[Email to BKWSU in Tampa] BKs need to ANSWER these questions

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[Email to BKWSU in Tampa] BKs need to ANSWER these questions

Post30 Apr 2007

Hello BKs,

Can you please give me information on ex-BKs Ranjana Patel and her Brother Sharad who committed suicide due to Om Shanti? She threw herself down from a 5 story building or so. I am informed that all BKs know the answer to this question, and I would like the answer too.

Can you please give me statistics on how many husbands and other family members have committed suicide due to a mother/Sister becoming a BK? I am 100% sure there is A LOT!

Also, why is it that many ex-BKs have told me that 13 years ago you chanted the same prattle about the world ending in three years, yet 10 years later, it's still the same? Today, you keep corrupting new BKs with the same thing, yet everything is fine. Who are we to believe, scientists who have accurate EVIDENCE or you who claim that Baba told you this when really it's just some old man sitting behind the mic pretending to be Baba? Reality check sweeties is what you need :). Maybe you need a human being to take you behind the curtains so you can meet Mr. Old Man who is sitting behind the curtain speaking on the mic pretending he's Baba's messenger. Hey!!! Can I do this pleaseee? I love speaking on the mic!

According to your teachings, the world is going to be imminently destroyed by natural disasters, civil wars and nuclear war, so that 900,000 of your faithful followers can enjoy the Golden Age heaven on earth in about 30 years of time? Once again, this was said 50 years ago and today the earth is still existing without golden airplanes and golden houses.

You all believe that the soul is genderless and equal. Why is it that men and women are separated during meditations? I thought all human beings are souls, all souls are genderless, why the separation?

According to Hindu tradition, a Sister ties a rakhi on the Brother's hand. According to Om Shanti, a husband is the "Brother" of his "wife", despite the fact that they had sex. How disgusting to have sex with your own Brother! Do all BK women have sex with their own mother's son? Should I ask my mother to tie a rakhi on my Father's hand? Should I tell my mother to stop wearing her mangalsutra? Should I tell my mother that she has no right to ask for an alimony when she gets divorced because my Father is not her husband, it is her Brother? After all, who asks for an alimony from their Brother, right?

According to Om Shanti, mothers must not have affection for their children as the world is going to end in three years (once again my mother was told this five years ago! Shocked that the world hasn't ended yet? Maybe the guy behind the mic got his numbers mixed up I suppose?). I told my mother to leave my house and she says that she's hurt. Why???? BKs cannot have emotions!!!!!! OH MY GOD ... my mother feels hurt!!!! Does this mean that my mother is now becoming a Shudra once again? UH OH!! If someone you loved passed away, I am sure you would sit there and laugh because you have no affection towards them right? Now who is a pure human, you or the rest of the world?

According to Om Shanti, dinosaurs existed only 2,500 years ago and that the world is only 5,000 years old. Can you please provide me with evidence to such a belief? Do you have fossil evidence? Did one of your BKs live in that time period?

BKs believe that all "normal" human beings are called "Shudras" which defines as "lowest caste untouchables." What happened to believing that all souls are equal?

You guys believe that when you eat from someone else's hand-made food, the bad vibrations will get to you. Did it ever occur to you that you guys are not pure or good, as you sit around ruining other people's homes and try to deny it? When someone commits suicide due to Om Shanti, you deny that it was Om Shanti's fault. Hate dealing with the truth, huh?

Also, you believe that you cannot eat anything that people touched because that person may be a "Shudra", did you ever realize that apples are picked by HUMAN BEINGS from the trees not BKs? Did it ever occur to you that machine made chips and stuff are also touched by other people? Ouch, the vibrations!!!!

BKs do not believe in materialism. WOW, I wonder how you guys get to your center, hmmmm walking? No, I don't think so! CAR? Yes!!!! Car = materialism. OIL = materialism.

Believe that the world is going to end due to consumerism and materialism? Are you not supporting materialism and consumerism by buying houses in areas that used to be forests? For your information, half the wood and concrete that is being used to build your homes is made by cutting down forests and people who are paid below minimum wages! Are you not supporting materialism and promoting global warming by using gas in your car to get to your center? Oh yeah, not to mention, did you know that car parts are made by people in third world countries in sweatshops? Sounds hypocritic, eh? Peace? Also, did you know that your center uses electricity, which runs on oil/gas? Did you know that this contributes to global warming? Did you know that you are part of the population which is PROMOTING global warming, thus the destruction of the world?

