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PostPosted: 08 Nov 2007
by bkti-pit
ex-l wrote:Is BapDada involved and does he care?

I wonder too.

I have seen many incidents where good, sensible people become upset and frustrated because of something, obviously totally wrong, not being addressed by Seniors even after it had been brought to their attention several times. And not only do they not seem to do anything to address the situation but often they seem to be supporting it. One wonders why is BapDada not saying something? Is it just that he is so detached? And what does he want us to do? Keep supporting a corrupt system?

I have noticed that each time BapDada comes, he has a private talk with Ramesh Bhai (mike taken away). I wonder what they are talking about?

When I started to get involved in service (around 1988), we were told by our zone-in-charge that it was OK to make a 5 or 10 percent profit on the sale of literature and tapes and that that money could be used to cover the cost of printing the next batch. Why is it that we can now make 800% profit on this stuff?

I met an Australian Brother during my last visit to Madhuban who told me that they created this separate business in Australia to sell books and CDs because they can thus make huge profits in full legality and they donate the profits back to the BKWSU as a tax deductible donation. It may be a good yukti from a business stand point but is it ethical and is it according to Shrimat?

PostPosted: 08 Nov 2007
by bkti-pit
And do we know what they do with all the donations in cash?

In the country I come from the tax people are only interested in the money for which the charity has issued official receipts for tax deduction purpose. All the cash deposited in Baba's Box or otherwise donated without request for a donation receipt can easily be deposited in a separate bank account and never be disclosed.

PostPosted: 08 Nov 2007
by ex-l
It would be possible to stand up in a court, swear an oath, and witness that if you gave a cash donation in Madhuban, you would be given a receipt for more than you gave.

Perhaps the system has stopped now ...

PostPosted: 08 Nov 2007
by bansy
bkti-pit wrote:I have noticed that each time BapDada comes, he has a private talk with Ramesh Bhai (mike taken away). I wonder what they are talking about?

Yes, well noticed. At the end of BapDada meetings, after each service region, the double foreigners and service wings are praised, and the occasional Dadi is praised, the BKs sitting at the front are then invited up on stage to sit around BapDada.

There is a lot of commotion around as chairs are pulled up for the Dadis to sit on, with the translator not knowing what is going on. So we all simply become detached observers whilst sitting in front of BapDada! Why is the mike taken away?

Instead, there are helpers dishing out tolis in the audience further distracting what is happening on stage. Music is blasted about in the background. You get one of the senior Sisters (usually Shashibhen) making announcements. No-one needs the toli at the time, you should be already well nourished by the end of the meeting. So now, with these big screens, you watch the events on the stage as if the movie had changed from audible to silent mode.

I wonder how many people in the audience really wonder what is going on during this time.

PostPosted: 08 Nov 2007
by ex-l
Ramesh is the accountant and the one that set up the initial World Renewal Spiritual Trust.

dead energy

PostPosted: 10 Nov 2007
by sparkal
Money is not spiritual. It IS energy, we CAN transform it into other things, worthwhile things even. But that is not to say that money itself is worthwhile. When I look at the world, I can see where the majority are denied money in order to get them chasing it. People spend their lives chasing this none spiritual commodity, which may be the idea.

If souls are chasing money, then they have no time for chasing spiritual truths/energy. In other words, they have no time to chase that which can empower them. The importance of money in our lives may therefore be a means to subdue people. Like many aspects of our world, they pull souls away from being a soul, that which can empower them.

Simply deny people money, restrict its circulation, and money becomes important.

A mundane, sorry, yet another mundane aspect of the world is then fed and is given supreme importance, and there is always the stupid ones who become possessed and hooked on it, who then justify its existence as being of supreme importance.

It sounds more like animal behaviour to me. Where is the humility, the love, the compassion? It just all seems very out-dated and, well, dead energy, which is what it is. We cannot buy God's love, a future in the new world, access to the true self etc with money, so it is not important. Very not important.

What IS important is glimpsing the true self, then making it real. Feeding it rather than our wallets, ego's or whatever. Of course, some have family's to feed, and it all becomes more tricky and practical.

Children will grow up in an ever changing world whatever now. It may as well be one which is changing for the better and not the worse by feeding the ugly capitalist system and making it fatter.