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Re: Dadi Prakashmani's soul reborn as a baby boy!!

PostPosted: 29 Feb 2008
by primal.logic
the loose wet hair, the special saris, the ritual and twitching

Kind of a spiritual wet T-shirt competition you think? A chance to shake their booty? Hot and wet in L.A.! 8)

I think that BKs in the West are stuck with the practises of the Indian institution - there must be a hundred BKs in India for every Westerner. The point is that in India trance is common across the board - it is a Hindu thing and just about every man and his dog is having a go at it. So it is kind of expected of a major religious institution to include it.

It was certainly a big part of things in the early days. It has been toned down a lot, probably due to a combination of abuse of the process and Westerners going "what the ... ?".

Re: Dadi Prakashmani's soul reborn as a baby boy!!

PostPosted: 29 Feb 2008
by aimée
Vivaespana bhaiji,

I said that not all the Bhog messages are authentic.

About the second quote. I always come back to the same, I am not a BK, I am a PBK. But I know we are all BK, ex- BK, PBK, in the same boat, me included. God has the whole picture, we can use our brain as much as we want but none of us, Dadis included, are going to reach the truth. We are limited. So do you prefer to believe God or a human being?

I am not preaching, I am in love with God. My own mind restricts my vision of the reality, so I try to focus in one opinion of the only one who is able to change us back into our stage of perfection ...

Re: Dadi Prakashmani's soul reborn as a baby boy!!

PostPosted: 29 Feb 2008
by ex-l
primal.logic wrote:The point is that in India trance is common across the board - it is a Hindu thing and just about every man and his dog is having a go at it. So it is kind of expected of a major religious institution to include it.

Thanks, aimée, for being straight to the point. Not all Bhog messages and not all Bhog messengers are genuine, some of the time and all of the time.

You make an interesting point that I had not thought about, primal. Along with all their other syncretic behavioural patterns, incorporating just about ever deity and elements of other religions, so too with trance mediumship. To me, a lot of it was just free association from a trance like state. I remember having images and ideas pop up in my mind when I was leading meditation, intuitions may be. I guess these are what a load of the trance messengers were calling "visions".

But a few were genuine psychic pilots popping out of their body off to some other realm or something. Which messengers are proper ones and what is the current state of play in India? Do all the centers do their Thursday morning thing ... and more to the point, do they only wash their hair once a week?

Re: Dadi Prakashmani's soul reborn as a baby boy!!

PostPosted: 27 Mar 2008
by Mr Green
Come on you lot ... WAKE UP.

it's all made up, there will be incongruencies because it is a pack of lies made up on the hoof.

So now Dadi has a cock and is one of the boys, in 18 years I'll take her out for a beer.

Re: Dadi Prakashmani's soul reborn as a baby boy!!

PostPosted: 29 Mar 2008
by celticgyan
I always was taught that every Soul takes re-birth immediately with one exception (Brahma Baba was the one exception, of course). All others go straight to the womb after a brief visit to Baba in the Subtle Regions. At the end of The Cycle, of course, then all sould must leave for the Soul World without exception (even if it is just to touch base for a moment!).

You can have your 86th birth twice - sort of split if you did not make the team first time around! So just how the Golden Age starts in the first place is a bit of a mystery. Maybe the PBKs can explain. In the meantime, ponder this one ...

[youtube=y7Xcn436tyI]Project Camelot Interviews Boriska[/youtube]

Re: Dadi Prakashmani's soul reborn as a baby boy!!

PostPosted: 31 Mar 2008
by ex-l
The video is a bit slow and dry until after 10-15 minutes and so I suggest viewer fast forwarding.

Offtopic: A short version is here on Pravda's website; Boriska, boy from Mars, says that all humans live eternally.

Spookily enough, "He uttered the first word ‘Baba’ when he was four months old" but it whacks out pretty quickly, "lived 70,000 years ago and they were nine meters tall". I am uncomfortable at all this "indigo children" stuff ... and this poor kid is going to need therapy. I found the interviewer a little bit creepy and leading in her questions. The kid had a no attention span and just wanted to play computer games.

Pravda is weird. It has gone from being the propaganda tool of the Communist regime to competing with the US "National Enquirer" for the most filth and foolery.

It all to me (including the Dadi P stuff) smacks of a desperate "need to believe" and need to make special the mundane within the parents and New Agers. It also repeats and encourages all the usual New Age theories, e.g. the displacement of Earth’s poles and global catastrophes between 2009 and 2013. In case anyone is new to all this, these have been predicted on MANY occasions before now and have been adopted from outside by some elements within the BKWSU.

Re: Dadi Prakashmani's soul reborn as a baby boy!!

PostPosted: 04 Apr 2008
by Mr Green
Bollocks to her!!! Get it??? Hahahahahahahah.

Not my joke, but a cracker ...

Re: Dadi Prakashmani's soul reborn as a baby boy!!

