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Data bank

PostPosted: 19 Oct 2007
by alladin
Hi. Apologies if I sound impertinent, but how can you be so sure about how our account gets created, accumulated and spent? In one life or 1000 years? How do you know? Do you have access to the Central Global Karmic Bank data? :roll: :wink:

Re: Data bank

PostPosted: 19 Oct 2007
by bkdimok
alladin wrote:Hi. Apologies if I sound impertinent, but how can you be so sure about how our account gets created, accumulated and spent? In one life or 1000 years? How do you know? Do you have access to the Central Global Karmic Bank data? :roll: :wink:

Om Shanti. I just have some information from Gyan and other sources and also intellect with logic function. Karma law: as much sufferings you create - so much sufferings you receive; as much good actions you perform - so much good things you receive.

Imagine that you killed somebody. If you won't receive sufferings for that you won't stop killing. You will do it from life to life (sanskar). And what kind of sufferings you must get after 20 lifes (for example) to close this account? As for knowledge, Shankar is called full of knowledge. According to that this brain contains a lot of information for the aims of that role.

With regards, Shankar

PostPosted: 19 Oct 2007
by arjun
alladin wrote:Hi. Apologies if I sound impertinent, but how can you be so sure about how our account gets created, accumulated and spent? In one life or 1000 years? How do you know? Do you have access to the Central Global Karmic Bank data?

Dear alladin,

Omshanti. I think I became a member of this forum before you. :) So, ever since I/you replied to each other's posts our karmic account began (at least in this birth) :D , the karmic account started getting accumulated when you thought positively or negatively about my posts ( :P + :evil: ). And if everything goes well, I will spend the account after 2036 :arrow: :wink:

Hoping for a positive karmic account from this post, :lol:

PostPosted: 19 Oct 2007
by bansy
The subject of karma goes on. Again.
    What is the ROOT of karma ?
If everything is perfect in the beginning because everything and everyone and lions and deers were perfect in the beginning of The Cycle, how can anything such as karma exist ?

So OK, karma, whether negative or positive, comes as a result of thoughts being formed as we go round The Cycle and down The Ladder. So if negative thought comes, it means that these thoughts have to have been latent in the souls since the beginning of The Cycle, i.e. souls had become perfect in the previous Confluence Age but they have a bunch of negative karma which ultimately surface. It is not a Law of Karma, it is a law of Nature for this to happen.

So "Yoga" is simply putting all these inherent negative bits as deep and embedded as possible into the soul so that all the positive bits are floating at the top. Because the greatest souls also suffer the most downfall, it means that the greatest souls at the start of the Golden Age have the greatest internal power that is able to supress the strongest negative forces from within them. However, eventually these vices seep through the cracks in the soul over time.

Those who have to go through the full 5,000 years may have the strongest virtues on the surface as well as with the worst vices at the core. Negative karma can never be eliminated. Positive karma can never be gained. You have your fixed quota of positive and negative karma which is inherent in each soul. All the application of the Law of Karma does is to adjust the view. That view will change with each birth. It is a poisioned apple with a shiny red skin.

There is no choice to try to eliminate negative karma. It is in your own soul bank, all the Yoga you are doing now is simply putting the negative stuff at the corner of the vault and bringing out the nicer things to the forefront. So you now need to do more positive actions in order to have that soul power to suppress the negative forces. However, you can never remove those negative forces, as they also belong in your birthright. It sucks all right, but who asked you to try to be a child of God in the first place ? Well, you had no choice. As it is only a view as at this point in time in your cycle.

If a non-brahmin birth (of the soul) is only 1, and to be happen to be born in a rich family, even though it is the one birth within Kaliyug, would this make that guy a luckier soul than the "Brahmin" who has to be born 84 times where 21 of them were great but 63 of them were poor ones? (Rich as in rich in health and wealth).

Episode 7 : May the karma force be with you :P.

PostPosted: 19 Oct 2007
by bkdimok
bansy wrote:1. If everything is perfect in the beginning because everything and everyone and lions and deers were perfect in the beginning of The Cycle, how can anything such as karma exist ?

2. If a non-Brahmin birth (of the soul) is only 1, and to be happen to be born in a rich family, even though it is the one birth within Kaliyug, would this make that guy a luckier soul than the "Brahmin" who has to be born 84 times where 21 of them were great but 63 of them were poor ones? (Rich as in rich in health and wealth).

Om Shanti.

