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PostPosted: 15 Aug 2007
by john
mr green wrote:she was over-ruled by a trustee who then took it apon himself to circulate rumours that I was on drugs and maybe untrustworthy ... I had been a surrendered member for 10 years!!!

Bastards, that is just criminal! It's just so corporate and ugly.

bound to a mortgage?

PostPosted: 15 Aug 2007
by alladin
many souls being persuaded to take out mortgages to support the huge costs of building Diamond House and supporting GCH and Worthing centres? Is this service? They are then left with a debt for the rest of their lives and yet no guarantee that they will be supported. Well, obviously, the BK leadership BKWSU will be bailed out by death or Destruction respectively ... The BKs seem to very quiet about Worthing, Diamond House was a £6 million extension
Could please someone fill us in with some more info about these things?

Apart from sending $, leaving money in different Baba's boxes to support various projects and new construction of buildings, I am not aware of how these mortgage business work. I would like to know more. I know that some people have been talked into leaving big donations in case some cash came in their ways, but that's different. Thank you.

re mr green

PostPosted: 15 Aug 2007
by eromain
mr green,

wow, sorry to hear about that!! I am wondering if you could take some kind of legal action - if for example you paid a substantial amount of money into a house purchase, you could claim part ownership of the house. What are your options legally?


Re: re mr green

PostPosted: 15 Aug 2007
by Mr Green
eromain wrote:wow sorry to hear about that!! I am wondering if you could take some kind of legal action -if for example you paid a substantial amount of money into a house purchase you could claim part ownership of the house. What are your options legally?

I don't want to go that route to be honest ... the whole episode is something I am trying to forget ... I really don't want anything from them anymore ...

I just wish I could move on from the whole thing ... but it still continues to haunt me.

I wish none of them any malice even though my words are often harsh and maybe bitter.

I'd really like to just walk away from the whole thing but it really has been traumatic for me coming from such an intense BK lifestyle back into the normal world after so long ... and I had to leave as I lost my faith in it all ... the magic went because of some regrettable events.

So ... no 8).

PostPosted: 15 Aug 2007
by eromain
mr green,

I understand completely - I tried for 10 years to forget about it, and failed.

I figured then that at least I could channel all the negativity into something maybe that would help other people. Hence the child protection stuff. Maybe if you at least fully document what happened you'll help others to identify what happened to them, and you'll warn others from falling into the same trap.

Maybe, just maybe, the fact that you do not want anything back from them is irrelevant; maybe one is supposed to fight injustice whether it suits us or not.

best wishes

PostPosted: 15 Aug 2007
by ex-l
mr green wrote:instead of honouring the compensatory payment Dadi JANKI herself instructed I should be given ... she was over-ruled by a trustee who then took it upon himself to circulate rumours that I was on drugs and maybe untrustworthy

Were we not told that the advice, opinion, instructions, Shrimat of the SS was equal to God?

It raises some interesting ethical and legal question ... that we could take up with the Seniors. Was the trustee acting unilaterally or were the other trustees consulted in making the decision? How does the theory of Shrimat sit with the powers of the trustees. Legally, the trustees of a charity could over-rule the administrators (Janki, Jayanti). The trustees ultimately carry the responsibility. All the same, there are more than one trustee, so did the rest meet to discuss your case? It makes a bit of a mockery of the whole idea of "Sister running the Yagya". Aren't the BKs above the Kaliyugi laws?

One of their trustees, the UN connection Christopher Drake, is an "international lawyer". He would probably be the right one to ask. I should think such a case is worthy of a formal inquiry. Perhaps you ought to form a complaint to the English Charity Commission about the conduct of the officers of the charity? Put the spotlight on them. THe BKWSU in the UK is worth £1.8 Million a year, that is a serious responsibility.

My bet is that there was no formal meeting nor agreement ... Did Chris Drake and David Goodman know anything about it? I'd love to be able to go back in time, zoom in on the turn of Dadi Janki's face as she changed her mind, thought to her self "what could you do?" and then went along with the decision not honor you despite giving her word.

stop crime!

PostPosted: 16 Aug 2007
by alladin
Maybe, just maybe, the fact that you do not want anything back from them is irrelevant; maybe one is supposed to fight injustice whether it suits us or not.

Hi, Mr. Green, I totally agree with Eugene. I am sure that none of your forum friends wants to "tell you the right thing to do". We all are respectful of the fact that it's all up to you and your personality. However, personally, I think it could be healing if you took up a combative stand, whenever you are ready.

The forum support is helping us in many ways and this maybe one; that we stop being doormats and from "prey", we become "hunters". A friend recently defined as "combative" a suggestion I made about some instance. I thought I was being very "mild"! Of course there's also an ethical reason for not letting abusers get away with it and is the fact that, morally, we have the duty to stop them, preventing more "crimes". Same for industrial injuries, rapes, child abuse and the rest.

