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Re: BK Gazing (drishti) practice in relation to self

PostPosted: 13 Jul 2008
by chai bhai
I like the practice of informal drishti, if you want to call it that. What i mean is when we look at people, which of course we do throughout the day, looking at them with a soul-conscious loving awareness, and in remembrance of god too. It's just a way of passing good vibes along. That is my preference more than the 'ritual' as you mention arjun Bhai. The ritual has its own power, but there is a time and place for it.

In response to one of the other posts (was it you bansy?), when I have been on the gaddi, i have never really noticed whether anyone is looking at me or not. I am meditating after all ... my attention is elsewhere.

Kind regards to all and sundry, chai

Re: BK Gazing (drishti) practice in relation to self

PostPosted: 13 Jul 2008
by bansy
chai Bhai wrote:in response to one of the other posts (was it you bansy?)

Don't recall, doesn't matter.
when i have been on the gaddi i have never really noticed whether anyone is looking at me or not. i am meditating after all ... my attention is elsewhere.

Yes, but it draws attention. If your attention can be elsewhere during meditation, then what is the need for a gaddi when you can sit perfectly amongst all the others on the floor, even if it just focusing on a red light on the wall ?

Re: BK Gazing (drishti) practice in relation to self

PostPosted: 13 Jul 2008
by chai bhai
Hello there bansy.

In my experience, 'drishti' does make a difference. I also like to meditate alone, but I can not deny the power of collective meditation. It is a little the same with drishti. It does help people to focus and concentrate when there is someone leading the meditation on a 'gaddi'. Not all the time, but it is a support for me while we make my practice independent of all supports. It helps me along the way.

Of course, it is not about who is sitting where, what room I am in or what my environment is, but the who what and where do help me along the way for sure. But of course, I think one has to decide for oneself what is appropriate for us At any given time. I have done both. Extended periods of time having meditation in solitude, and also regular attendance at more 'official' gatherings. Both fulfil a different purpose. I like both.

Peace and regards, chai

Re: BK Gazing (drishti) practice in relation to self

PostPosted: 14 Jul 2008
by arjun
Quoted from the PBK Section where this point was posted today:
“Now the Father explains-Children, leave everything else and remember only me; then your sins will get destroyed. It is not necessary that someone should sit in front of you and enable you to do nishtha (Yoga), or give drishti. Father says one must remember Father while walking or moving. Keep your chart – how much time did I spend in remembrance? After waking up in the morning how much time did I talk to Father? Did I sit in Baba’s remembrance today? One must work hard with oneself like this.” (Revised Sakar Murli dated 4.1.06, page 2 & 3 published by BKs in Hindi and translated by a PBK)

Re: BK Gazing (drishti) practice in relation to self

PostPosted: 14 Jul 2008
by chai bhai
Thanks arjun Bhai. I learned something new the other day in Hindi too, and your Murli point reminded me of it. Cheltay feertay (something like that) which means while walking and moving around. that sure is the aim for me. For drishti to be an inside practice not just an outside one. Keeping my vision high and good and strong. But not 'zapping' people either!

I remember when I first came in Gyan and people would look a lot at my forehead, I used to think there was something on there. a bit of rice or something. It did not take me too long to catch on. Thank god we do not do that so much any more! Although there are some old timers who still like it. It goes with the smile without showing your teeth. I prefer the internal drishti practice just dribbling out and giving good vibrations to people in a natural way.

Re: BK Gazing (drishti) practice in relation to self

PostPosted: 14 Jul 2008
by paulkershaw
I rembered sum'ting else from Chai Bhai's post: "
it goes with the smile without showing your teeth.

Does anyone remember being taught that it was Gyan to smile and show a happy face but never to show the teeth ... now I wonder where that teaching comes from?

The mind spins at the thoughts of some answers I could get!

Practise of drishti

PostPosted: 20 Aug 2008
by arjun
Omshanti. I have been thinking of writing about a TV programme broadcast by BKWSU on some faith based Hindi TV channels like Aastha, Jagaran, Sanskar, etc. I had long ago seen an interview of one Sister Shivani on one of these channels for a few minutes. I liked her way of giving replies in a natural way unlike other senior BK Sisters who lecture on TV channels with a not-so natural smile.

