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Your topic has been merged.

PostPosted: 26 Nov 2007
by admin

The forum categories are intended for guidance only and not set in stone but please try to be disciplined as to where you post what according to interest.

This is a "discussion" forum. It is open to all. And so please "discuss", avoiding wars or using Knowledge and Murli points as sticks to beat each other with. Be appreciative of cultural differences but do not feel inhibited by them. If you have to have conflicts, at least make them entertaining for others.

PostPosted: 27 Nov 2007
by bro neo
My sincere apologies Admin if I have offended you or have brought harm to this forum in anyway. Just let me know if there is anything you wish me to amend and I will do so as I respect your role here, think you're doing an excellent job and only wish to be as co-operative as possible with you and this forum.

In regards to arjun, he started it , and I think your right about being entertaining, if he wants to open his big mouth again about what I write I should probably start talking about his mom.

Best regards, your bro 8)

The Murli, all of it, past and present are just words spoken by delusional people, with some form of psychotic dementia, claiming they are God in order to control people and build an empire of devotees around themselves.

Brothers who are always quoting Murli points, even after the BKs have excommunicated them, probably still live and feed off their parents because they are too irresponsible to go out and get decent jobs and make families of their own.

Should I continue arjun?

PostPosted: 27 Nov 2007
by arjun
Bro neo,

Hello. You may continue until as long as it gives you happiness and satisfaction :) .

By the way, I have a job as well as a family. You are a part of it and that is the reason I come here to meet you on the net. :wink:
First, I would like to say arjun is a failure. He probably hangs around here pretending to know everything about everything cause the BKs won't let him go to morning class and threatens him with a stick every time he tries to join in with their parties.

These of course are just assumptions of mine so, if Mr. A cares to give his story I can recall what I said and say something different.

Dear Brother,

Hello. I accept your judgement of myself with respect. But I never said I know everything. I have learnt a lot from the fellow members here and hope to learn many more things from you. :D

Since you have not read all my posts, I would like to intimate you that I have already written several times on this forum in the past that ever since I left BKs on my own I have never looked back. Although it is almost 12 years since I last attended a BK class, even today I have good relationships with many BK teachers and some of them have even invited me to the daily classes despite knowing that I am a PBK. But I respectfully declined their invitation due to lack of time.

When I was on vacation to my hometown recently, I met a BK teacher at her lokik home where some of her family members are PBKs and we discussed so many things about the good old BK days. She gave me updates of all the BKs about whom I enquired, few of whom are in US now holding important positions in BKWSO there (one is incharge of a church turned center and another takes care of the BK accounts).
bro neo wrote:In regards to arjun, he started it , and I think your right about being entertaining, if he wants to open his big mouth again about what I write I should probably start talking about his mom.

You can, if it pleases you. :D By the way, I have many Moms and all of them love me. :wink: Which Mom do you want to talk about? Anyways, before you talk about my mom, convey my best regards to your Mom. :) Even God gives the highest respect to Moms. That is why He says 'Vande Mataram' (I bow to you, O Mother!) :P.

With regards,
On Godly Service,

The Intruders: I'll always Love My Momma

PostPosted: 27 Nov 2007
by abrahma kumar

PostPosted: 27 Nov 2007
by arjun
Dear abek,

Thanks for providing that link. Normally I don't get to view the links due to lack of time, but when I went through the poem available on the link, I was reminded of my mother, who also used to toil a lot during our childhood days. Even now, even after crossing the age of 60 she still works a lot, but since we have grown up to share her work, her burden has reduced to a considerable extent. I feel that however long a child may serve his mother after growing up, he can never repay the debt of service received from the mother (and Father).


PostPosted: 27 Nov 2007
by john
bro neo wrote:All of you can be Ascended Masters too. Join me in the light before time is up

'Before time is up' means?
bansy wrote: In a movie the drama is fixed.

