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Re: Mention about ex-BKs in Murlis

PostPosted: 04 Apr 2008
by sarah
OK, so I got carried away with emotion :roll: . Mr Green, I stand corrected. You have basically summed up what I wanted to say really. :P I wish I had your ecomony of words :lol:.

Re: Mention about ex-BKs in Murlis

PostPosted: 04 Apr 2008
by john morgan
I guess that the responsible person practices self-reliance. I am one who likes The Knowledge, it can cross cultures quite easily. Within each of us is room for a improving consciousness, this is a study that can go on forever. What we put our attention on grows, even if Baba were a myth, A blissful loveful knowledgeful being is worth remembering. Holding in mind a being who has these qualities to a greater degree than anyone else can help unfold these very same potentialities in the individual consciousness. First one thinks about, then one does it over and over again, this is the way that Knowledge reveals what is often well hidden with us. It is a personal discipline. We get insight into our future stage through drishti and then make effort. All this is a far cry from how we were prior to Gyan.

I has been said that it is more blessed to give than receive, I am not sure that this is correct. The receiver takes from the giver and thereby creates their fortune. In some Murlis it has been said, that the student can be more advanced than the Sister reading the Murli. Part of right thinking requires being aware of and controlling the influences that affect one's thought creation and therefore attitudes and actions. It may be that Baba is too kind in this respect, possibly he should say "if the thoughts or actions of anyone automatically or unconsciously influences your thoughts and actions you are a fool." What each of us do individually is important as are the qualities we demonstrate in our actions.

To continually expect kindness and understanding from others is unrealistic though we can attempt to be continually kind and understanding ourselves. The study is for self-sovereignty, he who would rule must first learn how to serve. This point is for those who have not yet learnt that serving is the most worthwhile activity in The Cycle. Who in their right mind would want to be a fool emperor when the subjects are sovereigns in their own right? Nothing worth doing there. I am also uncertain about the benefit of an angel claiming status now over those they are serving. Baba is egoless, his children/students should practice egolessness too. Its only when one considers oneself important that others can offend one easily. Its often for the best to "miss" and be kind in contrast to "hit" and make an issue. If I were reading this paragraph I would examine the content carefully disentangle the logic of the first two sentences for myself as for the rest is it true or false or the ravings or a madman?

He who is convinced against his will is of the same opinion still.

He who cannot think for himself has to be content with second hand thought.



ps As most people here are anonymous I am thinking of changing my name to Chutney Mary does anyone think this is a good idea or have a better suggestion? Thanks.

Re: Mention about ex-BKs in Murlis

PostPosted: 05 Apr 2008
by ex-l
mr green wrote:I want to spank your bottoms, achaa".

Are you sure now that you are not quoting one of the senior Brother's classes there?

BapDada's views on ex-BK ... hmmn? Its funny but even the old boy fails to recognise that there could not be anything wrong with the the way the Yugya is run, the re-writing of the history and philosophy. He is awfully quiet on all that stuff.

OK, so he is going to believe that he is God or the Father of Humanity, we have to expect that off him ... so why does he sit and chit-chat with the Seniors each time but fails to give newcomers a lesson in BK Kung Fu ... BK self-defense.

Personally, I suppose those comments were given relative to a particular event, or series of events, that happened at the time it was spoken. Some notable BKs must have ex-ed themselves. Its a shame we can reach into India with this forum more, there are DECADES worth of ex-BKs, each with their own story to tell. I wonder how many Sisters have been left high and dry as unmarried women?

John, Chutney Mary? None of us here could afford to eat there (dirty, body-conscious and meat vibrations aside) ... so pick something cheaper like "Indian Veg".

Re: Mention about ex-BKs in Murlis

PostPosted: 05 Apr 2008
by arjun
Sister sarah wrote:I am sorry but this is exactly the sort of thing that just makes me so angry and despondant. I am looking out the window now. I can see two women, back from the shops, chatting away on the doorstep. I can see a man sitting on his favourite bench under a tree in his garden, and I can see two children still on Easter holiday kicking a ball about. They are all so unfortunate. How can they not be? They do not even know Brahmin life. Never even heard of it. How could they? How could they permeate something so exclusive and inclusive at the same time? How could they ever get the chance to be fortunate? Are they standing around worrying about the end of the world, whether they have remembered Baba enough during the day, whether or not they are leading others to Baba? No, they are not. They are free and happy and simple, and this to me is true fortune.

