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Re: BK is definitely in the money

PostPosted: 14 Jan 2014
by arvind.giri
I heard of a strange thing ... a BK sold a house in India and gave rupees to the BKWSU. Then when they returned to the UK, the BKWSU gave them Pounds back. The sale of the house was nothing to do with the BKWSU.

Is there any fact or evidence for it ??

Also in which point in Murli has Shiv Baba justified it?


Re: BK is definitely in the money

PostPosted: 14 Jan 2014
by ex-l
arvind.giri wrote:Is there any fact or evidence for it ??

Also in which point in Murli has Shiv Baba justified it?

Yes, I know the individuals involved. Of course there is nothing in the Murlis about it because it happened after 1969. BapDada does not go into detail about every dodgy money deal the BK leadership does.

If you honestly believe that everything that goes on in the BKWSU is written in the Murlis, you are nuts. Also related to money via property, I can think of cases where BKs were accepted to marry was involved.

If you excuse for everything that goes on in the BKWSU is, "everyone is an effort maker" etc.

Your profile says you are a "exiting BK". That means you are leaving the BKWSU. Is that true? Are you leaving the BKWSU?

How long have you been in The Knowledge?

Re: BK is definitely in the money

PostPosted: 16 Jan 2014
by arvind.giri
If you honestly believe that everything that goes on in the BKWSU is written in the Murlis, you are nuts. Also related to money via property, I can think of cases where BKs were accepted to marry was involved.

I only meant that Shiv Baba or Brahma Baba would have never allowed it and others are not 100% perfect, they are effort makers (sorry to speak like parrot but this is what I truly believe).
One question though ... if the Kirpalanis Jayanti and Janki etc don't receive wages from the charity for which they work full time, how exactly have they been living for the last few decades? OK, Janki is now on Madhuban's bank roll, which is never made public. Do they have private incomes? Personal savings? Where did that money come from?

Let's assume that they receive a very good amount for the charity they do. Where will they spend it? In shopping malls? watching movies ?? On holidays?? In good restaurants ??

Come on dude, they don't need money :).

Om Shanti !!!

Re: BK is definitely in the money

PostPosted: 16 Jan 2014
by jann
Charity? What charity?

Re: BK is definitely in the money

PostPosted: 16 Jan 2014
by ex-l
jann wrote:Charity? What charity?

Exactly. The BKs don't do charity. 99.99% is self-promotion or self-interest. Please prove me wrong.
arvind.giri wrote:Where will they spend it?

On self-promotion. PR. International airfare, and expenses to keep up schmoozing VIPs.

Just to exist in the Western world costs, I would say, £15,000 per year; food, bills, local taxes, heating, new saris etc ... and that's walking or using a bicycle to travel around (*Minimum* Income Standard is approx £10,400).

To operate a desk space (Jayanti has her office) costs another £10 to 15,000 per year.

To employ a servant/personal assistant costs at least another £10,000 each (yes, we know the Brahma Kumaris use unpaid slaves Indian girls, but let's say they actually paid for what they use ... as even owning a slave in the West incurs the owners some expenses, say a minimum of £5,000).

A car (Jayanti has had her own car), standing costs of owning a car are £2,000 pa (tax, Insurance, depreciation, breakdown cover); running costs £5,000 (petrol, tyres, service, labour, parts, parking and tolls).

Then there is the national and international travel, how many times does a Senior Sister circle the globe in a year?

I note from the 2012 accounts, they get £142,372 from the UK government (tax refunds from £1,4055,945 donations), but there are no specific wages nor travel expenses paid to the Seniors ... unless they are hidden in the £210,678 "governance costs". (Motor and travel expenses are £115,722, so perhaps that account for the Seniors air fares? It says they own £99,377 worth of motor vehicles!).

Then there are the shared of expenses of owning a town house and a big, fancy country retreat.

But it still says, "No salaries are paid to volunteers or management committee" ... so how do the Seniors and their slaves survive?

Now, bottomline is, to "keep up with Joneses", you've got to spend like the Joneses and "spending like the Joneses" in the VIP world the BKs are greedy and lustful for costs extra on top of the above; gifts, entertainment, dinners, publicity, communications, attending events etc ... so let's say, what, a real world cost of around £70,000 to 80,000 per year? Sounds reasonable ... please correct me if I am wrong. (For example, there are £37,257 worth of telephone calls ... £100,369 of computer/IT costs).

Interestingly, the BKWSU (UK) "working with The World Renewal Spiritual Trust" (which is a tool of BKWSU India) paid for new kitchens in Mount Abu ... "Donations to further specific projects £500,000". In previous years, they paid for food, and IT and entertainment systems for Abu. Who know if it was really spent on food ... or if by accounting it as being spending on food Abu could then spend its money on something, like building new buildings?

And on top of audaciously claiming to "relieve poverty" and "promote the advancement of the Hindu Religion and other religions of the world", they now claim "Humanitarian emergency aid". But no sign of any in the accounts ...

(BTW, in 2012, the BKs claim there were 805 regular BKs in England which means they give an average of £1,808 each, or £35 per week. In the 2011 accounts[/url], they claimed there were 750-780 regular BKs in England, therefore, they spent approximately £1,000,000 making 50 to 25 new BKs ... or £20,000 to 40,000 each !!!

Are 50 to 25 new BKs really worth that? At the average rate of £1,800 times ... 50 = £90,000 income, therefore the BKs are, roughly speaking, spending £1,000,000 to make £90,000 per year. Their economics suck and will probably end up being their downfall.

