The Philosophy of Truth

for ex-BKs to discuss matters related to experiences in BKWSU & after leaving.
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Post25 Sep 2007

Neo said "jannisder's posts just make me feel ... good".

Thanks dear ... It seems that you got the clear picture, it is how systems work ... how sects and cults work ... They take advantage of you in your most vulnerable moment.

You had your near death experience and so had many others. No matter what religion they believed, they saw God or Jesus, or whatever ... It is the brain that is doing a fantastic job, scientist do not even want to explain it, but do you imagine what your brain can do???

It made you believe in a God made up by BKWSU ... did not it? Meditation is a good thing for all. Complete relaxation for the body and, oh boy, do we need it ... But were do you want to think about??? I could start a new cult and tell you that God is a pink elephant ...

Where do you focus on??? It really is up to YOU
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Post27 Sep 2007

Hey Jann!
I am not so sure about the Pink Elephant Party (PEP for short) - the other name for a cute elephant is Dumbo so go carefully OK???

But if you do decide to go ahead and form PEP, then I thought to give you your own mantra/song to go with your new logo which I've shown hereunder: Its almost the same as the Hindi God Ganesh but with a more colourful Westernised touch ... Can we tattoo this on every PEP members butt? - for ID purposes?
Heres the morning mantra for all the PEP Corporation members (are we allowed to have members or will you call us a 'family'??).
Look out! Look out!
Pink elephants on parade
Here they come!
Hippety hoppety
They're here and there
Pink elephants ev'rywhere
Look out! Look out!
They're walking around the bed
On their head
Clippety cloppety
Arrayed in braid
Pink elephants on parade
What'll I do? What'll I do?
What an unusual view!
I could stand the sight of worms
And look at microscopic germs
But technicolor pachyderms
Is really much for me
I am not the type to faint
When things are odd or things are quaint
But seeing things you know that ain't
Can certainly give you an awful fright!
What a sight!
Chase 'em away!
Chase 'em away!
I am afraid need your aid
Pink elephants on parade!
Pink elephants!
Pink elephants!


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Post27 Sep 2007

Welcome back landshark ... :lol: Lovely!!

So easy to fall in love with a pink elephant. :lol:
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Post27 Sep 2007

Not one of your deeper posts paul ... have you been at mr green's special brownies again?
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Post27 Sep 2007

Talk about pink ~~~ has anyone got a link to the video where PINK is singing a song about the abuse of power (I heard that she's singing it to the US President???). Thought it may be relevant to this forum ...


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Post27 Sep 2007

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Post27 Sep 2007

ex-l wrote:Not one of your deeper posts paul ... have you been at mr green's special brownies again?

Akshually - I've been thinking to apologise to Jannisder about the Pink Elephant Party proposal and ask her to consider renaming her new Meditative Party "POT" - considering her recent trip to Amsterdam and our continued discussions about Special Brownies.

POT = ???
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Post27 Sep 2007

POT = Party of Transcendentist
    ... or alternatively "****** off Transcendentist".
The topic "Philosophy of Truth" went that way ->


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Post27 Sep 2007

Have you not learned yet?? There is no need for a party, you can all think for yourself now!!! :lol:.

And i hate anything that has to do with a dentist ... :lol:
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abrahma kumar

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Transcendental Itation for pulling teeth

Post27 Sep 2007

Dear paul, ex-l and jannisder, my dentist hums the tune to this golden oldie as he invites me to sit in his chair and transcend while he meditates. A pity he fails the spelling-bee contest in the process.

Is Amsterdam the Kaliyugi depiction of our good ole Paramdham? I think not but as jannisder says, "you can all think for yourself now!!!" :lol: ... So now, back to the Philosophy of Truth.
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Post27 Sep 2007

Hmmn ... Transcendentist = Transcendentalist which should it be?
    je m'accuse!
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abrahma kumar

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Post27 Sep 2007

ex-l wrote:Hmmn ... Transcendentist = Transcendentalist which should it be?

je m'accuse!

