stress in the ever changing healthcare field. We all have the pure desire for it to be easier to provide a deeper level of care with a greater sense of security in our day.

Right from the beginning it seemed as though the atmosphere was charged with a feeling of caring that would move us through many great experiences. I wondered if this was what we were feeling as we were getting acquainted, what the rest of the weekend would reveal. As the ground work was laid and feelings deepened, we explored within ourselves and discovered how we could be more present with these feelings. It was good to be able to identify the feelings that were hampering my life, because then I was able to move past them. This wonderful process, which we were applying and learning throughout the workshop, is now a tool for my life, and will be helpful in my daily challenges. Meditation was a key component in this process.

It became very clear to everyone as the weekend progressed and we, the participants, mirrored each others feelings and aspirations, that the process that we were learning and experiencing on various levels was very powerful. I found myself in a state of joy and I could clearly see were the barriers were that I had quietly hidden from myself.

The processes that we were learning and experiencing, the processes that I was going through, were helping me in the present moment in the workshop; so they will help me in my daily experiences as a healthcare provider. Leading from within, transformational change, effective change management, and understanding strengths and weaknesses, which were all part of the weekends agenda all seemed to focus into one underlining process at the end of the weekend. The way I can better serve others is when I can better serve myself. I, for one, am so happy I was a participant.
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US State Department has a list of 'misinformation' sites

Post18 Jun 2007

Here, I think, is the list of 'misinformation sites' mentioned by mikepeace. High on the list is Rense.

The State Department site particularly mentions a cruise missile striking the Pentagon on 9/11, the theory of that.

In my 911 bookmarks, I have a juicy video of an engineering student presenting his work to analyze the flight 77 black box data released by the US government, in response to a FOIA request.
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Mr Green


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Post18 Jun 2007


I have seen no one here ridicule the suffering of others or even make a comment about anyone with cancer. In fact, the only person who has done this is yourself.

This debate is about Dr Hansa and whether she holds strange beliefs about cancer or not.

Either this is a highly personal subject for you or something else is going on. No one here is attacking you, or your views, but people are concerned about Dr Hansa's beliefs.
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Post18 Jun 2007

a BK at the BKWSU Peace Village wrote:"Right from the beginning it seemed as though the atmosphere was charged with a feeling of caring that would move us through many great experiences."

So, no mention of how to snitch web journalists to Homeland Security then!?!

An attorney writing such a letter has no right to anonymity. Especially when he outs the recipient on a public forum. As you are attempting to make an example of Mr Chan ... in order to frighten us ... are we talking about Gallina here? Anyway, I thought Hansa was retired.

Let me do some homework and give the company some free publicity at the EFF for attempting to misuse their professional expertise to carry out a blatant and cack handed "Chilling Effect" ... and contact the journalist to offer my apology and support. There may be other stories he will be interested in investigating now.
mr green wrote:Dr Hansa's beliefs ...

On my behalf, not just her beliefs but also her modus operandi as a leading Brahma Kumari, as underlined by Mike's posts here on her behalf.

I am surprised Hansa's attorney has not written to the IRS to complain about the BK prediction of a "Tax Free" future within 50 years. Or may be the BKs are not too comfortable invoking Tax Departments interest. I heard Baba mention that the Indian Government/Tax department had removed all the donation boxes from the BK centers but I never heard why they did it.

The issue is, Mike, that Hansa and the BKWSU court the public eye on the basis of their name, fame and status. She has often been exploited because of her professional title and, I would argue, exploits it herself. They use it, as they do the unrelated reference to the Simonton Institute to give credibility to the BKWSU. No members of this forum wish to court "name and fame" as it is against BK Shrimat. Unless the Simonton Institute tested BK-ism, or the US Military supports the BKWSU, or typically the United Nations are given a full disclouse of BKWSU teachings, it is all a kind of fraud; a false representation in order to gain money or services.

If this is truly a letter on behalf of (the retired) Colonel Hansa ... and, of course, I am cautious because you may just be acting here to discredit her and this forum by publishing malicous falacies about the actions of senior BKWSU members ... then I am grateful for you incontroversially proving just how the BKWSU goes about censoring critical media and the depths to which they are willing to stoop to do so. We knew they did this. You have just given us the proof of it. Thank you.

In this case, you show how senior Brahma Kumari members are willing to;
    • allegedly pulling strings with their Military and Intelligence connections,
    • putting some poor web journalist at risk in his own country (a country which has an appalling record of human rights abuses, especially towards for non-muslim individuals) by pressurising a foreign embassy and providing personal details to them,
    • are willing to use fear, intimidation and professional damage towards others to cover up their own and their organization's belief system.
... very nice.