Often women are asked to summon up all their courage and report a rape or domestic violence, by organizations and groups that deal with such problems, because this is the only way to change laws, break the omerta law and make sure criminals get punished and more and more victims also will report. Because, you know, some people can be a lot weaker than you. Some children or women, or any victim, may never recover. Some BK or Ex- may really loose his/her mind and become suicidal and if we can prevent that, it can be a great act of mercy.

Often there are things we wouldn't do for ourselves, because we neglect ourselves or do not love ourselves enough to care but we may find the motivation to stand up and do it for others. Even cooking or cleaning the house if we are down, like depressed single mothers. They do what's needed, for the kids.

I did not mean to "lecture" you! Hugs.

PostPosted: 16 Aug 2007
by bkti-pit
Were we not told that the advice, opinion, instructions, Shrimat of the SS was equal to God?

May I suggest that this is a prime example of BKs mis-interpretation of Shrimat.

Baba says that we should consider Brahma Baba's instructions as coming from Shiv Baba and that if Brahma makes a mistake Shiv Baba will get it right and then we don't have to worry. However I never heard him saying that now the same applies to the Seniors.

Of course, they have supposedly been specially chosen by God, have been trained by Baba and Mama, have many more years of experience than me, are supposed to have better Yoga, have direct access to trance messengers (some are trance messengers themselves), etc.

Of course too, Baba doesn't promote rebellion. He teaches us to have respect for the Seniors and listen to their advice, etc. He also tells us never to say no straight away. He says we should first say yes with respect and then, if something is not clear or doesn't seem right, we can add "but.."

So, I used to give careful consideration to their advice but would always consider it under the light of Gyan, the light of Shrimat. Baba says to follow Shrimat, not manmat nor parmat. So I would check out with my conscience. Because the bottom line for me is my conscience.

Baba says that it is better to die than to renounce our religion. I assume that the Hindi word he uses here is the usual Dharma which to me means my principles, that is my conscience. When I came to Baba, my conscience was foggy because I did not know the Thruth. I was under the influence of body consciousness. The education I had received and the life examples that I had been exposed to were influenced by body consciousness.

My experience has been that the practice of Yoga with God and the study of The Knowledge given by God (the ever pure one) had a purifying effect on my conscience and that I now more readily discern right from wrong. Even if I make mistakes, nothing beats using my conscience. What kind of self sovereignty is this if I follow someone else's conscience? Whose conscience will I have to deal with when I go in front of Dharamraj?

Raj = kingdom, rulership
Dharam = Dharma, conscience

And now that I have been exposed to so many instances of deception, manipulation and other forms of dishonesty from the Seniors... don't even ask!

PostPosted: 16 Aug 2007
by ex-l
BKTi-Pit wrote:May I suggest that this is a prime example of BKs mis-interpretation of Shrimat ...

Can you formulate that into some sort of question or issue to be raised with the leadership via Jayanti?

PostPosted: 16 Aug 2007
by bkti-pit
Thanks Mr Green for revealing this.

I have heard many stories over the years and already had a sense that this sort of things was happening but this is the first time I get something first hand. It confirms my intuition that most Seniors are not worthy of trust when it comes to ethics. I heard a few years ago Sister Denise mentioning that ethics was not a strength of the Indian culture ...

This will greatly help me as a BK to make the right choices about my life and how I want to relate with the BK institution. Should I call it an institution or a corporation?
ex-l wrote:Can you formulate that into some sort of question or issue to be raised with the leadership via Jayanti?

Let me think about that ...

PostPosted: 16 Aug 2007
by Mr Green
BKTi-Pit wrote:May I suggest that this is a prime example of BKs mis-interpretation of Shrimat. Baba says that we should consider Brahma Baba's instructions as coming from Shiv Baba and that if Brahma makes a mistake Shiv Baba will get it right and then we don't have to worry. However I never heard him saying that now the same applies to the Seniors.

Please forgive my analness, but it does say somewhere in the Murlis that if youre not happy with your senior then you should then go to the next in command and it will be put right, as you will well know being surrendered that this is the system.

I followed this to the letter, did not work for me I am afraid ... when I still had faith I used to beg Baba for help in Baba's room every night ... that and complaing to the Seniors, but the situation only ended after I left the center ...

My aims on this forum have been to alert the public as to what can happen to you in the care of the Godly Yagya ... you can get truly shafted or royaly shafted if you like :lol:

I do agree in principle with taking them to court, but you have to remember I am a penniless, emotionally broken man. They are a multi-million pound ruthless fundamentalist religious movement intent on taking over the world ... it's not something that fills me with hope to be honest ... I couldn't cope with them fixing me up again.

Although I don't know ex-l, I would be prepared to bet that no one was consulted ... especially Mr Drake. I think this particular trustee took it upon himself to (considering he is the UK accountant !!!) to hold tight and protect Baba's Bhandara.

PostPosted: 16 Aug 2007
by ex-l
mr green wrote:Although I don't know ex-l, I would be prepared to bet that no one was consulted ... especially Mr Drake. I think this particular trustee took it upon himself to (considering he is the UK accountant !!!) to hold tight and protect Baba's Bhandara.

I apologise in advance if I am wrong, but on the basis of my experience with the organization, it all suggests to me a certain "cosiness" between the Hindus ... a decision made in a foreign language you cannot understand ... a complete lack of formality and protocol ... and a fairly neophyte a trustee sucking up to "One of the 8" to assure his closeness in the Golden Age and so on.
    Do you think I am far wrong? Is there an issue we should raise here?
The Hindus worship Dadi Janki. She is their guru. I am even asking myself if it was quite a conscious "stuff the white boy" ... especially if they thought you were a hippie. Indians, especially traditional middle class Indians, could not understand and used to hate the hippies when they made it to India. I think it is different now and younger generations understand it is an anti-materialist lifestyle choice but not for the older ones.

I also find it a little hypocritical that they dyou of being "on drugs" (and let's face it, you have made no secret of taking no more than soft drugs like marijuana), when they embracing with open arms and use to promote themselves, the likes of Mr and Mrs Robin Gibbs and any old politician that is "on drink". I know of one "IP", that smuggled in a whiskey flask to Madhuban.

Oh, how stupid of me! But you are not rich, famous nor a powerful microphone, are you? ... what was I thinking about there for a moment?

*For me, although I do not do nor recommend them, there is no difference between alcohol and herbs. Indeed, herbs are much less violently sinful and are part of some religion's Bhakti (Sadhus, Rastas many other tribal rituals).

PostPosted: 16 Aug 2007
by Mr Green
I agree about the herbs. There is something a lot less sleazy about it than booze (although I do enjoy a fine ale).

There could well be some truth in that Indian thing. It certainly does pose many problems at the London centre where the different races have to co-exist all the time ... not so bad in a red-neck center (joke :lol:).

I can quite openly state I was not on drugs when I met the trustee and a sweet Sister (I wish her well and hope her health is good).

I never took or possessed non-prescription drugs of any sort the whole time from joining to leaving the BKs. In fact, I never broke any of the main principles the whole time I was there.

There were a few puffs going around at Shanti Bhavan, I noticed but this was in the last few weeks before I left ... I am certain it doesn't happen anymore.

I just wanted to state that on record, because it's not nice to talk about someone in this way behind their back.

PostPosted: 17 Aug 2007
by jann
So a BK can blow?? ... Like joints???

PostPosted: 17 Aug 2007
by bkti-pit
ex-l wrote:Can you formulate that into some sort of question or issue to be raised with the leadership via Jayanti?
mr green wrote:Please forgive my analness, but it does say somewhere in the Murlis that if youre not happy with your senior then you should then go to the next in command and it will be put right, as you will well know being surrendered that this is the system.

I remember hearing something like that from Seniors but I don't remember it from the Murlis. It could be that I have selective hearing.

The point I want to make tough is that I think it is not so much The Knowledge and Shrimat that are a problem but the way it is understood and used. There is a lot of manipulation of the truth that goes on. Elements of truth are used but taken out of context and twisted to serve selfish purposes. Whether it is conscious or not is irrelevant. The purpose is corrupted but it is wrapped in elements of truth so it sounds true. The shell looks nice but the nut is rotten and toxic. In my opinion this is the seed of numerous situations of abuse. We think we are following Shrimat but we are being fooled.

As far as I am concerned Baba may sometimes say something that could suggest that the instructions from the Dadis are equal to Shrimat but he also says that this is not a question of blind faith, that we should churn The Knowledge and think for ourselves and judge if what he says is right or not. He also says not to follow parmat.

So it is up to me to discern if Dadi's request is according to Shrimat or not. If my conscience feels uncomfortable about it, then it is definitely questionable. To think otherwise and hand over my power to discern and judge to someone else is very dangerous and can be very harmful, as many have experienced. Baba also says that to kill our conscience is a very big sin.

Truth makes sense. Truth is liberating. If I feel alienated I think I should examine carefully if I am really following the path of truth.

To Mr Green I want to say: "Congratulations for following your instincts and leaving the BKs. In my opinion it was an act of truth and courage."

Now, I don't really know how I could articulate this to bring it up as an issue to the leadership. Actually, I think it is more an issue to raise amongst the BKs. I believe that if they were properly educated the management would not be able to abuse them as much.