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PostPosted: 18 Aug 2007
by ex-l
BKdimok wrote:I started to play this role in oder to clean up all this dirty, which appeared in the Yagja.

Best of luck. Sincerely.

PostPosted: 18 Aug 2007
by andrey
Dear Brother BKDimok,

You should know one piece of Shankar already appeared from Russia, here; "I AM Shankar !!".

Could be fertility or mutation due to Chernobyl incident?

However, as if one more Harnakashap has appeared to prove himself God.

Shiva Himself heard abbeyKay's tomtom ;) BKs r dim, OK!

PostPosted: 18 Aug 2007
by abrahma kumar
abrahma Kumar wrote:So Abe, whatsup?! Actually the title of this post says it all. A bit of nonsense comes to mind through which I hear an inner voice chiding me with what sounds like a proverb: Eggs cant expect to go to a rock dance and NOT get broken. I find the members of the Vishnu Party, whom I shall forever more refer to as the Sakar Supreme Father Party, to be the most testing. What to make of them?

A forum buddy of mine, God bless her, has been trying to make me see sense. Abe, she says, there are much more interesting things going on the forum so why do you get caught up with the Vishnu Party topics? The answer is a work in progress, but to an onlooker it must seem as if I derive some perverse satisfaction in taking their beatings. I feel so bashed-up that I hardly have any enthusiasm to tap the keys on the keyboard to compose this post.

God, what is it all about? This year India, together with Pakistan, is celebrating 60 years of independence. But for all the pomp and ceremony and sentimental gushings about the great marvel of Bharat, I am afraid that it leaves me quite cold. if the Vishnu Party is part of the post-independence legacy that India has visited upon the world, then I for one seriously question its spiritual value.

It's true that one bad apple does not spoil the whole bunch, but when those "apples" are in fact souls then I think that G-O-D ought to seriously consider making a definitive appearance down here on earth SOON.

As time goes it seems some of us humans are taking our God delusions to new highs which makes me wonder why we humans uphold so called "religious freedoms" with such rigour. And why do they have some sort of protection from open-minded questioning? This is a plot that stinks of hell to my mind; but all the time they tell us how enlightened they are with their free offerings of ancient wisdom for modern times; or some such oblox. Truth is it makes me wanna upchuck whenever I hear an opinionated human talking about God.

Personally, I may never ever know for certain whether there is a G-O-D but I DO know for certain that there are plenty folk eager to claim OWNERSHIP and knowledge of that mythical figure. Some go as far as to claim that they are G-O-D. What's the purpose?

Surely, I am crazy, certifiably insane when I say that: THERE IS NO GOD, except for the G-O-D that mankind endlessly conjures in his mind. I go now and play some afro-beats on my tomtom. Maybe G-O-D will hear and give me some sign. As for the Sakar Supreme Father Party ... seems like G-O-D could not even advise them on a name that makes sense, so instead they try to obscure things (G-O-D???) by calling themselves the Vishnu Party! Huh! What a load of *******, as my JA acquaintances might say. These are a few of the things that are pulling me away.

and look what happened ...!
BKdimok wrote:Dear soul, Om Shanti. I did not say in the Murlis that the sequence of events I've mentioned above is wrong. I told you through Murlis about one meaning of Trimurti. I establish Heaven through Brahma, then destroy old world through Shankar and then sustain new world through Vishnu (combined form of Lakshmi & Narayan). Vishnu is the symbol. But also Trimurti relates to BKWSU.

I create BK through Brahma Baba (Brahma), sustain them through Dadi Gulzar's body by Brahma Baba's thin body (Vishnu) and now I will destroy all this dirty stuff you are discussing here through this young body of BK Dmitry (Shankar).

Vaikunth is not Heaven, it is the place where you are in your soul form. There is only shanti there. Heaven is caled Vaikunth on Earth. There is no Heaven yet.

Shiv through Shankar
ex-l wrote:My God ... it is God Shiva himself posting on the forum. We don't need to bother asking Sister Jayanti any more. OK. While you are here, would you mind clarifying a few problems we have discovered in the history of the Yagya? How old was Lekhraj Kirpalani when you entered him and why was there no mention of Shiva in the publications until at least after 1949? Are you also working through Veerendra Dev Dixit?

Yes ex-l, God speaks indeed! He heard abeekay's tomtom! Hi BKdimok aka Shiva Himself. Tell us, the BKs r dim OK? They're a bit crazy like you, aint it?

So Shiva, will we meet like this each and every Kalpa, here in cyberspace? Who knows Drama. God, i have been reading your posts and thinking what a crackpot. I recognised you, God, from your posts. They suck. I cant make out what the hell you are talking about. But i guess that without a Chariot to imagine that they are chanelling you, your consciousness and intelligence quotient becomes zero. Zero. Poor thing. Never mind.

PostPosted: 18 Aug 2007
by bansy
Welcome BKdimok.
I personally do not have any trouble with God coming on the forum. The more the merrier. After all, the forum COULD even be the Chariot.

But what's bizarre is does God also need a password to login that needs authentication ? :P

PostPosted: 18 Aug 2007
by john
BKdimok wrote: I don't enter in Veerendra Dev Dixit. I'll meet him this year.

May we quote you on this when it doesn't happen, like your trip to Madhuban? It would be great if you did go though, two Shankars meeting, what will you say to Virendra Dev Dixit?