... the latter me thinks. But wasn't it more fun without the 'al'? We cant just go ahead and name drop Paul Simon's character without his permission can we? is not one DND enough for us this and every Kalpa?


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Post27 Sep 2007

my dentist hums the tune to this golden oldie as he invites me to sit in his chair and transcend while he meditates.

If you were to project the song and video clip onto the ceiling whilst at the dentist and having a root canal removed, you can probably get into a colorful epileptic trance. Well, Dumbo did see these intoxicating images after he fell into a barrel of water that had liquor spilt in it.

And how many 3 year olds know what a pachyderm is ? (Come to think of it, how many people know what they are) ... Now does this question belong to the "Philosophy of Truth" ... if so, replace the world pachyderm to soul, and replace the number 3 with 0-150. Also if Dumbo could fly then so can I, you just don't need wings but only big ears. :P
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Post02 Oct 2007

Truth is definitely in the eyes of the beholder. To determine a more complete truth, the truth that a beholder sees needs to be discussed and contemplated amongst other beholders of the thing in question. To ever find an absolute truth maybe outside the possibility of human capabilities. There could be angels and demons, elves and leprechauns sitting right next to us right now but because we don’t have the senses and technology to perceive them we will never know.

The truth of what is going on in the BKWSU can never really be absolute. It was created by many people with many different motives. The responsibility was placed on the founder, what his truth was we cannot know. What are the truths of the people who run the organization now, we can only perceive as best as our senses and communication can allow us to determine.

Ultimately, IMO, I think we will each see the BKWSU a bit differently. The big picture of it in contrast to what we know of civilization and other spiritual groups is definitely a way to look at it symbolically. Looking at things symbolically I think is tricky and cannot say that I even am quite sure I know precisely how to interpret empirical information symbolically, but it’s worth giving a shot.

The BKWSU is a group of people who used common beliefs, behaviors, attitudes and rituals to come together and do what people do: make groups. The ultimate abstract information is what is before and after death, why are we here and what is right and wrong: spirituality. The BKs did what people have been doing for 1000s of years; a leader unites a group of people together to form a group by giving them a philosophy and practical method of implementation in order to establish a desirable level of security. The leader and followers then do everything and anything they can and need to do in order to maintain and enable their group to flourish.

Is the spiritual philosophy of the BKs the absolute truth? No. There are too many errors and changes in what was said in the early days of the BKWSU. I see that at best their spiritual philosophy is a symbolic perspective of what is the absolute truth. But I doubt that. I think it is more likely that their spiritual philosophy is just a philosophy based on the interpretations of its leaders and evolves as time goes on, more people and information get into the mix, and new beholders take power as influential heads of the institution.
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Post02 Oct 2007

bro neo wrote:Is the spiritual philosophy of the BKs the absolute truth? No. There are too many errors and changes in what was said in the early days of the BKWSU. I see that at best their spiritual philosophy is a symbolic perspective of what is the absolute truth. But I doubt that. I think it is more likely that their spiritual philosophy is just a philosophy based on the interpretations of its leaders and evolves as time goes on, more people and information get into the mix, and new beholders take power as influential heads of the institution.

With kind permission Neo I'd like to add to your sentence which I've high-lighted above, as it seems that Dada Lekraj and the early leaders seem to have brought in 'interests' from other sources to make up what became the BKWSO, it's philosophy and teachings, which as we all know have been changed time and again.

I feel to add the following words 'and learnings' so the complete sentence could read ... "think it is more likely that their spiritual philosophy is just a philosophy based on the interpretations and learnings of its early leaders and evolves (evolves??? - now thats the big question eh?????) as time goes on, more people and information get into the mix, and new beholders take power as influential heads of the institution.

The more I read (and learn) of other spiritual practices available in this world, the more I can see what the BKWSU teachings are supposed to be but never got there, perhaps due to lack of understanding on the part of the original teachers?

I s'pose we'd really only see huge change and power struggles once all the maintream Seniors have left this earth and considering their advanced ages, it surely cannot be too long before the big fight begins. Maybe this is part of what BK style Destruction refers to?

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