BKWSU trial by media begins with UK Prime Minister's wife?

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BKWSU trial by media begins with UK Prime Minister's wife?

Post07 Jan 2007

Its funny, the official BKWSU spokesperson does not contradict that the BKs wreck marriages, they say, "it is very much a minority thing". They also declined to comment on whether it encourages followers to donate property and savings. But this is what you get if you start to sup with devils ...

The Prime Minister's wife, the Druid priestess and the no-sex guru
London, Sunday 07.01.2007
Evening Standard, London wrote:Cherie Blair found herself being steered through the audience towards the back of the room. She had just finished speaking about the 'empowerment of women' and was smiling, in her bashful way, at the enthusiastic applause.

Julia Hauserman, her host that night, barely allowed the Prime Minister's wife to pause to acknowledge familiar faces. Instead she delivered Mrs Blair straight to an exotic blonde woman standing, incongruously among 70 or so lawyers and human-rights activists, with her pop-star husband. Mrs Hauserman, whose charity was hosting the function, announced that the woman, Dwina, was someone Cherie simply had to meet.

As she predicted, they got on famously because - although the reasons may not seem immediately clear - they had 'a lot in common'. And so began, a year ago almost to the day, Mrs Blair's extraordinary friendship with Dwina Murphy-Gibb: erotic artist, one-time fetish-magazine model, part-time Druid priestess and bisexual. The Mail on Sunday can reveal that Mrs Blair's association with Dwina, the wife of Bee Gees singer Robin Gibb, extends way beyond their much publicised festive holiday in Miami.

They have grown close over the past year and are understood to have met several times at Downing Street. In fact, it would appear to many in Mrs Blair's circle that American businesswoman Martha Greene - her friend, agent, travelling companion and 'fixer' - has been usurped by Irish-born Dwina.

Sources close to Mrs Greene play down these suggestions but there is no denying that, where the former advertising executive was once a ubiquitous figure at No10, she is now seen much less frequently at Mrs Blair's side. To add further weight to Dwina's 'lady-in-waiting' status, callers enquiring about Mrs Blair's public speaking engagements, who were once referred to Mrs Greene, are now told to write instead to 'the Prime Minister's office'.

Even by the standards of some of Mrs Blair's previous friends - former glamour model Carole Caplin, for instance - Dwina's past is colourful almost beyond belief. But there is something else - potentially dangerous - that yet again places a question mark against Mrs Blair's judgment and the almost kamikaze, ill-advised way she embarks on certain friendships. It is Dwina's close involvement with Brahma Kumaris, a women-led spiritual organisation that, while striving for world peace, has allegedly used 'pernicious' methods to control its followers

The group is led by 90-year-old Indian spiritualist Dadi Janki, a woman Dwina regards as her guru and whom she consults, according to a source close to her, 'about everything'. Both Dwina and Robin make regular donations to Brahma Kumaris, which translated means Daughters of Brahma, the Hindu god of creation.

But besides its concern for world peace, the organisation is also notable for its sex ban. "Former members and the families of members have told me that Brahma has driven a wedge between husband and wife,' said Graham Baldwin, a cult expert who has counselled former Brahma Kumaris members. "There have also been complaints that it encourages single women and widows to donate property and savings to Brahma and move into a group house."

Brahma Kumaris demands celibacy because 'sexual intercourse, while capable of being an expression of love at the human level ... pulls our consciousness firmly into the material domain'. Ian Howarth, of the Cult Information Centre, said: "I have the same concerns about this group that I have about the Moonies. People have come to us complaining that some loved ones who have got involved with it have undergone personality changes and have become alienated from their families."

The organisation confirmed to The Mail on Sunday that Dadi Janki had met Mrs Blair at a function organised by the charity Rights and Humanity UK. Both are patrons of the charity and Dwina is also closely involved. It was Rights and Humanity, led by Julia Hauserman, that hosted the meeting Mrs Blair addressed last January. It describes itself as a multi-faith international movement that aims to protect human rights and dignity. Mrs Blair is its Women's Human Rights and Empowerment Network Patron.