Could you answer one question which has been puzzling me for a while, which is the correct way to have remembrance/Yoga?

Will you be speaking any Murlis or Vanis in your current incarnation of Shankar (through BKdimok)?

PostPosted: 18 Aug 2007
by bkdimok
bansy wrote:I personally do not have any trouble with God coming on the forum. The more the merrier. After all, the forum COULD even be the Chariot. But what's bizarre is does God also need a password to login that needs authentication ? :P

Dear soul, Om Shanti. Glad to see you again.

Yes, the forum can be an instrument. When I play role in this world I have to act in accordance with order of this world. So I use all these things. This Chariot has all I need for that role. His body is young, knows English, knows technology, knows religions. Also he achieved enough purity of mind to stay in a detached observer stage.

Shiv through Shankar

PostPosted: 18 Aug 2007
by john
BKdimok wrote: Also he achieved enough purity of mind to stay in a detached observer stage.

But surely it says in Murli, in your own words, that you enter the most impure one?

PostPosted: 18 Aug 2007
by bkdimok
john wrote:May we quote you on this when it doesn't happen, like your trip to Madhuban?
It would be great if you did go though, two Shankars meeting, what will you say to Veerendra Dev Dixit? Could you answer one question which has been puzzling me for a while, Which is the correct way to have remembrance/Yoga? Will you be speaking any Murlis or Vanis in your current incarnation of Shankar (throughBKdimok)?

Om Shanti, dear soul. You did not read my post?

I did not say in what year I'll travel to Madhuban. This Chariot also thought that it will be 2006. He was very surprised when we moved to Hare Krishna Temple. As for that meeting, you will see it by your own eyes.

As for remembrance, the most proper and effective remembrance is to remember Me in Paramdham as point of light. But if you want to talk to Me, you can go to the Subtle Region and meet Me through BB. There is no thoughts in Paramdham.

Yes, there will be lectures etc. But first of all I have to change BKWSU.
john wrote:but surely it says in Murli, in your own words that you enter the most impure one?

It is BB. He was the most impure one among deities.

Shiv through Shankar

PostPosted: 18 Aug 2007
by john
BKdimok wrote:As for that meeting, you will see it by your own eyes.
Great, cannot wait.
As for remembrance: the most proper and effective remembrance is to remember Me in Paramdham as point of light. But if you want to talk to Me, you can go to the Subtle Region and meet Me through Brahma Baba. There is no thoughts in Paramdham.

Thank you! I think there will be some correcting to do on this forum, there are a few debates on the correct form of remembrance.
Yes there will be lectures etc.
But first of all I have to change BKWSU.

Oh!, that could take a while though, could you not do that simultaneously and use your lectures to assist your changing of the BKSWU?
There is no thoughts in Paramdham.

Is there any kind of consciousness though? Is Shiva conscious in Paramdham?

PostPosted: 18 Aug 2007
by ex-l

are you going to start a splinter group of good BKs, or are you going to take over the BKWSU?

Who is speaking through Gulzar and are you going to remove them?

PostPosted: 18 Aug 2007
by bkdimok
john wrote: could you not do that simultaneously and use your lectures to assist your changing of the BKSWU? Is there any kind of consciousness though? Is Shiva conscious in Paramdham?

Dear soul, Om Shanti. I won't tell you now how it will be in details. A lot of things are to be done. The most part of the work will be finished untill end of this year (2007).

Consciousness consists of thoughts. I am pure energy. Thoughts are also energy. They are coming from Me when it is nesessery in Drama. It only happens few times in The Cycle. When religions are being established and during Confluence Age.
ex-l wrote:are you going to start a splinter group of good BKs, or are you going to take over the BKWSU? Who is speaking through Gulzar and are you going to remove them?

Om Shanti, dear soul. I am going to reform BKWSU. Also there will a lot of new BKs from Hare Krishna. I speak through Gulzar also. I am not a director or adminsrator. I won't fire anyone. Everybody are My children. Simply some of My children are from Golden Age, some from Silver Age etc.
BKdimok wrote:Om Shanti, John. I said, that will meet you in Madhuban but did not said when. I am part of all spiritual movements. I have the highest aim of all practices. Shiv through Shankar means, that Shiva speaks through His Chariot, Shankar. Questions are most welcome.

I am the highest aim of all practices.
Shiv through Shankar.

PostPosted: 19 Aug 2007
by john
BKdimok wrote:I won't tell you now how it will be in details. A lot of things are to be done. The most part of the work will be finished untill end of this year (2007).

Sounds like you have got a lot to get stuck into. Any chance we can have all the Sakar Murlis to study the complete knowledge in the meantime?

PostPosted: 19 Aug 2007
by joel
BKdimok wrote:I won't tell you now how it will be in details. A lot of things are to be done. The most part of the work will be finished untill end of this year (2007).

I look forward to observing your incredible work of creation. Don't bother writing to me tho, I'll know by the headlines in the newspapers.

PostPosted: 19 Aug 2007
by bkdimok
joel wrote:I look forward to observing your incredible work of creation. Don't bother writing to me, tho, I'll know by the headlines in the newspapers.

All YOU will know from the headlines is that 3 World War had been started. I won't spend time doing useless things like writing anything to you.

Shiv through Shankar

PostPosted: 19 Aug 2007
by new knowledge
Welcome BKdimok. I am serious in search of God Shiv. But how can we easily believe that you're Shiva? Please submit proofs.