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PostPosted: 16 Feb 2007
by proy
John wrote:This I believe is to gain a strong focus, but is only the basics, yet strong basics are needed for the solid foundation of a spiritual path.

Yes, I agree. I like the study of Hinduism, and that is where much of the Theosophists original information came from. The basic 7 day course is a simplified version, with a few add ons, and it was a helpful starting point for me.
John wrote:I believe the expansion of knowledge is yet to come where all human enquiry and questions are satisfied.

Bring on that day! Dare I mention Quantum Mechanics? Hi Bansy. What is Zenny post? Do you mean Zen as in Buddhist or did you mean Zany. :D

PostPosted: 16 Feb 2007
by bansy
Zenny as in Zen in the same way as Buddy as in Buddhist. :P

PostPosted: 10 Jul 2007
by paulkershaw
There's plenty of truth out there! See the following Guru Ratings and only a mention or two of a Shiv Baba:

Sarlo's Guru Rating Service: Indian Masters

The question of whether the teachers in this group claim to be enlightened is usually left unanswered. For the most part they inspire the kind of devotion in their acolytes that for all intents and purposes, they might as well be. This group could be thought of – if the "Nonduals" are mini-advaitas – as "mini-devotionals," mini being in the sense of not well known enough outside certain circles to be able to hazard a guess as to their state of exaltation. Some are very well known in India and in that sense are not "mini" at all, but for the most part their practice and teaching remains very "traditional" and influence outside India fairly small.

< More on; Guru Ratings website >

My favourite on this list is :

"Satguru Siva Yogaswami M 1872-1964 Sri Lankan met guru at 33, intense sadhana, long service, attacked by his cow age 89, lineage to US via Gurudeva "

Makes enlightenment seem so easy with so much choice available. If one doesn't work, oh well, then ya can choose another ... probably why we need so many lifestimes, so we can serve different masters and gurus in each birth ...

PostPosted: 10 Jul 2007
by bro neo
Truth is in the eyes of the beholder. We each have our own map of the world so each person’s truth differs. We humans probably have a whole different map tool then other creatures and beings.

Imagine a tribe of Neanderthals on a vast open plain. They fret over 3 warriors being recently killed by a neighboring tribe. The rain this season has flooded the plain and food of any kind is scarce. The alpha male sleeps, and dreams. The tribe uses language and speaks of what happens after death, some members become immobile with disheartened depression. The alpha male enforces the words which inspire fear and confidence for the continued longevity of the tribe, but more importantly the alpha male himself. Perhaps this is the beginning of organized religion.

We all need tribes to survive in this world, wither it be physically or to put our hearts at rest about the unknown. There is great power and truth to be found in tribes. But corruption; conscious and unconscious, for the greater good or for selfish agendas, seem to be inseparable from the price of survival. This is where we do have to also develop the power and insight of individualism in order to perceive more of what is.

Absolute, what a word. Even Absolut Citron is only 40.0% (80 proof).