Avakyt Dadiji - Dadi Prakashmani's Death

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Post05 Sep 2007

I must agree with the sentiments with regards to the immaturity of the language used in these trance messages.

It gives me a feeling of, "did I really listen to that stuff ?"

So, it shows us the progress that we may have made. I may post something more significant, or is it just longer, later.
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abrahma kumar

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Tributes to Dadiji through outdoor media in Delhi

Post05 Sep 2007

ex-l wrote:abek, who spoke that Peace Village lecture? Big Mohini?

Yes ex-l, and a public service free to the community try this

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abrahma kumar

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Tributes to Dadiji through outdoor media in Delhi

Post05 Sep 2007

Apologies for the 'broken' link above. The detailas are as follows:

Tributes to Dadiji through outdoor media in Delhi
Om Shanti

By the blessings of our Most beloved BapDada, Dadis, Senior Brothers, Sisters and divine family, the divine photograph of our most respected Dadi Maa is illuminating Delhi's Streets via Hoardings and Unipole.

The Advertisement company had displayed them free of cost.

Attached here photographs of the hoardings and unipole (both day and night view).

On Godly service

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Sr. Mohini's class: A Life of Virtue is a Life of Service

Post05 Sep 2007

ex-l wrote:Wasn't Prakashmani ultimately responsible

This is a good point ex-l: in a rigid authoritarian organisational structure such as the BKWSU has, the buck has to stop with the one at the top ... of course, they would say that the head one is BapDada, ultimately their God Shiva ... so it's all God's fault? Personally I don't go for the God stuff any more, and finger Lehkraj for indulging them in their weaknesses, their lies, hypocrisies, and power games ... For those that don't believe in the BK's holy ghost, Dadiji has to carry the can.

I think we are seeing the downside of a mass surrender of personal responsibility "to Baba". When there is authority without responsibility, sh1t happens.

Now that Herr Janki is in charge (on the corporeal level), I am sure their heads will be stuck in the sand more firmly than ever.


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Re: Sr. Mohini's class: A Life of Virtue is a Life of Servic

Post06 Sep 2007

howiemac wrote:Now that Herr Janki is in charge (on the corporeal level), I am sure their heads will be stuck in the sand more firmly than ever.

Om Shanti. For a while.

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abrahma kumar

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In charge on the corporeal level till ...

Post06 Sep 2007

howiemac wrote:Now that Herr Janki is in charge (on the corporeal level), I am sure their heads will be stuck in the sand more firmly than ever.

They are getting good practice for the next such event. As we are often told, there will be many rehearsals. I do not think that another senior BK will die - no, 'they will leave the mortal coil'. So Dadi Janki will indeed be "in charge" on the corporeal level till she too leaves her mortal coil.

It smacks of a cult de-personifying its leaders in death so as to pave the way for posthumous sainthood. Good luck. I speak no ill of the dead but do wonder at the systems that kick-in after life on earth has ended: ... hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, Thy will was done on Earth ... for the power and the glory forever and ever, Amen.

(Yes, i mangled it so it is nothing like the real thing).


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Avakyt Dadiji - new to the history of the Yagya

Post06 Sep 2007

This is only a short precis, words from the announcer.

Hope to get the official Bhog message in the next few days, so that points are made clearer. If anyone gets the official Bhog message, please post it here. Seemed a little confusing at first since this Bhog message is a first with "Avaykt Dadiji"<--- this term is coined by the announcer but not sure if it is official.
Thursday evening 6 September approx 7:30pm Madhuban time.
Avaykt BapDada message : Bhog message for Dadiji via the body of Dadi Gulzar

It is now 12 days since Dadiji is in Subtle Region. (Dadiji is Dadi Kumarka/Prakashmani)

Today "Avakyt Dadiji" comes into the body of Dadi Gulzar. The BKs are invited ointo the stage. She embraces Dadi Mohini, Dadi Janki, Dadi Munni, Dadi Ratanmohin, Dadi Ishi, Brother Nirwair, Brother BrijMohan, Brother Ramesh, Brother Mrutanajay, Brother Gopal, Dadi Nirmalshanti, (in this order), then other senior Madhubanwassis shake hands with Avaykt Dadiji. She is about to speak.

(The translator interjets - "this is history in the making since it is Avaykt Dadiji speaking". The translator, Sister whose name I did not recognise but neither Sister Denise nor Sister Sheilu).

Avaykt Dadiji says : "True Love - always remain loving, give everyone the water of spirirtual love. This is the way to remember Dadiji".

Then Avakyt Dadiji leaves, Dadi Gulzar closes her eyes and goes into a trance. The eyes open. Now BapDada will give the Bhog message :

Dadiji is about to leave the Subtle Regions.

Dadiji says : Baba, what kind of play is this play ?
Baba says : I am also part of this wonderful play.

