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PostPosted: 25 May 2006
by bansy
Dear Arjun Bhai
Thank you for the reply. I guess there is still much deeper churning to be done. I look forward to the final translation.

PostPosted: 02 Jun 2006
by aimée
In the advance cours they speak about (Golden Age) Radhe and Krishna being 18 years of age when they are crowned and become Lakshmi and Narayan, in 2036, which mark the beginning of Golden Age. And they are the first ones to be born in 2018, from the Sangamyugi Lakshmi and Narayan. The dates you mentioned and the information you mention are accurate for me. I have also heard the BK version, they seem to say as common agreement that Lakshmi and Narayan would be crown when they are around 30 or 35.

PostPosted: 13 Aug 2006
by Anonymous
BK Murli 06/05/2006 :

"Shri Krishna takes the full 84 births. His 84 births are counted the moment he comes out from the womb. It takes them 30 to 35 years to become Lakshmi and Narayan. Therefore, those 30 to 35 years have to be deducted from 5000 years."

I don't see what is the problem. Is there a problem?

Brahma is in the Subtle Region. Therefore, Krishna has not been born yet.
When Krishna is born it will take 30-35 years before the Golden Age starts. The count for 5000 years starts at the beginning of the Golden Age...

Those 30-35 years will be the lapse for all "impure ones" (born through physical means) to die. Thus, everyone on day 1, year 1 will be "pure." However, as far as Brahma is concerned his 84 births start when He comes out of the womb, which is not the Golden Age.

How is that connected with Krisha taking birth between 2000-2005???

Is there a contradiction?

PostPosted: 13 Aug 2006
by bansy
Dear avaykt7

Great, I am glad you raised this, as this has connotations with the PBK's understanding of the end of the Confluence Age, and I am waiting for Arjun Bhai (PBK) to confirm their view with Baba (PBK's ShivBaba).

In a nutshell, the end of the Confluence Age occurs about 2036, some say it is called "Destruction" (that's another churning point), but according to BK if Shri Krishna and Shri Radha are to be crowned Lakshmi and Narayan at the Golden Age, but the Murli point says it takes 30-35 years for them to become Lakshmi and Narayan, then they are already born (in 2000-2005). However, the PBKs give another more detailed explanation regarding the Lakshmi and Narayan pairings in the Confluence Age shooting and in the Golden Age. I think a PBK would be more suited to explain this.

PostPosted: 18 Aug 2006
by bansy

There is also a little bit more about this in the thread "When is Shri Krishna's birthday";

PostPosted: 18 Aug 2006
by Anonymous
Thank you for the link, Sister.

Best Wishes.

PostPosted: 19 Aug 2006
by sparkal
So, what happens then? Will all my problems be gone? (What problems?) Will the world continue to hurtle towards doom, if it ever has, or does Krishna pull out a magic wand. Dadi Prakashmani (I think) has made it clear that there is no magic wand. This fairytale nonsense needs to be be married with a reality check. We simply do not know. That is a good starting point. It is highly unlikely that Krisna (or Christ(na)?) has been born yet. I mean, what am I expecting here?, a rampant capitalist royalist with a desire to have a hareem of BKs? Or a global tyrant who cracks a rigid religious whip?

Will the BKs get all posessive about Krishna and try to own this child? Will souls all start fighting over this little baby trying to claim it as their own?What about an arm each, then we all pull? God's arrival has brought much needed knowledge, but the world is a lie, so we should perhaps ask ourselves what it is that we expect from these coming events.

Do I expect Krishna to be born into a wealthy upper class family? If so, why, if they are the most corrupt souls on the planet (?) Also, most must be "new souls" who may not be able to teach krisna what that soul needs to know. The BK heads have already anounced that Krisna's parents are not high number souls (oh boy). Nobodies, or at least, not worship worthy. Krishna is therefore a mistake, a freak and Krisna's parents have no real qualities or value.

