Heaven and Hell

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Heaven and Hell

Post12 Nov 2006

Heaven and Hell are as day and night. When it is the day, it is not the night and the other way round. They don’t exist together at one and the same time. If a soul takes birth in heaven it lives and dies in heaven. If a soul takes birth in hell it lives and dies in hell.
Every religion remembers Heaven and Hell. Heaven and Hell are not in the sky and underground. The soul does not go to Heaven or Hell after leaving the body. There is no other life than life on earth. There is no other Earth where we live on. The soul definitely leaves one body and takes another whilst on earth.
In Heaven the soul have soul consciousness. Whilst in the body it knows it’s a soul. In Hell the soul has body-consciousness. Whilst in a body, it thinks it is the body, that’s why it experiences suffering when leaving the body. In Heaven the soul leaves the body easily and in happiness, by its own will. In hell there is untimely death, one has attachment to the body and the soul is stressed whilst leaving.
In Heaven giving birth is easy as pulling a hair out of butter. In Hell whilst in the womb the soul feels as if in a jail, cries to let it out, it promises it will not commit any sin, but goes out and continues the same old way. Giving birth hurts both the mother and child. Raising a child give stress to both the mother and child. In Heaven the soul resides in a palace like womb. Children give happiness to parents and parents give happiness to children.
In Heaven creating progeny is connected to contact of highest organs – eyes, mouth. In Hell reproduction takes place through low organs.
In Heaven there is only one family, only one religion, only one kingdom, only one country, only one language and nothing else. In Hell there are many families, many religions, many kingdoms, many countries, many languages.
In Heaven the soul has divine virtues, it follows the highest code of conduct, it is nonviolent, viceless and egoless. In Hell the soul acquires devilish traits, lust, anger, greed, attachment, ego.
In Heaven there is peace and happiness. In hell there is peaclessness and sorrow.
In Heaven the soul is pure. In hell impure
Heaven is the new world. Hell Is the old world
The new world is small, there are few people there. The old world is big, full of people.
Heaven is the young sapling. Hell is the old tree.
In heaven there is no poverty. In hell there is poverty.
Are you a pure deity? Do you have devilish traits? Are you a resident of the new world of peace and happiness or a resident of the old world of peacelessness and sorrow.
In heaven we play with jewels – means in the intellect we hold valuable things, in the hell what do we have – tension, poor things.
In heaven the water is pure it goes down the mountain passes through medical herbs and takes the fragrance it is powerful and sweet. In hell we have oil and dead animals in the water of the ocean and rivers.
In heaven in the sky one can see stars at daylight. In hell one cannot see how blue the sky is, because of the grey smog.
In heaven everyone is vegetarian, in hell people kill animals.
In heaven there is no work, in hell there is no rest
In heaven there is always spring, in hell all seasons are like nightmare, hot summer, cold winter, muddy spring, muddy authumn.
In heaven there are no heavy rains, in hell even the light rain contains acid.
In heaven there are no illnesses, doctors, lawyers crimes, jails, in hell everyone is a criminal, ill.
In heaven children take birth with happiness. In hell they take birth and cry.
All of these can be viewed in unlimited perspective.
In heaven man and woman are like milk and sugar, in hell the are enemies and fight with one another.
In heaven they sit on the bank on the river, remember one another, leave the body and are together in the next birth again. In hell we fall in love with each and every girls wee on the street and forget the next moment.
In heaven, it is my own opinion there are no fences, no boundaries, no different countries, no visas, no customs.
In heaven animals will come to bow down to humans, they wil entertain them. In hell even animals hate human beings. So how much degraded should have become the human beings
The new world of Heaven is completely nonviolent. The old world of Hell is completely violent.
Everything is new in the new world, everything gives happiness. Everything is old in the old world, everything gives sorrow.
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Mr Green


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Post12 Nov 2006

Belief my friend, as powerful as you like it to be.
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Post12 Nov 2006

Yes, is not it only the belief that moves the man forward? The more powerful the belief, the more powerful acts one can perform ... then what is not possible? Will this world of Heaven, that seem inpossible not become possible? It will, if it is God that can create it and no human being that can fail in its belief. (Stop believing, individuals stop moving forward towards the aim, stop acting, lack of inspiration ...).

That is why it is created through knowledge, meaning even knowledge is higher than faith. We don't believe it, we remember, we know, we act, we create.
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Mr Green


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Post12 Nov 2006

No, you believe that is happening, it is not knowledge, it is supposition.

I hope it brings you happiness.
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Post12 Nov 2006

But what is the difference between knowledge and supposition. One you know for sure, the other we are not certain in. We are used to believe in many different things and accept them as knowledge e.g., what the sceintist say about the atom for example. Have you seen an atom? Is there any logical reason to believe it is constructed out or protons, neutrons, electrons?

We believe this but we also feel it is right because it is the reality. We also feel heaven is right, it is also a reality. It is a stage of the soul, like here in this world of hell. Would you deny this world is a hell-like world? So in this world we receive such information that we go above this world. We are not influenced we are happy inside in our mind. Where else do we find happiness?
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Re: Heaven and Hell

Post12 Nov 2006

Andrey wrote:In hell we fall in love with each and every girls wee on the street and forget the next moment.