Re: BK is definitely in the money

PostPosted: 16 Jan 2014
by ex-l
For those interested in following the BK money trail, they also separate another £134,859 into the Janki Foundations which rakes in another £15,000 from the UK government (no wonder the Sindhis were so patriotic to the British, they must *love* the benefits Partition brought to them! They've been taking money of the British government since it started compensate Indians who lost property in Pakistan in the 1940s).

The Janki Foundation also holds £200,000 in reserves ... which must be a terrible gamble *if* the world is going to end soon. Imagine having £200,000 in the bank when the End of the World comes and having to explain to Dharamraj why you did not spend it on service!

Much of the Janki Foundation goes to pay for the BKs' private hospital in Abu. The rest goes on their VIHASA (values in healthcare) service front ... samo samo BK agenda.

Re: BK is definitely in the money

PostPosted: 18 Jan 2014
by arvind.giri
On self-promotion. PR. International airfare, and expenses to keep up schmoozing VIPs.

Just to exist in the Western world costs, I would say, £15,000 per year; food, bills, local taxes, heating, new saris etc ... and that's walking or using a bicycle to travel around (*Minimum* Income Standard is approx £10,400).

I agree, BKs use significant amount of money on promoting BKism. However, self-promotion (unless real intention is BK promotion) means subtle ego and pride (Hindi: abhiman and ahankar) which even a beginner in BK understands as evil.

This is something which BKism preaches to avoid to attain perfection. Do you still think money is spent on self-promotion ?


Re: BK is definitely in the money

PostPosted: 18 Jan 2014
by Pink Panther
Arvind, in the Christian bible there is a saying, "By their fruits you shall know them".

That is, by what eventuates is revealed what the effort (or motive) really was. Someone can say, or even believe, they are doing one thing, but what results from their efforts shows what really was done. You may think you are going North but find yourself in a place that proves you must have gone South. It's actually quite a "scientific" sentence for The BIble!

So, after 77 years, what do we see have been the various stated aims and goals, and what has eventuated?

Re: BK is definitely in the money

PostPosted: 19 Jan 2014
by Mr Green
I am shocked about the Janki Foundation! Really shocked.

Re: BK is definitely in the money

PostPosted: 19 Jan 2014
by ex-l
arvind.giri wrote:Do you still think money is spent on self-promotion?

I think much of it is self-promotion is two ways.

Firstly, it's straightforward self-advertising and PR.
    The BKs in the UK alone have a self-advertising budget of £54,125 and one has to expect some of the £57,000+ IT costs, £30,000+ telephone, and £68,000 printing is also self-promotion. PR means "public relations", self-marketing, or managing the spread of information between an individual or the organization whether it be Dadi Janki Kirpalani, or any of the other zone or center-in-charges.

    What the Brahma Kumaris call "service" is largely self-service via PR ... servicing the needs of the leaders and the organization to be known, and to be present at a certain level in society, e.g. the office at the UN, and all the presence around UN events.

    We call this, "being seen". It costs a lot of money to be seen and to keep oneself in as much of the limelight (... on the world stage).
Secondly, it's the self-promotion of the leaders in the minds of the followers.
    In order to sustain their status within the religion ... which their 'board and lodgings' are dependent on ... the leaders have to be seen by the BK followers to be 'doing something'. Performing "wonders", schmoozing with VIPs etc to keep pulling in the donations.

    Imagine if they gave up VIP chasing and, instead, spent all of their time and money "serving" poor people ... do you think it would sustain the same amount of donations, increase of decrease it? There is a class or caste element involved here. 
Let's roughly estimate, therefore, £100,000 per year on 'hard' advertising and another £100,000 on 'soft' PR ... the 'being seen' in the right places, the events attending and socialising then multiple that by the 100 countries they are in.

Now, for a wealthy country like the UK, it might be £200,000 out of their annual £2,000,000 budget (approx) or 10%. That seems reasonable enough. It will be less for a poorer nation, however, we are talking "equivalents" according to the various standard of living. Let's say 10% of the BKs' budget tends to go on advertising (I actually think that is on the low side).

Therefore, £200,000 x 100 = £20,000,000 per year (20 million Pounds), R 2,021,000,000 (2 Billion Indian Rupees), or $33,000,000 (33 million US Dollars).

Now, you could actually raise that figure an awful lot if you include all the other silliness they spend money on; the mega-events, the floral displays, the BIG posters, the emperor costumes, the movies and attending film festivals, the laser shows, and all those frame pictures ... etc etc etc.

And what does it achieve ...? Quantify it. If you say it makes new Brahmins which, arguably, is what it is all about, how many ... and of what quality?

Take VIPs service ... after all the decades of chasing VIPs and all the £100,000s ... how many have become BKs? What is the payback, the profit, the return?

I think they are out of control, swilling around in more money than they know what to do and spending on crass, vulgar and fairly ugly stupidities.

And I think that is starting to show in the type of people they attracting.

Now, on the other hand, imagine they had spent £20 million Pounds or 2 Billion Indian Rupees on the genuine upliftment of humanity ... every year for the last 40 years. In all fairness, they may have not made a made huge dent in world poverty, ignorance or illness ... but they would have made a huge difference to their global reputation.

By comparison, the International Red Cross societies' development budget for the whole of India is CHF 1,745,896 (Swiss Francs) ... or £1,166,000 Pounds.

Correct me if I am wrong.

Re: BK is definitely in the money

PostPosted: 06 Jun 2014
by ex-bk Jan
Whatever you donate to organisation, 1% might be help people, 99% go to inside pocket or under bed.

Donation to organisation = throw your money into the sea.

If someone really need help, what do you think about centre leader can offer? Simple question, if a Sister was chased out from her own home, due to reason was joined the clan and influenced her relationship with family, can a centre offer a place to stay? Even centre can offer, what will centre guide her or use her as free labour?