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Re: "Jewels" from Dadi Janki or stones? (Fear based teachings)

PostPosted: 22 Sep 2009
by jann
Om Shanti to my loving Sisters and Brothers in Bharat and around the globe,

Special greetings from Ahmedabad!

Dadi Janki is remembering her global spiritual family with great love. Are you, members of my beloved Baba’s spiritual family, happy and content while experiencing Baba’s power of love? I am also sending deep regards to our contact souls as well.

I know all of you have been concerned about my Chariot’s health, but please rest assured as I am experiencing the wonder of good wishes and pure love. Baba has given us a powerful mantra: When the children have courage, Baba comes forward with 1000-fold help. I just have to please the Lord with a true heart and cooperation comes in thousand-fold. I am all right and health is improving gradually.

You too are well experienced in receiving multi-million fold help from Baba, isn’t it? Every one of Baba’s Murlis is merged in every nerve of this Chariot. Honest and surrendered children are a mirror for the world. In Bhakti, the scriptures show devotees what their attainments will be, but here our Baba is ready to give every Brahmin child the sovereignty of the world! He is making us worthy in a beautiful manner. Today’s Murli made me strongly appreciate the fact the Brahma Baba is our great-great-great grandfather, Shiv Baba is the One to establish the first creation of heaven, we are Brahma’s mouth-born creation… Our face and conduct should give experiences to all more than our words. Let everyone wonder, “Who has made them this way?”

I was talking with Dadi Gulzar about how powerful service through the mind can end all obstacles that come to the Yagya, as well as help other souls experience God’s love. We remember Dadi Prakashmani as our teacher. Mama and Baba played their parts and went on, and then Dadiji took on Baba’s service and made us her service companions. Dadiji once told me, “When we say Baba from the heart, He comes to reside and comfort our heart. Share openly with Baba and put an end to any matter”. Dadi has always followed this advice.

Each of the advanced party are so praise-worthy… I am specially remembering three great beings:

1) Vishwa Ratan Dada was the No 1 worthy child. He alone has served Baba, the Yagya and looked after the Sisters with great love. No matter how much he did, Bhau (Dada) always said, “I haven’t done anything.” Whatever Baba has said will definitely become a reality.”
2) Manmohini Didi was the first gopika to come into Baba’s lap. Many of you have met and experienced Didi’s virtues. Shrimat was the most important thing in Didi’s life. Neither did she mix dictates of her own mind with Shrimat, nor did she ever allow me to do so. She was most devoted to Baba, her Lord and Beloved. With her truthfulness and love, Didi empowered the Yagya. Nothing untoward can happen in the Yagya when these qualities are in place.
3) Chandramani Dadi was a wonderful Dadi! Her inner power made her No 1 in renunciation and tapasya from the beginning. The foundation of every place where she served continues to go strong.

Dadi wasn’t able to have restful sleep last night as she was having a sweet conversation with Baba. BapDada are coming next month and the proof of our efforts should please Him in a way that He not only makes us the garlands around His neck but places us on His head too.

This is why I request all my beloved Sisters and Brothers to have subtle realization and be honest with Baba. If you are not truthful before Baba, He will just let go and say “Drama!” Baba cannot bear to see the children’s weaknesses and so each of us has to give the return of Baba’s love.

The doctors have advised me to rest at the Hospital for couple of days. I send loving greetings to all the centres and Baba’s children.
In Baba’s loving Yaad,
B.K. Janki

Re: "Jewels" from Dadi Janki or stones? (Fear based teachings)

PostPosted: 22 Sep 2009
by rayoflight
Clearly she has nothing better to say than to pump herself up and her other glorified minions.

Re: "Jewels" from Dadi Janki or stones? (Fear based teachings)

PostPosted: 22 Sep 2009
by ex-l
Shrimat was the most important thing in Didi’s life. Neither did she mix dictates of her own mind with Shrimat, nor did she ever allow me to do so.

She is taking crap as usual too.

I am using the usual example of all the Sakar Murlis telling the BK followers NOT to have pictures of Lekhraj Kirpalani ... and then Janki going ahead and insisting to have huge trance lights images of Lekhraj Kirpalani to take with her when she went to the West. Didi Manohar was in charge around then.

It is amazing how often she boasts about her own virtues and divinity.

recognizing Baba

PostPosted: 23 Sep 2009
by alladin
If you have attachment for anything, it means you don’t recognise Baba

Reading this class posted by Jannis on jul 26, the expression "recognize Baba", caught my attention.

Say, my antennas suddenly stood up and I had the desire to explore further and possibly shatter, like a laser beam does this concept. Pull it apart and disempower it. From the very beginning, students come across this over used notion which, if accepted, can become your pass into the BK family, Madhuban, etc ... I can picture some sisters-in-charge talking to each other nodding and saying, pleased with their power of persuasion, that a new student "is a Brahmin and has recognized Baba". What on Earth does that mean? That the poor spiritual seeker has accepted BrahmaBaba and the (supposed to be Shiva) ghost working through him as his new, true, trustworthy gurus?