What proportion of BKs leave after what period of time and what exit strategies do they have for committed members? My friend was thinking of joining the cult. I advised her against it as there are no exit strategies.

What transparent and accountable structures do you have for dealing with financial, sexual and systemic abuses within the organization?

How does your organization work financially? Do you participate in money laundering?

Last but not least, are your teachings not similar to the Al Qaeda network in which you all promote giving yourself up for religion?

These questions may seem tough to answer. I would like for you to answer them anyway, as if one is considering giving one's life to an organization or allowing BKs to interfere and affect your innermost being then it is only fair to know, am I correct? After all, these are the same questions any normal human being ought to ask any cult before they join, am I correct?

I hope you did not lose your temper!! PEACE, PEACE, PEACE!!!!!

Remember, just by being politically active; just by donating money for peacekeeping forces at UN; just by building a couple of universities; does not exempt you from being allowed to corrupt people's lives!

- Love Always -

Pooja Patel

( a 20 year old who is affected by her mother joining this cult and ruining the entire family and a 20 year old who is now afraid to get married because she doesn't want to leave her siblings with a mother who is selfishly devoted to nonsense).
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Post30 Apr 2007

Sister Pooja wrote:( a 20 year old who is affected by her mother joining this cult and ruining the entire family and a 20 year old who is now afraid to get married because she doesn't want to leave her siblings with a mother who is selfishly devoted to nonsense).

Dear Sister Pooja,
Hello. I am sorry for all the bad experiences that you have had to undergo because of one of your family members being a BK. I too have been a BK in the past for several years along with my family, but luckily my parents maintained a balance between the lokik (worldly) and alokik (BK) life so that we could have an allround development. But, sadly some BKs, especially those, whose family members are not BKs, are unable to strike such a balance and take many of the versions of ShivBaba (as mentioned in the Murlis) in a literal sense and thus affect the lives of their family members in some way or the other.

In case of BK mothers (especially those with dependant children) there is clear direction in the Murlis that they should take care of their children first and then attend Murli classes or do Godly service in their spare time. I am reproducing below an extract of a Murli published by the BKs very recently (I have quoted the same in another thread):

"This is an old body. Its consciousness has to be renounced through the intellect. One has to live in the household only. This is not a monastry (sanyas math). One must look after one's household also. They (i.e. the sanyasis/monks) renounce and go. The Father does not cause the children to renounce (their household). The Father says – You remind your children to remember ShivBaba. Keep explaining so that they also develop love for ShivBaba. ShivBaba is so sweet and lovely. If everyone is made to sit here, then who would look after the children?" (Revised Sakar Murli dated 4.4.07, pg.1 published by the BKs in Hindi and narrated by ShivBaba through Brahma Baba; translated by a PBK)
Sister Pooja wrote:According to Hindu tradition, a Sister ties a rakhi on the Brother's hand. According to Om Shanti, a husband is the "Brother" of his "wife", despite the fact that they had sex. How disgusting to have sex with your own Brother! Do all BK women have sex with their own mother's son? Should I ask my mother to tie a rakhi on my Father's hand? Should I tell my mother to stop wearing her mangalsutra? Should I tell my mother that she has no right to ask for an alimony when she gets divorced because my Father is not her husband, it is her Brother? After all, who asks for an alimony from their Brother, right?

It is true that BK couples consider each other to be Brother and Sister because they believe they are children of the same spiritual Father. But this practice is only for this Confluence Age and not for the remaining Kalpa (especially during the Copper and Iron Ages). But BK/PBK couples have been directed in the Murlis that they should not call each other as Brother and Sister, especially in front of the non-BKs. This practice of considering each other as Brother and Sister has to be through the mind and intellect and not in words. I am reproducing below an extract of a Sakar Murli published by the BKs:

"Unlimited Father sits and explains. You are in this intoxication. You know that we also have to live in the household. We have to face the lokik relatives also. We have to maintain a balance. You will call your lokik Father as Father only, is not it? You cannot call him a Brother. In an ordinary way a Father will be called a Father only. It is in our intellect that he is our lokik Father. We have The Knowledge, is not it? This knowledge is very strange. Now a days some people call Father by name, but if you call Father as Brother in front of a visitor etc. who has come from outside, then he will think that he has gone mad. A lot of tactics is required.

