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PostPosted: 21 Apr 2007
by ex-l
bro neo wrote:I was kind of retarded.

You know, that really kind of helps, doesn't it? ;-)

I am reading a load of the material from the early days, and you know what ... these people are whacked ... utterly loaded. What ever they are on makes the excesses of the 60s look sweet and benign. Like rambling acid casualties going round and round in circles, fill with self-agrandisment (e.g. "I am God Brahma, no really man ... and in my next life I am going to be God Krishna and, and that dude whose statue I used to keep under my pillow for good luck, you know, Narayan .. and in between I will be Vishnu too ... and it is Shiva that is mounting my corpse"), conspiracy theories and contempt for the whole of the rest of the world.

Excuse me while I offload. Yes, I know it has some metaphorical value, as old Virendra Dev Dixit is attempting to unpick, but these folks took it all literally. May be the question is not just "Why did we join the BKWSU?" but "How did we get sucked in?"
    What were the steps and process, the mechanisms, that caught us by surprise? Can we deconstruct or back-engineer it?
May be if we do ... and can keep a straight face for long enough ... we can start our own cult.

PostPosted: 22 Apr 2007
by bro neo
You need a good spanking ex-l. You've been naughty 8)
ex-l wrote:I am reading a load of the material from the early days, ...(e.g. "I am God Brahma, no really man ... and in my next life I am going to be God Krishna and that dude whose statue I used to keep under my pillow for good luck, you know, Narayan .. and in between I will be Vishnu too ... and it is Shiva that is mounting my corpse" "), conspiracy theories and contempt for the whole of the rest of the world.

This was one of the things that sucked me in. When I read Adi Dev, reading how all the people got visions, well naturally this was the real God. Naturally. Absolutely. Then I did the 7 day course and had my 'visions' too. Listening to the guided meditations, "I am a point of light..". YES! Oh I am having a vision now, it involves a hot Cathay Pacific stewardess and she's serving me nuts. You can have the vision too. First, relax. Relax ... Then imagine a hot Cathay Pacific stewardess serving you nuts. Feel the nuts in your hand as she hands them to you with an all loving, all caring, omnipotent smile.
ex-l wrote:"How did we get sucked in?"
    What were the steps and process, the mechanisms, that caught us by surprise? Can we deconstruct or back-engineer it?

May be if we do ... and can keep a straight face for long enough ... we can start our own cult.

Their confidence in defining there own experiences as the experiences all spiritual seekers seek is a top one, e.g. Visions, Prophecy, higher experiences of God, Self, and time and space etc.

"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Lenin

Re: Why did you join the BKWSU?

PostPosted: 27 Apr 2008
by andrey
I joined because i saw big personalities there.

Re: Why did you join the BKWSU?

PostPosted: 27 Apr 2008
by bansy
I joined because it was there.