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PostPosted: 26 Nov 2007
by arjun
bro neo,

Thanks for the reply. I will not make any further request in this regard. It it upto you and the Admin. to decide the future course of this thread. I would request the Admin. to at least shift this thread from this Section to the Commonroom/Ex-BKs Section.

Best regards,

PostPosted: 26 Nov 2007
by bro neo
You can do as you please arjun, but if you want to test my opinion I will tear your theories to oblivion without mercy. I have am not a pathetic BK anymore and I will stand up for what I say.

PostPosted: 26 Nov 2007
by abrahma kumar
arjun wrote:... Although all members may not agree with your viewpoint, any BK reading this topic (and not the contents) for the first time will think as if all members of this forum consider BKWSU to be a terrorist organization.

Dear Brother,

Do you really believe that? I can clearly see that you are acting in good faith, as a sort of custodian for the site, - we all are - but to do so based on the possibility that any BK reading this topic first-up as an introduction to the site WILL think that ALL of us posters consider The BKWSU to be a terrorist organization, seems as a little far-fetched. As far-fetched as the viewpoint you say is far-fetched ... everything will be OK.

I am reminded of the sentiments expressed here by various posters.

PostPosted: 26 Nov 2007
by arjun
abek wrote:everything will be OK

I sincerely hope so :).
I will tear your theories to oblivion without mercy

Good luck :D.

PostPosted: 26 Nov 2007
by abrahma kumar
arjun wrote:I sincerely hope so.

Arjun, do you know something that we don't?

Let's compromise

PostPosted: 26 Nov 2007
by tete
Bro Neo,

How about a compromise, of moving it to the ex-BK forum, rather than having it in the BK forum. I say this as one that has been banned from all three sites. :shock: A compromise is good, and given that we want to open communications on the Duty of Care issue and other issues it may be best.

We all have our truths and some times timing is essential in the delivery of some information that we feel is our truth. If it is delivered harshly it will be seen as hard and painful and the message/information lost.

Please see this in the Abuse and Recovery Section:
Grieving a cult's
This was taken from the It all sounds strangely familiar.
If you have read thus far, it is possible that you are totally devastated.

The grief any cult's unveiling causes honest spiritual seekers, is monumental. To find that the path, which took one away from family, friends and loved ones is only a mirage ... To find oneself deceived, betrayed; to have one’s trust broken ... To find the love promised is conditional and those one thought were ‘family’, now turn away with cries of "Judas!" ...

It’s a devastation of self worth, and seemingly a terrible waste of time. But of course it is not. One thing is self evident. All here on the planet are having experience, and the consequence of experience - especially spiritual experience - is wisdom, and freedom from dependency.

Leaving a cult is like experiencing a death of a loved one. There is a grieving process which will take time. Time to process the feelings of confusion, loss, guilt, disillusionment, anger, and lack of trust engendered.

For a little while I felt very angry, to think my long held love of God the Creator had been exploited in this way - 'detoured' as it were, along a pathway that I hadn't consciously asked for; enticing me into giving my power away to a master of deception.

But this feeling didn’t last for long, I was soon able to accept that the whole experience was one I chose, and my grief and anger - also part of the experience. In time the negative feelings were replaced with a sense of freedom, and the joy of returning to the real world.

The gift in all of the above, was a profound realisation that for me the 'age of the guru' is dead. No longer willing to give my trust to outer teachers, I now at last, follow the message all true spiritual masters have given down the long halls of time - by seeking within, the kingdom of heaven.

In conclusion, I can tell you from our own experience, the pain you suffer will heal. There is life after Baba, and as you claim back your own power, you will be enriched, and find the pathway now illuminated, wonderful.

I wish you a fulfilling and self realising journey.

So, let’s move on and continue expressing what we feel and acknowledge that we all have varying points of view, but that we must all get along, as some that are xBKs here today were once BKs or QBKs. Even I at times was shocked and it took me days to wrap my mind around what I had learned and eventually came to terms with it. What helped me was that I had friends by then that helped me to sort it out via pms.

I say this to you as I am very sensitive, and rather formal and it took me a while to find your humour (points and story line) and delight in what you have to say. You once shocked me, as I am older and not used to someone with such a lively a tone. I will pm you so that you know of what I speak of.

I do want to say that I understand what you are saying given the recent events and what many had to do, what sacrifices some were willing to make and the suffering that some have had to bare by coming forward (a personal account). None of that is lost.

Now, as to the “Cold Chill Threat”, that hasn’t been lost and if I understand you correctly that is where you are heading. Is this correct?

