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PostPosted: 26 Feb 2007
by bansy
Have anyone heard of a young student, who has never been to Madhuban, reading Murli to other students and teaching the course?

I have not heard of this personally, but I would be concerned that students after finishing even the 7 day course begin to start saying how wonderful the BKWSU is to all their friends, but they haven't even "met" BapDada or been to Madhuban, and then start using things from Murlis to prove themselves. A bit like trying to teach about the Bible but never having entered a church. Then again, no-one in this age has "met" Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, etc so why need to meet BapDada ?

I hesitate that possibly one of the most popular questions during the course is "Have you met God" or "have you been to Mt Abu", with the difference in a "Yes " or "No" response.

However, in the Murlis, it does say you can teach anyone after one day and all you need is 3 square feet. However, it took the Dadis 14 years in relative isolation in the Yagya before they were set free to serve the world.

PostPosted: 26 Feb 2007
by john
However, in the Murlis, it does say you can teach anyone after one day and all you need is 3 square feet. However, it took the Dadis 14 years in relative isolation in the Yagya before they were set free to serve the world.

It would be interesting to know the evolution of Gyan.
    Did the Gyan of the 7 day course as was first used in service after 1951 evolve over the 14 year Karachi period?
    What I mean is was it all revealed from the first year or so, or did it take 14 years to evolve?
    Did it carry on evolving after that and in what way.

PostPosted: 26 Mar 2007
by worldpeace
Have anyone heard of a young student, who has never been to Madhuban, reading Murli to other students and teaching the course?

I did this when I was in my high school (2+ years BK exp then).

A senior Brother was particularly encouraging me to do the seven day course. Initially, I used to watch him taking classes. I often give them loads of scientific stuff from Jagadish Bhai's books. I also took a lot/many of my friends over to the center and they were interested in the Thursday night tolis :)

My conversion ratio is 0 till date ...

anything goes

PostPosted: 27 Mar 2007
by alladin
I got the general impression that such rules have become more flexible over the years. Anything goes, anybody goes to Madhuban, stays there, meets Baba. Sisters-in-charge are usually not willing to allow others to read the Murli, especially Brothers, even those who are experienced.

But as far as giving the course, they are happy to give someone else the errand, it can be a nuisance and time consuming, and it doesn't gain you much fame or glory. Unless the new student is a VIP! It's a free interpretation of Yielding and giving others the opportunity to serve.

Nasty I am! :lol:

Re: anything goes

PostPosted: 27 Mar 2007
by ex-l
alladin wrote:But as far as giving the course, they are happy to give someone else the errand, it can be a nuisance and time consuming, and it doesn't gain you much fame or glory. Unless the new student is a VIP! It's a free interpretation of Yielding and giving others the opportunity to serve.

Oh wow. Imagine. Giving a VIP the 7 Day Course. Then you could tell lots of people and made have your picture taken to put it in Purity magazine.

PostPosted: 27 Mar 2007
by bansy
The word "VIP" is so ego and body conscious. A soul is a soul is a soul.

Dear oh dear. How this word managed to get used in the BK world.

PostPosted: 29 Mar 2007
by adikarisoul
bansy wrote:The word "VIP" is so ego and body conscious. A soul is a soul is a soul. Dear, oh dear. How this word managed to get used in the BK world.

I wonder if anyone of you did ever feel the same regarding the growing importance of "the VIPs service".

Often I thought it was just an excuse to justify someone's limited desires. I'll try to explain myself better. One of the first things that attracted me to the BKs was the simplicity that at that time which permeated everything. The simplicity of the centers, of the way of dressing, of the food, of Gyan itself. A lot of importance was given to the atmophere of the places and not to material things.

I remember with love and gratitude the center where I got my first lessons. It was in an old building in a very crowded street of A...... It was very hot in summer and icecold in winter (we used to listen to Murli with our coats on ...) but the atmosphere was loving and warm. And one day I noticed that my BK teacher (who never asked for any money from us.) was going around with holes in his shoes. The little money that was coming in Baba's box was used for service of the students only).

