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Re: What is so wonderful abouth the Murli.

PostPosted: 01 May 2008
by jann
I dare to say that the BKs abuse Gods' words ,to mix it all up with manmat, so BKs stick with the organization and are even afraid to leave because they loose their so called birthright.

If you read very deeply, and have some intellect and education, it is so clear.

Re: What is so wonderful abouth the Murli.

PostPosted: 01 May 2008
by john morgan
Peter Bindi wrote: Years ago when i lost the BK,s and were on myself i never stop looking for God,Baba.

I am sorry the BK gave you such a tough time and am glad that you are finding solace with the PBK. It seems that the BK do not look after their students half as well as Brahma Baba looked after them. I have never written to the PBK, your experience seems very encouraging. Whilst I am fairly sure that English is not your first language your courage and strength shine through your writing.

Thanks Peter Bindi.

Re: What is so wonderful abouth the Murli.

PostPosted: 01 May 2008
by john morgan
Hello Sister Jannister,

Thank you so much for your honesty. I am sorry the BK do not seem to care about you. From where I am at the moment it seems that there are a lot of people that are estranged from the BK. Some BK principles can seem quite extreme, perhaps they are. The idea that God does not care about anyone other than the members of the Brahmin Family is, if true, a very harsh reality. Of the many Brahmins there seem to be relatively few who are really excellent at The Knowledge. That you should have attended BK classes and not learnt to find anything wonderful in the Murli is to my mind more a reflection on those teaching than it is on you. It does seem reasonable to expect to find supreme kindness in a Supreme Soul.

That you continue to read the Murli is also interesting, sometimes I read the Murli as if it spoken to me personally, there being a tacit understanding or faith that as the Murli was being spoken Baba knew I would be reading it at a specific time and in a specific place, and that he does care about me.

I wish you well in your enquiries into the truth.

Kindest regards,

Re: What is so wonderful abouth the Murli.

PostPosted: 01 May 2008
by jann
I also read some of the parts of the Murli as if it was spoken to me personally. No Matter what teaching you read. (Bible, Koran, whatever) it is that the Yagya put the word of God (if it is the word of God) in a certain direction to make it all fit the welfare of the Yagya. That is what i call abuse. Use the name of God and many shall follow.

Like many did. As you read the Murli, you must be aware of the manmat. If not you are ignorant to see probably because the Yagya threatens you. Is it not??

Re: What is so wonderful abouth the Murli.

PostPosted: 02 May 2008
by john morgan
Thanks Sister Jannister,

So why do you read the Murli when you think it mixed with Manmat?

And do you become angry each time you read a Murli?

Kind regards,

Re: What is so wonderful abouth the Murli.

PostPosted: 02 May 2008
by new knowledge
Welcome Sister jannisder. Your views are more realistic? I've created a similar thread 'Do Murlis represent absolute reality?' in the commonrooms. It's very difficult to accept that Murlis are Shrimat or Shrimat is hidden in Murlis.

Re: What is so wonderful abouth the Murli.

PostPosted: 02 May 2008
by andrey
It is obvious she says it to make us angry. Otherwise if she feels angry to the Murli she would drop it.

Re: What is so wonderful abouth the Murli.

PostPosted: 02 May 2008
by ex-l
john morgan wrote:Sometimes I read the Murli as if it spoken to me personally, there being a tacit understanding or faith that as the Murli was being spoken Baba knew I would be reading it at a specific time and in a specific place, and that he does care about me.

That is what we were told to do and that is the self-perpetuating myth that is conveyed amongst Brahma Kumaris followers.

Just out of interest, is there anywhere in the Murlis where that is actually said? it sounds more like a Bhakti import, where the idea is common in other religions, to me.

Re: What is so wonderful abouth the Murli.

PostPosted: 02 May 2008
by andrey
In the Murli it is said that, "I emerge the children and speak to them". "Even if the child is not present in front, i emerge them and speak to them".

Re: What is so wonderful abouth the Murli.

PostPosted: 02 May 2008
by peterbindi
Dear john morgan.

Thanks for the compliments, i feel that you have a good heart and intellect to explain to people. Let say i am a low class Dutch man and my English is not so good but do the best i can :). Also on a day, I ask Baba.