Lynne Franks, the former PR queen on whom the Bollinger-swigging Absolutely Fabulous character Edina is based, also has close ties to both Brahma Kumaris and Rights and Humanity. Now a self-styled lifestyle guru and 'visionary', she is the founder of a network called SEED, which runs 'empowerment programmes' for women. On at least one occasion SEED has jointly staged an event with Brahma Kumaris, which Dwina attended.

Asked exactly what Mrs Blair and Dwina have 'in common', Mrs Hauserman explained: "They are both very committed to the rights of women and empowering women. They have since become good friends and both have spoken at a number of our events.
"Dwina has even read some of her poetry, which has been much appreciated by our audiences. Mrs Blair, as our chief patron, has also hosted a number of meetings in Downing Street." The most recent, classed as a private discussion, took place in December and 53-year-old Dwina was one of the guests.

"They really do have a lot in common, and as friends they speak to each other often,' said Mrs Hauserman, who founded Rights and Humanity 20 years ago. She knew in advance of the Blairs' controversial stay at the Gibbs' £5.2million beach house. And she confided that the arrangements had been made by Mrs Blair and Dwina, making it clear it was not the Prime Minister's friendship with Robin Gibb that brought the Blairs to Miami.

The Bee Gee is also a follower of Dadi Janki and credits her with helping him overcome the death of his twin Brother Maurice in 2003. Both he and Dwina wear red lapel pins with a tiny diamond to represent the point of light Brahma Kumaris members use as a focus for meditation. Once asked what she thought of the "BKs', Dwina replied: "They are living, walking angels on this earth. They can help us become angels too."

A spokeswoman for Dadi Janki confirmed that Dwina had been a regular visitor to the Brahma Kumaris global retreat in Oxfordshire, but was unaware of her ever being joined by Mrs Blair. Speaking from India, the spokeswoman added: "Dadi Janki briefly met Mrs Blair at a function organised by Rights and Humanity, but as far as we are aware Mrs Blair has not expressed an interest in meditation. "Mrs Gibb, however, does. She has met Dadi Janki on a number of occasions." Is Mrs Blair, perhaps under the influence of her exotic friend, in danger of being drawn into the world of Brahma Kumaris?

It does not require a great leap of imagination to see this as a possibility: her fascination with alternative therapies such as crystal healing and 'thought field therapy' is well documented, as is her interest in India, particularly its female population.

No doubt Dwina would be delighted to recruit her. And if Dwina has been successful in displacing Martha Greene, it would represent another remarkable milestone in her life.
She has come a long way from the modest bungalow in a remote Northern Irish village where she was born and raised. Her elderly widowed mother Sarah still lives in the house in Kilskeery, County Tyrone. Undoubtedly, the more outrageous aspects of Dwina's lifestyle would raise eyebrows among the strict Catholic community.

"I am not going to talk about her - I am not that kind of person at all, at all,' said her mother with a chuckle. Asked about her daughter's association with Cherie Blair, she would say only: "They're just friendly, that's all. They do charity work together." Dwina left Kilskeery in the early Seventies, moving to London where she was free to indulge her outlandish tastes. By the mid-Seventies, she was an established fixture on the capital's 'alternative' scene. Gillian Lee, a friend from this period, told The Mail on Sunday: "I first met Dwina at the flat of an accountant called David in Belsize Park. David was teaching people Kabbalah, and Dwina was interested in learning as much as she could. She used to wear her hair dyed all the colours of the rainbow in concentric rings.

"I was given the impression that she was having a sexual relationship with David. At the time I was also studying Kabbalah. Together with David and a number of other people we frequently met for Kabbalistic study and the practice of magical ceremonies. "Later she moved to a house in Plumstead which she shared with a man called Andrew, who was also into Kabbalah. He grew Psilocybe magic mushrooms and believed he was the anti-Christ. He also built a dome inside his house in which he and Dwina inhaled oxygen. "At the time her cousin was working as a bodyguard for Robin Gibb, and he arranged a meeting for her."