Later on I also heard some of my colleagues praising her interviews. Even today one of my colleagues told me how his wife (who is a regular viewer of the above interview) persuaded him to watch her interview last Sunday. He was telling how she spoke on ways to control anger. I have come to know that Sister Shivani is a married to another BK. I don't know if she became a BK before marriage or after it. But her dressing up as a surrendered BK teacher does not give an idea to the viewers that she is married. I also heard that both of them live as surrendered BKs. Any BK has more information or has met them?

Another of my colleague also likes her interviews and one day he came to me saying that his wife has decided to visit one of the BK centers to learn about BK RajYoga. He asked me about the addresses of the BK centers and I suggested to him to visit their website. He located the nearest BK center. His wife and her friend visited the center. Although his wife liked the BK method of RajYoga but her friend did not find it attractive. Actually, the BK teacher asked both of them to sit in front of her and take drishti from her.

Although my colleague's wife had a nice experience her friend started laughing when she was asked to take drishti by staring at her face. She did not continue therafter. This method of RajYoga sowed seeds of apprehension in the mind of my colleague and he talked to me whether this method was correct. Although being a PBK, I do not approve of the method of drishti, I had to explain to him that this method of drishti is followed by the BKs to practice soul consciousness. It would be better if the BK Sisters clarify the meaning of exchange of drishti to newcomers before teaching them RajYoga.

On Godly Service,

stare at me

PostPosted: 30 Aug 2008
by alladin
Arjun wrote: Although being a PBK, I do not approve of the method of drishti, I had to explain to him that this method of drishti is followed by the BKs to practice soul consciousness. It would be better if the BK Sisters clarify the meaning of exchange of drishti to newcomers before teaching them RajYoga.

Maybe the sister in charge is a yogini, more than a Gyani soul :-? and just wanted to practise reaching the student's soul with the arrow of Yoga, opening his third eye with a laser beam. She took no detour and adopted the most efficient method: hypnotism, which goes hand in hand with the other pillar of BK Raja Yoga, mediumship.

Re: BK Gazing (drishti) practice in relation to self

PostPosted: 18 Aug 2009
by rayoflight
Bringing Awareness to the Effects of the Stimulation of the Third Eye Chakra (Ajna- OM) by Olivia H. Miller:

Associated body parts and organs influenced: eyes, brain, pituitary and pineal glands, lymphatic and endocrine systems.

Basic issues: clairvoyance, telepathy, wisdom, connection to the higher self, imagination, dreams, ideas, reasoning.

Emotional or mental issues: inability to see the “big picture” and to keep an open mind, to follow illusory ideas and have difficulty separating fact from fantasy, difficulty in reasoning, difficulty in clear thinking, clouded judgment, memory and concentration may be impaired, fuzzy thinking, confusion, intellectual stagnation or decline, aimlessness.

Physical issues: headache, sinusitis, brain tumors, stroke, blindness, vision problems, learning disabilities, anxiety disorders, nightmares.

Common addictions: shopping, possessiveness, cultish behaviours.

Re: BK Gazing (drishti) practice in relation to self

PostPosted: 18 Aug 2009
by jann
From: MyPandit.Com
The word 'dhristi' (Evil Eye) traces its origin from Sanskrit and its literal meaning is 'sight'. In modern linguistics its usage signifies 'evil eye', or rather 'casting an evil-eye'. Dhristi is not a concept borrowed from superstitions. Science explains it as the flow of negativity that affects the person or object towards which it is directed.

Origin of negativity/negative energy

Every thought form is associated with energy, just as blessings and good thoughts have a positive auraabout them, so also negative emotions harness harmful or negative energy.