To be honest, perhaps your country is different from mine but not every woman wees on our streets.

We invented public toilets and drainage along time ago.
Andrey wrote:Is there any logical reason to believe it is constructed out or protons, neutrons, electrons?

There existence can be demonstrated experimentally time and time again on demand. (Unlike girls weeing in public). That is the difference between science and faith.

I think the way "Sat Yuga" is used by the BKWSU is dangerous, especially in the way they keep changing the date. I fully expect them in 100 years time to still be saying 5 to 10 years and still take time and money off their followers.

Its the old "Jam tomorrow" equation. Give up your life and money, work hard for free ... and you will get jam tomorrow in the Golden Age. A high status ... jewels are crowns ... a palace ...

Meanwhile the BKWSU piles up the fruit of every one's donations.
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Post12 Nov 2006

It happened funny. It should be "we see"
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Mr Green


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Post12 Nov 2006

I would not believe anything a scientist told me to be knowledge, until it has been proven to me and I understand it. Otherwise that also is just theory and not in any way knowledge or knowing.

I do not think this world is hell at all, in fact i really like the world. I know people who are absolutely wonderful, they are in my eyes things of beauty.

And as for girls, I luv em, I like to look at them, I like to talk to them, I like to play with them, I like to feel them, I like to love them, for me they are part of what makes heaven on earth :lol:
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Post12 Nov 2006

Yes, that's why this spiritual knowledge is also a matter of understanding.

About the girls, yes, man and woman are made to be together and this is what is heaven on earth but what makes this heaven into hell is exactly this relationship that becomes spoilt. And what makes this relationship new and good again is the creator of heaven. Would one prefer many small happinesses to one big hapiness. If one can enjoy one girl only for a long time, then would this be better, or if one can enjoy many girls for small time would be better. One becomes confused. Many unitings and many seprations make the soul sorrowful. One unity with no separation makes the soul peaceful and happy.

This is what is lacking is long-lasting, stable, harmonious relashionship between the man and the woman. This world is hell because at home it is hell. Husband and wife are not faithful to one another, that causes a lot of sorrow. They quarrel amongst themselves, they cannot commit to one another entirely, they lie to one another, they give sorrow to one another.

That's why now this Supreme Soul prepares such couples that stay together, play together for birth after birth. It is this new world of unadulteration, where the vision of Krishna is only for Radha and the vison of Radha is only for Krishna. Is it not better? And we create it now with our behaviour. In heaven they only give happiness to one another.
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Mr Green


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Post12 Nov 2006

Sounds to me like you need to find yourself a good woman.

Hey come on girls, it's true is it not, the love of a good woman takes away most sorrow a man can carry.



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Post12 Nov 2006

Andrey wrote:But what is the difference between knowledge and supposition. One you know for sure, the other we are not certain in. We are used to believe in many different things and accept them as knowledge, for eg, what the sicentist say about the atom for example. Have you seen an atom? Is there any logical reason to believe it is constructed out or protons, neutrons, electrons? We believe this, but we also feel it is right, because it is the reality.

There is a vast ground between perfect knowledge and 'anything goes'.

Granted that absolute certainty may be difficult to establish for anything, does it mean that all the theories have equal validity? If you are unable to see the logical necessity of atomic structure, does it is become a sufficient ground to believe Aesop's fables as true?


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Post12 Nov 2006

hey come on girls, it's true is it not, the love of a good woman takes away most sorrow a man can carry

The love of a good woman usually takes away all the money and property a man can carry :P Well, at least where I am it is.
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the love of a woman...

Post13 Nov 2006

Hey, Bansy ... to me that is not 'a love of a woman', that is not love, period ! :cry:

I may sound old fashioned or maybe purely honest, but I would like to find a man to live up to my Love ... relationships go bad due to jealousy, insecurity, and mainly to lack of (honest)communication (due to fears, negative patterns, etc..) ... maybe we can 'create/attract' someone that would fit our profile and live happily ever after ... :wink: or just to share a nice , fun life !!!


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Post13 Nov 2006

Dear freedom, sorry, my pun was meant as a joke and banter with Mr Green. Whom I must say is doing some good stuff in Wikipedia.

I think there is always someone for everyone. If Lakshmi has Narayan, then why not now even in Kaliyug ? The Cycle would be a bit odd if only Narayan made it to the Golden Age. Or if Eve wasn't around with Adam. Takes two to make a relationship. If you are to have a relationship wth God, well He's got the upper hand, so you have to live up to His expectations, whilst He has to live down to yours.

Its all down to one's expectations. I am just happy for my partner to be as imperfect as I am.
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Mr Green


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Post13 Nov 2006

There's no-one as imperfect as me :wink: :lol:

And thanks freedom for sticking up for me ... You see, I really value womanhood, not like these BKs who have been left behind in the feminist stakes. They're still encouraging man bashing, let alone equality, whilst a lot of societies have greatly moved on without them even knowing!!! lol

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