According to Dwina, who was then trying to make it as an artist, she impressed Robin with her drawings. The couple married in 1985 and have an open relationship. "I knew Dwina was gay when we married but that doesn't matter because I was in love with her,' Robin has declared. "And, anyway, she is bisexual with me. She's the best wife any husband could want."

Asked about the allegation that Brahma Kumaris has wrecked marriages because of its sex ban, a spokeswoman said: "This is very much a minority thing. In any organisation there are people who gain a huge amount and that is what you need to focus on." She declined to comment on allegations that it encourages followers to donate property and savings.


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Post07 Jan 2007

Maybe because the Blairs are not fairing so well and are on the way out, they need the spiritual uplifting.

Is this online article also on the paper version of the London Evening Standard ?
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Post07 Jan 2007

bansy wrote:Is this online article also on the paper version of the London Evening Standard ?

It quotes "The Mail on Sunday" which has a circulation of over 2.3 Million. So may be it is coming out in that today. Any UK based members care to check and see?

The interesting things that come out of the article for me are;
    • the VIPs getting badges with little diamonds in them
    • the VIP's wife getting loads of access to Dadi Janki to "consult with her on absolutely everything"
Given the history and darna of the woman, its funny how they are rewarded in that manner by King Janak when pure and humble Hindu BKs have to sit and wait in line of thousands for a second's worth of dhristi.
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Mr Green


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Post07 Jan 2007

I'd be interested in talking with that Graham Baldwin.

Yes, the BKs are obessed with the rich and famous. Hilarious really ... I met Lynne a few times at GCH, what a banana ... it's just a bit of fun for them. They don't actually follow any of it and aren't expected to. They would also get rushed straight on the stage at Mt. Abu whilst many effort makers never get a look in.
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Post07 Jan 2007

Mr Green wrote:Yes, the BKs are obessed with the rich and famous. Hilarious really ... I met Lynne a few times at GCH, what a banana ... it's just a bit of fun for them. They don't actually follow any of it and aren't expected to. They would also get rushed straight on the stage at Mt. Abu whilst many effort makers never get a look in.

I have met her too. She was off her face and ranting on about psychedelic mushrooms.

This is, in my opinion, where the BK really shoot themselves in the foot ... its just not right that some little yogi souls makes all those efforts and then some VIP cruises in and is handed the kingdom on a plate.

What does that really say about their living values?
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abrahma kumar

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Post07 Jan 2007

Wow, what a thread - absolutely incredible. I never imagined this BK Universe. Could it be that the Seniors realise that we have all gone completely bonkers so they are just look on nodding sagely at all of our games whist maintaing steadfast focus on their own stages.
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Post07 Jan 2007

Abrahma Kumar wrote:Wow, what a thread - absolutely incredible. I never imagined this BK Universe. ... Could it be that the Seniors realise that we have all gone completely bonkers so they are just look on nodding sagely at all of our games whist maintaing steadfast focus on their own stages.

Is that good or bad? It is all virtuous, you know ... its just a different set of virtues to the ones you are used to. There was a Murli this season where BapDada was talking about the BK IT and tension in a Senior Sister ... someone asked the question, "which Sister?"

I don't know, bro ... welcome the left-hand path of Gyan. Someone's has to lay the foundations for all those crazy tantric mystics in the next drama during the Sangum Yug shooting period.

Crazy Mystics'r'us
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BGs, BKs & PM

Post07 Jan 2007

Hi ex-l,

It seems I have duplicated your work on the Newcomers Newsdesk. I have only done half my reseach then, but I was so stunned by the article that I just posted it as soon as I could. I will check to see if there are any printed newspapers still left in the shops, but it would be good if an English person checked also as our Scottish papers are different from the English ones.

When I was in Gyan Sarovar in 2005 one of the people in the accomodations dept told me that Cherie Blair would soon be staying in the cottage, during the week following the 2005 "Peace of Mind Retreat". I also read in the "World Renewal" magazine published by the BKs in Shantivan that the Clintons, Bill and Hilary, had stayed at Mt Abu and were friends of the BKs.