Please, BKs, can we stop this number wise obsession before it gets you all into trouble. Does spiritual purity really have to = wealth status and material posessions? Is this how we evaluate spiritual wealth and fortune? Will Krishna be born into a caste system in India? If so, why? Elevated beings value spiritual qualities. It is likely that Krishna will not like what they see, will reject the current system and build from scratch. The key thing being that the sanskars will be pure and powerful so success should be possible.

The picture that we have been given of Krishna suggests to me that Krisna will be in conflict with that one's surrounds and family, not the utopian birth after all really is it? Or will Krisna be born to souls who can teach that soul compassion towards all souls. Parents have a big influence on us. Anyway, its just a relief to know that Krishna's parents are of a low number, it gives ME less competition, and that is what it is all about, competition, and the "Golden Age" will be the same I presume. Hmm.

So, will Krishna be born into a royal family? Perhaps, but the royal in question is the spiritual royal and not the worldly royal. So, we don't know, so we do not have the right to assume. We are talking about a soul who will have compassion for all other souls if it is someone who will bring about a world which "benefits all and not just a few" to quote a BK senior.

Krishna will not be a BK as such, trance messages have made it clear that the BKs are not sure themselves as to what is going on here with regards to the Advance Party. Those who do know are no doubt keeping it to themselves, and rightly so if souls are going to get all Bhaktied up at the thought of Krishna coming. Should I dance at the thought? Should I expect an easier life in a more harmonious world? or doesn't that matter? Is religion and its practise all that matters?

Or is being my natural self in the natural world all that matters?, without corruption and greed, souls lacking, being denied this and that. Fear. Is "Krishna" symbolic of worldly status and material wealth? I hope not. Is Krishna symbolic in a religious way? That would be interesting, a being who has transcended "religion" being obsessed over by religious people. It figures perhaps.

So, what should I expect from this great event as an individual on this planet, and what should the world expect on the bigger scale. As with many other things/ truths, perhaps we should keep an open mind and flow with the go. Book - Future Visions: The new blood is needed. Does this suggest that Krishna may not by default be born in India? Ah, questions ... questions. What a sinner.

PostPosted: 20 Aug 2006
by arjun
If the Golden Aged Radha and Krishna are supposed to be World Princess and World Prince respectively as the BKs and PBKs believe, then their parents should also be World Emperor and World Empress, shouldn't they?

How can the children of ordinary parents (as the BKs believe) be called World Prince and World Princess? If one observes the world history, it is the children of Kings/Emperors who have mostly become Kings/Emperors. In rare cases where a non-Prince like a soldier/royal official/non-entity has become a King, it is either through a bloody war, or through prophesies, etc. So, if Radha and Krishna were to be born to ordinary parents, then how/from whom would they get the kingship of the world?

Moreover, BKs and their pictures depict both Radha and Krishna as World Princess and World Prince, while at the same time asserting that they belong to different kingdoms. So, if both of them are World Prince/World Princess, then their parents should also be World Emperor/World Empress.

The term 'World Emperor' itself means that there would be only one kingdom in the world. Then how can Radha belong to two different world kingdoms?

Will any BK kindly explain the above discrepancies?
With regards,

PostPosted: 20 Aug 2006
by bansy
So, what happens then? Will all my problems be gone?
Ah, questions, questions ...

Yes I agree and I understand what you are getting at.
As BKs one of the many aims, all interlinked, is to become like Lakshmi and Narayan, to be pure, to be like the Father, to be a deity, to be an angel, to be perfect, to be soul conscious, to be liberated, etc. So anything to try to understand the role that BK should be aiming for, Krishna's role, is the determined role for you to play, otherwise what is the purpose of being a BK ? There are the 4 subjects the BKs need to work on all the time, some souls will be stronger at one subject and others in another. It is the ultimate aim to achieve the maximum and balance of all 4. Service is poor if your Yoga is poor. Yoga is poor if your Gyan is poor. Gyan is poor if your dharna is poor.

If any soul is content with the state of their current position, that is also fine. However, the Confluence Age is not over yet, so there is more effort to be made if the soul wishes to do so. It's a choice, and it gives you your number(wise). And there is no competition as per se, your greatest competitor is yourself. Frankly, I am not concerned with a number (except being number 666 8) ).

The questions asked about Krishna's significance is interesting churning.