Dadiji : Dadiji then explains how she receives the welcome in the Subtle Region Four groups welcome her -
1. The 5 elements, they are servants welcoming her.
2. The Advance Party - they had prepared the CROWN. Mama and Didi were there, they met Dadiji and embraced her, and placed the crown on Dadiji's head. The crown was sparking with light.
3. Madhuban Brahmins - from the corporeal world, are also there - they had prepared the GARLAND of DIVINE VIRTUES. With middle-sized diamonds, the garland is from neck to toe.
4. Deities - they had prepared a THRONE in the form of a swan, using red diamonds as though they were souls were sitting in Paramdham, so Dadiji is sitting with the souls as diamonds..

So Dadiji sat on throne, wore the garland and crown, and is decorated with diamonds, and is sitting amongst diamonds.

Baba says : As you are the worthy child, who gave the proof, so Baba has given you the prize.
Dadiji says : I do not want to leave the Subtle Regions.
Baba says : Do not leave the Subtle Regions and do not leave Madhuban. You must continue to tour around these two places.
Dadiji says : I am only a instrument.
Baba replies : So you go as a child. All had preparied for the welcome of Dadiji. Baba is seeing his No 1 beloved child, the one who inherits Baba's hearthrone.
Baba has fed almonds and crystal sugar to Dadiji, and given the tilak of self respect to Dadiji.
Dadiji gets off from throne to be with Baba. Embraces each other.
Baba says : You are now like a "big Brother".
So Baba and Daiji embrace like Brothers. Then Dadiji leaves the Subtle Region.

Baba the enquires about Dadi Janki, giving her wishes and hope she is not burden with responsibility.

Final words of Bhog message - Give respect and stay in self respect. Om Shanti.

When Bhog message completed ... Dadi Janki has to take leave of Madhuban to return to London for 2 weeks. So Dadi Janki tells all of Madhuban - everybody is so good, so good, and said Dadiji sat in the lap of BapDada, placed her in his eyes and took her away. So everyone must always be detached observer and loving.

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Re: In charge on the corporeal level till ...

Post06 Sep 2007

abrahma Kumar wrote:They are getting good practice for the next such event. As we are often told, there will be many rehearsals. I do not think that another senior BK will die - no, 'they will leave the mortal coil'.

Ah, but the next Dadi to go will only get a second-hand refrigerated display unit ... I wonder how much that cost?

So Prakashmani got the Satopradhan fridge, Janki will get the sato fridge, then the next with will be Rajo ... by the time the likes of Jayanti or Mohini goes, it will be an entirely Tamopradhan fridge unit, numberwise according their stage, and ready to be recycled into CFC Puri.
    So did they hire it for the gig or buy it outright?
    Will it only be the Dadis that get to use it or will they allow the Didis and Dadas to get in there too?
May be they will need a separate one for Brothers ...
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Post06 Sep 2007


I heard from my BK friends that today Avyakt BapDada came in Dadi Gulzar's body along with the soul of Dadi Prakashmani to meet the BKs at their headquarters and narrated an Avyakt Vani.

Can any BK kindly confirm this news? And the special points from today's Avyaka Vani, if any? And also the experience of meeting Prakashmani Dadiji's soul through the body of Dadi Gulzar?

Today is the thirteenth day since Dadiji left her body. Hindus organize a community lunch on the thirteenth day in the honour of the departed soul, who is believed to take rebirth on the thirteenth day. I heard that a grand Brahma bhojan was organized at the local BK center on the occassion of the thirteenth day of Dadiji's demise.

I heard the experiences of some senior BKs who witnessed the recall of the souls of Narayan Dada (Father of Sister Rosy) and Didi Manmohini in the body of Sister Mohini (who features in the picture uploaded in this thread) on the thirteenth day of their demise in the early 1980s.

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Post06 Sep 2007

bansy wrote:This is only a short precis, words from the announcer.

Hope to get the official Bhog message in the next few days, so that points are made clearer. If anyone gets the official Bhog message, please post it here. Seemed a little confusing at first since this Bhog message is a first with "Avaykt Dadiji"<--- this term is coined by the announcer but not sure if it is official.
Thursday evening 6 September approx 7:30pm Madhuban time.
Avaykt BapDada message : Bhog message for Dadiji via the body of Dadi Gulzar

It is now 12 days since Dadiji is in Subtle Region. (Dadiji is Dadi Kumarka/Prakashmani)

Today "Avakyt Dadiji" comes into the body of Dadi Gulzar. The BKs are invited ointo the stage. She embraces Dadi Mohini, Dadi Janki, Dadi Munni, Dadi Ratanmohin, Dadi Ishi, Brother Nirwair, Brother BrijMohan, Brother Ramesh, Brother Mrutanajay, Brother Gopal, Dadi Nirmalshanti, (in this order), then other senior Madhubanwassis shake hands with Avaykt Dadiji. She is about to speak.

(The translator interjets - "this is history in the making since it is Avaykt Dadiji speaking". The translator, Sister whose name I did not recognise but neither Sister Denise nor Sister Sheilu).

Avaykt Dadiji says : "True Love - always remain loving, give everyone the water of spirirtual love. This is the way to remember Dadiji".

Then Avakyt Dadiji leaves, Dadi Gulzar closes her eyes and goes into a trance. The eyes open. Now BapDada will give the Bhog message :

Dadiji is about to leave the Subtle Regions.

Dadiji says : Baba, what kind of play is this play ?
Baba says : I am also part of this wonderful play.

Dadiji : Dadiji then explains how she receives the welcome in the Subtle Region Four groups welcome her -
1. The 5 elements, they are servants welcoming her.
2. The Advance Party - they had prepared the CROWN. Mama and Didi were there, they met Dadiji and embraced her, and placed the crown on Dadiji's head. The crown was sparking with light.
3. Madhuban Brahmins - from the corporeal world, are also there - they had prepared the GARLAND of DIVINE VIRTUES. With middle-sized diamonds, the garland is from neck to toe.
4. Deities - they had prepared a THRONE in the form of a swan, using red diamonds as though they were souls were sitting in Paramdham, so Dadiji is sitting with the souls as diamonds..

So Dadiji sat on throne, wore the garland and crown, and is decorated with diamonds, and is sitting amongst diamonds.

Baba says : As you are the worthy child, who gave the proof, so Baba has given you the prize.
Dadiji says : I do not want to leave the Subtle Regions.
Baba says : Do not leave the Subtle Regions and do not leave Madhuban. You must continue to tour around these two places.
Dadiji says : I am only a instrument.
Baba replies : So you go as a child. All had preparied for the welcome of Dadiji. Baba is seeing his No 1 beloved child, the one who inherits Baba's hearthrone.
Baba has fed almonds and crystal sugar to Dadiji, and given the tilak of self respect to Dadiji.
Dadiji gets off from throne to be with Baba. Embraces each other.
Baba says : You are now like a "big Brother".
So Baba and Daiji embrace like Brothers. Then Dadiji leaves the Subtle Region.

Baba the enquires about Dadi Janki, giving her wishes and hope she is not burden with responsibility.

Final words of Bhog message - Give respect and stay in self respect. Om Shanti.

When Bhog message completed ... Dadi Janki has to take leave of Madhuban to return to London for 2 weeks. So Dadi Janki tells all of Madhuban - everybody is so good, so good, and said Dadiji sat in the lap of BapDada, placed her in his eyes and took her away. So everyone must always be detached observer and loving.

Sorry for not seing the above post in the new thread before making my post. I think both threads can be merged since the subject is almost the same and it would also be good for record.

From the above quote it appears as if it was only the recall of Dadiji's soul in Dadi Gulzar's body and Avyakt BapDada might not have come. The difference would be clear if anyone can get the video/audio recording of the above Bhog message.

If the voice of Gulzar Dadi during the Bhog message is different from when she becomes the medium for Avyakt BapDada, then it could be proved that only the soul of Dadi Kumarka entered into her and not Avyakt BapDada. But if the voice of Dadi Gulzar was same as during any other Avyakt Vani, then it could be construed that Dadi Kumarka's soul came along with Avyakt BapDada. But even in case of the latter, there should be some difference in voice/physical features/behaviour pattern when Dadi Kumarka's soul might have spoken through Dadi Gulzar's body.

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Post06 Sep 2007

arjun wrote:From the above quote it appears as if it was only the recall of Dadiji's soul in Dadi Gulzar's body and Avyakt BapDada might not have come. The difference would be clear if anyone can get the video/audio recording of the above Bhog message ...

Its pretty limp, really. A rehash or repeat of the earlier Bhog message and quite unimpressive. It could just be a memory, this stuff about the 5 elements etc.

Were there more interesting, private mediumship sessions between the dead Dadi and the SS? I'd wish for something a bit more meaningful and practical really.
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Post06 Sep 2007

How did we ever fall for this baloney?

Man, it's so typical India ... everything on full all the way.
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abrahma kumar

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Avyakt Dadiji - new to the history of the Yagya

Post06 Sep 2007

"Avakyt Dadiji - new to the history of the Yagya", bansy, you must be in need of a little something to freshen up those sanskars from last Kalpa, bansy.

The term Avyakt Dadiji sounds like some kindgarten school kid has been let loose with the BK terminology book and taken the chance to scribble variations on hitherto unknown themes on every single page. Think it took a committeee to think that one up?

At this rate, we will soon be hearing that amongst us here on earth we have the Sakar Dadijis or is it the Vyakt Dadijis?

Full on indeed, mr. green, and no need for a brake pedal.


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Post07 Sep 2007

It is not uncommon around my way that when one elderly person dies, a number of associates also follow.

In the Yagya, this year, we have seen already Bholi Dadi, Vishwa Ratan Dada, and now Dadiji as prominent figures. This is quite normal if you think about it, everyone grows up around the same age group. This means that there will already be pre-preparations for various elder members of the yayga to leave.

This is not said of spite, but said to be in what I feel is a normal way of life and death. After all, just look around you, in most countries 15-25% of the population are already elderly and the percentages are increasing. If there are many elderly, there are also quite a lot of folks in the upper middle age bracket too. So this goes along with the Yagya, no science needed, just plain observation.
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Post07 Sep 2007

Thanks bansy.

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