The writer of the article in World Renewal was upset because the Bushes had not taken up the BKs invitation to stay with them on their visit to India, but he hoped he would be able to persuade them on their next scheduled visit. The World Renewal is a good source for such information as the Indian BKs are less shy about the way they suck up to powerful people. They are especially fond of the murderous king of Nepal, and often publish pictures of Dadis posing with him in his camoflage uniform.

They talk in there a lot about how BapDada has told them to get more regional politicians on their side and obtain more land grants and funds from the support of powerful people. Also it was reported in the UK news recently that the Blairs had visited Rajasthan and had a "particular love" for the region.
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Post07 Jan 2007

From a kindly donor ... full double page article.

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Post07 Jan 2007

I managed to buy the last copy of the "Scottish Mail on Sunday" and there is a 2 page spread in there with a collage of photos. 8).

I have been watching BBC and Sky rolling news on TV but nothing on there so far. It may have been on the early Sunday morning TV programmes where they read out the newspaper headlines, especially the Heaven and Earth show on BBC1. It may be worth checking their web site.
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Post07 Jan 2007

ex-l wrote:Its funny, the official BKWSU spokesperson does not contradict that the BKs wreck marriages, they say, "it is very much a minority thing".

Omshanti. Although the BKWSU spokesperson might have brushed aside the allegation saying that it is a minority problem, but actually, it is a much bigger problem. Especially for the vast majority of those BKs (both male and female) whose spouses are not in Gyan (i.e. not following the BK path of knowledge).

In India, the BKs are more famous as the ones who transform couples into Brothers and Sisters and don't eat food cooked by non-BKs.

Actually, the BK Dadis and Sisters are spending lives of sanyasis, so they cannot show the right path to the householder BKs who might be facing problems with their spouses over the issue of sex.

But since the PBKs have Baba with them, they can practically ask any problem, including their personal life.

In a discussion CD (part-II) that was recorded in Bombay mini-Madhubans on 22.10.06 ShivBaba (through Baba Virendra Dev Dixit) dealt with the topic of maintaining a balance between lokik (read private life) and alokik life, especially in case of BK/PBK mothers whose husbands are not in Gyan.

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Post07 Jan 2007

Omshanti. I am reproducing below an article that was prepared by the PBKs for being published in the newspapers long ago on the topic that is being discussed in this thread.

Do Brahmakumaris really transform couples into Brothers and Sisters?

In spite of Prajapita Brahmakumari Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya, i.e. the Brahmakumaris Institution being in existence since last 70 years, a misconception about the institution that it transforms married couples into Brothers and Sisters still exists. This misconception has arisen because of the wrong compliance or non-compliance of the Shrimat, i.e. Godly direction of Supreme Father Shiva.

Until the founder of BK Institution Dada Lekhraj (alias Brahma) and Om Radhe (Saraswati), who was instrumental in the form of a mother to take care of the BKs for some years, were alive, the Brahmakumaris Institution existed like a family. All the members of the family used to be called Brahmakumar-kumaris (BKs) and they used to learn Godly knowledge and RajYoga from the Supreme Soul who used to enter into Dada Lekhraj. After the demise of Dada Lekhraj this family assumed the form of an institution and in the absence of any mother or Father, the members of this family constructed for themselves service centres equipped with luxuries all over the world, just like the Sanyasis (Hindu monks). In these service centres unmarried Sisters started claiming that they will teach RajYoga to the seekers of knowledge who are householders. In the Sanskrit Gita of the path of worship also it is mentioned that a householder like Krishna gave The Knowledge of RajYoga not to unmarried Bheeshma, but to a householder like Arjuna and now in this Confluence Age (Purushottam Sangamyug) even in the Gyan Murli dated 8.9.68, page 3 narrated by Supreme Father Shiva through Dada Lekhraj it has been said, “Those who follow the path of renunciation (nivratti marg) cannot teach RajYoga to those who follow the path of household (pravritti marg).” Then, how can the unmarried BKs living in the BK ashrams all over the world, whose spiritual mother and Father, i.e. Brahma & Saraswati have expired teach RajYoga to householders?