Dear Sister,
Hello. The Murli quote that you have reproduced was spoken during the times of Brahma Baba, when the yaga was being run by Mama and Baba in accordance with the Shrimat and even though there were BKs who were not satisfied with each others' behaviour, they were generally happy with Mama and Baba. No BK has ever written or spoken against Mama and Baba's behaviour.

During the times of Mama and Baba (i.e. prior to 1969) BKs used to leave the Yagya primarily for two reasons. One was their inability to lead a celibate life/their desire to get married and lead a lokik family life. Second was their inability to adjust with the behaviour of co-BKs/ due to their maltreatment by surrendered/non-surrendered BKs. Both the situations have been mentioned in the Murlis. So, I suppose that in the extract of Murli quoted by you Baba is referring to the second category of BKs mentioned above who left the Yagya during the times of Brahma Baba as unfortunate. May be they left the Yagya without trying to get a remedy from Baba.

But now even Baba is not present in practical in BKWSU to remedy the problems of BKs. So, if any BK is leaving the Yagya due to illtreatment by fellow surrendered/non-surrendered BKs, then may be they are less to blame for their act.

Re: Mention about ex-BKs in Murlis

PostPosted: 05 Apr 2008
by ex-l
arjun wrote:No BK has ever written or spoken against Mama and Baba's behaviour.

We don't know that. We don't know the truth of the past. By Baba, do you mean Lekhraj Kirpalani or Shiva Baba? 99% don't complain, they just leave and walk away ... sometime damaged.

Largely, the following of the early days was pretty indiscriminate and uneducated. More than that, they were for perhaps 20 years dependent on Lekhraj Kirpalani money ... and whatever else anyone could get from their relatives. Were they likely to speak out against their lunch ticket? They were also on an amazing, mystic, psychedelic journey with folks having visions and all sort of dramas.

I was thinking just how little we actually know about what life was like for them. I mean ... take a way the few weeks worth of drama and the few days of big events ... what did they actually do on a day to day basis for 20 years? Non-BK commentators say they just kind of disappeared ... and then reinvented themselves out of Abu. From the history, we know that is true.

Sarah ... well, I guess your choice is either to run outside and tell those folks, "God has come and the End of the World is nigh" ... or "having a touching from Baba" that they are probably only Bhagat souls, Christians because they are white, and not worth bothering because they are not going to go to the Golden Age anyway. That is the reality of BK life ... :?

Sorry, arjun ... I have a lot of respect for you but the bitter realities are a lot harder to face than the Murlis.

Re: Mention about ex-BKs in Murlis

PostPosted: 05 Apr 2008
by enlightened
BapDada spoke not wrote:You held the hand for so long, you even explained to others; then how come you are drowning? Write affectionately. Dear Sister, you were going to learn Rajyog and sail across – now you are drowning. One feels pity that we should save the poor person. Then, someone gets saved or not – depends on his/her luck."

This must be some kind of a joke. No one from the BK organisation would know if I am dead or alive. No one bothered to call me, write to me or contact me despite the fact that I had been an active member of the organisation for more than 25years!!

In fact, looking back on how my life was as an active BK, I felt completely drowned and almost dead in my spirit whilst I was part of the organisation. There was no life left in me. However, I feel that after leaving the BK's, God has actually saved my life and saved me from really drowning. I am finally beginning to swim again and feel more alive now then when I was part of the organisation. Thank you God for saving me from being drowned in the sea of suppression, rigidity, control, domination etc by the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University. I know that God does not want me to live a life like I was living within this organisation.

God wants me to have freedom of expression, real happiness, real joy, real peace. God wants me to live a normal life and not one of suppression, rigidity, control and domination by members and the leadership of the Brahma Kumaris. God wants me to communicate my feelings and emotions. God wants me to express myself. This is real happiness and real spirituality!!

Thank you God for saving me from really drowning and dying. :D :) :D

Yours lovingly

Re: Mention about ex-BKs in Murlis

PostPosted: 07 Apr 2008
by paulkershaw
Hey "enlightened"!

The God that I am salutes the God you are. I see that you used to call yourself 'BK' for many years, now you call yourself Enlightened.

