Draft Open Letter to BKWSO

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Draft Open Letter to BKWSO

Post04 Aug 2007

Per request from an ex-BK of this forum, I am starting the draft open letter to the BKs. Anyone may contribute or feel free to add, delete or revise this as he/she sees fit.

Thank you.

An Open Letter to BKWSO through the support of the Religious Communities and NGO's.

The Brahma Kumaris World Spritual Organization today rely on a growing number teachings and value-based education which are generally good in principle. However, we, as experienced and former BKs who were led to believe of its absolute teachings from the Supreme, they call God, now seek to such inalienable rights for sincere, direct and straightforward answers from them. We, human beings on this planet, Brothers and Sisters of the human race, believe that an organization such as theirs, would attempt to establish an open line of communication so that clarification and the resolution of seemingly contradicting information can be attained.

We humbly seek for clarification and explanation from BKWSO about the many questions discussed in this forum, so that we may be able to understand its true beginnings, its true teachings and its true value in our society.

A partial list of questions and unresolved issues are stated below:


We will sincerely acknowledge an official response from the BKWSO and will consider their replies based on their point of view.

Signed Petioners:
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Post04 Aug 2007

I will think about this.

Am I right in saying that this is a letter targetted at other NGO, Interfaith, UN type groups?

I think we should also write some basic information packs about the BKWSO, its history, beliefs and questions third parties should ask them. Keep it factual, impersonal and precise.

If we can make pdfs of these, then anyone can attach them to an email and spread them out.
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Post07 Aug 2007

ex-l wrote:I will think about this. Am I right in saying that this is a letter targetted at other NGO, Interfaith, UN type groups?

We can cc those NGO's and Religious Community groups once we have the final open letter put on this website and certified mail to the BKWSO.
ex-l wrote:I think we should also write some basic information packs about the BKWSO, its history, beliefs and questions third parties should ask them. Keep it factual, impersonal and precise.If we can make pdfs of these, then anyone can attach them to an email and spread them out.

Good idea.
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reforming BK

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Post08 Aug 2007

Per request from an ex-BK of this forum, I am starting the draft open letter to the BKs. Anyone may contribute or feel free to add, delete or revise this as he/she sees fit. ... An Open Letter to BKWSO through the support of the Religious Communities and NGOs.

Can I just clarify ... you are writing this letter to the Seniors of the BKWSU and ccing it to the leaders of other religious groups?

Can I make a suggestion; having opened a channel of communication, would it be as well to do it in easy stages, i.e. we get issues cleared up between us and them first, especially the more involved issues about Murlis and early history that other organisations wont be into getting their heads round; and then we start sharing with the rest of the world?

I will have a think about the issues I would like included in this and post them later. Well done tinydot for taking this on!
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Post08 Aug 2007

yudhishtira wrote:Can I just clarify ... you are writing this letter to the Seniors of the BKWSU and ccing it to the leaders of other religious groups? ... especially the more involved issues about Murlis and early history that other organisations wont be into getting their heads round

It was a question on my behalf more than a suggestion but I agree with both the points. Of course, give them a chance to answer first. But, personally, I am not expecting any answer.

I am expecting them to ignore the issues, pull up the drawbridge and adopt a "get tough" policy. Are they really going to be seen negotiating or compromising with bunch of Shudras that wont fall for the old Gulab Jamun trick?

Bureaucracies of all sorts are built on the ability to talk problems away and by that I mean ... do nothing. In my opinion, BKs are deeply conditioned, even traumatised by early confusion, to accept the 'word of the SS' as "God's word" ... Shrimat we were told. We were told that the pure they had God's authority where we did not. How could we possibly challenge "God's word" ... of course, a God's Word decided by them.

Frankly, I think they care more about their perfect face and expensively created PR front than they do their ethics. For me, the complete lies around the issues of historical revisionism, with which all the Seniors have colluded in, and the PBK beatings have illustrated this sufficiently for me. I would love to have them in a position where they did not know if the person they were talking to have been educated before or not before they were given the BK soft sell treatment.

We all know how the BKs use language so cleverly and operate as a little secret service slipping their way through businessmen's networks (I almost said bank accounts), interfaith groups and political parties. Fine. If they do not want to talk truth with us, we should talk truth with the rest of the world. For me, it is a question of ethics.

Everyone understands the terms "historical revisionism, cover up, abuse" and the language of a massive superiority complex, even though they do not understand the details. Personally, I think we - as BK souls - have a responsibility to the rest of the world. Their authority over God is not proven. They may just be, at the end of the day, usurpers.

The BKWSU is rooted a business caste. They are in a business with God. Lekhraj Kirpalani was a dealer. How often have we heard it. So make it appeal to their instincts. It will costs one way but it will cost less the other. They would be stupid not to take the cheapest option and talk.

*Usurpers are individuals or groups of individuals who obtain and maintain the power or rights of another by force and without legal authority.
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reforming BK

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Post08 Aug 2007

Point taken. I haven't got any expectations up here that any of 'em have "seen the light"!! However, I will be interested to see what if any response is made to any of the questions that people here have, regarding both historical details and current practices that run contrary to Shrimat - especially vis a vis funding, giving Baba's message by the back door etc..

At least an approach has been made. Thats something i guess. It remains to be seen how open minded the response is, and whether this a genuine overture of goodwill. But it looks like from the original post from bbsyop that she only wants email communication, not to post openly on here. I hope she changes her mind.

We all belong to Baba, Sister Jayanti; and that's the open hearted Baba who is not afraid of soul's behaviour, doesn't exclude and doesn't make judgement calls on souls ... and also the one who doesn't encourage the worship of human beings; even if they are instruments. You are our Sister too and welcome to join in any discussions.

Addition; it seems the bkinfo system is hierarchical and worshipping too! I put in the "our Sister" as a lower case s for Sister, but when I post it, it becomes upper case!! :wink: and now its done it again!! Can we change this please!
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Post08 Aug 2007

Thanks for your understanding. I appreciate it is a harsh position to take but God says to me things have gone too far. I could not believe it when I read of the pots for money at events. They obviously want to catch the audience when they are high ... and not come down, or not come back, some other time.

If you want to get around that spelling problem, the only way is to put some code in the middle to confuse the system.
Code: Select all

will come out as "Sister". Whereas Sister will come out as "Sister".

There are a load of examples like that, e.g. Father, Father; Brother, Brother etc.
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Post10 Aug 2007


The first and foremost question that I would request Sister Jayanti to answer is whether she thinks it is proper to copyright Godly versions.

She can answer this through an email to the Admin. or whenever she decides to join this forum.

On Godly Service,
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Mr Green


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Post10 Aug 2007

I understand most of you have never been a surrendered BK and, often, you may feel I am embittered and cynical.

But if you really believe they are even considering anything that we've asked of them you're just not awake to what the inner circle thinks.

They have the type of thinking that they are doing us a favour by contacting the site!!!!!!

If they cannot get their own way - and they are not even prepared to tell us what their intentions are!!!! - The contact will finish with immediate effect.
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Post10 Aug 2007

mr green wrote:But if you really believe they are even considering anything that we've asked of them you're just not awake to what the inner circle thinks. If they cannot get their own way ... The contact will finish with immediate effect.

I thought we were demonstrating to the world, and the rest of the BK family, the way they think ...

But, I believe in giving someone a chance and what we are doing is giving them an example by acting with an open hand; showing them how we think. I wonder what their response will be ... contact may have already finished.


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Post10 Aug 2007

I agree with mr green in so far as there is little need to do any contact with the BK. All the issues are actually in this forum and across many groups. They are obviously reading it all and making notes. They are listening but not speaking.

I understand the intention is good, but the continuing of discussion has to stay in the forum and not be drawn away from it. Otherwise you've succumb to another imploding tactic. As they say, "everything that is going to be said in this room stays in the room". The room is the forum.

You have to make the senior BKs come and reply INSIDE the forum otherwise the pdfs, what not emails and such papers will be used for wrapping toli.
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Post10 Aug 2007

bansy wrote:They are obviously reading it all and making notes. They are listening but not speaking.

Yup, and we could wear our fingers away at the keyboards until our very last breaths ... and they might make tiny little superficial chances of they thought they were losing bums on seats.

I would be afraid that this news about the latest Dadi Janki article having the well worn claims about her being the most stable mind in the world, despite instructions not to, illustrates what the leadership and PR machine thinks of such compromises. Or may be it does not count in India.

My vote is on forum. No individual represents anyone else. The forum collective voices many issue that exist through out the BKWSU. The opportunity is really for the Brahma Kumari leadership to be seen, and documented, speaking openly to the BK family and world as a whole.
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The proof of the pudding IS in the eating

Post10 Aug 2007

mr green wrote:But if you really believe they are even considering anything that we've asked of them you're just not awake to what the inner circle thinks. If they cannot get their own way ... The contact will finish with immediate effect.
ex-l wrote:I thought we were demonstrating to the world, and the rest of the BK family, the way they think ... But, I believe in giving someone a chance and what we are doing is giving them an example by acting with an open hand; showing them how we think. I wonder what their response will be ... contact may have already finished.

Hi, my thoughts run along similar lines as ex-l's and, as someone mentioned elsewhere on the site, they are damned if they do and damned if they do not. The topics and contributors are outside of the control of the BKWSU and this must really stick in their collective craw.

While I am able to see the conumdrum that the hierarchy may face as a result of the so-called "BKWSU do/do not damnation", i am not led to feeling sympathy for them. The Seniors must have known about all of this stuff for decades. If there is a BK student out there who feels there is validity in discarding everything here as rabidly anti-BK or without basis then ...

I also share bansy's opinion. All that talk about a group meeting with SJ turned me off. The www is the arena that we have all chosen, for our own reasons, to come and participate in. If the BKWSU doesn't like it then too bad. Will their non-participation stop me from sharing my story? Not at all. If this site closes down I am sure another will open up. How many 'fingers' can the organisation command to plug the dyke? Answer: Not enough.

Every word of ex-l's last paragraph says it all for me.
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Mr Green


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Post10 Aug 2007

There are other quite adequate urls just waiting to go, so no worries.


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Post11 Aug 2007

The overall idea of tinydots is still good.

What we can do, albeit slowly, is to set up a brand new thread where the only posts are a list of questions (plus maybe a small explanation of the reason of the question if need), and make a reference to an existing thread if necessary where discussion has taken place.

So that an official BK can reply to that thread. then they cannot say we are not helping. Arjunbhai has already started, so the format can be

Q001 : Is it proper to copyright Godly versions.
Q002 : What is the necessity to revise/edit Murlis. Please define "revise" and "edit."
Q003 : When was Brahma Baba born, what is the evidence/proof (a typed statement will do) of his date of birth ?
Q004 : What is the date of destruction, is this 2036 ?
Q005 : What are the followup and compensation procedures for those who leave the BKs after surrendering ?

I am not so good at details so if anyone whose good at it take it up. It will take time for the list to grow, but everyone is allowed to add questions, a bit like summary Q&A. I suppose you have to make the questions simple and clear enough so that suppose it will be the first time for someone to read that question.

To keep that thread clean of posts, we can all form and discuss the content of a question within this thread so that it is clear (not too aggressive, not too stupid, not too open-ended etc) and finalise it to be cut and pasted in the Q&A thread. As the number of Qs increase, we may want to bunch them into groups.

What do others think?

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