Then as time passed, the centers have become more and more fashionable and beautiful. For serving the world " three squarefeet of land" aren't enough anymore ... You must have a big mansion with beautiful decorations and fashionable furnitures otherwise you cannot serve the VIPs this is the official explanantion for it. Look at Oxford, or even at this new place at the seaside in UK (Worthing I think it's called ...). By the way I never felt at ease in Oxford ... For me all that is just an enormous lie.

People, VIP and normal folks are attracted by the purity and love of the atmosphere and not by the rich environment. In many countries people (including famous VIPs) go and visit spiritual people who live even in caves, in the jungles or in poor huts ... and this is happening because of the power of true spirituality and love of the heart [/b], that is not to be found in the expensive buildings ... of the modern BKs :(.



PostPosted: 03 Apr 2007
by proy
bansy wrote:The word "VIP" is so ego and body conscious. A soul is a soul is a soul. Dear, oh, dear. How this word managed to get used in the BK world.

Did the word (acronym really) VIP not start getting used in the Murlis? I remember it being said that Brahmins were VVIPs, so it got taken one stage further even. I cannot remember which Murlis it was in. Probably the Avyakt Murlis I would guess. I agree it is a horrible expression, and I thought that even before I ever encountered the BKs.

As for the 7 day course, I found the Sisters were very keen to let someone else do the work, and I (as a Brother) was being groomed for teaching it myself. They were kept very busy with all the new courses and the day to day running of the centre, and were happy to find someone who would take away the responsibility of teaching the course from them.

To teach the basic course I would only be expected to come in for morning class once or twice a week. Mostly women came to the 7 day course. Some men but they dropped out early.

PostPosted: 03 Apr 2007
by john
I remember with love and gratitude the center where I got my first lessons. It was in an old building in a very crowded street of A...... It was very hot in summer and icecold in winter (we used to listen to Murli with our coats on ...) but the atmosphere was loving and warm. And one day I noticed that my BK teacher (who never asked for any money from us.) was going around with holes in his shoes. The little money that was coming in Baba's box was used for service of the students only).

Kind of reminds me of my old centre, very simple, clean and a great atmosphere, plus nice grub :lol:

Have the BKs become clinical, sanitised and production lined with the larger centres and extravagance? I must admit Oxford looks very beautiful, but I've never actually been.

PostPosted: 03 Apr 2007
by Mr Green
John wrote:Have the BKs become clinical, sanitised and production lined with the larger centres and extravagance? I must admit Oxford looks very beautiful, but I've never actually been.

I never liked oxford, except the garden ... it's such a stuffy false atmosphere there.

PostPosted: 04 Apr 2007
by alladin
adikarisoul wrote:Often I thought it was just an excuse to justify someone's limited desires. For me all that is just an enormous lie. People, VIP and normal folks are attracted by the purity and love of the atmosphere and not by the rich environment.

I feel the same. It's become a sort of indulging in comfort and facilities. So much time and money are spent in looking for new, fancier, better located, more attractive centers, for re-styling, accumulating facilities. I remember the first time I opened my eyes to this issue, it's when a sister-in-charge came back from a trip abroad. She was going on and on about describing how aesthetically beautiful the centre she visited was (implying, I wish we could afford the same!). Not one word about the program she had the privilege to attend there, no points from classes from the senior who went for the inauguration. I was shocked.

In my life, I've been exposed to quite a few rich and famous people and, contrary to what the BK organisation thinks, they appreciate simplicity, informality, sincerity and more than anything they hate feeling used. This explains why many VIPs don't stay in contact for long or don't take a step forward in their involvement with the organisation. Not all of them are superficial or fools!

As for Oxford, I don't go there anymore, prefer to use my money for something else. And many people come back sick from there. Foxes and other animals in the area are cute, though! Not merit of the BKs 8).