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Re: BKs handling of Wills and Property Deals

PostPosted: 30 May 2008
by ex-l
yogi108 wrote:Some of them argue that it was the Brother's wish to donate everything to Baba ... but still there is a better way to handle all this.

Especially given the cultural context (Hindi) where the women, wife or widow is worth nothing in the male's life and money.

This is again what underlines for me that the Brahma Kumaris are not a feminist organization but a caste bound organization where the dominant Sisters take the place of males. The SS are no more than just another panchayat, from wherest they came.

If they wanted to truly empower the women, they would have over the money and property to them, ensuring their comfort first, and accept whatever came their way later. Not hoover up the dough. Notably, it is a male accountant, Ramesh, carrying the likes of this out. It would have been the women, after all, that supported the husband and family all her life. Referencing Alanna's posts, perhaps losing part of her husband to the Brahma Kumaris.

    Can we honestly say that such a woman at a time of grieving, BK or not, would be in a state to question or challenge Janki Kripalani or the BKWSU SS?
I hope all the independent Pontius Pilots in the West, washing their hands of any connection to such aberrations realise that they too are part of the same machine, the same caste system and, essentially, promoting the same ethics.

Re: BKs handling of Wills and Property Deals

PostPosted: 30 May 2008
by john morgan
Thanks Yogi108,

In England, the same situation would not be allowed to occur unless the wife signed the will and any supporting documentation. This is not to say that what occurred was wrong. It may have been completely right. Let me explain,

From the BK point of view, God has come on this earth. Money is needed to promote service and let other people know. Divine law is being established. In leaving his worldly goods to Baba, the Brother was only passing on via human law what was not his to give. Perhaps he thought his giving (if he saw it that way) what was good karma and that his wife was suitable to be offered full-time service, which he knew she would accept was a blessing also. The way food is cooked is very important to BKs and that she is offered the highest kitchen service means that she qualifies for that work.

It is very easy for someone with a different point of view to draw different conclusions about what actually occurred. For example, the wife was cheated out of her money and property by money hungry BK. She was not strong enough to stand against to those to whom it was improperly willed. She is offered kitchen work and gets the occasional trance message as a sop for what occurred, the plus side being that she seems happy despite the speculations of others and knowing that she was robbed.

My inability to see clearly which point of view is the more accurate is no small quandary. On the one hand there is no doubt that when I studied I was treated as a true seeker, and thus as a VIP, by the BK with the highest quality of instruction, aid, insights and blessings. On the other that it should all turn so sour because one person concluded that I was an obstacle rather than discuss a situation demonstrates that Brahmin life was for me most precarious and relied more on the blessings of that particular person than I knew at the time.

Why I should suddenly relate my past experience to a situation in which I had no part but am trying to understand is to me interesting. Perhaps many people do this, knowing which conclusion they wish to arrive at before the situation is even known. It seems that my reason for being here is to understand. Perhaps clarity and insight are necessary for accurate conclusions, now where did I put them? Were they ever mine?

Re: BKs handling of Wills and Property Deals

PostPosted: 30 May 2008
by ex-l
Is it possible for us to feel, intuit collectively, toss the issues in the air and see how it objectively lands? Logically, it is equally possible we are right?

No need for a reply. I hear what you are saying. Occam's razor's cut is the deepest cut.

Re: BKs handling of Wills and Property Deals

PostPosted: 30 May 2008
by john morgan
Well, if we are going to toss the issues in the air we may as well use dice. :D

I dealt dice in a casino at one time. "Coming out roll, natural times the winning line, bet in to win, bet out if you doubt." I was a stickman reeling off that speel hundreds of times a night.

No ex-I, we need a refined and razor sharp intellect, odd that the closer one gets to that the nearer looms a BK point of view :shock:

What am I saying, they've banned me! The choices are loading my dice against the BK or enquiring into the truth with this blunt and gross shambles called a mind. I opt for the latter.

ps who has stolen the smilies? there were 12 a short while ago, we need more lightbulbs! Big exclamation marks too! :D

Re: BKs handling of Wills and Property Deals

PostPosted: 31 May 2008
by ex-l
john morgan wrote:Well, if we are going to toss the issues in the air we may as well use dice. :D

I was thinking more of chicken bones, tortoise shell, a piece of bull scapula or some other augur.

I agree about the refined buddhi (intellect) but I think the Brahma Kumari philosophy is like a spiritual analog to truth, to paraphrase the dictionary definition; "structurally similar but differing slightly in composition (as in the replacement of one atma by an atma of a different element or in the presence of a particular functional group)".

Good enough to fool most people for long enough to continue propagating itself but not the real thing. A "greedy cuckoo" like philosophy chucking out all the rest from the nest of the mind to ensure its own surviving. And, here, we see it in its most blunt performance, eating the inheritance of other families/parts of society to ensure its own survival at all costs.

Re: BKs handling of Wills and Property Deals

PostPosted: 31 May 2008
by john morgan
Maybe being aware of the shortcomings of a human intellect makes it more able to knock on the door of the divine.

I certainly hope so, surely this blindness cannot last for ever :oops: