What is so wonderful about the Murli?

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Re: What is so wonderful about the Murli?

Post17 Oct 2009

Jan, please for your own sake, stop reading this filth

I do not read it as it to be my teaching or any serious teaching. I monitor and document so others can see how sick this organization really is.

But so sweet of rayflight and dear mr green for you to be concerned but I am over the "upset" stage. :shock:


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Re: What is so wonderful about the Murli?

Post06 Nov 2009

EME - 06-11-2009

Essence: Sweet children, the greatest virtue of all is the virtue of peace. Therefore, speak peacefully and stop spreading peacelessness.

Question: What inheritance do you children claim from the unlimited Father at the Confluence Age? What are the signs of virtuous children?

Answer: The first inheritance is knowledge, the second is peace and the third is virtues. Virtuous children always remain happy. They don't see anyone's defects. They do not complain about anyone. They do not keep the company of those who have defects. If anyone says anything wrong, they ignore it and maintain their own intoxication.

Om Shanti.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

Essence for Dharna:

1. As you walk, as you move around and as you sit, churn this knowledge and become like a swan that picks up pearls. Imbibe virtues from everyone. You must pass your virtues on to others.

2. In order to keep your face cheerful, talk to yourself: Oho! We are becoming the masters of limitless treasures! We are winning the lottery of the jewels of knowledge from the ^Father, the Ocean of Knowledge.

Blessing: May you constantly be a victorious and elevated soul who checks and changes the self according to the time.

Those who are true Raj yogis cannot become disturbed under any circumstances. So, according to the time, check yourself in this way and, after checking yourself, change yourself. If you simply check, you will become disheartened. You will then think: This is also lacking in me; I don't know whether it will be all right or not. Therefore, check and also change because those who do everything according to the time are always victorious. Therefore, be an elevated soul who is constantly victorious and claim number one by making through intense effort.

Slogan: Have the practice of controlling your mind and intellect and you will be able to become bodiless in & second ...
***Om Shanti***


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Re: What is so wonderful about the Murli?

Post06 Nov 2009

So ...
The first inheritance is knowledge, the second is peace and the third is virtues. Virtuous children always remain happy. They don't see anyone's defects. They do not complain about anyone. They do not keep the company of those who have defects. If anyone says anything wrong, they ignore it and maintain their own intoxication.

So who is the one with the defects? That must be you're friends and family telling you there is something strange going on with you.

Here you are ordered to ignore them.
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Re: What is so wonderful about the Murli?

Post07 Nov 2009

They don't see anyone's defects. They do not keep the company of those who have defects.

Game: Can you find the contradiction in such statement?
Answer: How can you tell if someone is "bad company", that is someone who has defects (what was the original Hindi word ? I suspect that defects could be synonymous of "vices"), unless you have spotted his defects?
If anyone says anything wrong, they ignore it and maintain their own intoxication.

Sounds like a good idea.

Too bad that, in the case of BKs, it often means being resilient or let's call it water-proof like a stone, immune to any external influence or input (except for those from the BKWSO), deaf to any internal voice, out of touch with one's own feelings, so that the sleep walking one is in, doesn't get interrupted ...

Keep on walking and working, zombie ...


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Re: What is so wonderful about the Murli?

Post20 Feb 2010

My friend told me that Murli's are a collection of writings from a diary of ... he said a name I forgot and that the old Murli's were burned.

Sounds familiar but I can not recall. He's got it all so wrong, or do we??? Any one knows of this?
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Re: What is so wonderful about the Murli?

Post21 Feb 2010

jannisder wrote:My friend told me that Murli's are a collection of writings from a diary of ... he said a name I forgot and that the old Murli's were burned.

This would be fascinating - and make so much sense - if it turns out to be true ... was it Om Radhe (Mama Saraswati) or Jagdish Chander perhaps? Obviously Lekhraj Kirpalani was the founder ... but you mean someone else?

Imagine the impact of finding out after all these years that the Murlis are just cobbled together from some human beings pages of notes?

There are spoken tape recordings of Lekhraj Kirpalani speaking "in trance" or "possessed" by the spirit the BKs consider to be God though. I am not sure how they add up. If it was a real religion, if they really loved their god, or ... ho ho ho ... university; they would document all this full and properly.

They are not and they do not. It is all a bizarre charade.

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