Your knowledge is incognito, your relationship is also incognito. One must be very tactful in this. But it is good to give regards to each other. One must also maintain a balance in lokik relationships. The intellect must be directed upwards. We are obtaining inheritance from Father. As for the rest, we have to call chacha (Father’s younger Brother) as chacha only; we have to call Father as Father only. Those who have not become a BK will not consider each other to be Brother and Sister.

Those who have become Brahmakumar-kumaris will only understand these matters. Outsiders will initially feel surprised on hearing. In this one requires a very good intellect to understand.
Father makes the intellect of you children very broad. Earlier your intellect was limited. Now your intellect goes to the unlimited level. He is our unlimited Father. All these are our Brothers and Sisters. As for the relationships, you will call daugher-in-law (bahoo) as daughter-in-law (bahoo) only, and mother-in-law (saasoo) as mother-in-law (saasoo) only.

You will not call them as Sisters. Both come here. Even while living at home one will have to act tactfully. One must also take care of the worldly etiquettes. Otherwise, those people will say that these people call husband as Brother, mother-in-law as Sister. What are they learning? Only you can understand these maters of knowledge and none else
(Revised Sakar Murli dated 3.1.06, page 3 published by BKs, narrated by ShivBaba through Brahma Baba)

Nevertheless, I accept that when only one or few members of a family are following the BK/PBK path of knowledge, it does affect the lives of the other family members unless the concerned BKs/PBKs learn to strike a balance between their BK/PBK and the lokik life.

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Post30 Apr 2007

SweetSajani welcome to the forum and thanks for your input. I took some time to read through your touching post and would like to bid you and your family well wishes. Sajani, if you feel that there is no trust-worthy senior family member, humitarian organisation or figure-head in your community that you can turn to in this situation then please check back here for POSITIVE feedback. You are not alone.

By coming to this site you have initiated the possibility of positive feedback on your situ from countless others. I am not an expert in anything, so I will never share from that stand-point, but I am a fellow human being for whom quality of life is becoming something very, very precious.

By coming to the site you signal to yourself that you will not sit idly by and see your life disintegrate before your eyes. This is a positive attitude because your actions are for preservation rather than disintegration. Others will no doubt feedback suppotively, so take care and let's see how it goes.

I can now see why people ask how can God sit idly by and see all misery in the world. I know the classic BK answer to questions like these however it is NOT good enough any more. Your immunity behind Baba MUST come to an end!
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Post30 Apr 2007

Sister Bansy wrote:It is surprising that at times BKs can not see this even though they are told in Murlis that charity begins first at home.

Sister Bansy has written the above sentence to Sister Sajani in the Youth Section. Since the same revised Sakar Murli dated 4.4.07 published by the BKs contains some more lines on the above subject, I am reproducing the same here:

"Mitra sambandhiyon ka Shrimat say kalyaan karnaa hai. Chitthi likhni hai. Shrimat say nahee likhengey toh akalyaan karengey. Bahut hain jo chipakar chitthi likhtey hain. Baba shikshak baithey hain, toh Baba ko bataana chaahiye. Baba tumko aisi chitthi likhni sikhayengey jo padhney vaaley ka romanch khadaa ho jaaye. Baba manaa nahee kartey hain, toad nibhana hai. Nahee toh charity begins at home kaisey hongey. Kayee hain jo Shrimat par nahee chaltey toh gum ho jaatey hain. Takdeer may nahee hai toh chal na sakein. Aisey bahut purush aatey hain- jinki striyaan nahee aati hain. Maanti nahee hain. ShivBaba likhtey hain tum toh kamjor ho. Unko bhi samjhao. Tumney pratigya kee thi ki aagya maanengi. Tum apnee stree ko hee vash may nahee kar saktey ho toh vikaaron ko vash kaisey kar sakengey. Tumhara farz hai stree ko apney haath may rakhna, pyaar say samjhana." (Brahmakumariyon dwara prakaashit revised Sakar Murli, dinaank 4.4.07, pg.1 & 2)