Now, would we want to loose such a lively one as you? No!


Wah! Whata Wonderful gathering of Brahmins

PostPosted: 26 Nov 2007
by abrahma kumar
Thank you all for an experience that feels like family. Oh Wah! Whata Wonderful gathering of Brahmins. No, i do not believe that The BKWSU has been covertly taken over by terrorists. A Murli point right about now wouldn't go down too badly, would it :oops: arjun Bhai?

While we wait we can observe that The BKWSO has filed a New Trademark Application.

If this application is precursor to another domain name dispute, could it be likened to an Stragety/Act of War? Sort of like, engaging one's enemy, whose resources are lesser than yours, in a series of small skirmishes that do not cost enemy combatant live's but make his survival a nightmare? And if the application has nothing to do with this site everything is still going to be alright.


PostPosted: 26 Nov 2007
by bro neo
arjun wrote:Good luck :D

Luck is one thing I have no use for when it comes to smashing anything you wanna say... so just say something PBK and watch the fun begin.

Dear Tete,

I like your avatar 8), so i will be nice to you, but in regards to "we all have to get along..", we don't. We are going through a phase of sorting the true lovers of truth from those who like living in delusion. I am ready to die for what is real and true, and for freedom and peace for myself and others ... anyone else here care to make this claim ...

Friends and family of BKs, and PBKs who are in disagreement with what I say. Bite me.

The webmaster and people who run this site have full ability to re write what I say and may put my words in what ever section they chose. I have spoken to them and they know sometimes I spend days and hours at a time thinking about concepts and how to express them most accurately (and as we had our disagreements in the past I have respected how our relationship has matured all in good dignity). My position here on this forum is not to speak for others, but to speak to and with others about the truth as I see it and as others help me see it.

I am glad so many disagree with me but all of what has been said so far is weak and holds no water in changing the fact that the BKWSU is run by the SS.

The SS spend day and night terrorizing innocent and ignorant individuals, groups of people and even entire nations with the threat that the world will end and world war 3 will happen tomorrow unless every one starts working for the BKs, giving all their money and human rights to the BKs, and do exactly as the BKs say.

Has BKWSU been covertly taken over by terrorists?

PostPosted: 26 Nov 2007
by admin
Based on the feedback, the topic has been moved to the ex-BK forum and adjusted to a question.
No, I don't believe that The BKWSU has been covertly taken over by terrorists.


The forum categories are intended for guidance only and not set in stone but please try to be disciplined as to where you post what according to interest.

This is a "discussion" forum. It is open to all. And so please "discuss", avoiding wars or using Knowledge and Murli points as sticks to beat each other with. Be appreciative of cultural differences but do not feel inhibited by them. If you have to have conflicts, at least make them entertaining for others.

PostPosted: 27 Nov 2007
by bro neo
:roll: Woh, The Game ...

PostPosted: 27 Nov 2007
by button slammer
I have to agree with the views of Neo here. The use of the 'terrorist' word should not be shied away from. To face evil is not for the faint hearted. Neo has made a significant point in that we have all realized in many ways, and from many experiences that the 'Truth' has been hi-jacked and diverted, given a new name, new faces.

There is no need to get upset by the terror word . Baba/Virendra Dev Dixit uses even harsher language in clarification Murlis. In fact, using the term 'terrorists' is too good a name for what they do in the name of 'truth'. My own opinion is that a more subtle and subversive element is at play at the heart of the BKWSU.

I am more inclined to use terms like Satanists and devil worshipers. I see the BKWSU as a multi-headed monster, something the hero's and heroine's of our times must face in the depths of hell. I think Neo is onto something here. There is no need of superficial pleasantries , we know the score.

The Rebel Alliance continues to regroup and reform. Intrepid warriors, diplomats, outlaws, the movers and the shakers, prepare to face the Death Star ...

BKWSU has already just shot itself in the foot r.e (domain name issues). Their own lumbering stupidity/vanity will be their own undoing.

A lone fighter breaks formation, the ships pilot executes a daring flight plan. With incredible speed and inspired judgement, the pilot weaves a bold trajectory beneath the Death Stars defenses. Rejecting the ships flight computer system, our brave pilot trusts to intuition and heart, she feels the target from within, deadly warheads released, impeccably seek their target at light speeds.

Unerringly they find their mark, a flaw in the design, a chink in the great beast's armour is exposed. The impossible happens. The mighty titanic structure, assaulted and exposed by a rag-tag army, pierced to the heart, and is destroyed in a cataclysmic fireball that is felt throughout the galaxy ...
Memorials are everywhere.