Sources of these negative energies are, people who give way to:


    Sense of discrimination/comparison: the feeling that other people are better than you, thereby leading to frustrations.
    Spirit of vengeance/retaliation: people who curse spitefully seeing the prosperity of their rivals. These emotions may not manifest or surface out but their presence even at the subconscious level can be destructive.
Drishti results in:

    1. Uneasiness
    2. Lack of interest
    3. Sudden illness
    4. Prolonged illness (without any reason).
The Vedic perspective

The vedas have described four kinds of people

    1. The Satpurushas: who help others without caring for their own well-being
    2. The Samanyas: who help considering the position of the self
    3. Manushya Rakshasas: who extract benefits by disturbing others welfare
    4. People who harm others without any purpose
According to the vedas, people who belong to the last two categories(described above) are most likely to cast an evil eye.

Power of Dhristi

The ominous power of Dhristi can be subtle or immense depending upon the depth of negative emotions. Stronger the emotions greater will be the energy released. This energy can work at the;

    Material level: An evil-eye on other's possessions like wealth, property, and other accessories which consequently deplete the victims of their resources.

    Physical and the psychological level: The 'hale and hearty' suddenly succumb to ill-health, or happiness and peace of mind is lost. These are some of the nasty effects of Dhristi. Witchcraft, black magicetc. are advanced manifestations of Dhristi.
Dhristi parihaaram

Dhrishti Parihaaram is a measure to ward off the evil, cast by an evil eye. The remedy also depends upon the source from which the negative energy has been produced whether it is a product of witchcraft or black magic.

Traditional methods of pariharam

    Material level: Some fruits like lemon, watermelon and coconut have the capacity to absorb negative energy, e.g.; a new automobile is run over lemons before it starts its journey. Watermelons are hung at the gates of houses and babies are smeared with collyrium on the forehead and the cheek to ward off evil.

    Physical level: Burning camphor, when brought near any person burns out all the negativity around the person. It is necessary that the mind get tuned (in order to absorb the negative energy) to these media (lemons coconuts, collyrium) of Dhristi Parihaaram so that they serve the desired purpose.
Spiritual methods of Dhristi Parihaaram

The evil that is cast due to black magic or witchcraft needs more powerful remedies like :

    Mantra chanting
which need to be performed with consultation. The apt Pariharam will be recommended depending upon the suffering of the victim.

Power of Dhristi

The ominous power of Dhristi can be subtle or immense depending upon the depth of negative emotions. Stronger the emotions greater will be the energy released. This energy can work at the

    a) Material level: An evil-eye on other's possessions like wealth, property, and other accessories which consequently deplete the victims of their resources.
    b) Physical and the psychological level: The 'hale and hearty' suddenly succumb to ill-health, or happiness and peace of mind is lost. These are some of the nasty effects of Dhristi. Witchcraft, black magic etc. are advanced manifestations of Dhristi.

Re: BK Gazing (drishti) practice in relation to self

PostPosted: 19 Aug 2009
by bkti-pit
I very much liked Joel's post at the beginning of this thread and I thought I would share some of my personal experiences with dristhi for the sake of the discussion.

My first introduction to BK meditation by a friend of mine was something like : « Look at the middle of my forehead whilst I play this taped commentary and you remain aware of yourself as a point of light in the middle of your forehead ».

It was peaceful and relaxing but I did not have any special experience. Now that I am thinking of it, it was not an easy thing to concentrate on three things simultaneously. Trying to concentrate with the eyes open and seeing things through the window in the background was a bit of a challenge but I liked the idea of the point in the forehead. The concept of the soul made sense to me and I found that focusing on a point made concentration easier and thought specially useful that I was carrying that point around with me all the time and did not need any external support like an image or a candle burning, etc.

As much as I can recall, I was mostly trying to keep my attention on « I the soul, a point of light in the middle of my forehead », whilst the tape was playing without me paying much attention to it. I do not remember if my friend told us (we were 4 or 5 in the room) why he was asking us to look at his forehead and I do not remember what I thought of it but I was perfectly comfortable with it. After all he was a good friend and I trusted him. I guess that for me it was just a spot to put my eyes on and keep them still so not to be distracted by anything else around.