"One must cause the welfare of friends and relatives in accordance with Shrimat. One must write letters. If you do not write as per Shrimat, then you would cause harm. There are many who write letters stealthily. Baba, the teacher is sitting, so Baba must informed. Baba would teach you to write such letters that the reader becomes overwhelmed with joy. Baba does not stop you; one must maintain a balance. Otherwise, how could it be 'charity begins at home'? There are many who do not follow the Shrimat and therefore vanish. If they are not fortunate enough then they cannot continue to follow (the path of knowledge). Many such men come, whose wife does not come. They (i.e. the wives) do not accept. ShivBaba writes - you are weak. You explain her also. You had promised that you would obey my order. If you cannot control your wife, then how can you control the vices? Your duty is to keep your wife under control and to explain her with love." (Revised Sakar Murli dated 4.4.07, pg.1 & 2 published by BKs)

The initial part of the above extract is for the surrended BKs/PBKs and the latter part is for those male BKs, whose wife does not follow the BK path of knowledge. I do not know about the Christian marriages, but in Hinduism, at the time of marriage both wife and husband take a pledge. The wife takes a pledge to obey the orders of the husband and the husband takes a pledge to do everything in consultation with the wife (I have confirmed this from my male Hindu colleagues).

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Post30 Apr 2007

Thank God for this site ...

At last people have a voice to air the true effects that organisations like the BKWSU have on society. No wonder they are desperately beavering away at creating positive PR for themselves, because lets face it ... the reality stinks

How many Indian families are affected in this way I wonder? How many children are having their parents taken from them emotionally and sometimes physicaly.

I really feel for this lady. Another obviously highly intelligent and innocent individual forced to endure emotional pain because of, as she said, ... "selfish devotion to nonsense". What a brilliant summary of the stupidity they are generating.
    Selfish devotion to nonsense
My heart goes out to you. I just wish there was more I could do to stop this madness.
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Post30 Apr 2007


Welcome on board. It is nice to have someone with a lot of bright energy around. Let's make a difference!

Arjun has supplied you some quotes from "the Murlis" that show you that what your mother is doing is not according to the BKs own "scripture". The Murlis are the mediumistic message they believe is God speaking to them (via the medium) and makes up the core of their beliefs. So, basically, from an orthodox pont of view, your mother is going against Shrimat, or God's Instructions as BKs see them.

Perhaps you could copy and print them out and show them to your mother and ask her why she is not following "Baba's instructions". If nothing else it will start to change the dynamics of the relationship as she will know you have experienced advisors on your side. To try and weaken us from helping people, the BKs try and tell people that the Murlis quote we have here are not correct but that is not true.

Be a good lawyer and out BK her, we can give you the dates, you can ask your mother to go and get copies to check. If you want to see the truth of the BKs, ask to see the Murlis (they will probably refuse ... what religion refuses to allow others to see God's words?).

Please remember that we are not official BKs here and any BK that is here is generaly a good person that realizes the problems and wants to change them. (So, do not kick their ass. If you want to go kick some BK ass, go to their official forum here or start up a website/web log diary especial to criticisming them, document all the crazy damaging things your mum is up to.

In essence, what arjun is pointing out to is that many of the people/women running the BKWSU are not proper BKs but like sadhus or sanyasis, the renunciates that leave their family, and that they are encouraging others to leave their families too. It is worse than selfish and it is wrong.

Your mother has obviously entered "The Honeymoon Period". It is a short period at the begining of BK life which is like being on drugs. They become high and addicted to BK, and crazy if their source of the high is questioned on attacked. The think it is going to last for ever, but it wont. At some point she willcome down with a crash to reality and BK life will become difficult, very difficult. She will start to see the realities and have to work to make efforts and have experiences. But what does the BKWSU care if by that time individuals have givem them all their money etc? Trust me, if problems start or she becomes ill, she will be returned back to you the family to look after ... without the cash.

Your Father needs to consider getting legal advice now. Possible to put the family property, business etc in a trust for you, the children. The BKs will encourage and even help her to try and get her half. It HAS happened before. We have heard of fathers committing suicide after their wives leave to join the BKs, take property and surrender to the BKs. She will be told that is she hands over all the property to them, then she can become a surrendered Sister and they will sort of look after her, may be in India even. She will be able to hide away in their machine.

