BKWSO lose legal action against BrahmaKumaris.Info

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Post20 Sep 2007

ex-l wrote:So, a number of things will go against them and they may be accused of reverse domain name hijacking, e.g. hijacking a genuine website. But, from delivery, we have 20 days to put in a defence, and then it will probably take a month for it to go through the process before the decision is made.

OK. I need about 20 days to stop it.

With regards, Shankar
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Post20 Sep 2007

The financial history is deeply problematic. How many BKs have used "donations to Baba" to pay off a mortgage in their own name or put them through their own tax?

Why did the Indian Government remove the Baba's boxes from the India centers?
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Post20 Sep 2007

BKTi-Pit wrote:Does anyone know of a BK center who openly made it available for the donors to see?

In my experience the accounts of the centres I have been involved in are either very poorly kept, or non-existent. Money just goes in the box, and comes out of the box. Occasionally sales of CDs, books and posters are kept separate, but I know of at least one centre where all the money goes in to the donations box. As VAT is payable on these items that is a very serious offence which could be taken up by Her Majesty's Officers of the Customs and Excise Department.

It would be interesting if people called in to local centres and asked to see the accounts. Perhaps Trading Standards Officers could become involved in investigating the accounts of individual centres?

Some centres are run illegally from private residences. It is illegal for a business to be run from a private residence, whether it is profit making or not. Perhaps the neighbours and the landlords would like to hear about what is happening in these properties?

Also sometimes the Sister -in-charge pays the rent by claiming Housing Benefit from the local council. A letter to the local council would probably shut that centre down.

What sites are they claiming we link to that are profit making? Do they mean their own sites that they try to deny connections with, ie all the money making fronts they and their supporters use?
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Post20 Sep 2007

BKWSU USA wrote:This corporation will receive and accept voluntary donations and gifts from the general public, in such amounts as donors may choose, such funds are to be expended exclusively for the accomplishment of the objectives in the United States of America and worldwide.

You say that we do everything for ourselves with our own expenditure. How can we do anything with others’ expenditure? That is why Baba always says-it is better to die than to beg. Whatever is obtained easily is equal to milk, whatever is obtained upon asking is equal to water.” (Revised Sakar Murli dated 7.5.95, page 3 & 4 published by BKs, narrated by ShivBaba through Brahma Baba and translated by a PBK)

“Many people ask, “In what way are you serving India?” God says, “This is a forest, isn’t it? You are in the Confluence Age at present. You are neither in a forest, nor in a garden. Now you are making efforts to reach the garden. You are transforming this kingdom of Ravana into a Kingdom of Ram.” People ask you, “How do you manage so much expenditure?” Tell them, “We BKs only incur this expenditure. Kingdom of Ram is being established. You come for a few days and understand what all we are doing.” (Revised Sakar Murli dated 4.4.89, published by BKs, narrated by ShivBaba through Brahma Baba and translated by a PBK)

We are establishing our Kingdom with our money. We do not have the right to beg. When we do not take anything from our Government itself to establish Kingdom, then how can we take from outsiders? So many children are sitting. They know that all this is going to be destroyed. That is why they invest their money. When we can invest our money then why should we accept money from the prosperous ones? We deposit money with Baba. Baba also helps. There is no question of Income Tax etc at all.” (Revised Sakar Murli dated 14.6.68, page1, published by BKs, narrated by ShivBaba through Brahma Baba and translated by a PBK)

• “People ask children how they manage the expenditure? But nobody gives the news that we respond like this. We are establishing Kingdom for ourselves, also on the Shrimat (Godly direction). We will only rule. When we are learning Rajyog, then the expenditure will also be incurred by us only. Shivbaab grants us the imperishable gems of knowledge, which enables us to become king of kings. The children who are studying will only incur the expenditure, will they not? You must explain that we incur our own expenditure. We do not accept any alms or donation. But children write that they are asked like this. That is why Baba had said that whatever service you do in the whole day should be reported in the evening.”- (Revised Sakar Murli dated 22.5.85, published by BKs, narrated by ShivBaba through Brahma Baba and translated by a PBK)

“You will get very big halls for service. As for the rest, you need not purchase halls or houses and get them registered. Father says, Will I take anything free of cost, so that I have to repay them heavily. This lake is created with the Pies of children. As for the rest, everybody’s wealth is going to be destroyed. Why should we take such a loan that we have to pay a huge amount in return.” (Revised Sakar Murli dated 12.7.70, narrated by ShivBaba through Brahma Baba and translated by a PBK)

I think I have quoted the above Murli points long ago in another thread, but since these Murlis points would help in defending this site against the unjustified attack by the BKs, I have quoted these once again.

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Post20 Sep 2007


This corporation is to have no members.

“ShivBaba says, ‘What will I do? He says for Brahma Baba also, “What will he do? Whatever he possessed was given by him to ShivBaba. One must become trustee. Here everything is done for the children. Baba gives all the advice to you children only. It is not that this house belongs to ShivBaba or Brahma Baba. Everything is for children.

You are Brahmin children. There is no question of dispute in this. It is everybody’s combined property.

There are so many children. There cannot be partition. Government also cannot do anything. This belongs to the Brahmin children, everyone is an owner. All are children. Someone is poor and someone is rich. Everyone come and live here. It is nobody’s (personal) property. The children will grow into lakhs. Everything is for you sweet children
(Revised Sakar Murli dated 14.12.92, pg.3, published by BKs, narrated by ShivBaba through Brahma Baba and translated by a PBK)


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Post20 Sep 2007

Thanks Arjun!
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Post20 Sep 2007

BKTiPit wrote:Thanks Arjun!

Dear Brother,

Omshanti. I am just communicating to you whatever I have received from ShivBaba through Brahma Baba as published by the BKs in Murlis. But sadly, you may probably not find these Murlis in the same size when they are revised and reprinted every five years.

I mostly quote from the recent revised Murlis so that the new BKs can check from their stock of Murlis or from the center if they wish. But the above mentioned quotes may be difficult to find in recent revised Murlis. So, I was constrained to quote from the older revised versions of Murlis.

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Post21 Sep 2007

Have a laugh, edited version here for discussion ... full copyrighted text is via the link below. This was filed within days of Hansa's trademark filings in preparation.
Talking paper for the
to the
UN Headquarters in Vienna, Austria 26-29 June, 2007
In preparing this talking paper, we consulted with a group of thinking partners who have served in government positions. The ideas in this paper derive from our interviews with Ambassador Chowdhury (Bangladesh), Dennis Kucinich (USA), Robin Ludwig (USA), Juan Carlos Murillo (Mexico), Jay Naidoo (South Africa), Steve Naraine (Guyana), Victor Perton (Australia), and Cassan Uteem (Mauritius).

The first dimension of trust is to trust oneself. The second dimension is to trust others. Trust is the glue that holds together relationships, communities, and societies. Trust has a powerful capacity to connect us with other people, assuring us that we are all in this together.

Embedded in trust is an imperative to tell the truth. When one does not tell the truth, one undermines trust; one breaks the bonds that unite us ... To understand the nature of trust is to know that everything inevitably is revealed and so it is useless to lie ... Truth cannot be crushed to the ground, it will rise again. Therefore truth is like a polestar, and trust is the way to reach that star.

Methods for Strengthening Public Trust and Confidence:

Behave responsibly: Trustworthy behaviour is conditioned by a sense of responsibility ...

Tell the truth: ... There is currently a lack of honesty in a lot of leaders ... The people do not know what the leaders mean when they say things.

Remain open to different ideas: A leader must remain open to different ideas ...

Reconcile legitimate priorities with moral dimensions: If we think in terms of polarities, then we are always locked into the imperative of compromise even when it does not serve the situation.

Wield power with compassion: Compassion is a very important component of power. Without compassion, power becomes arrogant.

Listen carefully: Listen to the different points of view and look for what could be built out of that, so that everyone can hear their points of view in the solutions and can move towards progress.

See the legitimacy of the other: Politicians should not be motivated only by the love and respect of people for him ... They need to work tirelessly to give voice to the people's wishes, helping to bring about the changes they really want and creating the best conditions possible for them.

Create trusting relationships: Popular contact is necessary to build trust.
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abrahma kumar

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The BKWho: Master Engineers of Revision & Reinvention?

Post21 Sep 2007

To understand the nature of trust is to know that everything inevitably is revealed and so it is useless to lie ... Truth cannot be crushed to the ground, it will rise again. Therefore truth is like a polestar, and trust is the way to reach that star.

Ah well, it looks like i was a bit ahead of myself when i posted a link to the children's song The Laughing Policeman elsewhere on the forum earlier this year. I should have saved it for a silly response to the above.

Nice word that REINVENTING, is it not? Does it remind anyone of some comments that SisJ made? Being a BK sure does provide one with lots of opportunity to examine oneself - yours truly included - & ooooooucccchhhhh it hurts sometimes! All of that reads like jazzed- up Gyani oblox doeasn't it? Shiv Baba must be very proud of all this outreach. Where to next i wonder? The Oval Office?
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Post21 Sep 2007

It does, I picked up strongly on "reach that star" and had to laugh. The author lost it in a moment of romanticism. To an innocent third party, it means nothing but, somewhat like Freemasonic code, to a BK "that star" is immediately the 'Head of the Shakti Secret Services' ... Shiva Baba.

I notice this often throughout the children's and other literature, it is subliminal implanting. Viral advertising. I do not think it is deliberate policy, per se. I think it is unconscious and done out of devotion ... but it does also drag that star down into the mire that is being created here.
    Can there be no full stop applied?
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abrahma kumar

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Post21 Sep 2007

I too would lean on the side of thinking that there is no deliberate policy. This stuff just flows naturally out of the whole "BK stream of consciousness" that we all have been plugged into and revelled in it to a greater or lesser extent. The conviction that we are right is overwhelmingly powerful and so we just go marching boldly onwards seeing everything as proof of whatever it is that God Shiv Baba says in the Murli.

As for applying a full-stop, I recollect that that punctuation mark (the full-stop) also has a whole BK stream of consciousness attached to it. If one sits down and thinks about it we can observe that the BKs primary spiritual resource is full of symbols and metaphors and profundities and "flip-flops" (meaning that sometimes a word means one thing and at others something different; or a meaning that we have to 'conjure' for ourselves).

We participate individually and collectively in a sort of "mind-gymnastics", like modern-day sages mulling over incredibly profound knowledge that only a handful out of multi-millions have the fortune to receive. How special is that?

As you say, terms like "reach that star" resonate with us on an altogether different plane than joe public would ever imagine. And all our churnings on stuff like that seems able to create a sphere of influence into which non-BKs who are 'ready' can and do step right into.

It goes without saying that the benefits are often readily apparent, but what about the flaws that are part and parcel of this kind of enthralment to an organisation and its beliefs? Beliefs that have not yet been subjected to forensic scrutiny? Not scrutiny aimed at reducing or destroying it, but to enable humanity to understand the real worth of BK Raja Yoga as a valid component in a religio-political system of self-governance. Governance: Benefit for everyone; disadvantages for none; nor should advantage be taken of anyone. How's that for a slogan?
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Post21 Sep 2007

abrahma Kumar wrote:As you say, terms like "reach that star" resonate with us on an altogether different plane

It is a hypnotic trigger that connects us back to the altered state of consciousness that we experienced "in the days of our childhood" or our infatuation with our beloved. That is why we do it and it is done. I can imagine the Kumaris sighing at the thought of it as we type.

If it is God, we are blessed; if it is not God ... and the evidence at these people's hand is scant ... who knows what we have opened our minds to and what its/their will is to to.

Destroy the World and kill 6,000,000,000 is the first in the equation. A curse or a blessing? I reserve taking any position in the matter as yet. And destroying this community of likeminded souls is number one on their agenda right now.
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Post21 Sep 2007


Forum Case Number FA0709001075486

1. Notification. You are hereby notified that an administrative proceeding has been commenced against you pursuant to the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy, adopted by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) on October 24, 1999 (Policy) (http://www.icann.org/udrp/udrp-policy-24oct99.htm). It concerns domain name(s) that are currently registered and being used by you. The Policy is incorporated by reference into your Registration Agreement with the Registrar(s) of your domain name(s). When you registered your domain name(s) you also agreed to submit to and participate in a mandatory administrative proceeding in the event that a third party (Complainant) submits a Complaint to an ICANN-approved dispute resolution service provider (http://www.icann.org/udrp/approved-providers.htm) concerning a domain name registered and being used by you.

2. Date Complaint Received. The Complaint was submitted by Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Organization and was received on 9/12/2007 by the National Arbitration Forum (Forum). A copy of the Complaint accompanies this notification.

3. Formal Requirements Compliance Review. In accordance with Paragraph 4(a) of the Rules for Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (Rules) (http://www.icann.org/udrp/udrp-rules-24oct99.htm) and Paragraph 4 of the Forum’s Supplemental Rules for Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (Supplemental Rules) (http://domains.adrforum.com/main.aspx?i ... 37&news=26) the Forum has verified that the Complaint satisfies the formal requirements of the Policy, Rules, and Supplemental Rules. Payment in the required amount to the Forum has been made by the Complainant.

4. Commencement of Administrative Proceeding. In accordance with Rules, Paragraph 4(c), the formal date of the commencement of the administrative proceeding is 9/20/2007.

5. Deadlines. Within 20 days from the commencement date, the Forum must receive, a Response and all exhibits according to the requirements that are described in The Rules, Paragraph 5 and the Supplemental Rules.

You must also serve these on the Complainant. Your Response and exhibits must be received by the Forum by 10/10/2007.

In the event the Complainant elects to have the dispute heard before a single-member Administrative Panel, and you elect to proceed with a three-member Administrative Panel, this is also the date by which you must make the required additional payment.

cont ...
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abrahma kumar

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10/10 also has a nice symmetery about it.

Post21 Sep 2007

...2. Date Complaint Received. The Complaint was submitted by Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Organization and was received on 9/12/2007 by the National Arbitration Forum (Forum). A copy of the Complaint accompanies this notification...

In date terms, this was submitted one the day after the commemorative date 9/11 - Peace be unto those whose memory the world will always remember with any mention of the date 9/11. did not a BK have a God-blessed escape from the collapse of the Twin Towers? 10/10 also has a nice symmetery about it. So we see how it goes. All the best guys. Our good wishes with you always.
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Post21 Sep 2007

Yes, a Brother from Harmony House (NY) was in the building and had to run down the stairs to escape ... sorry, i forgot his name. But is one of those Indian Brothers, always smiling ...

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