After 1969, in the absence of the direct sustenance of Supreme Father Shiva in the form of corporeal mother and Father, the householder Brahmakumaris have also begun leading a life of Sanyasis (monks); they have been calling each other (i.e. spouse) as Brother and Sister instead of having a spiritual vision and attitude; and instead of performing Godly service & making spiritual pursuits, while looking after their households the householder BKs have started giving more importance to the service of Brahmakumari Sisters living in the ashrams (service centres); that is why a image has been created in the world about the Brahmakumaris Institution in general and in India in particular that they transform married persons into Brothers and Sisters.

The reality is that in the 5000 years old human world drama cycle consisting of four ages, when the human souls become completely corrupt in religion and in their deeds while taking 84 births; when marriage becomes only a means of enjoying sensuous pleasures, and when the resolves of husband and wife do not match even after matching of the Kundalis (horoscopes in India), resulting in the heaven-like households becoming hell, then, in order to transform the Iron-Aged hell into Golden Aged heaven, the Supreme Father Supreme Soul Shiva has to take a divine incarnation Himself.

In the confluence of Kaliyug (Iron Age) and Satyug (Golden Age), i.e. in the Purushottam Sangamyug (Confluence Age), the incorporeal Supreme Father Shiva establishes a unique family through two ordinary persons. The couple, whom he makes instrumental for this task is named Prajapita and Brahma based on their acts. The unique knowledge which the incorporeal Shiva narrates through the lotus-like mouth of Prajapita’s body by entering into him, causes the opening of the third eye of knowledge of many souls and they become the true mouth-born Brahmins, who follow the Shrimat of Supreme Father Shiva and who make efforts through their mind, words and deeds to inculcate purity while living in the households. They are called Prajapita Brahmakumar and Prajapita Brahmakumaris (PBKs). (The Brahmakumar-kumaris of Mt. Abu call themselves just BKs, because being the followers of the path of renunciation; they do not have the introduction of practical role of their present Father, the Supreme Father). Being the children of Prajapita and Jagdamba, they are called Brothers and Sisters amongst themselves, whether anyone is a child, youth, old, married or unmarried. Being the children of incorporeal Supreme Father Shiva, these human souls are Brothers amongst themselves, because a soul does not have any sex. But this does not mean that a husband and a wife should talk to each other addressing each other as Brother and Sister. This is a matter of understanding or realizing oneself as a soul in the mind and leading a pure life.

The Supreme Father Shiva says, “You human souls were completely viceless deities, who were perfect in all the virtues in the beginning 21 births of this human world drama cycle, i.e. in the Golden and Silver Ages. Then in the last 63 births, i.e in the Copper and Iron Ages, all the human souls have become corrupt, vicious and sinful like black coal due to body consciousness and while enjoying the sensuous pleasures of the perishable organs. Now, in order to establish the Golden Aged pure, prosperous deity self rule the Shrimat (Godly direction) of the Supreme Father Shiva is that we human souls should consider ourselves and others to be imperishable souls and inculcate divine virtues while living in our households and remember Supreme Father Supreme Soul while playing our roles in this unlimited drama in this last eighty fourth birth. Just as, any person leads a pure life and acquires various skills for many years in the form of a student before experiencing the complete pleasures of household life, similarly the Supreme Father Shiva says that in this human world drama cycle consisting of 84 births, if you control the organs of this perishable body and mind and if we inculcate divine virtues in this one last birth for some time, then we can lead a completely peaceful and prosperous life for 21 births including the present birth.