If she wants to leave, then she should leave with nothing and let Baba take care of her ... get her out of the house quickly! To want to take the family wealth is to act like a thief, but again, some women within the BKWSU are encouraging other women to do so. BK has become a stick with which to beat family members. They have taken many families wealth and many dowries of young girls too.

To be honest, if she is on the drugs of 'The Honeymoon Period' there is little you can do to help her. She has gone mad and is not the persons he was before. All you can do is to protect the family and children from her and the cult. Number one is to protect the family. Number two is to document all this on the internet and let other know what the BKWSU experience is really like to save others.

We have had problems with Tampa BKs before and they know us very well (although they hide it from their followers because we expose the truth). We can prove how crazy and dishonest they can be. Who are the BKs you are dealing with?
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if she is a deity, she can say NO even to Seniors!

Post30 Apr 2007

Hi, Sweetsajani, welcome to the Forum!

You posed many questions to the BKs, but as we all noticed, they never reply, that's their style.

I hope you will manage to take as little sorrow as possible in your situation. BKs do put pressure on people to devote mind time and money to the org, but the choice is still up to the individual . As Arjun Bhai was pointing out, Murlis can be interpreted in different ways. Karma, also, what kind of karma is a parent creating by following some stupid suggestions of careless, in fact cunning, humans?

Much depends on the teachers in the relevant center: some are more honest, correct and fair people, others are big users and act as bulldozers and vampires and expect students to serve them, in the name of God. So they want hands available for service, filling up "Baba's bhandara", for personal interests even. I know that new students are easy to manipulate, but wouldn't it be possible for your mum to cut out for herself a more detached role in the organization, use the well advertised "discrimination power" and decide what she likes and wants to apply in her life, and what she wants to set aside and discard?

Being able to say NO to Seniors, is part of our growing as Yogi souls, developing enough self esteeem so that no human can rule us. This is also what Rajayoga is about, becoming Swaraj. I was able to survive and take benefit from RajYoga teachings precisely because I did not get over-involved and never became a "haji" person. This was hard in the beginning, because of fear, guilt and desire to please higher ranks, and sure gained me no name or fame. But I am happy and thriving like this.

We are all discovering new things about ourselves and the BK organization through the Forum, so remember you are not alone. You can count on us and try to enjoy the ride, even if it's rough :D. And as in soul-consciousness there is supposed to be no parent-children relationship, no seniority, when you speak to your mum, remind her that, she should listen. God is Karankarawanhar and could open her third eye through you, and save her from further brainwashing. Hugs.


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Post30 Apr 2007


Forget asking all those questions that go on and on. You and your Brother and Sister do not need that.

Simply ask your mum if she loves you and the children. Make sure you are all there together in the room and stand straight in front of her.

OK, and check out her response.
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Re: if she is a deity, she can say NO even to Seniors!

Post30 Apr 2007

alladin wrote:I was able to survive and take benefit from RajYoga teachings precisely because I did not get over-involved and never became a "haji" person. This was hard in the beginning, because of fear, guilt and desire to please higher ranks, and sure gained me no name or fame. But I am happy and thriving like this.

Alladin makes some good point from a mature spiritual side.

The first is that the BKWSU encourages new students to be "Haji!" (say "yes" to everything the Seniors asks) and it is difficult not to see the advantage int hat to the Seniors or centers-in-charge. They need work done for nothing and older BKs really want to offload menial responsibilities on new BKs. New BKs re the lifeblood of the organization and the center-in-charge is also underpressure to be "successful" from the leadership, i.e. more students and more money in the box. New converts re-affirm the faith for the old.

Alladin also points out that this will change, young BKs become sussed to what is going on, wise up and mature or change. (Ha! Then starts the power jossling within the organization ... ). Is it possible to talk your mother or has she gone nuts right not?

My fear is that whilst she is going through The Honeymoon Period it will be very difficult to get through to her. In The BKWSU encourages individuals to cut away entirely from the "vicious", "ignorant", "Shudra" family and make all connecctions to the new BK Family. In my opinion, the BKWSU depends on The Honeymoon Period to grab the individual, make them cut all their other relationships away; and tie them into BKWSU. Have a read of the Stockholm Syndrome topic.
    How is it with things like cooking, eating and looking after the family?


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Post30 Apr 2007


I have talked to my dad about the legal advising. He will take action tomorrow morning with his lawyer! The problem is that mom and dad have a joint account, but nevertheless he will work it out. My dad wants to make sure that the money never goes into my Mom’s hands. Thanks for your help. If you have any other advice, please share.