I never thought of hypnosis and would not have been scared of that since I had tried to get hypnotized before and it did not work. If I could not be hypnotized when I wished to, how could I be against my will? To me the whole thing was an experiment. I had been interested in meditation but never found anything I was comfortable with. I had no expectation, was not interested by trance , the occult or paranormal or anything like that. My interests were Truth, Peace, Justice and Non-Violence.

A few months later I made my first visit to a BK Center. I met my friend there for the evening meditation. The Center’s sister-in-charge was sitting on the gaddhi giving drishti whilst a commentary on tape was playing, with dimmed red light in the room. Again I listened only loosely to the tape whilst looking at the Sister’s forehead but I was mostly trying to stay focused on my own forehead, trying to keep my thoughts on « I am a soul, a point of light... », not so much repeating words in my mind or putting the thought in my head but trying to feel it from within. Again, I was not expecting anything specific from it. To me it was an experiment and I wanted to explore the thing and see if there was any validity to it and if it was worth pursuing.

When the Sister’s drishti came on me, I was already very absorbed in the meditation process and had reached a stage where the concentration did not require too much effort and I was very relax. During the few minutes that she was looking at me and a few minutes afterward, I had a most extraordinary experience of the soul, the Soul World, peace, bliss, a sense of eternity and so much more. The climax was what I thought to be an experience of God’s love.

It was God in the form of a Mother, not God the Father. I felt like I was the « long lost and now found again child » who had come back home and was greeted by his Mother, that She had been waiting for me and was welcoming me with open arms and heart. I felt myself resting my head on Her breast whilst She was flooding me with unlimited totally benevolent love, a love that I never ever felt before, not even from my own mother. It felt like I had reached home and for the first time of my life I felt understood.

I do not intend to discuss here what it really was, if it was really God (at that point I knew nothing of the BK’s teachings on God) or if it was self induced or some kind of hypnosis. I just want to share my experience for the purpose of this thread on drishti.

Not for a second did I think that the love I felt was coming from the Sister but I thought that this drishti thing might have facilitated the experience. If she was well « tuned in » into the meditation energy, it might have helped me to « tune in » too. I did not feel that she was trying to control my mind or influence me in any way. The whole thing felt rather benevolent and benevolence has always been the basis of my practice of taking and giving drishti.

I used to think that all the teachers and people running Centers, etc, were selected on the basis of their wisdom, purity and benevolent feelings and thus that taking dristhi from them could only be beneficial and enhance the meditation experience. I found out soon enough that it was not so and that there are all kinds of negative influences going on and thus for me it soon became not so much a matter of taking drishti but a matter of giving drishti.

It became a second nature for me to look at people whilst keeping the awareness and feeling that I am a soul, a point in the middle of the forehead, and with the awareness that they are souls, looking beyond the skin and the appearance, beyond the status, the role, etc, to the being and the inner qualities, and I would always make sure to have benevolent feelings in my heart.

Whether the other person was sitting on the gaddhi conducting meditation or I was the one conducting meditation or simply meeting people in everyday's activities, this would be my practice. If it was difficult for me to generate only genuine good feelings for someone, I would do my best to try put my mixed feelings aside and simply be a channel for God’s benevolent feelings to flow through me.

I remember picking up heavy energies from people sometimes and feeling like a sponge absorbing it and I had to work hard to keep myself in that channel mode and there were times when those people were magicaly lightened of their burden.

I think that my pure intent and attitude have been my protection against malevolent energies floating around within the BK world, although I remember an instance where I started to pick up some heavy energy surrounding me when taking drishti from the Sister who was reading the Murli at our Center. It did not feel that it was coming directly from her but that she was channelling it and I was not able to get clear of it. So much that I decided to take a week off and go to the zone headquarters to celebrate the 18th of January.

My experience from the drishti I got from the zone-in-charge during the meditations there, as well as my experiences when I was meditating by myself whilst there, broke the spell and freed me from the strong grip that that negative energy had on me but it took me another year and a half before I felt totally free from its influence. I do not know much about psychic influences but it seemed to me that this negative energy was anchored onto one of my own negative energy which was the tendency to harbor feelings of guilt. As far as I can remember I never had any strong experience of feeling guilty since.