1. There is no vikarma or sukarma in the first two yugas. There is only akarma. We only slowly spend our soul energy.

2. If a soul has to be born only one time in The Cycle. She will experience all four stages (sato pradhan, sato, rajo and tamo) during this one life. Brahmin soul will experience much less sufferings during 63 births than ordinary soul.

With regards, Shankar

PostPosted: 19 Oct 2007
by bansy

Re: Data bank

PostPosted: 19 Oct 2007
by john
bkdimok wrote: According to that this brain contains a lot of information for the aims of that role.

Do you really think so? Somehow I have my doubts 8).

PostPosted: 20 Oct 2007
by zhuk
bkdimok wrote:I don't have any expectations. I am just watching this entertaining movie. It is as it is, it was as it was and it will be as it will be. When you are being raped, the first advice of psychologists is to relax and enjoy. It was hard, but I managed and now it is entertaining TV show for me.

"relax and enjoy"??? WTF? :!: Uh, what twisted **** told you that lil 'gem' of advice?? :shock: :evil: :roll: .

If it really was a psychologist they need to be deregistered asap. Sick.

Re: Data bank

PostPosted: 20 Oct 2007
by bkdimok
john wrote:Do you really think so? Somehow I have my doubts

You will have chance to solve them.

Re: Data bank

PostPosted: 20 Oct 2007
by john
bkdimok wrote:
john wrote:Do you really think so? Somehow I have my doubts

You will have chance to solve them.

If you really do know anything you will know about the past, Shiva is the seer of the 3 aspects of time.
Anyone with a bit of imagination can make predictions for the future and come up with a new fangled interpretation of knowledge, but how many wannabe shivas or chariots of Shiva can actually tell us accurately what has gone before in the Yagya history?
To me that is a true test...any takers???????

Which reminds me, has anyone seen the Uri Gellar footage, where he is on a TV show to do some supernatural tricks?
What happens is before the show, the programme makers consult a specialist in this kind of trick/fraud, someone like James Randi, who advices them to only let Uri Gellar use items that they provide.
The result.... Uri becomes agitated, hot under the collar and refuses to do the tests!

PostPosted: 20 Oct 2007
by andrey
Dear Brother BK dimok,

In the Murli it is said that through rememberance of the Father our sins are absolved, but you say that whatever we do we have to suffer, there is no chance of absolving. Which one is correct? Do you believe in the Murli? Why do you give different knowledge?

It is also said that if we make a mistake (sin) if we admint in front of the Father we have it half forgiven and for the rest we have to make effort of yaddh. The aim is to avoid punishment, is not it? It is a hopeless case you depict. Whatever we have done, nomatter we may have done wrong we desire mercy. Is it also true that if we admit we have the half cut? Then who is the one in front of whom we have to admit? If Shiv plays part through you, will we get the half cut if we admit in front of you?

You also say that one gets punishment for not achieving the no 1 post. Will one get punishment if one has achived the no 1 post and another one says- "no, he has not achived no 1 post, because i have achieved the no 1 post." Means like denying. Is one to get punishment for it?

Re: Data bank

PostPosted: 20 Oct 2007
by bkdimok
john wrote:If you really do know anything you will know about the past, Shiva is the seer of the 3 aspects of time. Anyone with a bit of imagination can make predictions for the future and come up with a new fangled interpretation of knowledge, but how many wannabe shivas or chariots of Shiva can actually tell us accurately what has gone before in the Yagya history?
To me that is a true test ... any takers???

Om Shanti. The point is that I personaly not interested in anything except becoming a detached observer. Why this post is posted? I guess He needs this for something. For me it doesn't matter what is true test for you. When Yagya started nobody asked proofs from Him.

All I know is that you can recognize the Father through His words, but not after any proofs from His side. There is no history of the Yagya in this brain. If He will need to say to you something about Yagya's past, He will find a way to put this information into this brain.

So you have two variants: a) imagine that He is talking through that body here indeed, and try to understand what He is talking about, b) Wait for proofs, trying to change this world by yourself. The main problem is ego and pride. So you can do whatever you prefer. But it is chance to achieve high status.

PS As for me (If I was a God) I won't spend so much time here, but I am not a God and you are not my children.

With regards, Shankar

PostPosted: 20 Oct 2007
by bkdimok
andrey wrote:1.In the Murli it is said that through rememberance of the Father our sins are absolved, but you say that whatever we do we have to suffer, there is no chance of absolving. Which one is correct? Do you believe in the Murli? Why do you give different knowledge?

