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PostPosted: 06 Oct 2007
by bkdimok
john wrote:But now you think Shiva is playing the role of Shankar through the body of Dmitry?

Shankar is combined role of Shiva and "me"(in the meaning of experience and knowledge which are in the mind of that body).I participate in all roles which are played through that body but mainly I stayed as a detached observer in the "Shankar" role. I play other roles: BK, krishnait, son, friend etc. I hope "my":) English is not so bad and you follow my drift:)
arjun wrote:Or did they used to go back to the stage of confusion/penance after enlightenment?

Dear soul, I did not understand your question. Can you refrase it?

PostPosted: 14 Oct 2007
by bkdimok
aishalvova wrote:Nothing happen with me. Just I feel that I do something wrong here, and not because I put my name, but may be because this forum not very creative for spiritual development.

Om Shanti. I have the same experience. As I see the main aim of people here is to find out the truth. I hope that after achieving this aim they will begin to practice again.


Om Shanti, dear souls. So what you want Me to tell you to solve your doubts? Exceptions are: Yagya history. How you can recognize Me according to Murlis? You should remember that I use the brain of that body, so information is limited. It doesn't matter that you consider Me as allmighty. I am almighty. But this material world is limited and I have to act here in accordance with obvious laws. This creation was not created indeed. It is only called creation, because now I create something. Indeed this "creation" is eternal and always exists.

This Drama, Cycle, Creation if you want, is going in accordance with objective laws: fine or rude. Even I play My roles in accordance with this laws. So you can throw out all your stereotypes of God which you have from Bhakti marg and from your mind. Reality is far from your present understanding. I hope it will appear to you with time. As for Me I'll do My best to help you. But remeber that all I do is best and in accordance with Drama. With best wishes. Shiv through Shankar.

PostPosted: 14 Oct 2007
by arjun
Dear BKdimok,

Omshanti. If it is really Shiv speaking through Shankar, i.e. you, then He would never seek recognition from others because He has Himself said in the Murlis that it is better to die than to seek.

If it is really Shiv speaking through your body, then you need not worry. If truth is with you recognition would automatically come to you.


PostPosted: 14 Oct 2007
by bkdimok
Om Shanti. Thank you Baba, thank you Arjun Bhai. The matter is that my mind want all this things. He wants to play roles, to think, to act in any way. And one of his desires is, as you said, recognition. Because when it will happen a lot of things will start going around me, that body and that mind. So he continuously tries to push situation. Thank you once again, I think I'll manage to controll him after your words (about automatism).

With best wishes, Shankar

PostPosted: 15 Oct 2007
by arjun
bkdimok wrote:I think I'll manage to control him after your words (about automatism).

If you do not mind, could you kindly clarify who is controlling whom because the above post seems to have been written by Shankar.


PostPosted: 15 Oct 2007
by bkdimok
arjun wrote:If you do not mind, could you kindly clarify who is controlling whom because the above post seems to have been written by Shankar.

Om Shanti. When Baba posts something He signs as Shiv through Shankar.

With best wishes, Shankar.

PostPosted: 16 Oct 2007
by arjun
bkdimok wrote:So what you want Me to tell you to solve your doubts? Exceptions are: Yagya history. How you can recognize Me according to Murlis? You should remember that I use the brain of that body, so information is limited. It doesn't matter that you consider Me as allmighty. ... Even I play My roles in accordance with this laws. So you can throw out all your stereotypes of God which you have from Bhakti marg and from your mind. Reality is far from your present understanding. I hope it will appear to you with time. As for Me I'll do My best to help you. But remeber that all I do is best and in accordance with Drama. With best wishes. Shiv through Shankar.

"Ab tum bachchon ko hee Baap ka show karnaa hai. Father toh apnaa show nahee kar saktaa. Father toh baahar nahee jaayega. Tum bachchon ko hee Baap ka parichay dena hai." (Brahmakumariyon dwara prakaashit revised Sakar Murli, dinaank 29.08.07, pg 1)

"Now you children alone have to show the Father. The Father will ot show Himself. Father will not go outside. You children alone have to give the introduction of the Father." (Revised Sakar Murli dated 29.08.07, pg 1 published by BKs in Hindi, translated by a PBK, narrated by ShivBaba through Brahma Baba)

PostPosted: 16 Oct 2007
by bkdimok
arjun wrote:"Now you children alone have to show the Father. The Father will ot show Himself. Father will not go outside. You children alone have to give the introduction of the Father." (Revised Sakar Murli dated 29.08.07, pg 1 published by BKs in Hindi, translated by a PBK, narrated by ShivBaba through Brahma Baba)

Om Shanti. As I understand Him and all what is happening now, He began to give new Murlis. There wasn't much logical explanaitions before. But it seems to me that now there will will be a lot of details, because this brain contains a lot of them.

As for Murli quotes: I don't see any problem. He said to children what to do, that they must reveal Him to the world. It had been done. Those who will come to the Golden Age are colleted. Now it is time to reveal Baba to the rest people. But it is imposible with current BKWSU polycy and methods. So He came to change this things and finish His task. Also God is not any dogma. He may do whatever He want in accordance with Drama.

With regards, Shankar

PostPosted: 16 Oct 2007
by andrey
Dear Brother BKDimOK,

If Shiv would play the role of Shankar through your body - then pictures, idols of Shankar would be present in Russia rather than India. But Shankar is famous in India because the role of Shankar is played through a body of an Indian.

Also in the basic knowledge, we learn that the Supreme Soul Shiva played a part through Brahma Baba - who is the soul of Krishna. In the Advanced Knowledge, we learn that he plays the role through Shankar - who is the soul of Ram. They are both heroine and hero of the drama. They are not ordinary souls. But there is no information about what part is played by you in the drama. Why would Shiv enter especially you?

PostPosted: 16 Oct 2007
by bkdimok
andrey wrote:1. But Shankar is famous in India, because the role of Shankar is played through a body of an Indian.
2. They are both heroien and hero of the drama, they are not ordinary souls, but there is no information about what part is played by you in the drama. Why would Shiv enter especially you.

Om Shanti.
    1. As I understand you mean Virendra Dev Dixit. Shankar is famous in India because way of Bhakti starts there in the beginning of the Copper Age. How long Virendra Dev Dixit is playing his role of Shankar? I don't see any changes in Yagya. I don't see any Destruction of impurity. Time will show who is who.

    2. Because it is in the Drama. As for ordinary soul, I don't think that you know me well. And also there are no ordinary souls in Drama. Every soul is special and has her own special role.
With regards, Shankar