I believe that is the main point of saying it is like a movie because it is 'fixed'. For the drama to repeat endlessly every 5,000 years it has to be 'fixed' and identical, otherwise it couldn't be a 5,000 year repeating drama, any variation would throw it off.
This is one point where I never could really understand why Murlis would mention about movies, especially talking or silent movies,

This point is used to describe the differences between the corporeal world and the Subtle Region, the Subtle Region is supposed to be like a silent movie, action, but no sound. Though I've not experienced it myself, so cannot verify it.

subdued action

PostPosted: 27 Nov 2007
by sparkal
Previous post - The Subtle Region is supposed to be like a silent movie, action, but no sound.

I don't see much action going on in the corporeal world to be honest. Not the kind I am looking for at least. I wonder if everything in the Subtle Region is designed to subdue people also?

PostPosted: 28 Nov 2007
by Mr Green
Only love and trying not to be a nasty is really any use.

PostPosted: 28 Nov 2007
by bro neo
IMO, the Subtle Regions are only as real as people believe in them; a place within the collective mind of humanity and doesn't exists in and of it self. It's as real as wonderland; rabbit, queen, invisible cat and all. At best, the Subtle Regions is just a fraction of the Astral plane or an abstract dimension as such.

in·spi·ra·tion – noun
    1. an inspiring or animating action or influence: I cannot write poetry without inspiration.
    2. something inspired, as an idea.
    3. a result of inspired activity.
    4. a thing or person that inspires.
    5. Theology. a. a divine influence directly and immediately exerted upon the mind or soul.
    b. the divine quality of the writings or words of a person so influenced.
    6. the drawing of air into the lungs; inhalation.
    7. the act of inspiring; quality or state of being inspired.
“Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.” - Mark Twain

“Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.” - Albert Einstein (1875-1955), theoretical physicist, philosopher

PostPosted: 28 Nov 2007
by bro neo
My whole life has been, to say the least, a non stop roller coaster ride of extremes. The last few months have been no exception. In the mornings, when I wake from sleep, I usually ponder the message my subconscious has conversed to me via dreams the night before. Sometime the most amazing thoughts and concepts just come to mind as I go about my morning routine activities. I live a very meditative and introspective life (when I am not out partying) and I would like to share some of my experiences with inspiration.

One theoretical concept of reality, which has been rolling around my mind, involves interpreting the world around us via a language not based on normal human language but rather on symbolic or moral interpretation of how energy and information is organize within a given framework of time. This form of interpretation is relative to what may be going on in our personal life at that particular moment. Depending on the degree of which we are aware of the energy and the way it is organize we thus realize profound insights of deep significance.

In particular this mode of interpreting, organised reality states that in some way there are forces beyond our comprehension at work guiding us, pushing us and helping us to progress in spiritual, mental, and emotional maturity. The guardian angels, gods, force, destiny, synchronicity, what every you wanna call it seems to be moving us in a direction with an unknown destination.

This theory means that we are indeed multidimensional beings transversing through an X number of dimensions at once. Through the power of our minds and hearts their is the potential for miracles.
john wrote:'Before time is up' means?

It is not a riddle, it means what it says. If you still don't understand maybe you need to rephrase your question.


I used to be a hardcore BK teacher, I am hardcore what ever I do. If you disagree with any of what I say I am very happy for you to share with me you perspective on it because my love for life is to know, flow and grow.

So, by all means, please be honest and share what you think in a clear, direct, and civilized way. I will respect you, and maybe some day we might even sit down and have a coffee together. But I take disrespect very seriously and have no patience for it. Especially from people I don't know. So if you want to criticise what I say or disrespect me ... I will not play nice. As always, I am more than delighted to learn from others BKs, PBKs or what ever. I don't talk directly to BKs anymore because, personally, I have chosen my path, their company bores me and gives me displeasure.

"Men should be either treated generously or destroyed, because they take revenge for slight injuries - for heavy ones they cannot." - Niccolo Machiavelli

PostPosted: 28 Nov 2007
by john
john wrote:'Before time is up' means?
bro neo wrote:It is not a riddle, it means what it says. If you still don't understand maybe you need to rephrase your question.
I see.

Well I think you know what I mean, if you're not interested to answer so be it, but I find it maybe goes against things you are saying in other threads. I am frankly tired of chasing around for straight answers.

