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PostPosted: 16 Dec 2006
by bansy
standard BK will

Could you elaborate on this? i.e who gets what if you should "leave your body".

PostPosted: 16 Dec 2006
by Mr Green
The BKs get everything, the will supercedes any previously written one.

PostPosted: 16 Dec 2006
by sparkal
It really just depends on how good looking you are and your capacity to cause lust in the Sisters I think :).

Otherwise, all centres are different in terms of size and practicality etc. If they are serious about this reversal of roles, surely it would be the Brothers who were in the kitchen. Also, Brothers don't have periods (?). So perhaps it would be more practical if they offered the grub :wink:. So we can take things too literal.

Simplicity is at the helm of the teachings.

PostPosted: 16 Dec 2006
by Mr Green
sparkal wrote:If they are serious about this reversal of roles, surely it would be the Brothers who were in the kitchen. Also, Brothers don't have periods (?), so perhaps it would be more practical if they offered the grub :wink: . So we can take things too literal.

Heheh, Brothers are allowed to do the washing up but all the lucrative jobs in london are generally Sister held. The ones where you don't have to go to work.

It's all Janki led really, the girls seem far more precious about pleasing her than the boys.

PostPosted: 16 Dec 2006
by arjun
Sister Bansy wrote:ex-l, do you wish to extend this intriguing thread to the PBKs ? These Maryadas are not a bad thing for divine discipline, though how much is Shrimat, as per guided by Murlis.

Omshanti. The Maryadas for PBKs have been mentioned in the Q&A thread as well as the thread on Dharana Points from Murlis/AVs in the PBK section. However, I am producing below some points based on my personal experiences:

a) Clothes: One is free to wear clothes of any kind/colour. But it should be simple, decent, avoiding colours/designs which attract the attention of others. Surrendered PBK Sisters generally wear white clothes during class or while giving Advance Course to new comers.
b) Jewellery: generally prohibited/avoided.
c) Food: The rules are almost same as BKs with emphasis on strictly vegetarian food, preferably cooked by oneself in Baba’s remembrance and consumed in Baba’s remembrance. Generally, it is the surrendered Sisters who cook at the mini-Madhubans, but I suppose the married PBK mothers also lend a helping hand when there is increased pressure of work.
d) Interaction with persons of opposite sex: Unmarried PBKs generally do not meet fellow unmarried PBKs/strangers of opposite sex in solitude within the mini-Madhubans/ Gitapathshalas. Generally it is done in the presence of some married PBK mother. Male and female PBKs sit separately in the Murli classes.
e) Entertainment: Like BKs, forms of entertainment like Cinema, TV serials, etc. are avoided. In accordance with the directions given in the Murlis, PBKs also avoid listening to songs (either BK or Bhakti) while meditating. Murli says that in times of unhappiness, one can listen to such songs which cause joy.

If any other PBK wants to correct me or add any other points they are welcome to do so.