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Re: A lie is OK ... !!!

PostPosted: 05 Mar 2008
by bkti-pit
Maybe I did not express myself clearly enough.

As I said, is there anything like absolute Truth? So I would not dare to say I found or realized the truth. It is more like an ongoing experience, a journey which is bringing me a thrill. It doesn't really matter to me whether I ever reach the ultimate Truth. My joy is in the process.

The experiences that I got from my experiments with the basic concepts of the BK knowledge, namely the soul, God, the understanding of karma and The Cycle, whether in meditation or in my daily activities, as well as my following the basic disciplines of early rise, pure food and celibacy, have been very positive and very soothing. My health improved tremendously as well as the quality of my relationships with others and my capacity to love unconditionally.

Before my BK life, I was a Peace activist and I had a great interest for the life of Gandhi and the practice of Non-Violence which calls for loving even your enemies. I knew the theory but couldn't figure out how to do that, how to change my feelings for someone. Quite a few times since I became BK did I succeed in turning around a difficult relationship into a genuinely friendly one.

These are the kind of truths that I am looking for in my life. I like to think that I am an eternal soul and that I have Yoga with God but it doesn't really matter whether it is really so or not. What matters is the experiences and the results i get from it. I cannot prove that I am a soul but I know in my heart how much benefit I got from my practice of soul consciousness. I know in my heart how much I get from my practice of remembering God.

For several years now, the feeling of truth has been one of my favorite experience in Yoga and it has helped me to bring more truth into my practical life and to become emotionally stronger.

Trying to understand the self and God is part of my experiment with Truth. Discovering has brought a new dimension to this and I am excited about it. The facts that are revealed here, the questions that are raised on the Forum, the reflexions and experiences that are shared are invaluable to me.

The point that Jannisder brought up in starting this thread is ringing a bell in me. On one hand I have all these experiences to support my faith that this is God teaching but on the other hand when I look at all the selfishness and arrogance within the BK world, all the lies, the lack of care and compassion, etc ... When even God tells lies ...

I don't have all the answers in a little box. I am on a journey ... and it is exciting.

Thanks to all of you here!

Re: A lie is OK ... !!!

PostPosted: 05 Mar 2008
by john
bkti-pit wrote:Maybe I did not express myself clearly enough. As I said, is there anything like absolute Truth? So I would not dare to say I found or realized the truth. It is more like an ongoing experience, a journey which is bringing me a thrill. It doesn't really matter to me whether I ever reach the ultimate Truth. My joy is in the process.

I think if one accepts the BK knowledge, then there has to be absolute truth because contained within that knowledge is the idea of the 5,000 year identically repeating cycle. From that point of view, the 'Truth' cannot be varied or changed because that would go against the idea of an identically repeating cycle of time. What will change is our perception and understanding of that truth.

Without an identically repeating cycle, I don't see how there can be an absolute truth because any variations go against that concept. I think there can be truth but not absolute without The Cycle idea because it will keep changing.

Jannisder has brought out the real crux of the matter with this thread, I for one cannot yet see the benefits of revealing knowledge that is classed as 'the truth' and having lies contained within it.

Re: A lie is OK ... !!!

PostPosted: 05 Mar 2008
by bkti-pit
I get your point about absolute Truth and the concept of The Cycle John and like you I do not yet see the benefit of lies within The Knowledge.

I do not really have a problem with God not being very accurate with numbers and dates. He comes from a world beyond space and time, that is also beyond numbers and date. He did not tell us right away that the soul was a point and it might have been accurate to give us The Knowledge bit by bit in order to make it more digestible, especially in the context of Indian culture. Fairy tales can be educational and inspiring even though they are not reality and they are not really what I would call lies. They may even simply be pure entertainment and I can see that it still serves a purpose. I understand that some may have been traumatized when they found out that Santa Claus wasn't real but it was no big deal for me. I never taught of it as a lie.

I think that to a large extent Baba is a story teller and part of the problems I have with especially the Sakar Murlis is that they are often read with a stern face and attitude which doesn't match the feeling I get when I hear extracts of original Sakar Murlis on tape or when I read it to myself or when we read it in a small group of friends. Stern, stale, stagnant atmosphere as well as lack of openness common in many centers are not conducive to proper understanding of the Murlis, I think.

All this said, I think that the question raised in this thread is very relevant, especially when God sets an example and then everyone is justified to lie if they think it is good for us.

Something I want to add to my previous posts is that although BK life has been good to me despite all the negativity within the BK world, it is obvious that it hasn't been so for many. In my opinion they are not to be blamed. I have a very high esteem of many of those I personally know. Being a BK doesn't automatically makes me any greater in virtues, wisdom or purity.

Re: A lie is OK ... !!!

PostPosted: 07 Mar 2008
by paulkershaw
I'd suppose that lying is relevant to each person's moral stand. Or when someone is trying to protect themselves by squirming away from the truth of the matter.

Re: A lie is OK ... !!!

PostPosted: 07 Mar 2008
by ex-l
I think my position is a little different from yours Paul in that I do believe in/accept objective states. That truth itself is not just a subjective matter and, in fact, that we must all work to giving up the subjective view. I am sure where we agree is that one ought to mistake either one's own, or one's guru's (be they BK or not) subjective view as the objective ... and that most of religion is just temporary levels of truth that we are working through on the way to the next one.

My biggest concern here are the hardened sanskar that have collective clearly entered the BK mindset, e.g. "god tests us with falsehood" and "lying and misrepresenting ourselves is good and gets us stuff we want, so it is OK do it".

The former belongs to Bhakti. Possibly not until this forum was established has the BKWSU ever been "shown the mirror" and challenged so significantly over the latter. But I strongly believe it is true and that it is quite conscious. It is the danger in committing any "crime". Chances are you will get away with it, do it once, be tempted to do it twice ... next thing you know, it is a sanskar that entirely overpowers and surpasses any faculties of one's conscience.

By that point, one has become spiritually deformed and starts to deform others to fit one's own mould. having one's 'spiritual posture' straightened again is painful. There is no doubt to me that on top of whatever the 'Shiva experience' and Gyan is, the BWKSU has deformed it further.

Who is there external to them, to measure them and hold them accountable when they thinks they are the most supreme of all? In such as state, can they even recognise and admit their own lie or do they just hit back at the therapist working on their backbone?

Re: A lie is OK ... !!!

PostPosted: 10 Mar 2008
by paulkershaw
Hmmm, I am enjoying everyone's viewpoint, To clarify my own: I'd like to say that I feel that lying is wrong, completely so - as to do so destroys one's integrity totally. But I also know that its a process of 'Recognition' and 'Judgment' and I don't see that the two really can belong together.... many people would, and so it's OK to lie. Perhaps a "Lie' is OK when one is trying to fool others into thinking one is not what one really is, but only aspiring to be something different, in other words make others believe you are something so that they too will try become that, then it will justify my own 'journey' too.

As to the shout at the therapist who's pummeling my backbone bit, the blame game is wonderful eh? "it's always someone else thats doing this to me...." - I had to laugh the other night and want to share it herein: During my weekly massage therapy, my co-therapist was leaning her elbow into my back and I could feel her fingers trying to find my spine, after which she muttered: "Where's your back-bone?" Needless to say I burst out laughing!