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PostPosted: 16 Dec 2006
by Mr Green
Yes, I'd say that was accurate.

I used to offer Bhog on Thursday mornings myself. You see, the centre I was in was one of the rare "Brother run" type. We used to take turns me and the centre-in-charge.

I did all the cooking, I would get up for Amrit Vela, then start cooking at 4.45 am, set the table up and place the Bhog dishes and sit down and go into deep Yoga.

Never got any message, my string wasn't pulled :lol: and neither did the centre-in-charge ever claim to have such a thing ... I suppose he had that much humility ... but deep meditative experiences I did have ... powerful energy used to come out of my face ... well, I thought it did anyway.

The content of the unofficial messages I heard was always well ropey in my experience. Generic things about Brahma in the Subtle Regions telling us to pull our socks up and how he was seeing everyone there in the centre ... that sort of thing. Never anything practical or specific.

Oh yeah, the hair loose, the Sisters love that ... what an ego trip that is. You see, a centre-wasi like myself would have clean ironed whites every morning, and I would wash my hair twice a day.

But the Sisters still maintain weekly once a week hair wash and feel more spiritual if this is done on a thursday ... ridiculous.

In fact, the significance of Thursday is complete Hinduism as far as I can see ... the day of the Satguru and all that.

PostPosted: 16 Dec 2006
by sparkal
They know where at least some Advance Party souls are, including Mama (in my opinion).

And yes, it may be fair to say that there is much fairy tail spin to create a smokescreen, probably to protect these souls. I mean, consider the devotional behaviour that has been outlined in this thread, they don't want pilgrimages to the doors of these departed souls. And the term Advance Party? A small group who are dropped in behind enemy lines in the dark of night or enter via false passport kind of thing. Baba uses military terms.

As for Jagdish, I believe that that ceremony is still going on, or at least the long long complex speech that was written for it :lol:.