It did not take long for me to feel that something was wrong in the attitude of taking drishti from a Senior whilst expecting to get something from it, somekind of a boost or some special experience, etc, and, thinking that we are all Brothers after all, I started adopting the attitude of « giving » drishti to Dadi and others. « Let me share pure and benevolent feelings with you » type of attitude. And if the feelings I could pick up from the other side were good I would happily enjoy them, otherwise I would just keep giving and let go of the rest.

None of that has ever been taught to me. One wonders if the Seniors are aware of all the negativity mixed into BKs drishti, the arrogance, the bossiness, the intrusiveness, even the hatred. New ones should be fully warned and educated about it.

I had many beautiful experiences of sharing drishti with friends and like minded people where there was reciprocity and a nice flow of benevolent energy.

I recently met with a friend of mine who have left the BKs and had been wanting to have a relationship. She had a boyfriend for a while but they had just broke up. She was still recovering from her trauma of leaving the BKs and now she was going through this whilst she was also losing her job. I had been supporting her when she stepped away from the BKs and we became good friends. She was not in tears or anything but she said that she was going through an emotional roller coaster. At the time of parting and saying goodbye, we spontaneously had a few seconds drishti exchange and I unexpectedly came closer to her and gave her a gentle hug.

I say unexpectedly because I am not a very touchy type and very seldom do I hug anyone, especialy within the BK world and even more so because a BK Brother is not supposed to hug a Sister. So this was very unusual for me. It just happened without me thinking.

Then she grabbed me tight and it lasted a few more seconds. When we were done with the hug her face had turned red and her eyes were wet and she had to go. I felt alright with it although I wondered what it was that pushed me to give her a hug and if it was the right thing to do. Was it psychic influence? Was she consciously or unconsciously sending vibes that she needed a hug? Was it an unconcious desire from my side? I do not know. We never talked about it since but I am expecting to see her soon and I will bring it up.

Re: BK Gazing (drishti) practice in relation to self

PostPosted: 19 Aug 2009
by starchild
What a lovely post.

Re: BK Gazing (drishti) practice in relation to self

PostPosted: 19 Aug 2009
by jann
Very much so.

Thanks bkti-pit

Re: BK Gazing (drishti) practice in relation to self

PostPosted: 19 Aug 2009
by rayoflight

Thank you for sharing such an honest post. The BK world is so complex and complicated, so beautiful and so ugly. Your description touched on many feelings, issues and life choices a person who crosses the BKWSO must deal with.

I am very curious about something though. How can so many people experience the same thing by meditating with the BKs and experiencing drishti? It is so incredible and yet so addictive that it sounds too much like a narcotic from the physical world, only it's spiritual.

You also touch upon the dependence of the BK who must keep going back to Yoga to clear out the negative vibes. But the psychic attacks are so strong that it can take years to remove them which keeps the Brahmin dependent on the system. And the irony is that going back to BK Yoga is also where the negative vibrations linger.

So how do you break The Cycle? The only way I have found is to leave the BK's completely and to stop meditating with them. I do not want their wonder love drug mainly because I don't want their negativity nor do I want to expose myself to anymore psychic attacks. As we know from reading this forum, the negativity is vile and destructive and encompasses the abused perpetuating the abuse.

As for your friend who needed a hug, I just want to congratulate you on simply being a human being and most of all, a friend. Today I did the same thing. I had a conversation with a peer who had closed herself off from the world by building an invisible wall around her. People disliked her because they could feel her fear of the world. So today she was telling me that she has trouble receiving hugs from people although she doesn't mind giving hugs. Well, when we said goodbye I gave her a big hug, a real hug, the kind that says, "don't be afraid. Not everyone is a monster." She smiled and thanked me. It is not so difficult to be a decent human being who cares for people, is it?

You deserve a hug too. Here it is, virtual, but real.

Re: BK Gazing (drishti) practice in relation to self

PostPosted: 19 Aug 2009
by jann
So sweet. Don't make me cry now ... oops ... you did, some wonderful loving human feeling that moves me every time I see beauty.