PostPosted: 05 Apr 2008
by ex-l
mr green wrote:Get it??? Hahahahahahahah.

I think mr green has entered into an "intoxication phase" ... what he means is that Dadi Prakashmani is going to receive a nice new fresh pair of testicles now that she has been reborn as a boy ... and let us see what she does with them, or they do to her.

To the other contributor who asked why all the Dadis seem masculine ... here is your proof of concept.

Re: Dadi Prakashmani's soul reborn as a baby boy!!

PostPosted: 06 May 2008
by bansy
There is a BapDada message of the 13 April 2008 via Dadi Gulzar.

In the message, BapDada made Dadiji emerge. Then Dadiji, Dadi Janki and Dadi Gulzar came together with Him in front of everyone.

I read the message but if anyone can post it would be better.

I just wonder what happens to the little baby boy when Dadiji emerges in front of BapDada ...

There is still so much Bhakti in the BKWSU for Dadiji.

Re: Dadi Prakashmani's soul reborn as a baby boy!!

PostPosted: 08 May 2008
by andrey
I just wonder what happens to the little baby boy when Dadiji emerges in front of BapDada ...

She had been emerged even whilst she was in her old body, also many others sistes and Brothers had been emerged and nothing happens to them in practical. Maybe it is just something like remembering. Subtle Region is nothing.

Re: Dadi Prakashmani's soul reborn as a baby boy!!

PostPosted: 08 May 2008
by ex-l
I am wondering what it is like have 100,000s of BK having Yoga pointed at your vagina is like.

Or is that womb? I mean, how geographically and biologically accurate by is the Brahma Kumaris purifying Yoga?

The big joke is, the BKWSU is putting out now that "BapDada gave willpower to Dadi Ji in order to enable the soul to leave the body in the karmateet stage." I mean, they are just making this stuff up wholesale now. How does "BapDada gave willpower"?

"Karmateet" ... millions hours of Yoga by hundred thousands BKs ... and all you do is end up in a sinful womb which has to be "cleansed" on the same way?

Do you think the mother and Father are making more babies?

Re: Dadi Prakashmani's soul reborn as a baby boy!!

PostPosted: 08 May 2008
by Mr Green
It's beyond funny.

Re: Avakyt Dadiji - Dadi Prakashmani's Death

PostPosted: 28 Jul 2008
by bansy
(I am trying to find the thread where there comments found DadiP was reborn as a boy. This post should be moved there if someone can locate it.)

Have a look at the following message :
20080711-Madhuban News.pdf
(600.17 KiB) Downloaded 673 times

It is about the 1st annivrsary of Dadi Prakashmani and says the DadiP had become a resident of the Subtle Region on 25 August 2007 so there are many activities BKs can do to remember the soul of DadiP. Why not just bring the boy on to the stage and tell everyone that he is DadiP ?

July is also a busy Bhakti time for BKs since Dadi Manmohini also left her body on 28 July and so last week's or this week's Thursday Bhog is a double Didi remembrance.

Re: Avakyt Dadiji - Dadi Prakashmani's Death

PostPosted: 29 Jul 2008
by ex-l
She became "karmateet" and a (fixed?) "resident of the Subtle Regions" and re-incarnated as a little boy (no evidence of the first and how do the mechanics of the second work ... two places at the same time?) and they are encouraging followers to memorialize her and encourage IPs and VIPs to remember her?

Who wrote this before it was signed off in Janki's name? Come on ... they will 'anything'.

Its an order. It reads; "Blah, blah, blah ... Janki Kripalani says go hunt more VIPs and keep them online".

Re: Avakyt Dadiji - Dadi Prakashmani's Death

PostPosted: 29 Jul 2008
by Mr Green
arjun wrote:After Dadi Prakashmani left her body, fears were expressed on this forum about the extent to which the Yagya would deify her ... It is surprising to see that Dadi Gulzar is gifting her own photograph (in the role of being BapDada's medium) accompanied by Dadi and Didi to a VIP
ex-l wrote:They just don't care any more, do they? Its beyond a joke. Of course, they justify it because in some magical way it is "bringing benefit" just like the Bhakti pictures of gods and godesses. Sadly, what is more disappointing is that it has become the norm and acceptable.

Monkeys see and monkey do ... Brahma Kumari followers ask for pictures of their favourite "deity-Dadi" (they probably sell them in the Abu shop now for a profit - let me know if anyone can confirm). Newcomers do not even know what we are talking or reacting when we say it is against Shrimat and hypocrisy. Who pays for all the give away media, the photos and, still, those Lakshmi and Narayans? I think part of the problem is they have too much money now and are becoming careless. Gone are the days when Mama was counting the grains of rice that spilt when they washed it chiding the Sisters for wasting food.

The photos of the Dadis have been on sale in the Abu shop for years, ex-l.

Even when I was still a member you could get a picture of your favourite guru for your shrine.