BK Ruins Family Life

for ex-BKs to discuss matters related to experiences in BKWSU & after leaving.
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Re: BK Ruins Family Life

Post26 May 2014

By the way I have heard some audio cds of Sister Shivani of some RajYoga camps, where on the very first day all the guests are told two things:

1) First and main rule: Never try to change others, change yourself
2) Home work: Try to be stable whole day, no matter what the situation is.

Hope if you would persuade your family members by telling them above facts or making them listen above cds they will realize that what they are doing is not correct. Let me know if you need audio links of the cd I mentioned.

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Re: BK Ruins Family Life

Post27 May 2014

Shivani has no authority or qualifications to give advice to any one. She's just a marketing parrot for the Brahma Kumaris.

It long overdue for the Brahma Kumaris to take stock of all the upset, unhappiness and division they have caused in another families ... and just stop doing it.

Keep your noses out of other people's families and lives.

They know it happens. It has been happening for more than 70s years? How can they be so stupid not to see it is wrong?

The one thing that makes them blind and careless to all the troubles they cause is the money they see before them. It's all about the money for the BKs.

No money or families' properties coming in ... at any cost to anyone else ... and they would all have to go out and get real jobs like the rest of India.
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Pink Panther

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Re: BK Ruins Family Life

Post27 May 2014

arvind.giri wrote:By the way I have heard some audio cds of Sister Shivani of some RajYoga camps, where on the very first day all the guests are told two things:

1) First and main rule: Never try to change others, change yourself
2) Home work: Try to be stable whole day, no matter what the situation is.

Nonsense. Try to be stable means you are not stable. If you are already stable and you try to be stable you are destabilising yourself.

Most of BK slogans and teachings are either poorly conceived, naive attempts to articulate a truism in a uniquely BK way - usually muddying it more than necessary indeed usually prolix, or just plain unnecessary.

This is all anyone needs for spiritual moral instruction,the basis throughout history and across cultures of successful human coexistence:



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Re: BK Ruins Family Life

Post27 May 2014

Nonsense. Try to be stable means you are not stable.

May be I did not explain it well. Try to be stable means don't get irritated, loose temper, get angry, get hurt etc :)

If you are already stable and you try to be stable you are destabilising yourself

It's not about 'already'. It's about always. I may be already stable but am I always stable? I may be stable right now but will I be stable if something doesn't happen as per my expectation?

Hope now it makes sense :)

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Re: BK Ruins Family Life

Post27 May 2014

" Arvind : Try to be stable means don't get irritated, loose temper, get angry, get hurt etc"

It is not in one's hand to remove anger & his temperament. I have already seen this that many BK who claim to have controlled their anger completely often had sudden outbursts. I we keep on pressing the spring of anger, one day it will bounce & break our head completely.

Stability and peace will not come to a person who keep on hurting others.
Whether you follow BK or anyone else, if there is lack of peace in your family, you look others with a divided vision and violate natural law of equality, sufferings are bound to come. Becoming completely senseless & thinking yourself separate from others will never bring oneness with anyone. Soul & all other talks come later, when there is no one who has even a single complain regarding your behaviour. If you try to stabilise mind, better leave it. From its intrinsic nature, mind is unstable or chanchal. Binding your mind in chains of some rules does not mean stabilising it.

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Re: BK Ruins Family Life

Post27 May 2014

See Arvind, there is nothing divine in what BK leaders are telling you. Anyone can say that. You yourself can talk in their ways for hours continuously. It all comes with help of mind & intellect. Just become aware of few religious & spiritual things & open your own shop. That is what most people are doing who run such institutions. But it is a grave danger that they are unaware of.

If they are true, ask them to give a subtle experience, a real one, to you without any conditioning. The only thing they offer is 'do & feel it yourself' or 'purify yourself first' response. Where there is conditioning, unconditional love does not exist.
If you are shown a picture of a fruit & asked to feel its taste, will you ever get it? No. Trying to feel its taste for even thousands of years will not bring any fruitful result. It has to be in real form in your hands. Without a bite, if you insist to have tasted it, what everyone will think about you? Alright don't care about others, but what would you say to such a person?

After body, mind is biggest deluding factor. These things, that you are into, can stop if you stop listening to your mind and follow your heart. Pure conscious is lying in everyone's heart which does not die ever. Mind automatically changes its phases as circumstances change. It can not have one state forever.
So, learn to live a Holistic life rather than dreaming of golden castles which were never there and will not be by 2036 or after it as they say. Even your parents can give you much better knowledge about life. Theirs love for you would be much pure that what an outsider is offering you.



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Re: BK Ruins Family Life

Post27 May 2014

Mind automatically changes its phases as circumstances change. It can not have one state forever.

I am little confused. Gita Chapter 5 verse 23 says that:

शक्नोति इह एव यः सोढुं प्राक् शरीर विमोक्षणात ।
कां क्रोध् उद्भवं वेगं सः युक्तः सः सुखी नरः ।। श्लोक २३

He who is able to resist the impulse of desire and anger even here before he quits the body - he is a yogi, he is a happy man.

