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PostPosted: 28 May 2007
by sparkal
Smells? The pulses cooked in the kitchen tend to gather in other parts such as the entrance hall and can smell like someone has dropped a big one. Opening the door/ window for a minute could make all the difference.

Sometimes it may be better to take one's self away from the centre for a day or ten if we have gone stale and intense. Maybe not for everyone. We should hear the Murli even if we are at death's doorstep :roll:.

Let's be real, when we get into deep Yoga/relationship with God, the boils are lanced and the puss comes out. Of course, that is a good example of something we have been told and may well be, and perhaps there is a better and deeper explanation again, which is why a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing.

If we are angry about something, is that something really going to make a bit of difference either way to the outcome of the drama? May be sometimes. Souls get too focussed. We can start fires with a magnifying glass, also burn traits though. Our own that is. If you are in charge, don't be, you are a co-ordinator, an instrument.

I think I had better open the window :x.

breaking the colt

PostPosted: 18 Jul 2007
by alladin
Following some churning and discussions about the "blaming oneself" issue, I felt like posting something on this topic. I think that many BK instruments and students, had complaints about the way centers were run by sisters-in-charge, and generally, the reply we all got from SS was " u must change first, eventually others will improve, be Arjuna, an example!". Good advice, how can we progress, if we blame others? How can we become strong and increase our tolerance power?

However, it seems like an institutionalized system, that center-in-charges, no matter how much sorrow and problems they create, even when they bring more damage than benefit to souls, destroy more than create, are seldom removed from their gaddhis. In some topic, Arjun was recalling how deaf centers remained to the order Baba gave, yrs ago, to swap centers. So, I don't quite understand why. In the lokik world, if a manager doesn't produce the expected results and all colleagues have problems in dealing with him, eventually is destituted because he creates losses.

The Yagya corp does not work that way, in this aspect. Subtly, the message the above mentioned "good advice" carries is, "no point reporting or complaining; you, lower rank are always to be blamed. In fact, we don't even totally believe you". Even if 99% of students are unhappy with the way a center is run, no changes are made. This SS rule of closing ranks - so to say - not accepting any opinion or proposal, I have seen how much damage has caused! Directly, in the sense of BK loosing faith in SS, leaving Gyan and delayed, less visible effects and in the sense that souls were shamed or made feel guilty, immature and convinced that they should beat themselves up.

Is this healthy or empowering, or is it another method for "breaking the horse" and for taming us, so that we internalize that commandment that we are always the only ones to be blamed, we don't look at any wrongdoings and so we don't cause any problems by rocking the boat??

PostPosted: 18 Jul 2007
by bro neo
I always took that point in Gyan personally, nutty professor that I was, so for every single problem, in and around me, I looked for a personal solution through self transformation. LMAO! Talk about Agoraphobia!

I can see how people could see this point the other way though, as you mentioned alladin, and instead use it to tell others to change instead of themselves. This is indeed a huge problem with the survival, progress and expansion of BKWSU Centers around the world, and is probably a main reason they have not achieved better results in expansion.

They have kept the bad apples which have ruined the whole batch, instead of ditching them and just keeping the good apples. Then again maybe it’s only the bad apples who can survive long in the BKWSU due to there inability to accept personal responsibility for problems.


PostPosted: 18 Jul 2007
by alladin
Hi. Possibly the hierarchic system is also deviced to protect bad apples.

Another topic that came up today talking with a friend, was the hidden agendas some sisters-in-charge have for staying at centers, and not letting go. It can often be selfish well calculated reasons that are different from "name and fame"; saving money, having accomodation, bills and food partly or entirely sponsored, Brothers versed in DIY available for fixing things at the snap of some fingers for Baba's house or doing shopping.

So they create their little Kaliyugi kingdom with maso subjects. No wonder Baba mentions those who spend the day eating and night sleeping = parasites. Anyway, students and even visitors can tell sooner or later what's going on, what's the attitude of sisters-in-charge. Opportunism happens in "bhawans" as well, but that's not as gross, since BK living together are after all doing something many people do as well; sharing flats, with no façade tag on the door saying its'a "meditation center".