The Tree (World Religions)

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Post24 Aug 2007

One more reason about why Christianity has increased the most could be that these souls who come recently, who come for only one-two-tree births, also have to pass the four stages of sato-satosamania-rajo-tamo. So in order that when they come initially, they enjoy pleasures and incarnate in such places where there is abundancy. America, Australia are recently invaded continents where there is still some potentiality, in comparison to the exhausted old lands.
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Post24 Aug 2007

Perhaps but the point still stands that the wonderfully symmetrical Tree is strongly misrepresented.

Then there are 1 Billion Chinese, a land which is neither bountiful nor primarily religious.

I still think that someone has to sit down and do the math and see if it really all fits in with theories of reincarnation etc.
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Post24 Aug 2007

Perhaps but the point still stands that the wonderfully symmetrical Tree is strongly misrepresented.

What do you mean here?
I still think that someone has to sit down and do the math and see if it really all fits in with theories of reincarnation etc.

And here?
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Post24 Aug 2007

Big straight trunk ... smaller equal balance branches. Little twigs on top, e.g. Communism (1 Billion plus big). In fact, the trunk is small, the branches uneven and imblanced. It is designed to attract but does not reflect reality. Re-draw The Tree according to actual shape and numbers of religion.

We have pretty good estimates of the number of humans alive and know the Gyani theory of reincarnation and lifespan etc from Year Zero onwards.

No one I know has ever sat down to do the mathematics to see if it all works out.
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Post24 Aug 2007

ex-l wrote:Big straight trunk ... smaller equal balance branches. Little twigs on top, e.g. Communism (1 Billion plus big). In fact, the trunk is small, the branches uneven and imblanced. It is designed to attract but does not reflect reality. Re-draw The Tree according to actual shape and numbers of religion.

I will have to draw several palm and coconut trees of different sizes and trunks growing on different places (some on the beach, some in the forests) on the ground. Those "isms' and cults would have to be next to the parent tree that bore fruits. The fruit fell on the ground and became a small tree next to its parent tree.
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Post26 Aug 2007

I suppose The Tree is symbolic and needs not represent the reality in details. As if to complain which is this car put on the road signs on the sign of overtaking, there is no such car indeed, put Porsche or Mercedes for clarity, or any other real car. There is no need. It represents the mechanism.

Yes, maybe someone could do the maths.
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Post26 Aug 2007

andrey wrote:I suppose The Tree is symbolic and needs not represent the reality in details.

My point is that the symbolism is deeply flawed. The Tree is very attractive because of its symplicity and neatness. And, of course, because it puts us at the bottom and offers us the most important part. In a sense, it is the one thing that I have held on top in my mind ... but when I started to examine reality, I am afraid because it does not match.

The whole of Gyan is based on absolutely precise, balanced, simplicities. But when I lift the lid and start to examine facts of life, it all seems to fall apart or is inexplainable. Like the stuff about all that ancient history. I want it to be real ... but I think it cannot be.
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Post26 Aug 2007

My point is that the symbolism is deeply flawed.

Where is the flaw?
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Post26 Aug 2007

andrey wrote:Where is the flaw?

What I think is a flaw, you probably think is a strength. Like tinydot, I probably see the truth of world religions/humanity as several little thickets, tightly knit clumps of trees and bushes rather than one single, noble oak stood in the middle of the one field with the Brahmin family as the roots.

The Brahmin family are portrayed broad, single, straight, mighty.

Massive religions such as Christianity and Communism are portrayed a little bent branches or twigs. Entire roots or branches are missing ... and all those tribal peoples and their beliefs are non-existent. I suppose they are considered to be animal-like (never mind insect-like) and not entirely human enough to have a place in it.

There is no portrayal of the great split or division in the roots; the BKs versus the PBKs, nor those roots that have died and withered, nor those branches that have been cut. (I have read and appreciate to some degree the differences between seed and root souls, that is not what I mean here). I suppose it is good for self-esteem to think one is the greatest and mightiest. It is also dangerous.
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Post26 Aug 2007

Maybe The Tree is presented in such way, because it does not represent solely the present moment in history, but also the past. In this tree we can also see the sapling from the beginning- that's why the trunk is thick - because there used to be only one religion. If we take a separate tree for Christianity or other religions there were no such moment in history when these religions were the only religion in the world, that's why they appear as branches.
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Post26 Aug 2007

A banyan tree is probably more what I am looking for. And traditional. One that throws out roots from branches and grows from any places and is surrounded by other growth. It would be harder to sell though, wouldn't it?

If the values for the symbolism was something other than numbers of followers, like an abstract quality such as "power" or "purity" then The BK Tree could arguably be correct. So although a religion has many followers, they power is equal to a few of another religion. This, I suspect is part of the BK interpretation. But we are also observing The Tree being changed by the BKs in a way not even you could argee on, to be more meaningless on one hand and more self-congratulatory on the other.

First Shiva did not exist. Mama and Lekhraj Kirpalani, the Dadas and Dadis had their time at the bottom, rose the ranks and became impregnated on others minds. Now black, white, brown, yellow BKs have their time on their Tree. How many Trees are there?

This looks more like it ... the trees of religions are someone, elsewhere and individuals are free to come, go, make their home as they please when they need or want.
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Post26 Aug 2007

There is a banyan tree near the old Madubhan. When you go out the back way near the kitchens, it's near there.
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Post27 Aug 2007

Could be that Shiva is not mentioned till Murlis don't start be delivered through Brahma Baba.

Many things are not included in The Tree because they were not there at the time the picture were created, eg. BKs vs. PBKs.

Although the picture may contain the three aspects of time eg. Russia and USA fighting, but it is also delivered according to the time. Now should we arrange the picture as per our own wish or the knwledge we have now or the situation we are in. There is no need. What is important is what we read in it. Picture itself is just a picture, without understanding it makes no sense. Like many rituals and occurences make sense now.

For example in the Advanced Knowledge lesson it is explained that who are the real ones who must be sitting in the basis of the trunk, that it is not Brahma Baba and Om Radhe, so the question arises why not change the picture?

It is also said in the Murlis that the Trimurti picture is not accurate. So why not change the picture?

These pictures are just for explaining, they are a tool, they are not the source of knowledge. It is said in the Murli that we don't even need them.
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Post27 Aug 2007

There are also used for propaganda, social and mental conditioning.
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Post27 Aug 2007

Nice tree-houses!!

Mental conditioning helped maybe by the size of posters and statues they advertise with, especially in India? More opium for the masses?

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