Is that not applicable for us?
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Pink Panther

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Re: BK Ruins Family Life

Post28 May 2014

Desire or anger in themselves are neither good nor bad.
You desire sleep when tired, you get angry at injustice and so on.

Such things usually arise unbidden. It’s what you do after that matters. Some people catch themselves earlier and control so well that others think they never get angry, hungry, tired etc. They are merely better at internalising and redirecting.

Anyway - why choose as your guide a text written hundreds of years ago for reinforcing a society that (still) prizes caste, hierarchy, aristocracy & imperialism, justifies inherited privilege etc with unverifiable conjectures?



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Re: BK Ruins Family Life

Post28 May 2014

Desire or anger in themselves are neither good nor bad.
You desire sleep when tired, you get angry at injustice and so on.

Desire to have better food will not let you enjoy the food in front of you. Desire to have better car will not let you enjoy the current car. Desire to have more food, will make you obese and disease prone.

It may not always be bad, but if you don't have control over desires how would you control the impulse of desire which may be damaging. e.g. Desire to smoke, desire to drink, desire to speak out personal secrets of others etc etc.

Anyway - why choose as your guide a text written hundreds of years ago for reinforcing a society that (still) prizes caste, hierarchy, aristocracy & imperialism, justifies inherited privilege etc with unverifiable conjectures?

Gita doesn't talk of caste, hierarchy, aristocracy etc.
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Re: BK Ruins Family Life

Post28 May 2014

The Gita was constructed to placate two conflicting castes; the Brahmin and the Kshatriya.

Anyway, it has nothing to do with BKism either.

It seems that BKism gives some Indians the feeling of superiority on the basis of being "spiritual", previously only the preserve of Brahmins and renunciate types.

What caste were you born into Arvind? And what caste would you say most Indian BKs are? Has the BKWSU ever done a survey to find out.

I mean why call yourself a "Brahmin" if it does not confer superiority? We all know that the BKs believe they are the most superior of all religions.
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Pink Panther

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Re: BK Ruins Family Life

Post29 May 2014

Thank You ex-l.

Yes, the twice-born Brahmin thing is like the ”born-agan” Christians who believe themselves truer Christians becuase they make a big deal about it.

Arvind did not want to acknowledge any point that it’s normal/human/natural/wise to desire food when hungry or sleep when tired (he did not touch on anger at injustice - don;t blame him, a complex topic).

The BK practice of turning relative words like ”desire” into absolutely negative terms does not allow such acknowledgement, so he reverts to occassions when ”excessive” desire is bad. Well Arvind, excessive anything is by definition "too much” unnecessary, not the best. Where does such argument get you?

It is hypocrisy because all BKs desire - to be what they are not, i.e. idealistically perfect deities rather than normal human beings. They desire to go to Madhuban, desire to get kudos from Seniors, to get high status, to feel certain ways in meditation etc. Always chasing the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

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Re: BK Ruins Family Life

Post05 Jun 2014

BK life. Really spiritual life? What did really gain? Gain experience with a clan. Gain the experience, how nice BK Senior Sister used the member as free labour. Of course, better donate 10% of salary to centre. Then, they will treat you as own Brother and Sister. May I said I am a lucky victim. I donated money, time and energy (of course, it was not much donate compare with Senior Sister).

It was really made me realised, when I having financial problem (I was cheated by relative), I told Senior Sister what had happened on me. What they told me it was drama, karma and remember Baba and tell Baba, and moved away. They will not give any help and unable help. Which mean, you told people about financial problem on ourselves, please not to feel shame. Because it was protected yourself from those people who try to target your money or donation.


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Re: BK Ruins Family Life

Post16 Oct 2017


I have been trying to help my wife to realize that I don't see how our relationship is improving by her being there.

I am very desperate since we have a baby and she got stuck into this BK world.

Dr. Truth please how long was your wife active in BK and did you succeed to change her mind?

I am terrified now when I found out what can happen.

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Mr Green


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Re: BK Ruins Family Life

Post16 Oct 2017

Apart from locking her up which is illegal there is nothing you can do except be there for her when the crash comes.

The BKs use powerful techniques to brainwash people, she will have been told stuff in secret from you and she will not tell you!

Go away together as a family maybe you'll have a chance


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Re: BK Ruins Family Life

Post16 Oct 2017

Yes, much is told in secret ... to defile the family.

Do not lose touch with friends ... make plans with her and your family; do not stop telling her how much your baby needs her as they will try to make her "detach" her feelings and emotions from him/her. Tell her "God" gave her you and this child for a reason ... not to be "served" by her as they will tell her to do, but to share in God's love and creation AS A FAMILY ... not BK family.

Go with her to functions as you can see firsthand what is done, and said, and know who and what you are dealing with. Show her this site; stay involved to protect herself and you. If she just had a baby, check/be aware if she has post-partum depression; as if she is vulnerable then to all that is offered her at BK center.

Get to know who she is talking to ... try to be kind, loving and patient, but aware ... read this site and share ... so much info and help here.

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