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PostPosted: 30 Jun 2007
by ex-l
I have been thinking about this issue of "no manners", another quote on forum from an Indian that stated BapDada spoke in a sort of "Lower middle class" Hindi and their Brahma Kumaris roots in an uneducated, small town mentality, off India, merchant (i.e. lower) caste.

As a Westerner, which I am, I have to admit I have no way of placing the oriignal Indian BKs in their position within society by speech, manners or activities. Someone else would have to comment on that.

But, thinking about the banishment issues, the recently exposed deceits and other issues, I am coming to the opinion that, actually, they are not that classy and we were a little duped by the romance of the "mystic aura" of "India". Can anyone help here?

I had to laugh when I heard of her having tantrums and it having to be patched up by Jayanti afterwards.

PostPosted: 26 Jul 2007
by tinydot
I wasn't around that week when ex-l posted this Murli Notice, a BK admission. So just reading it. Haha, well, that is a good improvement that the BK did. At least better than nothing, but it is still not enough to satisfy all those who got deluded in their teachings.

Good efort you made Cap't. P.
Murli Notice Board wrote:They said this is the most stable mind they have tested.

Do we know who the scientist or group of scientists was, who said this? Was Hansa Raval part of that group?

I still don't believe even in this downgraded claim.

PostPosted: 27 Jul 2007
by Mr Green
My money would go on that the 'scientist' that tested her was either a BK, or someone they were in the midst of 'sugaring up' to become a contact soul.

PostPosted: 27 Jul 2007
by tinydot
The Next question we need to ask the BKs is:
    Who were those scientists who made those tests?
Sure we can call those scientists to reproduce their findings. I am sure if it is in their "Guinness Book of Record", they must have retained the copy of her EEG as a matter of their good documentation of comparative results.

Perhaps they should repeat the same experiment as a "living proof" of their claim and under a controlled observation of a third party. We should expect longer delta waves in DJ's EEG since she has been 70 years now in Raja Yoga.

Also, someone should ask her all the questions we have been asking here in this forum whilst she is being tested and let us see how those delta waves jumps to beta. Just like a typical lie detector tests.

PostPosted: 28 Jul 2007
by jann
I volunteer to be tested also!!

PostPosted: 28 Jul 2007
by bansy
The question in this thread is not about the results of the tests, it is for what reason she took it in the first place. Why? For what purpose?

PostPosted: 28 Jul 2007
by Mr Green
I think they were probably just flattering her and someone managed to get an article in the local paper, then it was quote quote quote all the way.

It's true that if a bona fide scientist had found what he considered the most stable mind ever tested, don't you think they might have been driven to follow it up !!!!!!!

PostPosted: 28 Jul 2007
by arjun
Has Dadi Janaki been tested anytime after 1978 or in the recent past?

PostPosted: 28 Jul 2007
by joel
arjun wrote:Has Dadi Janaki been tested anytime after 1978 or in the recent past?

I believe she has been tested severely. Whether she has passed or not is a matter of opinion. :lol: :o

PostPosted: 02 Aug 2007
by ex-l
Here is another corker ... "From the East Her Holiness Dadi Janki - (founding Sister of Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University) Invoking the Spirit of Peace" ... from THE HOSPITAL AS A TEMPLE with her old devotee and primo 'microphone' from the United Nations; Robert Muller.


No, she was not a founding Sister ... who the hell gave her the title Her Holiness!!!

PostPosted: 02 Aug 2007
by Mr Green
Her Rudiness more like :lol:.

I found her to be lacking even the most basic common courtesies, literally, like you don't matter and the very presence of another underling fills her with almost the desire to vomit.

She thrives on people's insercurities. An opportunity that would arise to anyone in a position of power, especially over snotty young BKs who believe themselves to be the most wretched unclean impure beings (eh, Andrey?).

You would have thought someone in such a position would at least have the maturity and intelligence to understand how much suffering they can inflict on those that are seeking approval.

You have to remember that BKs who take it seriously will have mentally renounced their own blood families in line with Murli instructions and will believe the true family for them exists in the Yagya ... so they seek approval like any vulnerable young thing.

What fun for the one to whom they seek it. What fun to turn your head away with a look of disdain when giving toli. What fun to give classes about specific individuals in front of hundreds after they've just confided/challenged you.

It is this type of behaviour I refer to as lacking basic manners.

Is Her Holiness beyond patching up?

PostPosted: 02 Aug 2007
by abrahma kumar
Nah mr. green, is not Holiness what happens to one's memory when one inhales too much pot?

Re: Is Her Holiness is beyond patching up?

PostPosted: 02 Aug 2007
by Mr Green
abrahma Kumar wrote:Nah mr. green. Holiness is what happens to one's memory when one inhales too much pot. :evil:

Now I understand heheh, and I am almost tempted to give a serious answer :lol:.

Pass the kutchie to the BK on your right & give drishti

PostPosted: 02 Aug 2007
by abrahma kumar
I say, pass the kutchie to the BK on your right and give dem drishti, oh yeah! Pot and popcorn in the backrow of class! Wow! Who will volunteer for lookout duty? And we need a fan wallah to disperse the smoke lest the fumes give the game away!

If found out we can always say: We want our own Holiness too.

PostPosted: 02 Aug 2007
by ex-l
mr green wrote:What fun for the one to whom they seek it. What fun to turn your head away with a look of disdain when giving toli. What fun to give classes about specific individuals in front of hundreds after they've just confided/challenged you.

I am glad that you itemized your experiences or complaints with examples. This is important. Please clarify.

Yes ... I can confirm amateur dramatics over toli giving and making examples of individuals. I must say that I never took her that seriously but I know others that vacilated between fear and adoration ... and nothing was done to stop it.

But its OK. By the book ... God told her to do it ... She is in constant Yoga ... One of the 8 ... And any minor error God will take responsibility for.