It has been written in Gita also that Sex-lust is the biggest enemy. The Supreme Father Shiva says that when this India was a golden bird, then the Raj and Veerya (the female and male sexual energy respectively) of every woman and man used to be rising upwards (instead of being discharged), the reproduction of off springs used to take place through the highest organs. Such an offspring born through the power of Yoga used to be full of mental and physical strength as well as wealth. The parents giving birth through the power of Yoga as well as the offspring born through the power of Yoga in this manner used to live for a long time and were healthy and possessed a good character. When there was heaven on this earth, then there was a rule of pure deities, where every woman used to be addressed as a ‘Devi’ (deity) and every man used to be addressed as ‘Dev’ or ‘Arya’ (highest). When the lands of other religions started emerging from the sea with the establishment of other religions in Copper Age, then it was India only which spread The Knowledge and culture in these religious lands; but with the commencement of Iron Age, the Indians themselves came under the effect of other religions and their beliefs, became busy in enjoying the sensuous pleasures of corrupt genital organs and forgot their original deity form and fell into the depths of downfall.

Now, in this Purushottam Sangamyug (Confluence Age) the Father of the souls of all the religions, i.e. the Supreme Father Shiva is practically establishing a unique divine family- ‘Vasudhaiv Kutumbkam’ on this Earth through Prajapita and Jagdamba, i.e. Aadidev-Aadidevi / Adam-Eve / Aadam-Havva. With this objective, He has established a spiritual house, spiritual hospital-cum-university, i.e Adhyatmik Ishwariya Vishwavidyalaya in the village Kampila of the Mahabharata fame in Uttar Pradesh, the land of incarnation of God in India. Whoever becomes pure themselves and make others pure while living in the households itself in this last 84th birth and renounce the degraded temporary pleasures of the perishable organs can only enjoy the pleasures of the deity sovereignty with imperishable peace and prosperity for 21 births including the present birth. Now or never. Omshanti
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Re: BKWSU trial by media begins with UK Prime Minister's wif

Post07 Jan 2007

ex-l wrote:Its funny, the official BKWSU spokesperson does not contradict that the BKs wreck marriages, they say, "it is very much a minority thing". They also declined to comment on whether it encourages followers to donate property and savings. But this is what you get if you start to sup with devils ...

How many marriages is it OK to wreck?

Declined to comment on whether it encourages followers to donate property and savings? Is not "No comment" what guilty people are advised to say by their lawyers?

I know in what sense you mean "Its funny", but I am not laughing at those who have lost their family and their financial security.
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Re: BKWSU trial by media begins with UK Prime Minister's wif

Post08 Jan 2007

proy wrote:I know in what sense you mean "Its funny", but I am not laughing at those who have lost their family and their financial security.

Yes, you are right and I am wrong. I apologize entirely. It is not funny at all and the human cost is and has been immeasurable.

I know that the BKWSU just shrug their shoulders and go, "Wah, Drama ... be detached", and point at the Mahabharata. But it is not good enough.

There is a pattern going on here and it needs to be studied, analyzed and explained. For me, new members are just "food" for this organization and they really don't care about what effects it has on those already dependent or in relationships with those new members. Indeed, they consider it beneficial and helpful for both parties.

The jury might be out on that just yet. What is your opinion, experience?
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Re: BKWSU trial by media begins with UK Prime Minister's wif

Post08 Jan 2007

ex-l wrote:There is a pattern going on here and it needs to be studied, analyzed and explained. For me, new members are just "food" for this organization and they really don't care about what effects it has on those already dependent or in relationships with those new members. Indeed, they consider it beneficial and helpful for both parties.

The jury might be out on that just yet. What is your opinion, experience?

I agree with what you say. They tried to drive a wedge between me and my wife, but our marriage is strong and we are still together. I have only a limited experience as I was involved with them for a short time only, but I know of eight couples and families who have experienced problems brought about by involvement with the BKs, including one divorce and one near divorce. I will not name the people, or tell their stories, out of respect for their privacy, but I know it is happening. It is not just the celibacy and no touching rules that cause problems with families.

Another issue is that one member of the family who is a BK may be giving large sums of money to the BKs. This is not agreed to by the other family members and causes conflict. Yet another issue is that I have seen very young children being brought in to the BK centres by BKs. This also causes friction when other family members disagree with bringing up a child as a BK. For anyone brave enough to get involved with the media, there is a feedback form on the web site where the article we are discussing is. Maybe the Admin would like to give them a link to this web site so they can get an independent source of information?

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