Although initially, on one hand, they claim that Raja Yoga is universal and you don't need to relinquish your religion and culture in order to learn the meditation and doctrine they teach, very soon they will impose a lot of dogmas on you and ask you to forget everything you previously learnt; where you came from, loosen all ties to the old world (it is like a graveyard and everyone in there is a corpse), people you know and used to interact with, and replace it all with their beliefs and spooks. This is why they get very nasty when you ask questions.

It is like a sort of initiation ritual, where you must throw everything else away, including your own old identity, surrender- especially your intellect, and start believing in everything they say and accept anything they do without blinking. Imbibe it and propagate it. It has the connotation of some kind of voodoo. You can ask your heart: is their agenda black or white?

The title of this topic suggests that methods and intentions pervading the BKWSO are not very bright and light: fear and manipulation. Thinking about rituals, you may recall that often and preferably, but not casually, for students, the first day they are invited to join Murli class, is thursday, satguruwar, when Bhog is offered and fed to all participants . It is "Baba's system". In some centers, Sisters go in trance and deliver "Bhog messages". So you will be exposed to a deeper imprint. If you cannot make it on other days of the week, you should at least come for "Bhog" :D .

Indians maybe be accustomed to the sharing of "prasad" holy food, cooked and distributed to devotees in temples, innocent Bhakti stuff in comparison to the various tecniques the BKs utilize to control others on multiple levels! Please read again what I quote here from sept 22
I was talking with Dadi Gulzar about how powerful service through the mind can end all obstacles that come to the Yagya, as well as help other souls experience God’s love.

The way I interpret it today, sorry if I lost my innocence but it was due to happen, is that they are (maliciously) concentrating their mental efforts on defending the Yagya from any challenge and attempting to get more and more people under the influence of the ghosts they channel.

Re: "Jewels" from Dadi Janki or stones? (Fear based teachings)

PostPosted: 23 Sep 2009
by jann
And they do that without my knowledge. They don't tell me that they put, or trying to put, a spell on me.

That is fully against all ethics for spiritual leaders or guides.

Re: "Jewels" from Dadi Janki or stones? (Fear based teachings)

PostPosted: 31 Oct 2009
by jann
THE WISDOM AND THE POWER TO CHANGE - Q & A with Dadi Janki Friday october 30
Please define self-respect? What does it mean to value the self ?

Firstly, it meanse realization of the self as a soul, then knowing and accepting God from the heart. This creates the foundation of true self-respect. When constructing a building, the foundation is laid first. They dig deeply into the ground, replacing the ordinary landfill with the strong materials needed to make the foundation solid. Otherwise, with one storm, the building collapses. Why? Because its foundation is not strong.

In the same way, we need to go deep inside and remove the waste and negativities that have deeply penetrated the soul over many births. The attachment to and obsession with our body, bodily relationships, the atmosphere of the world, ego and arrogance - all these must be cleared out.

This is accomplished only through introversion, and the humility to recognize, "I, the soul, am a child of God." We need to travel deep inside to experience our self as a soul, then go up above and reconnect with God. This is the correct spiritual effort to be making now. This is what establishes and sustains our stage of self-respect.

Why is our self-respect so easily undermined ?

Most souls are still carrying around a lot of scars from the past. These spiritual wounds are always the result of ego-based action. Then, when something happens, it's like putting salt on the wound. The pain is out of proportion to the actual situation. When this happens, we need to understand that we have not properly 'cleared out' and 'refilled' the foundations of the heart. There are thoughts such as, "Why is this happening to me ?" , "What to do ?" , "How should I do ?" , "No-one cares about me" , "No-one ever helps me."

These thoughts weaken the heart further, and there are tears at the slightest provocation, anger at the smallest criticism. Pain like this is a sign that the heart is still blocked. The way to open the heart is to replace those thoughts of loneliness with thoughts of how "I, the soul, am separate from this body. I, the soul, am detached from the body, I, the soul am peaceful and loving by nature."

When we practice these thoughts in our daily meditation, self-realisation follows and our power is restored. The problem is that the soul has developed a nature of dependency. It is now in the habit of depending on external supports. This has destroyed any confidence in being able to do by myself. Courage is easily lost and the soul forgets that, "If I do, God will help." When God becomes aware of the soul's effort to awaken and heal, He becomes available immediately,

is not there a risk of becoming dependant on God in the same negative way we have with human beings? Doesn't self-reliance figure in this in some way?

God does not say, "Take my support and become dependant on me." He tells us that if we remain truthful and courageous, He will help. We need to be sensible in these things. Taking help from a human can easily lead to being trapped and possibly enslaved by another. However, God does not enslave. On the contrary, through Him we are made free. His power is that He enables the soul to become free and to fly Home to the Soul World. He helps by making us like He is.

We are not becoming dependant. We are becoming kings, which mean sovereignty over our own consciousness.

It is a matter of truly understanding who we are and then playing our part accurately. This type of honesty is what God likes. Then, even if we don't have a good intellect to begin with, or we are low on power or courage, He gives that. God is an enabler. He enables. There is no question of enslavement. When we have the sense to keep with us truth (of who we are), courage (to transform ourselves) and total faith in God, all our problems begin to dissolve.

Why is extroversion contrary to spirituality ?

Extroversion is the habit of losing the self in one or another aspect of the outer world. With extroversion, the mind and physical senses race outwards, wanting to know what is going on in everyone else. Introversion is a matter of going within, to understand and experience the self. We become extroverted because we have grown accustomed to satisfying our needs and desires through our physical senses. This is what happens when we lose our soul consciousness and become identified with the body.

Such physical satisfaction can only ever be temporary. This is why most of our needs reflect a spiritual emptiness.
Nothing physical can fulfill the needs of the spirit. Yet our habit continues, of looking outside the self to satisfy the needs of the spirit. People, places and possessions consistently attract and trap the intellect. Even if we wish to, we find that we cannot remain independent of them. Despite knowing it is a world of sorrow, we do not let go of any of it easily. We remain mentally attached.

This is the reason why many people embark on a spiritual search. There is a feeling that something within is being overlooked. There is a desire to explore this inner space.

How do you cultivate a more introverted state ?

Take time to sit down and observe the self objectively. Look at your own feelings with a lot of love and say, "Don't worry. Everything is alright." If you are feeling bad, you need to understand that these bad feelings are not the real you. Say to yourself, "I am a soul. I am peace. I am love. I will regain my original nature." Remember that peace is your eternal and original religion. By turning within and increasing your experience of it, you will come to understand and accept that this is, indeed, your truth.

Why do you emphasize silence so much ?

We all have a sacred space inside us. This is the silent space, which is the heart of the soul. To experience silence, we need to go into this inner world. This silence then informs our thoughts about the self, about God and the way we should behave. Learn to touch this silence, this deep inner peace, wherever you are. When you rediscover that peaceful space inside and remain there, it empowers you and all that you do. God Himself is always in silence, so if you want to meet Him, you need to go into silence too.

Why do you always encourage others to think about God all the time ?

Thought creates lines of connection, similar to the way that old telegraph wires used to connect people in conversation. The more you think about the qualities and personality of God, the more you make a subtle connection with Him and the more you are colored by His company. If you spend time contemplating and creating a silent conversation with God, you will experience the virtues of God. This is called Yoga.

There is a lot of power in God's virtues. When we learn to draw these in, we can change the self much more easily than if we try to do it on our own. A real experience of God enables us to recognize, in a flash, everything inside us that is false. The light received from this experience removes our darkness. This is the essence of a good Yoga practice.

Why do you stress the appreciation of values ?

Spiritual values create quality in our lives and relationships. They bring dignity to our species. They give life its sparkle. They are like a personal property that no-one can ever steal. Values can never be lost to the soul.
Values can, however, be neglected. They can get buried under the negative influence of others and the world.
Then, it is as if the soul loses personal meaning. Values do not grow easily in a mind filled with negativity.

When you focus on your values, you can make them fertile again by the water of good thoughts and pure feelings.
Then your values. Like seeds, will grow - from the inside out. We need to protect them from adverse influences, by stopping the tendency to blame or criticize others. Prepare your values well, so that whenever there is an opportunity to share them, you can do so with love. This is where honesty and altruism are needed together. When they are present within the self, others are served.

Which brings us to the subject of time, something we all value. Why do you continually stress that this is an important moment in time ?

This is the season to become good and do good. Just as the darkness of night is followed by day, so too this winter of humanity will give way to the blossoms of spring. When it is the season for planting, a farmer knows he has work to do. His attention goes to what seeds need to be sown. He makes no excuses. In the same way, now is the time to let our spiritual values emerge. Through them the value of life is increased.

A better life, a better world, can only emerge when we live our highest values so it's in our hands, no-one elses.
We are all of the same family and, when we emerge our spiritual values, we can move a mountain. It is not a big thing. Human beings can do whatever they set their mind to. It's happening now because more people are giving such attention to themselves.

For the last sixty years, I have witnessed a groundswell of authentic spirituality emerging in the world. It is not something you will read about in your newspapers, but it is a reality. The long winter of humanity, during which our spiritual values have been gradually lost to our awareness, is coming to an end, and the new spring is about to begin. Of this I am certain.

Dadi Janki is the co-administrative head of the Brahma Kumaris worldwide.

Re: "Jewels" from Dadi Janki or stones? (Fear based teachings)

PostPosted: 31 Oct 2009
by ex-l
jannisder wrote:That is fully against all ethics for spiritual leaders or guides.

without emphasizing I believe it or not, it is true that traditional and orthodox spiritual schools, or schools of spiritualism would all say the same thing.

It is against spiritual ethics to do something to someone without their knowledge and consent. it is said, and again I only know this from a conceptual level and not my own, that this is especially true of "higher spirit beings", whatever they might be, which raises doubts about the spirit entity, or entities that the Brahma Kumaris think are the God of all Religions as seen above.

The Janki Kripalani interview reads like a typical 'staged interview' in which Janki is only asked the sort of questions they want and portrays the BK's believes in a certain 'softened way' for the general public. Key to which is that their god spirit is the God of all. Note how subtly they skirt around the issue of the predictions of the End of the World.

They have been many periods of spiritual renaissance in the last hundred years or more. From the end of the Victorian Period to the early 20s or 30s, many thousands of people would gather regularly in the West to listen to spiritualists, even to Indians who came out of India, even back then. Far more than now.

In India ... when has it ever changed? The Melas have continued through history the number of atheists and secular individuals (for which read educated) are increasing even more.

Re: "Jewels" from Dadi Janki or stones? (Fear based teachings)

PostPosted: 21 Feb 2010
by ex-l
More silliness from the would be Emperor of the Golden Age and top 8 soul in the world ...
Spirituality is the core: Governor Barnala and the Future of Power

An evening of reflection and insight marked the launch of the ‘Future of Power’ dialogues in the State here on Sunday by the head of Brahma Kumaris Dadi Janki who met Governor Surjit Singh Barnala at the launch of the ‘Future of Power’ dialogues series, in Chennai.

Principal Secretary of Brahma Kumaris Brij Mohan pointed to the role played by misuse of economic power and greed in making market forces wreak havoc on society.

Dadi Janki said the value system of our country was crucial in its future of power ... Children do not even care for their elderly parents, she lamented. “We need to be one and have unity,” she said.

For someone that left her family, cut completely off from them and teaching absolute detachment ... it is a bit of a joke, is not it? Do what I say not what I do!

Of course, we do not know the truth or if Dadi Janki is or ever passed money back to her lokik family ... we know they have met in private but little else.

Re: "Jewels" from Dadi Janki or stones? (Fear based teachings)

PostPosted: 21 Feb 2010
by jann
Dialogue between Dadi Janki and Mohini Bhen (NY) - 13th February 2010 – Gyan Sarovar

Interviewer to Mohini Bhen: One of your specialities is that you recognize your role and you recognize yourself. So, how do you see your role and how have you understood your role?

Mohini Bhen: When I came to God, I really had nothing. Whatever gifts I have received came after belonging to Baba, and I have been able to create my personal life on the basis of His blessings and pure drishti. I don’t like the words, ‘in charge’, but my duty is to do whatever Baba says or to go wherever Baba sends me, and to share whatever effort I am making or whatever attainments I have received.

Our parts evolve according to our spirituality and the way we inculcate virtues. It is not like in the world, where people are first given a position and then play their part accordingly. Whatever sustenance Baba has given, whatever teachings Baba gives, on that basis I should do service. Drama has also given chances. This enables me not to be role conscious; though I have to play a part. Avyakt BapDada gave the blessing: “You will go out into the world and serve. Your intellect’s Yoga will be with God alone and this will be the success of your life.” Since then my attention has been careful not to mix the worldly information I hear or read in my intellect, because God has given a divine intellect and that should not come under anyone else’s influence. We need to encourage transformation in others, so I should not be influenced by anyone who is not spiritual.

It has been said that each one has to create their own part. I have kept the aim to maintain my stage and increase my progress, so that I should be given a task. It is not that I want a particular service, but through my own effort and uplifting the self, I move forward and service is given to me. Dadi’s faith in me that I can do a task makes me ever-ready.

Dadi Janki: Mohini Bhen is not role conscious, and doesn’t expect to be in-charge of anything, and this is God’s blessing. To put Baba’s versions into practice is the speciality that God saw in you. Unlike many others, you don’t have the ego of your speciality. God saw your speciality and filled the power of love in you. Through your words, people can understand what is spirituality no matter in what field they are.

Baba gave us the signal that if we have a little jealousy, less faith in the self and a need to prove myself to others, then the original knowledge of who I am and what I am becomes hidden. If we compete even a little we will not be able to claim our reward. It is a very subtle aspect. The main thing is to inculcate knowledge and connect your link with the Supreme. What is happening everywhere is that as people do service they are not staying in Yoga. See how through Dadi Gulzar’s part of staying in silence, Baba can use the body of Dadi Gulzar.

Baba has given me the gift to make others like myself; I will colour others with my company. You all can be such bees that don’t give teachings to others, but with a lot of love give them your company and colour them.

Mohini Bhen: Dadi gives support through seeing specialities. If we didn’t have the support of Dadi we wouldn’t be able to do anything.

Dadi Janki: Some use their specialities and become egotistic. The main safety belt is to remain in the stage of soul consciousness and then come into service. In today’s world, even if there is a little body consciousness, that follows us everywhere, whereas the feeling of being an instrument makes us valuable. The whole world service is Baba’s play, and is being enacted with everyone’s cooperation. Some souls are not cooperative, even so, each one is made because of God. I will never think this is my student, my centre, or I have made this one like that, or I have done this.

In today’s world, loneliness and emptiness are subservient to those who give them respect. Some will experience God has given so much that they will want to give this to others. If there isn’t this experience, there is loneliness and emptiness, and there is the feeling of body consciousness, so Maya enters service. We need to do the work of removing body consciousness. If someone gives me a teaching, I can accept it; it may also be useful for others. Don’t reject teachings. Know the value of each and every teaching you receive and finish your ego. First is soul consciousness, secondly it is God’s task, then Baba can perform wonders.

Mohini Bhen: Making the effort to study is like a hobby; I do it because I enjoy it. So, churning and thinking about God’s knowledge becomes natural, like breathing. Emptiness comes when I feel I should have attainment through effort. Body consciousness comes in many different forms: I may have a sensitive nature, or I compare myself to others. So, each one should check in what aspect do I have waste thoughts.

The first practice is to be a soul, and our second practise is that any weakness shouldn’t come back again. This whole year I have been focusing on what is my original form, my original nature, and I make decisions based on this. If my intellect works on this basis there will be authenticity. We can choose any aspect to work on, and Baba also gives us homework to focus on. Brahma Baba used to finish his work by 9 pm every night, so I aim to do the same. He gave us the drill of being incorporeal and angelic 24 times a day, so by practising that I can increase my soul conscious stage.

Dadi Janki: Yes, this practise should be a hobby. Baba has given these directions to I, the soul, so if I don’t put it into practise, my conscience bites. Secondly, some don’t have an open mind. Because they don’t have an open mind they are not light. This attention needs to be paid to what is sitting inside me. At the end of the day, we tell Baba and finish it. At night, take might from Baba and remain light and inspire others to remain light while interacting. If I don’t remain at this level, even if there is something small, it will spoil the atmosphere.

Therefore, have mercy on yourself so that you can stay open-minded. Instead of suppressing, accommodate and take power. If you cannot accommodate, then just take God’s power. Some don’t recognize that suppression is body consciousness. We Dadis never used to keep anything in our hearts about each other except for the love between us. If some mistake has been committed, we must tell Baba about it, or to his instruments, those who follow Shrimat, then we can be light. Baba presently has boundless mercy, but Dharam Raj will not. The Lord is present with an honest heart.

Mohini Bhen: Many feel that they don’t want to tell an instrument because it might affect their vision of them. This indicates that I am in the show, and that the soul is not open-minded.

Dadi Janki: Some don’t have the chance to go to the Dadis, so they go to Baba’s room and with an open heart write to Baba. If you have this feeling, do such tapasya that success will be with you. And if you are an instrument, there should be such humility and pure feelings that you never repeat what is said to you. Past is passed, so even if something just happened half an hour ago, say ‘Om Shanti’.

Mohini Bhen: If everyone keeps the aim that we should have pure feelings then negativity will go. Feelings are delicate, if they are mixed within, I will not have the power to decide. Everyone should have this attention that, yes, if I maintain pure feelings, the situation will change, and my pure feelings will erase the situation.

Dadi Janki: The power to decide is the wonder of all the powers. The more we have the power of silence inside us, having truth and faith, there will be no worry. It’s not that I have to think about a problem, whether it is infront of me or another person. If I think about it, I will not be able to decide. Therefore, don’t think. If you think, you will lose time in reaching a decision, so don’t think. It will become all right. If you don’t’ think you will have the faith that it will be all right. It’s a subtle aspect.

There were so many things confronting Brahma Baba, but everything became all right. From inside, practically, faith over a long period of time is accumulated, and we receive such power that our mind, nature and senses don’t make us subservient. What are we doing all the time? We are clearing the path so that others can walk along it. Remain clean inside yourself and keep your intellect clear. There shouldn’t even be a splash of anyone’s dirt on me. Then, at any moment, I can go into silence, and do my work in peace. Make your nature natural. Keep your nature like the Father’s.
Om Shanti.

If Mohini (NY) is invited for a lecture, she demands a first class ticket for herself and two economy class tickets for her two "slaves". The students that invite her have to pay for the tickets. Is that ego, or a gift from Baba?

Re: "Jewels" from Dadi Janki or stones? (Fear based teachings)

PostPosted: 24 Feb 2010
by rayoflight
This dialogue between DJ and Mohini Bhen is full of contradictions. Anyone who has been part of the BKWSO and has awakened will be able to identify the contradictions in a second.

For example:

    "Open minds" are not part of the BK. You must absolutely close your mind in order to be a disciple.
    Furthermore, it is not necessary to dull the senses in order to be or become spiritual. That is "senseless" - pun intended :D.
In fact, the BKWSO is full of spirit-less people who have lost themselves but believe they are spiritual and becoming enlightened.

It has been my greatest fortune to be able to meet some very normal people who understand what being spiritual is without having to either go to India nor join a cult. They are people who understand respect, love and compassion without religious dogma attached to it. They are people who are educated with values and simply respect human beings and nature. In fact, it is often religion that causes people to misbehave or behave strangely.

Cults are for people who don't know how to be spiritual in the normal world and need to use dualism as an excuse to blame the world in order to justify their religion.

True spirituality does not utilise dualism or separation to explain what it is, but that is the heart and soul of the BKWSO - separation, isolation, differentiation, condescension, and the illusion that they are right.

Re: "Jewels" from Dadi Janki or stones? (Fear based teachings)

PostPosted: 25 Feb 2010
by rayoflight
An addendum to the above entry:
Paul O'Brien wrote:Rigidity in the hearts of men and women tends to breed a separateness that can only be thawed by a greater force: typically, some strong spiritual stirring.

The thawing of cold hearts always improves conditions.

The irony of this quote is that the BK think they are spiritual but are rigid and cold. Therefore, the greater force, "strong spiritual stirring" does not exist in the BKWSO.

Re: "Jewels" from Dadi Janki or stones? (Fear based teachings)

PostPosted: 05 Mar 2010
by jann
Dadi Janki – 3rd March 2010 – Pandav Bhavan

The value of concentration

It is the time to think about what Baba expects from you, In silence think about what you have to think, speak and do. Put one thing right and then move to the next thing. To take yourself into the stage of checking the self deeply requires great concentration. A concentrated mind does not fluctuate. In a shop scales are used to weight things. The pointer on the scale has to be stable before the value of the item can be judged. If the scales are not stable or are faulty, the accurate value of the item cannot be given. Let me now develop total stability. Remember: Through concentration wisdom develops.

First learn to have a deep spiritual chit chat with the self and then have come into sound with others. To have a spiritual chit chat with the self also requires concentration. It is time to leave the pulls and pressures of the world. The old world should not have any influence on me. In one second we should be able to move between the corporeal world, the Subtle Regions and the Soul World.

If there is pressure or stress even from service then pain will come in your body. In order to finish that in a second use ‘Om Shanti’ and bring Baba in front. Don’t go into complaints about your stress and pain because Baba will not be able to come in front of you if you do. Use your internal power to remain peaceful and all pain will finish.

Even if you feel that others are not valuing you, remember that Baba values you. There was one Sister who no-one in the world loved or accepted. When she came into the gathering in Karachi, Baba accepted her totally. She was very happy in Baba’s home. To be able to remain happy in Baba’s home is a sign of great fortune. When she was ill Baba looked after for her for 2 days. On the third day she left the body. Baba helped carry her to the cremation ground. Baba showed great love to her because of her love. So look in your heart honestly: Have I made my heart strong? Do I have real mercy on myself? Do I still allow sadness to creep in? Have you come here to be a king or a subject? If you want to be a king then you have to become the king of your own internal kingdom now. Remember: this is Raja Yoga. Don’t make your effort making difficult. The main aspect is: I the soul belong to Baba.

Baba has shown us how to do great work. The seed of all service is Baba so don’t think thinking that you are doing this or that! Who started service and continues to inspire it? It is Baba. It is Baba who has shown us how to create a good atmosphere and who helps to sustain that. We have many Baba’s rooms but now make a Baba’s room within your own self. If you make a Baba’s room in yourself and keep Him in there then Baba will be visible through you wherever you go.

Baba has shown us this path so that we can place our footsteps in his. I don’t have to place my feet on dirt any more. Nothing old should now remain within me. I must now make a pledge not to come into body consciousness again. Even to be in the awareness “I am from the UK, I am from America etc.’ is body consciousness. I am an incorporeal soul, resident of the Soul World, child of the Incorporeal One and I now have to return home.

Develop a very deep connection with Baba internally. Create and maintain relationships with Him; Baba is my mother, He is my Father, my Teacher, my Satguru. Even if you sit for 10 minutes in this awareness you will have beautiful experiences. Remember that the whole world is looking for this One and so appreciate Baba and the fact that you have found Him!

Think: What true effort am I making for my own self ? Make your own programme for self progress and stick to it! There is no other university like this where the effort is internal. You have to now become free yourself and make others free.

What is the difference between a mistake and forgetfulness? There is a large difference between a little forgetfulness and a mistake. For example, if you get angry or upset then it is a mistake. To forget to do something is forgetfulness but beware – if you keep forgetting Baba then you will make big mistakes. Brahma Baba would never rebuke anyone for their mistakes. If someone broke a glass Baba would not say anything except that it was drama. Don’t forget Baba’s love. It is so valuable to you! Keep Him in your heart and you will really be able to smile from inside. If each one of us were to smile from inside then revelation would quickly take place! Remove the sorrow of others and your own sorrow will be removed by God Himself.

Om Shanti

Re: "Jewels" from Dadi Janki or stones? (Fear based teachings)

PostPosted: 09 Mar 2010
by jann
Dadi Janki - 8th March 2010 - Gyan Sarovar

Use everything in a worthwhile way and finish suppression

In order to take might from Baba I have to become light; I have to go beyond the consciousness of the body. I have to go beyond both lokik and alokik relationships - only then can I have all relationships with Baba. We have to become detached from aspects of the body and bodily relationships. The more we become detached from these, the more we become light. If there is the slightest attachment to something, someone or even service, then the soul cannot draw Baba's power. This is my experience. We need to understand the deep aspects of attachment and the result of that attachment and we also need to understand the depths of love. Baba has told us to become the conqueror of attachment and the embodiment of remembrance. He has not said this about ego or anger but about attachment. This is the final stage we have to reach now.

I used to watch Brahma Baba. Even whilst having so much to do he would pay great attention to Yoga. He would keep the aim of becoming complete. Baba gives us such sustenance and attainments that the soul can automatically experience the stage of being the conqueror of the attachment. By experiencing attainment the soul can leave all attachments. These aspects are very deep. By going into the depths of knowledge, you will be able to develop deep love for God. The study reminds us what the quality of our Yoga should be.

Another aspect is that I have to remain in the unlimited. I have to keep both my intellect and my heart in the unlimited. Until you are able to move your intellect into the unlimited, you will keep limited feelings in your heart. Why? Because you will maintain subtle strings of attachment to various things including your nature and sanskaras and you won't even realise it. If you don't realise it then how can you let it go? Many of Baba's children have 'fixed' their nature and sanksaras and they don't even realise that they need to change them. They think that they are fine. Many don't even feel that they need to make effort. They think that others are making effort but that they don't really need to. Instead of facing things and getting involved in changing they remain the same. This is a battlefield. We don't have to battle but we do have to face and to change.

Remember that souls who maintain pure feelings over a long period of time will always experience success. One who has faith in the Father and in the drama will never experience defeat. Remember that the drama is accurate. We have to keep in our awareness that Baba is with us and that it is time to return home. We are not just making preparations to go home but we are on the way home. Home is just next door to us. Those who make this kind of effort whilst on the service field and also continue to maintain good relationships with others, will be able to renounce their body and become karmateet.

Keep the determined aim to become worthy and show the proof. Create a list of what is means to become worthy. If you wish to become worthy then become obedient, faithful and loyal. Finish all dislike of others. Leave all jealousy. Don't get affected by the variety of nature and sanskars in others. If you become affected it is your own mistake. It is not a matter of suppressing the self. Don't be dry in relationships. Don't just communicate for the sake of work. Remember; this is a family. To think that no-one will understand you and that there is no solution is also suppression. There is only loss in suppression. Maintain the concern not to waste your breath, your thoughts, your time or your energy. If you use everything in a worthwhile way you will not waste anything and neither will you suppress anything. You will develop faith and trust and you will do everything on that basis. However, if you start thinking; well, this always happens - people are like this, these situations will continue then you will need to keep suppressing.

Remember - we are ancestor souls. What is the quality of Baba's drishti for me? Think about this and create your elevated stage. Make a list of the tasks Baba has given you. Stay in good wishes and pure feelings and see how good your chart becomes!

Om Shanti

Re: "Jewels" from Dadi Janki or stones? (Fear based teachings)

PostPosted: 01 Jun 2010
by Affected BK
Dadi Janki – 29.5.10 – GRC, Oxford


The intellect has become very refined, the atmosphere powerful, the battery charged and the mind has become cool and serene. Outside, the world is becoming more and more heated. When there is no rain, they call out to God. No one calls out to the religious founders in this way – only to the Supreme Father. You can invite people to come and know our Father, Teacher and Satguru and how He is in front of us. Create such interest. Shiv Baba disturbed Brahma Baba’s sleep and Brahma Baba in turn doesn’t allow us to sleep. How can you sleep when you realize that there is so much to do. It’s not enough to say, ‘Baba Baba’, you have to do something and give the proof of it.

The topic for the group that is here is “Collective Pure Thoughts’ Just check that your own thoughts are pure, don’t look at others. Everything in the drama is fixed, keep moving on. It is important to be concerned about the quality of your thoughts. My thoughts should be of me and Baba. Have a private conversation with Baba. No one should have the courage to come in between. They should see that I am happy with Him and they too should create their own connection with Baba.

Baba bathes us in the early morning with Yoga and then after that he decorates us with the Murli. Without bathing, it’s not possible to put on the decoration. Don’t allow the cold, fog, rain or anything to come in between you and the Murli. Attendance at Amrit Vela started from the early days of Tennyson Road, when a Pandav Bhawan was set up nearby so that the Brothers could come and stay. The souls from those days are still sparkling today. Those who have love for the Murli and Murlidhar (the One who plays the flute) will never make excuses or give reasons. Become honest with yourself and check to see if you have become clever at giving excuses. Own up to it. Those who give excuses or reasons for not being able to do something, in fact attract circumstances that become a reason.

Recognize who is Dilwala (the Comforter of Hearts). Ask Him what He has in His heart for you. Have chitchat with Him about yourself and about Himself. Tell Him the things of your heart. It is dangerous to tell other people the things of your heart. No need to complain that there is no one who will listen to you. Spend time in Baba’s room. He is ready and waiting to tell you beautiful things. Speak with Baba about loving things of the heart. Taste this and see. Then you will also find someone who is thirsty to listen to such things and will take benefit from this. These are private matters, but you can taste it and allow others to taste it too. Even though Baba loves so many, He never stops loving me. Therefore, there is no need to have jealousy; in fact we can be happy that others are also receiving His love. Think about the beauty of such a heart where there is no jealousy and no limitations. Does the soul understand the things of Baba’s heart and make itself good? Let your heart be touched by Baba. Just sing the song, ‘mine is one Baba and none other’.

God says, don’t just sing my praise, but steal the virtues of all and become praiseworthy. Baba once told Dadi that she is clever in giving the donation of virtues. Dadi was not even aware of this and just looked at Baba. He then explained that those who are full of virtues (gunvaan), become those who make the donation of virtues (gundaan). You can enable others to become virtuous when you don’t see their defects. Make your eyes good and intellect refined. It is our great fortune that Baba is making us virtuous and satopradhan. Simply take the goodness from people, maybe they don’t even realise that they have this.

