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PostPosted: 20 Aug 2007
by ex-l
bro neo wrote:Codependent No More: How to Stop Controlling Others and Start Caring for Yourself ...

I have to laugh at the thought of any one single senior BK reading that suggestion, tilting their head and looking at themselves introspectively for a moment. We should make them read the book and then have a 45 minute written test afterwards ...

Funnily enough, for all the talk of University, Academy, "senior faculty member" (which became my favorite after I read of it refering to Brian Bacon), teachers and students ... would it be too much to actually make them sit down and take written examinations on management ethics and psychotherapeutic theory?

On the other hand, based on the old letters of faith we used to have to write and sign, I could imagine a Brahma Kumari World Spiritual University mutliple choice questionaire;
    How old is the Universe? Is it;
      a) made in 7 Days
      b) 13.7 billion years, with an uncertainty of about +/-200 million years.
      c) exactly 5,000 years
    Where is God? Is it;
      a) In heaven
      b) In Lekhraj Kirpalani
      c) In Dadi Janki
      d) All of the above

PostPosted: 22 Aug 2007
by bro neo
ex-l wrote: ...always sit next to the door and be the first out of morning class right after the musak stops.

Cant remember the exact details John, must be all the vice I am enjoying :wink: But if it was sold at Madubhan. The times I went, I would have bought it. My Center's library was quite exstensive as well. I would go to Madubhan with a very light but big suitcase so I could bring tons of books and stuff back (a lot of it was junk for my SS though.)