'The arrows of Ram are no less'

PostPosted: 27 Nov 2007
by arjun
Dear Admin.,
Thanks for shifting this thread to the ex-BKs section. If most members agree to keep this thread with the present topic, I have no objection to it. It was only my suggestion to change the topic without any compulsion.

Sister Tete, thanks for the support.
bro neo wrote:You can do as you please arjun, but if you want to test my opinion I will tear your theories to oblivion without mercy. I have am not a pathetic BK anymore and I will stand up for what I say ... Luck is one thing I have no use for when it comes to smashing anything you wanna say ... so just say something PBK and watch the fun begin ...

Dear Brother, I or any other BK/PBK member of this forum has not become a member to fight a Mahabharata war with ex-BKs. We are here to exchange views peacefully and lovingly.
bro neo wrote:The SS spend day and night terrorizing innocent and ignorant individuals, groups of people and even entire nations with the threat that the world will end and world war 3 will happen tomorrow unless every one starts working for the BKs, giving all their money and human rights to the BKs, and do exactly as the BKs say.

You may be true to a considerable extent. That is why even during the times of Brahma Baba, ShivBaba had this to say through him:

(quoted from the BK section)

"Sweet children know that inundation takes place everywhere. India alone remains. For example, flood occurs, and then it also recedes, does it not? People even say – the BKs keep talking about death the whole day. Death is going to come. So, they feel that these people (i.e. BKs) speak unholy words. Tell them – No. We do not talk about destruction. We say that the religion of purity, prosperity, peace is getting established. If destruction does not take place, then how will peace be established? The establishment of the abode of peace and the abode of prosperity is taking place in an incognito form. We speak holy words. Even you say that – O purifier of the sinful ones! Come. Purify us and take us with you. You yourself say that take us with you, don’t you say? We too speak holy words, you also speak holy words. You say that – purify us and take us from this world of abode of sorrows to the abode of peace. These words spoken by you are holy, aren’t they? You say (to God) – Come. It means that destroy the sinful ones; establish the pure (world). You seek – Come and establish peace in the world - don’t you? Peace exists only in the Golden Age. So, peace is getting established in the world in an incognito form. Until you do not explain the meaning, they cannot understand." (Revised Sakar Murli dated 20.09.07, pg 2 published by BKs in Hindi, narrated by ShivBaba through Brahma Baba; translated by a PBK; the words within brackets in the English version have been added by the translator to clarify the meaning)


Has BKWSU been covertly taken over by terrorists?

PostPosted: 27 Nov 2007
by abrahma kumar
Admin, thank you. Thanks Arjun Bhai ; & Thanks too to bottom slammer for his guiding light of a post. And yes, Wah! Whata Wonderful gathering of Brahmins ... every single one priceless.


Re: Has BKWSU been covertly taken over by terrorists?

PostPosted: 27 Nov 2007
by john
bro neo wrote:terrorist noun; a person who tries to frighten people or governments into doing what he/she wants by using or threatening violence. Example: The naive minds of people searching for enlightenment were hijacked by terrorists (the ss); (also adjective) terrorist activities

I agree they do use the Destruction stick a lot more than is to my liking.

Where any kind of tag like 'terrorist' falls down is that they aren't threatening the violence themselves, yet having the dual selling points of "Finding God" and "Destruction" is a strong potion.
Luck is one thing I have no use for when it comes to smashing anything you wanna say... so just say something PBK and watch the fun begin.

Most, if not all belief systems can be smashed down because in it's nature is belief.

Belief that what the being or person is saying is part and parcel of the system, where it falls down is with inconsistencies within it's own structure and scriptures, the thing that seems to create a lot of doubts or initial doubts is failed predictions, both BKs and PBKs could be said to have given failed predictions, but who gave the predictions?

PostPosted: 27 Nov 2007
by abrahma kumar
john wrote:Where any kind of tag like 'terrorist' falls down is that they aren't threatening the violence themselves, yet having the dual selling points of "Finding God" and "destruction" is a strong potion...

Agreed. Would it be crazy to wonder just how far down it is that this "tag" falls? Does it fall completely out of sight?
john wrote:...Belief that what the being or person is saying is part and parcel of the system, where it falls down is with inconsistencies within it's own structure and scriptures, the thing that seems to create a lot of doubts or initial doubts is failed predictions, both BKs and PBKs could be said to have given failed predictions, but who gave the predictions?

Is it highly unlikely that some human felt "violated" as a consequence of these 'failed predictions' etc etc?