Please give us the contact names and address for the Pentagon and Department of Defense you used so we can contact them to find out their official position.

I hope you and Hansa loosen up and learn to join us as equals soon. You will always be welcome but please keep the chat "on topic". Off topic, I think the big difference between the US Government or US military intelligence and the BKWSU is that the US Government or US military intelligence does not believe its own propaganda!
EFF wrote:Chilling Effects Clearinghouse

A joint project of the Electronic Frontier Foundation and Harvard, Stanford, Berkeley, University of San Francisco, University of Maine, George Washington School of Law, and Santa Clara University School of Law clinics.

Do you know your online rights? Have you received a letter asking you to remove information from a Web site or to stop engaging in an activity? Are you concerned about liability for information that someone else posted to your online forum? If so, this site is for you.

Chilling Effects aims to help you understand the protections that the First Amendment and intellectual property laws give to your online activities. We are excited about the new opportunities the Internet offers individuals to express their views, parody politicians, celebrate their favorite movie stars, or criticize businesses. But we've noticed that not everyone feels the same way. Anecdotal evidence suggests that some individuals and corporations are using intellectual property and other laws to silence other online users.


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closing thought

Post18 Jun 2007

I did not realize this is a BK resistance movement.

Now it makes sense why the article is such a big BK issue for some of you. It's not for me.

I am content with whatever I said about it.

Take it from an old man, at the end of the day you won't get any satisfaction from who you've tried to prove wrong or who you've gotten even with. The only important thing will be the love and happiness you've had a chance to share with others.

Best of luck, Mike
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Re: closing thought

Post19 Jun 2007

mikepeace wrote:I did not realize this is a BK resistance movement.

Its a lot bigger than that Mike. You're still putting us down if that is all you, and they, can see.

Its funny to you talk about 'love and happiness' after spinning out fairly heavyweight 'fear and intimidation' suppression and wrecking the pitch for some poor kid journalist in a developing nation ... it sounds a lot just like your "Great" country's foreign policy.

But thanks for coming down to ground and being more normal. We might even be able to have a reasoned discussion now. I suppose if love equates to intimidation, then there is good chance that deceptions the BKs spin out are acceptable truths to you, but I'd say folks here are after the real thing and not PR.

Do you want to talk it through, or have you thrown your best punch at a wittle bunny wabbit and want to leave now? I am particularly interested in what you perceive as "ulterior motives".

Gosh, I see the Pentagon is already onto us ... US Government on ex-BK Misinformation. I am so scared :wink:.

... so, let's at least be positive and call it a Liberation Movement! Viva La Revolucion!
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Re: closing thought

Post19 Jun 2007

mikepeace wrote:I did not realize this is a BK resistance movement.
ex-l wrote:Its a lot bigger than that Mike. You're still putting us down if that is all you, and they, can see. Its funny to you talk about 'love and happiness' after spinning out fairly heavyweight 'fear and intimidation' suppression and wrecking the pitch for some poor kid journalist in a developing nation ... it sounds a lot just like your "Great" country's foreign policy.

But thanks for coming down to ground and being more normal. We might even be able to have a reasoned discussion now. I suppose if love equates to intimidation, then there is good chance that deceptions the BKs spin out are acceptable truths to you, but I'd say folks here are after the real thing and not PR.

Very funny except there aint anything to 'laugh' about. BK resistance movement is a nice military type phrase is not it? maybe mikepeace needs to know that as BKs we become acquainted with such terms as the Pandava Army, the Shiv Shakti Pandava Arm, the Spiritual Salvation Army. And more besides.

As for the intimidation! Well although this is cyber i smelt the whiff of that imperialist mightiness right from the get-go. Doctrine, thats' all it is. Thanks for passing by and staying-on mikepeace I am sure that your posts are going to add a whole new invaluable dimension to the forum.

Maybe we will get encouraged to churn about how Gyani lifestyle kits us out to live truly democratic lifeltyle in the Golden Age.

Oh, by the way, did anyone spot a brief period in history when there was a 'body' called The Authority dedicated to administering God only knows what in I-raq? When I came across it i thought how ironic, The Authority perhaps but never The Almighty Authority. Seemed like a bit of gumption that not even good ole Uncle Sam himself could muster - maybe they should have gathered intelligence about the BKWSU Murli - or else they would have been able to stun every single BK! Dem might be de Authority but dem not Almighty!

So mikepeace, lets talk a little 'love and happiness' - aBeK

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