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PostPosted: 20 Jul 2007
by Mr Green
andrey wrote:It is said in the Murli that when good service is happening then we should understand that it is BapDada who is doing it. Some children feel proud that they did good service but it is BapDada that enters and gives power of vision, speech, virbration. We believe that we are impure, degraded souls who are incapable of doing service. So the soul of Bap (incorporeal Shiva) enters to do service or the soul of Krishna enters to do service, or of Mama or other souls of The Inspirational Party.

Speak for yourself :lol:.

In fact, I agree with you Andrey :lol:. You impure degraded soul :lol:.

PostPosted: 20 Jul 2007
by andrey
Dear br. Mr. Green,

You say that we are influenced by others only to the extend that we allow them to influence us, or we programme ourselves. It will be very good if it were like this, because it happens that sometimes we don't want at all to be influenced/ Consciously we don't want. Consciously we like to programm ourselves in certain way. But in reality we get influenced even against our intention. Or our mind does not fit the programm we fixed for it. This is because if we don't have full authority over ourselves. If we have not become masters over ourselves, then we are influenced. We cannot escape the influence, yes the aim is to be non influenced, but if we have not yet reached the aim then we can also neutralize the influence. Maybe there is only one soul that is never influenced by anyone and all the rest are, but in their striving to achieve his stage the influence goes away.

You also say that you have had abilities even before Gyan and it is not strange, because here we don't study something new at all. We are all souls who have forgotten our identity. So this stage also depends on our past. The more we make effort for this stage now, then in the drama also we maintain it and the more in the drama we had maintained it in the past the more now we can maintain it. You know - The Cycle.

Baba via Virendra Dev Dixit also gives the example that some students study at school and don't need extra tution. Some study at home as well, take a private teacher but still cannot learn. The Knowledge also makes a lot of difference to some. It comes as turning point in their life and changes them completely. Other just hear it in one ear and out the other.

PostPosted: 20 Jul 2007
by Mr Green
I agree with you to a point andrey, but i do believe it is possible to stay without negative influence ... Some influence is nice to have, but it takes trust to have it. Love for instance.

I see Gyan now really as a bit of a freak show like a bit funny. I just don't believe it is true anymore.

PostPosted: 21 Jul 2007
by andrey
Dear Brother,

Yes, i think it is the same with negative and positive influence. You have said it very well. You don't believe in The Knowledge. You don't like to listen. Even if you listen, it is like not hearing or not accepting. This is like preventing from influence.

There is this tendency that if we are critical, suspicious, negative or doubtful we are more like our true selves. But, it is also possible that the idea that knowledge is not true is also a ... bad influence. We are influenced all the time from day one. We never stay without influence. Then good influence make us go across and bad influence drowns us. Good influence is only the influence of the one Supreme Soul and bad influence is this of everyone else.

PostPosted: 21 Jul 2007
by Mr Green
andrey wrote:Yes, I think it is the same with negative and positive influence. You have said it very well. You don't believe in The Knowledge, you don't like to listen, even if you listen it is like not hearing or not accepting. This is like preventing from influence. There is this tendency that if we are critical, or suspicious, or negative or doubtful we are more like our true selves. But, it is also possible that the idea that knowledge is not true is also a..bad influence. We are influenced all the time from day one. We never stay without influence. Then good influence make us go across and bad influence drowns us. Good influence is only the influence of the one Supreme Soul and bad influence is this of everyone else.

See it as my power to discriminate.

PostPosted: 21 Jul 2007
by ex-l
Andrey ... for God's sake keep on topic and stop drifting off all the time.

What is this topic about?

PostPosted: 23 Jul 2007
by andrey
Dear Brother Mr. Green,
Our discrimination power and power of discernment is as powerful as a boat on the waves. Today i see things this way and tomorrow i change. It can even happen to change in one day, or in the time period of seconds, minutes, hours.

Dear Brother ex-l,
It is also off topic to make remarks. I know what is on and off topic, please there is no need of your remarks. I know when I am on and off topic and am very aware of my tendency to go off topic and the language problem. You watch your own postings so that they don't go off topic. This is an issue I am working on. It is something between me and the administrator.

Although you may have some moderator rights i would not accept any remarks from anyone else than the administrator of the forum. It is also observed that when someone does not have what to say, he says "mind the topic".

Sometimes under one topic some kind of discussion comes, that is not so important so to be moved under new topic nor so unimportant so that it is stopped. Please, there is no harm in such kind of exchange. Too much topics is also a problem. These discussion regulations are to ensure our discussions take place, not to resctrict them. They are there to ensure they take place in some easy, polite way.

PostPosted: 23 Jul 2007
by Mr Green
:lol: I say again, Andrey speak for yourself. Something that takes maturity to achieve.

You cannot say OUR power of discrimination as WE don't have one hehehe ...

Everyone is different, your power of discrimination my be as you say, mine may not heheeh.

PostPosted: 23 Jul 2007
by john
andrey wrote:It is also off topic to make remarks. I know what is on and off topic, please there is no need of your remarks. I know when I am on and off topic and am very aware of my tendency to go off topic and the language problem. You watch your own postings so that they don't go off topic. This is an issue I am working on. It is something between me and the administrator.

"Some Yagyas Do 'Ave 'Em" ...

PostPosted: 24 Jul 2007
by paulkershaw
Group energy does seem to produce a much deeper meditation process for me. But I do prefer sitting alone - it gives me more chance to access higher energies than when I have to 'remove the impact' of other people sitting around me.

PostPosted: 26 Jul 2007
by andrey
I say again, Andrey speak for yourself. Something that takes maturity to achieve. You cannot say OUR power of discrimination as WE don't have one hehehe ... Everyone is different, your power of discrimination my be as you say, mine may not heheeh.

It is said that our mind will lead us to downfall. I believe we have reached the stage where we cannot trust our own selves.

PostPosted: 26 Jul 2007
by Mr Green
Speak for yourself, there is only power in that.

Is oneself to be trusted?

PostPosted: 26 Jul 2007
by joel
andrey wrote:I believe we have reached the stage where we cannot trust our own selves.

Thanks, Andrey, for clearly stating what appears to be a fundamental premise of the BKWSU and derivative teachings. The dichotomy of believing the self to be peace, love and purity on one side, and untrustworthy on the other seems to me to be a kind of cognitive dissonance, perhaps at the core of the conflicts that develop between reluctant followers and the organization, at least within the BKWSU.

will at least the intellect be more trustworthy?

PostPosted: 27 Jul 2007
by alladin
Dichotomies and dissonances and nonsense, will melt by being manmanabhav, sitting with Baba, and following Shrimat more strictly. Also taking powerful drishti from a SS can help. :wink:
BKs have many ready made answers aimed to quieten souls who want to use their intellect and the discrimination power that we are all-more or less- endowed with.
In fact , the best way to discourage inquisitive intellects and shut someone's mouth for a good while, is making the person feel stupid, buddhu and inadequate, :cry: exactly the method and attitude Andrey seems to have imbibed and suggesting we should also adopt.

Re: will at least the intellect be more trustworthy?

PostPosted: 27 Jul 2007
by joel
alladin wrote:In fact , the best way to discourage inquisitive intellects and shut someone's mouth for a good while, is making the person feel stupid, buddhu and inadequate, :cry: exactly the method and attitude Andrey seems to have imbibed and suggesting we should also adopt.

What about the first of the 12 Steps? "We admit we were powerless over..."
I recall reading that it was "powerless over sin" in the original formulation
as the Six Steps.