PostPosted: 29 Nov 2007
by bro neo
I apologise if I am pissing you off john, it is certainly not my intention. I just mean sometimes the question is more important then the answer. For me to be very precise in what I mean, takes me time to formulate a sufficient answer for you to comprehend (and my personal life is filled with many responsibilities that take up a lot of my time). We all interpret words differently and I have only chatted with u on a few occasions so for me to understand how you understand and interpret language is ... well OK anyways, I have a habit of making things far to complex so let me begin.

We are all here on in this world in our bodies for a limited amount of time. Within the allocated amount of time we have many opportunities to express and experience different things. What we do. IMO, is up to our own free will, that is the beautiful, miracle and horror of being born on earth. We are not born with a bible on how to live life, nor do we intuitively - instinctively know how to be successful humans.

Some animals seem to just know who they are and how to be, such as birds. They are born, their parents care for them to a designated age and then they naturally know how to feed, fly, mate, build a home, join flocks and fly south in the winter. Humans don't have this natural ability prevalently dominate within our conscious or subconscious mind and behavior. Our instincts sometimes can be our worst enemy.

In retrospect to ascension and being a master, for me this seems to be a pinnacle of spiritual development. If we look at the different life forms on this planet, humans seem to be the ones whose most sacred mission in life is to first strive for survival, meet the needs of our roles and responsibilities and then search for the truth of what is and what is not. In other words the ultimate goal of humanity is to understand the divine and to become a part of it.

Most of us don't know how much time we have before we die and leave our bodies forever. After death what happens, to say the least is questionable, so what we do with the time we have here on this planet in our present life is of utmost importance. People die every day, but to be able to grasp the 2 concepts of living forever and also to die in 12 hours within the same same space in time is difficult.

I have recently gone through some seriously fiery spiritual experiences that have awakened my awareness and experience of life to things I have never known. I, by no means understand everything, nor do I claim to know anything, I can only tell my truth as honestly as I experience it.

My truth, from me to you john, is that I have a feeling you are someone great with a potential to achieve a level of awareness that is ... well that of a master who has ascended through the great fog of human delusion. I hope this answer satisfies you, if not ... well ... I wish only the best for you and all those on the path of love and light.

PostPosted: 29 Nov 2007
by arjun
I used to be a hard core BK teacher, I am hard core what ever I do. If you disagree with any of what I say I am very happy for you to share with me you perspective on it because my love for life is to know, flow and grow. So by all means, please, be honest and share what you think in a clear, direct, and civilized way and I will respect you and maybe some day we might even sit down and have a coffee together. But I take disrespect very seriously and have no patience for it especially from people I don't know, so if you want to criticise what I say or disrespect me ... I will not play nice.

Dear Brother,

Hello. I don't know in what way I have been uncivilized or disrespectful to you. As far as I remember I just requested you to reconsider changing the subject/topic of a thread. I did not ask you to close the thread. In fact I have quoted a Murli point which supports your view about the BKs talking about destruction all the time.

When you did not agree to my proposal I requested the Admin to shift it. If, in doing so, I have been critical, uncivilized or disrespectful to you, I am sorry and I hope that should end the matter.

I will surely look forward to have a cup of coffee with you :D , provided ex-l permits me to drink coffee :lol: (he had mentioned about the ill effects :evil: of drinking coffee somewhere).


PostPosted: 29 Nov 2007
by bro neo
Water under the bridge arjun,


PostPosted: 29 Nov 2007
by paulkershaw
Here we go, a gap to say something at last ...
    Ascended Master - a being who has become Self-Realized and serves humanity; a being who has raised his/her vibration to a sustained frequency of light. He/she can come and go at will from the earth plane without the Birth//Death cycle.

    Self-Realization - the awareness of our complete and indivisible union with God, which we are. This also means that the ego-self has come to know itself so clearly, so lovingly, so wisely that it is no longer run by the Shadow.

    When one is in the Illumined State or Self-Realized, there ceases to be any more inner or outer drama. The personal ego-self has surrendered fully and willingly into the loving embrace of the Soul.
And onwards we can now go ... :D.