PostPosted: 19 Sep 2006
by bansy
Dear PBKs

1) If Krishna takes birth in 2018, then this is still within the age of impurities. Does this make sense, wouldn't Krishna get born on 01.01.01 when everything is pure and destruction is over and done with ? Otherwise we are saying that Radhe and Krishna still need 18 more years within the Confluence Age to "purify" themselves (or be away hidden away from the world at large and placed under very good protection ... by whom?) to be later crowned as Lakshmi and Narayan.
And who will be the parents of these Confluence Age-born Radhe and Krishna, how do these parents "create" them, with the power of Yoga ? and this is possible during the Confluence Age ?

2) Moreover, if Krishna is to be born in 2018, then what number is this birth, the 84th birth ? The maximum number of births in a cycle is 84. If so, then what number birth or births did Brahma Baba (Lekhraj Kirpalani) take ?


PostPosted: 20 Sep 2006
by button slammer
bansy wrote:Dear PBKs

1) If Krishna takes birth in 2018, then this is still within the age of impurities

Yes, IF krisna is born at this date, I know nothing of these dates. What is the source of your information? Sounds like speculation to me.

PostPosted: 20 Sep 2006
by bansy
I know nothing of these dates. What is the source of your information?

You'll have to follow the various previous postings regarding this thread, from PBKs, regarding the dates. Aparently it comes from the PBK Advance Course as mentioned by Aimee. Also look at the BK section under topic "Has Shri Krishna taken rebirth".
Sounds like speculation to me.
Yes, churning does do that. Spin the discus. And that's why ShivBaba (Virendra Dev Dixit) is here to confirm. The whole entire Gyan is "speculation", basic and advance.

PostPosted: 20 Sep 2006
by button slammer
I suspect that in 2018 no-one will remember a thing about what we were thinking in 2006. These dates are irrelavent what purpose do they serve? No-one can predict what will happen in the next five minutes let alone in 10-12 years.

PostPosted: 20 Sep 2006
by bansy
No-one can predict what will happen in the next five minutes let alone in 10-12 years

Glad you seem to agree the entire Gyan is thus speculation.

You're right, we cannot be dependant on dates, I think many of us here are aware of that, but it does help to put things into perspective. "1976" had to mean something specifically and the 100 years Confluence Age has to end sometime....

Well, back to the thread and for the rest of those who are speculative churners, I guess I am touching on the topic of the Confluence Aged Lakshmi and Narayan giving "birth" to the Golden Age Radhe and Krishna, and whether this ocurs within the Confluence Age or after. The views of other churners, with approval from ShivBaba (Virendra Dev Dixit) if needed, would help. Unless you've already churned on this topic, and can share it.

PostPosted: 20 Sep 2006
by mitra
arjun wrote:Omshanti.
If the Golden Aged Radha and Krishna are supposed to be World Princess and World Prince respectively as the BKs and PBKs believe, then their parents should also be World Emperor and World Empress, shouldn't they?

How can the children of ordinary parents (as the BKs believe) be called World Prince and World Princess? If one observes the world history, it is the children of Kings/Emperors who have mostly become Kings/Emperors. In rare cases where a non-Prince like a soldier/royal official/non-entity has become a King, it is either through a bloody war, or through prophesies, etc. So, if Radha and Krishna were to be born to ordinary parents, then how/from whom would they get the kingship of the world?

Moreover, BKs and their pictures depict both Radha and Krishna as World Princess and World Prince, while at the same time asserting that they belong to different kingdoms. So, if both of them are World Prince/World Princess, then their parents should also be World Emperor/World Empress.

The term 'World Emperor' itself means that there would be only one kingdom in the world. Then how can Radha belong to two different world kingdoms?

Will any BK kindly explain the above discrepancies?

As per my limited knowledge, I can say that the parents of Krishna and Radha are NOT world emperors. Because the drama of Golden Age is starting from 'K' and 'R'. But their parents will be giving birth to them through Yoga power [it is not been known how it is possible till now]. After their marriage, only they become world emperor and emperess. Separate kingdom means from two seperate places.