MY MOM IS PART OF THE TAMPA BKs!!!!!!!! If you know and have any advise, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE help me!!! I will definitely fight against this.

My mother does not cook much. If she does, she cooks a lot of extra stuff so we can eat it the next day and the day after. None of the cooking consists of garlic and onion. My Father’s doctor has advised him to eat garlic, yet my mother doesn’t care. She sleeps early so my dad never gets warm food. I am learning how to cook, as it’s hard for me to find time since I work. I am a full time college student earning a biology degree, and I take care of two kids including their school issues and their home care.

My mother eats but attempts not to eat with us as she’s taught not to speak while eating. My mother doesn’t eat out either. We went on a Europe tour past summer, spending over 17,000 Dollars; she didn’t eat out during the entire tour which made us look stupid. Sometimes she wouldn’t get off the bus because she’d spend time meditating on the bus as the TAMPA BK’s had told her to do that.

When we reached the Roman Colloseum, she said “What is there to see in a broken building? I need my rest”, so she didn’t come. She woke up 4 in the morning during the tour and meditated, thus she slept during the tour time in the day time. All taught, once again, by the TAMPA BKs!!

My mother was hesitant about attending my graduation in high school. I was second PLACE in my entire school, 'salututorian', yet she was hesitant about attending my graduation because it was around her meditation time. My mom never came to my award ceremonies, nor did she go to my siblings.


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Post30 Apr 2007

Hi Arjun,

Thanks for attempting to answer the questions. What I really would like though, is that the TAMPA, FLORIDA BKs answer these questions as it seems as though they misinterpret everything and then teach it to newcomers in the wrong sense.

And not only TAMPA BKs but also other BKs which have corrupted family members. I understand that the Murli can be interpreted in many different ways, just as the Koran and the Bible and etc. Also, within the Hindu marriage it is believed that the women should obey the husband and the husband shall cooperate with the women. Unfortunately, my mother has forgotten her Hindu roots and has attempted to join BK which is just a cult trying to bring all religions together in a fashion that will never work.

Abrahama Kumar

Thank you for your kind words and attempting to keep my motivation high. I will continue to fight and not remain idle, not for mother but for any potential newcomers, to prevent them from ruining their own lives.

BKs have opened yet another temple in my village in India. Dad and I and a couple of others are going to try to get them out of our village. I told dad that if we can’t do anything within our own family, we must help those who are close to us and I have started, just as you say, by joining this forum. I hope that we can all stop potential newcomers from ruining their own lives. God has given us such a beautiful life, and we must live it to the fullest. If God wanted us to sit there 24 hours a day trying to read Murlis and meditate and attempt Traffic Control, then he never would have given us this life and would have kept us in heaven to do it all near him.

Mr Green,

Do forever remember that all this is definitely a selfish devotion to nonsense. The most we can do is help other people, and maybe if we all work together we can physically stop the spread of the BKs!


You are correct. I emailed just about every Om Shanti center in the world with this letter of questions and none have yet replied. I’m sure they’re all communicating with each other thinking “Damn what will we do, the truth is out YET ONCE AGAIN!” Normally when I write to Om shanty centers, they reply within a day!!! But not with this one! Proves that we’re right!


I have asked my mother that. We all have. Her reply is the same, “I will never leave Baba. I cannot ever leave him. I love you all but he is my everything”.
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BK Talibans

Post30 Apr 2007

The situation SweetSajani portrays is of particular interest to Western Ex-BKs because it gives an idea of how the BK organization operates in India. It seems your family, dear Sister, is well off; and this would explain an extra effort put by the BKs in brainwashing your mum.

We are all waking up to the tough reality of money interests the BKWSU has. No free meditation, free courses and donation system, no absence or gurus or lack of proselitism. These are only façade, advertising lies, they gave us.

I remember the old days when we, dissident BKs, would get together and "criticized" the SS and the organization, describing what we were witnessing and disagreeing with as "fundamentalism, integralism". May be your mum is not a very flexible person. She might have been rigid even before (mine is also!!). But the way she is holding on to the disciplines they taught her (sure they consider her a very pukka and obedient child), make it sound like fanaticism, more than Yoga. In the name of God!!!