You are alive, well and celebrating your new life. PLEASE keep up the posts, they are inspiring and life-changing to many ... love, light and blessings are ours in every way as freedom is recognised and brought into being during our life-journey.

Re: Mention about ex-BKs in Murlis

PostPosted: 07 Apr 2008
by john morgan
Enlightened said No one bothered to call me, write to me or contact me despite the fact that I had been an active member of the organisation for more than 25years!!

I am sorry about this Enlightened, my experience was that one person came to see me. This attitude reminds me of the book Watership Down where it was taboo for the well fed rabbits to ask about an absentee. The reason being that they would have to face the truth that there was fresh rabbit pie on the table and that someday they would be pie too. In my world things are a little different, yours too by the sound of it.

I could continue with this sub-topic and create a veritable diatribe about the BK lack of manners displayed by this trait instead I'll move to the main topic.

Whilst we can all appreciate the rich panoply of life that unfolds all aound us each day there is within each person, "What shall I do and how shall I do it?" The BK way is a study of thought and attitude creation which begins with the faith that God is teaching. Some people enter this world and some prefer to stay with what they can see. One thing is for sure, a person who has not entered that world cannot know what it is about.

The faculty of judgment is very useful when applied to myself, it is a tool of progress. When I have traveled far enough in self-judging, it may be that I can realistically turn my attention to matters more external. Education nowadays teaches us to form opinions and judgments of everything that we can see but we learn little about ourselves. Rarely are the discriminators aware of how they adopted their criteria for judging, they just judge and some believe their ill considered opinions and others don't.

There are bandwagons everywhere, in politics in particular the leader directs the attention of the faithful. This superficial manner of living is not that attractive to me, when anyone says vote for me, vote for me alarm bells ring loud and clear. I'd rather learn how to think for myself. When men realise that the gold they are digging for is really copper or iron then change becomes possible. If something doesn't work for you either try again or try something else. Experimentation is absolutely essential in every life. I am like a rat in a maze, what did not work for me yesterday works today and what works today may not work for me tomorrow. Life certainly keeps us on our toes!

Re: Mention about ex-BKs in Murlis

PostPosted: 07 Apr 2008
by joel
enlightened wrote:God wants me to have freedom of expression, real happiness, real joy, real peace. God wants me to live a normal life and not one of suppression, rigidity, control and domination by members and the leadership of the Brahma Kumaris. God wants me to communicate my feelings and emotions. God wants me to express myself. This is real happiness and real spirituality!!

Well said, Enlightened. I agree with this completely. I think God would want me to know myself as I am, accept myself as I am, rather than struggle through life making efforts to follow an external mythological role model, measuring myself against an unattainable image of perfection that, by being unreachable, is ultimately absent human warmth.

It is sad, and I sympathize that none of your BK-era relationships has survived. OTOH, you are fortunate to have an opportunity now to explore connecting with people in other ways, cyberly and in the flesh.

Re: Mention about ex-BKs in Murlis

PostPosted: 11 Apr 2008
by arjun
enlightened wrote:This must be some kind of a joke. No one from the BK organisation would know if I am dead or alive. No one bothered to call me, write to me or contact me despite the fact that I had been an active member of the organisation for more than 25years!!

Quoted from BK section:
“The Father says – Make nice efforts. Daughters go on round to new places. If there are good mothers, etc., then the service should be promoted. If someone does not come to the center then they cause harm to themselves. If someone does not come to study, then one should write to them. If you do not study you will suffer loss. Very deep points emerge day by day. These are diamonds and gems; if you do not study you will fail. You will lose such a high emperorship of heaven. One should listen to Murli everyday. If you leave such Father, then remember that you will fail. Then you will cry a lot. You will shed tears of blood. One should never leave the studies. Baba goes through the register (to check as to) how many come regularly. Those who do not come (regularly) should be cautioned. The Shrimat says – If you do not study then you would lose your post. You will suffer a lot of loss. Correspond (with them) like this – then you will be able to promote the school well. It should not happen that if someone does not come you leave him. Teachers remain worried that if most of our students do not pass, then we will lose our respect. Baba also writes – your center lags in service; perhaps you keep sleeping." (Revised Sakar Murli dated 22.12.07, pg 3 published by BKs in Hindi, narrated by ShivBaba through Brahma Baba; translated by a PBK; the words within brackets in the English version have been added by the translator to clarify the meaning)