2.It is also said that if we make a mistake (sin) if we admint in front of the Father we have it half forgiven and for the rest we have to make effort of yaddh. The aim is to avoid punishment, is not it? It is a hopeless case you depict. Whatever we have done, nomatter we may have done wrong we desire mercy. Is it also true that if we admit we have the half cut? Then who is the one in front of whom we have to admit? If Shiv plays part through you, will we get the half cut if we admit in front of you?

3.You also say that one gets punishment for not achieving the no 1 post. Will one get punishment if one has achived the no 1 post and another one says- "no, he has not achived no 1 post, because I have achieved the no 1 post." Means like denying. Is one to get punishment for it?

Om Shanti.
1. As I said sufferings to others lead to sufferings to us, it is Law of Karma. All you can absolve is habbit to commit sufferings. Emagine you killed somebody. This life you meet Baba and He forgives you for that. Is it OK? Is it fair? If karma is law then it is law. Baba teaches us how not to kill anybody again (just example).

2. It is some kind of motivation for us to make efforts. When we become Bramin we usually stop to commit huge bad actions. When we admit we have half cut: Baba don't turns from us. He keep helping us if we have humility and we ask for mercy for our mistake. It doesn't matter how you will admit, before that body, before Gulzar's body or in your thoughts. If you admit and ask for help, you will have your half cut - God will keep helping you.

3. Potentially we all have opportunity to achieve 1-st place. Starting conditions (knowledge, Yoga) are equal. But because of different causes (Maya) we achieve different places. It happens because of lack of efforts. It is not like this that I achieved 127 place and somebody couldn't achieve this place. No, if he will make more efforts than me, then I'll become 128.

With best wishes, Shankar

PostPosted: 20 Oct 2007
by john
bkdimok wrote:1. As I said sufferings to others lead to sufferings to us, it is Law of Karma. All you can absolve is habbit to commit sufferings. Emagine you killed somebody. This life you meet Baba and He forgives you for that. Is it OK? Is it fair? If karma is law then it is law. Baba teaches us how not to kill anybody again (just example).

I think you are maybe putting too much of your own interpretation on the ideas put forward in Murlis? Let's go back to basics. Is sin a 'sanskar' or an 'action'?

'Actions' are performed under the influence of a 'sanskar'. I believe sin is an action and sanskars are the habits which influence how we behave in different situations. Sanskars are the possibilities of action, but not the action themselves and therefore not the sin commited.
If sin is an action then it is karma, if somebody has a sanskars but doesn't perform the action then it is not a sin i.e. no action took place.

So when in Murli it says, Sins are absolved, to me that means karma is absolved. As well as this it is advised to make/inculcate divine virtues in oneself, the reasoning being the power of the divine virtue overpowers the vice and this is how sanskars are changed.

PostPosted: 20 Oct 2007
by andrey
But in the Law of Karma what makes sense is the intention or the feeling behind the act. We receive accordingly not to the act, but to the motive we have behind. One kills out of anger, one kills for to protect, according to your law both are killed in return. Is it fair?

That's why Baba teaches about the philosophy of action, what is good, bad, neutral karma. Of course, we also change our behavior and acts but also it is said, that now after we are in The Knowledge, if we commit sin it becomes 100 times more and charity is 100 times more. It is not the act that is important, but The Knowledge behind it. For receiving help there is a condition of courage and not of asking. He has said that if the child is courageous i help.

The matter regarding the posts is when posts are fixed already. They will be fixed at some point. Will they be fixed for all at one point? They are not fixed by some external way but we for ourself understand about ourself about our post (past births role) (through effort, stage, behaviour, words) and others understand about us. So, if a post is fixed already and you deny will this result in something ... and what? Will there be difference if you deny or make effort for the number one post or fight for the 128th one? Baba has given the example that if you slap a man on the street sentence is less than if you slap a judge in the high court. That's why to kill yourself is greatest crime because you are the one who is the closest to yourself, like one will be getting more punishment if he kills a sranger or his own mother or Father etc.

Today i was looking a discussion and a mother was sharing about some shortcoming and Baba said is there someone (from you relatives, close ones, etc) who is pointing finger at you about this shortcoming. No she said. Then why do you point a finger to yourself he said.

Another example is that a child is making trouble and parents say, "I'll finish you", but the intention is to reform it. There are feelings of benvolence and not intention to kill.