I hope your participation to the Forum will inspire more English speaking PC clever BK family members and ex-BK to speak up. Namaste. Take it easy, regards to you Dad.


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Post30 Apr 2007


Definitely they are after the money. We have told her many times that if my dad left her, she'd be moneyless, thus the BKs would definitely leave her on her own. My mom calls the ladies in the center in Tampa, Florida all the time claiming that her husband is being verbally abusive (my dad tells her off about BK stuff saying it's all bull ****) and that her kids are being very disobedient (because us three kids don't listen to her anymore).

She asks the "Sisters" what she should do. Immediately they respond by saying that she should deal with it and just be patient and everything will be okay. They literally tell her, in Gujarati, "DEAL WITH IT". If I were marired, and my husband and kids verbally abused me, my friends indubiously would ask me to come to their place and shift there until I feel better. But her "BK Sisters" refuse to look after her.

One BK, her name being Naina who used to live in Tampa but shifted to Georgia and I believe she is in Alabama now, is the one ******* up my mom's life completely. Right now, my dad's cousin is staying at our place because her husband passed away, so my dad is her only support. Her name is Minal.

My mom went to India to meet "Baba" in Abu, so when she was gone I took all the red symbols and all of Baba's pictures and took them to the center and told them that I never want to see this **** in my house again. When my mom came back, she was talking to Naina bhen and Naina bhen told her that all this happened because of my Aunt Minal who came in with bad vibrations. Naina bhen tells my mom that Aunt Minal should be kicked out because her bad vibrations are going to cause her to leave the BKs.

We get blank calls all the time (telemarkters etc) and the Naina bhen told my mom that she talked to Baba personally and Baba responded by saying that Aunt Minal is on the verge of destroying our family so the blank calls are to destroy our family. My mom said, "OKAY, I will stay home on Sundays and Thursdays" when normally she goes to the center those days, so she can find out who it is making the blank calls.

Naina bhen said; "NO YOU MUST COME TO THE CENTER AND BRING "Bhog"... BASICALLY DONATION TYPE STUFF WHETHER IT BE FOOD OR MONEY. Otherwise you will lose your connection with Baba. The center is 45 minutes to an hour away, gas prices are high, my mom wakes up at 3 am in the morning ... makes food ... delivers it .. and comes back. Naina bhen said that she must do this no matter what ...

You tell me, what should I do! I really want to egg Naina bhen's house and put garlic and onions all inside her car!!!
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Post30 Apr 2007

SweetSajani wrote:Naina bhen said; "NO YOU MUST COME TO THE CENTER AND BRING "Bhog"... (BASICALLY DONATION TYPE STUFF, WHETHER IT BE FOOD OR MONEY). Otherwise you will lose your connection with Baba". The center is 45 minutes to an hour away, gas prices are high. My mom wakes up at 3 am in the morning ... makes food ... delivers it .. and comes back. Naina bhen said that she must do this no matter what ...

There is nothing in the Murlis to say she has to do all this stuff and normally the BKs would not allow or encourage it.

NO individual BK has a direct connection with God nor can ask and receive answers about such stupid stuff ... nor condemn individuals that they have not met. BUT certain Sisters like to think they can. I think it is also a generational thing. Some older BKs are like that. The modern ones have kicked it all out. They are stil fanatics though in another way.

I think that you are right. They know she has money and so they are encouraging and milking her faith encouraging to do these things that are not even proper BK Raja Yoga.
You tell me, what should I do! I really want to egg Naina bhen's house and put garlic and onions all inside her car!!!

May be combine the two and make it a Spanish Omlette with lots of onions and garlic! Make sure you put it somewhere where it will cook nicely and they wont find it ;-)!


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Post30 Apr 2007

Unfortunately I did not record what Naina bhen had said, otherwise I could have used it as evidence later or something if ever. I was listening in on my mother's phone calls with these ladies because I want to know excatly how they are corrupting my mom's life.

Hahah ... I will definitely make that Spanish omelette and make sure it cooks well ... and hope that they can never take it out!

But if anything, give me any evidence you have against Tampa BKs, and I will attempt to tell everyone with time exactly what they say and what my mother does ... I still listen into her phone calls regardless ... sometimes i pretend I am not home and listen in! A daughter's gotta do what a daughter's gotta do ...

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