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Re: Robin Gibb embraces BK values

PostPosted: 01 Jun 2012
by ex-l
jann wrote:Dadi Janki's Reflections: His heart was so clear and pure that he was able to easily draw the power of spirituality from Dadi ... his future will be an elevated one. Dadi is remembering Dvina at this time and sending love to the whole family.

No mention that he was screwing his Asian housemaid at the time then? I wonder if "the whole family" include his illegitimate daughter?

The one that a "furious Mrs Gibb" threw out of the family’s 12th-century Oxford mansion whilst "reputedly feeling betrayed" about and made live 5 miles down the road.

Oh, Robin is worth £120m. I forgot. Different rules apply for the BKs if you are rich, even regards sex. You can be a kinky sex swinger, have multiple affairs whilst married but still be "pure" and get a high birth in your next reincarnation.

Give me a break, the whole thing is tawdry, pathetic BK social climbing as usual but I bet you they get some money out of it ... A curse on randy Robin and his daft druidette.

Re: Robin Gibb embraces BK values

PostPosted: 01 Jun 2012
by jann

Re: Robin Gibb embraces BK values

PostPosted: 01 Jun 2012
by ex-l
Although I don't suppose they got a lot out of them, all the royalties from the Gibb song "Mother of Love" went to the Janki Foundation. His Will will be made public so we will see if the Holy Beggars of Abu get anything else out of him after his death.

This is Janki's idea of "purity" ... given her insistence on the virginity of all the young teenage girls who surrender, purity in thought and dreams ... it's all a little hypocritical, is not it?

It says the child was separated from the Father by BK follower Dwina. All eyes will be on her and how she handles the money now.

Why was Janki pouring her attentions on them?
Daily Telegraph wrote:Gibb's family fear his ex-mistress will press for more ­money for the child when his $225 million (£140M) estate is made ­public. His widow Dwina is worried Claire, 36, will bring in her lawyer despite both sides agreeing the huge child ­maintenance deal in January.

Robin who died from liver and colon cancer last Sunday aged 62, had a long-term affair with Claire but was asked to leave the Gibbs’ 12th Century mansion by Dwina, 59, when she became pregnant.

Robin paid for her to live in a rented home before Snow Robin was born in November 2008. He always said he would provide for his fourth child’s needs and bought Claire a five-bedroom $1.4 million (£850,000) house 40km from his home two years ago.

A source close to the Gibb ­family said the lengthy legal wrangling, which went on while Robin was undergoing chemotherapy and surgery, upset Dwina.

"If Claire does go to the funeral she will be ­keeping her distance from Dwina and it will be awkward. Robin never walked away from his responsibilities and always made sure the child was fully provided for," a source told the Sunday Mirror.

Bisexual Dwina, who has spoken publicly of her "open" relationship with Robin, had previously given her blessing to his long-term affair with Claire in her own house. She had worked as housekeeper for the Gibbs since 2001 and she became the singer’s lover and "companion". Talking about their unconventional marriage, Dwina said: "We have an open relationship. Robin has had flings with friends of mine and he talks to me about them."

She was furious though when she found that Claire was pregnant and Robin found her a home, which he paid the rent on. He made regular trips to see her ... but the Mirror's source said tension increased when Claire realised there was no future for her and Robin.

"Claire wanted to spend her life with Robin. She didn’t just want to share him with Dwina. But this was never going to happen. Robin and Dwina were never going to split up because they loved each too much", the source said. "In fact having a child with Robin made it worse for Claire because she was unable to spend as much time with Robin".