Make the donation of knowledge, virtues, power and time. Give love and affection to the family and give time in service, then even time will become pleased. Even if you don’t have anything else, give people the donation of time. If you are giving someone time but they are not taking benefit from you then just keep giving but give in a subtle way. All you need to do is give love throughout the whole day. The things of the heart reach everyone. You may not be doing any physical activity, but consider each one to be very good, observe the uniqueness and goodness of each one. Collect this goodness and you will never become sad.

Some people wonder why sadness comes suddenly, without any obvious reason. Once a sad thought (oodasi) creeps into your mind it takes over. Its starts ruling you and so you become a slave (daasi). Such thoughts not only rule over you but they make you consider that to be okay. These thoughts then steal your happiness. You need to remain detached and loving. Everything is good. There are many methods to become free in a second and become successful.

It is a big mistake to catch hold of the situation or let it catch hold of you. You then make others your companions to listen to you and become surrounded by judges and lawyers. This is what wastes a lot of time. Judge yourself. You don’t need to hire a lawyer to win your case. Become such an example and embodiment of support for all so that they can be uplifted.

Ask yourself what you need to do. Become an example for others so that they can receive support and be uplifted.

When you just say ‘Om Shanti’ morning and evening, the path ahead becomes clear and you develop wings to fly. A bird never asks how to fly, it flies naturally. Put a full stop and the situation is finished. Fly and keep flying, this is service. Even if you feel that you are ready to fly but others aren’t, then become like an aeroplane. People automatically prepare themselves in advance to go in an aeroplane. They pack up, prepare their visa and wait for the flight. The aeroplane waits whilst everything is checked before the pilot and passengers arrive. Everyone is instructed to wear the seatbelt. The plane then taxis slowly before picking up speed and flying off. Make your effort the same. There is no need to see what is happening down below. If something is happening, you have to be detached, you cannot get off the plane and jump down. You have to reach your destination and stop worrying. Just keep giving good vibrations. It is now time to go home. We have packed already, become first class passengers and go with royalty.

Making excuses is what causes sadness. Happiness provides the wings of zeal and enthusiasm. When people see you fly, they too will want to come and see what is up there. They will also become free from fear. Zeal and enthusiasm enables you to fly.

You are all sensible. When you remain engaged/occupied, you won’t be confused about anything. There won’t be any sadness or depression. Although Baba is telling this to everyone, listen in a personal way. When all of you begin to fly, there will be great splendour. There is no need to do anything else.

What is the difference between feelings of guilt and feelings of repentance?

When something wrong is done and you realise that, there are feelings of guilt and then shame. Even though some souls are sensible they still continue to make mistakes and this bothers them internally. However, there are those who do wrong things and do not realise it; this is being completely senseless. Some make the additional mistake of saying that others do it too and therefore don’t have any feelings of guilt. Check both your chart of Yoga and that the record of your character is elevated. There is no need to compare yourself with others. Instead, go into silence, use silence and realize that no mistake should be made. If there is some mistake made, that needs to be put right instantly, otherwise the feelings of guilt will not allow you to feel good inside.

Repentance: Baba is giving us so many teachings and explaining so much to us. If I don’t pay heed then there will be repentance. We need to maintain the laws, disciplines and manners. The law means to follow the timetable accurately. Discipline means to have a vision of brotherhood, not even that of Brother and Sister. There shouldn’t be the slightest trace of familiarity. If you keep making such mistakes the urn of sin fills up – without having emptied it from before, then there is the repentance of having missed the opportunity that is now not available.

When you spend time in the company of others who make such mistakes, time is also wasted and you have repentance for this. Baba is giving me companionship in all forms and relationships. Baba is telling us, “Claim your full inheritance before destruction”. Baba says that He doesn’t give punishment, but we fix it for ourselves. At that the end there will be moments of deep sorrow and repentance that I wasted time, that I separated myself from Baba. If I go against the highest code of conduct of this family, if I use time worrying and thinking about others, there will be a profound sense of sorrow that will bring tears. See you yourself, don’t look at others. It is imperative that we don’t consider these things small or take them lightly. What is time saying and what is Baba saying? Time says, I’m going, therefore take benefit. Baba says, take power from Me. If you don’t make Baba your child you cannot claim your full inheritance. Make Baba your heir and then you will not remember anyone else and you will become a conqueror of attachment. Just as people are proud of and describe their children very well, make Baba your child and tell everyone about Him. There will be either love or repentance.

Let there be the wings of such happiness and intoxication. Become angels, there is no need to experience punishment. In order to be liberated from punishment, go to Baba’s room three or four times a day and quietly do all the work. In an instant, it will become clear what you need to do. Make such effort to become free from punishment and Baba will also become pleased with you.

Re: "Jewels" from Dadi Janki or stones? (Fear based teachings)

PostPosted: 01 Jun 2010
by jann
what a diluted creature.