What does it means Holland, is it OK? --- Holland means whole end. It means who will bring the end to the whole world?

This is for all the dutch people who are on this forum :D.


Re: What is so wonderful abouth the Murli.

PostPosted: 02 May 2008
by ex-l
bansy wrote:whilst at the same time Father Shiva also giving instructions.

I agree with the "work in progress" model. That is commonsense. I am not sure about the ShivBaba giving instructions any more. Not until we find out how, when and under what circumstance the BKs realised he was involved post-1950/51.

Putting aside the "spook" theory, how do we know if Lekhraj Kirpalani was just not coming up the influence of enlightenment/his higher self/the "Universal Light" god that the Prajapati Brahma-Kumaris taught pre-1950?

He can put on his show ... it has not changed much over the years ... but how know how enlightened LR actually is, even now?
peterbindi wrote:What does it means Holland, is it OK? --- Holland means whole end. It means who will bring the end to the whole world?

Was this a "blessing" from BapDada or did you just make it up? Its quite typical of his type of thinking.

bucolic image

PostPosted: 02 May 2008
by alladin
Hi. I personally find lots of fascinating and useful points in the Avyakt Murli. As far as sakars go, definitely Bhakti import.

However, certain concepts are not exclusively Hindu. They are present in all major religions and appeal to people who still have the need for feeling guilty, low, dirty, ready for marthyrdom, wanting to "surrender, renounce" etc ... The idea that God found us and speaks to us directly and we are the Gopis dancing with Krishna playing the flute, maybe also appealing to some. Good material for a psychotherapist to investigate upon!

Re: What is so wonderful abouth the Murli.

PostPosted: 02 May 2008
by john morgan
There can be a definite magic in hearing the Murli. It is one thing to logically dissect analyse etc, it is quite another to take ones mind to the time and place where it is spoken. I personally preferred the Sakar Murlis. I would imagine Brahma Baba sitting on his Guddhi, Shiva Baba inside his forehead and together they would speak the song of creation of the new world. Somehow I was there, bliss would pour through me, the inspirations, the recognition, the significance of it all made listening to the Murli the highlight of my day. This did not happen every day but it happened quite often. I would make effort during the day and the barometer of how I was doing was the experience of listening to the Murli.

I recall reading a Murli on a tube in London and practicing the points, it was about how to go to sleep. The instruction was given to someone who had much karma to work out in the form of physical sickness. I practiced each point as I knew (or had the faith) that Baba was telling me this for a reason. On arising from my deep study to get off the tube everyone on it was asleep, heads back, totally conked out. This scared me because I knew I had interfered in others karma in a way I had no right to do.

Around each yogi there is an atmosphere of high and pure energy, by living as if the Murli is true this atmosphere is created. Strengths emerge in the soul, the strengths of service are best. As this energy grows experience of heaven or the Golden Age can emerge. In the Confluence there are angels of light giving blessings to those struggling to overcome their sanskaras which prevent them from living in and being aware of Gods incredible love.

This really is a spiritual lottery, at the moment I have drawn the ticket of having no Murlis. This is the decision of the BKs. I have to accept this as some live in the world of the Murli constantly. I miss the Murli's magic. This is a very high study, I wish it were more accessible to many who I think deserve to experience a waking up of the highest order.


Re: What is so wonderful abouth the Murli?

PostPosted: 02 May 2008
by arjun
peterbindi wrote:Also on a day, I ask Baba. What does it means Holland, is it OK? --- Holland means whole end. It means who will bring the end to the whole world? This is for all the dutch people who are on this forum .

ex-l wrote:Was this a "blessing" from BapDada or did you just make it up? Its quite typical of his type of thinking.

Seems like a reply from ShivBaba (through Baba Virendra Dev Dixit) :D.

Re: What is so wonderful abouth the Murli?

PostPosted: 02 May 2008
by peterbindi
Dear ex-l.

No, I did not makes this up myself. I am not a fool. But to give you an honest answer, i asked this question to Baba Virendra Dev Dixit himself, concerning blessings. I asked for personal blessing and his answer was as follows.

--- Is there any blessing in path of knowledge? Remembrance is blessing in path of knowledge. As much as one will remember, so much blessing he will obtain. Baba
