Official Contact with Sister Jayanti BKWSU (UK) - legal

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Official Contact with Sister Jayanti BKWSU (UK) - legal

Post24 Jul 2007

We have had an request from a director of the BKWSU, Sister Jayanti, who wished to contact and meet with one of the members of this forum "for their mutual benefit".

She was informed that if she wanted to contact any member of the forum, she should join the forum and use the personal messaging function or correspond with them directly online. If she wanted to contact the moderators of the forum, then she was welcome to contact us via the Admin email address and we would discuss any request she wanted to make; and that we welcomed what we thought was an overdue official response to the issues raise from amongst the body of the BK family on this forum.

On attempting to respond to the request it was discover that the BKWSU were still blocking any emails from this website to any BKWSU center or official email address. We are not sure if individual BKs, or BK centers, were aware of this. It has been our experience in attempting to contact a number of BKs worldwide. We note that others have also found their email addresses blocked.

A news article was published to draw attention to this, BKWSU Mushrooms in Censorship and Secrecy. Within a couple of hours, an email was received informing us that the email block had been removed. At east for one recipient. We are currently awaiting confirmation of whether our original emails were received.

We would like to make it clear that in such a case, "one rule applies to all". We do not intend to offer any one individual BK privileged access. Although we understand that some members might prefer not to have an official Brahma Kumari, and may even had have difficult experiences with this individual, we operate an "open door" policy for all of those willing to accept our guidelines.

Given the seriousness of some of the claims made on this forum, it is only fair that the "official" voice of the BKWSU is heard and we hope that she is willing to join our discussion in either a personal or official basis.

Received later;
BKWSU wrote:Sat, 28 Jul 2007

Yes, we are receiving your emails now. Please accept apologies from the IT team that your previous emails to me were blocked.

Thanks and regards,

xxxx xxxxx
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Post25 Jul 2007

Perhaps I am "irrationally exuberant" but this could mark a really important new phase in the history of the forum and it's relationship with the BK Yagya ...

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Post25 Jul 2007

Perhaps members could suggest questions they would like answered and issues they think should be raised (20 words or less) ... or may be the BKWSU just wants to shut the forum down.

Whatever did happen to Folks said that it closed down after they were influenced by the BKWSU again but I never heard for sure.
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Post25 Jul 2007

ex-l wrote:Perhaps members could suggest questions they would like answered and issues they think should be raised (20 words or less)

Hmmmm, where to start?
or may be the BKWSU just wants to shut the forum down.

Another one would start up, so its pointless really.
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in the night

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... Warm welcome to Jayanti

Post25 Jul 2007

Hi folks,

I am very happy to hear the news that Jayanti Bhen has shown interest in the forum. I just wanted to mention that it would be nice if she decided to participate.

:arrow: Sister Jayanti, I would tell you personaly, but I´m rather making a statement; please follow your heart and come to share your views here; the place where the "real" service is.

Perhaps BK preaching will not be very welcomed here, but some of the issues discussed in this forum are not to be ignored and must be addressed by a "mike" with-in the "family". Anyways, I am not persuading you now, but I always believed in you more than any other BK senior. I know, loving nature cannot be hidden, honey.

See you soon, I hope.
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Post26 Jul 2007

I could imagine the conflict she may be undergoing, but this is just MY assumption. Her faith in Baba may be immovable. However, the "facts" are just so ovewhelming that these cannot just be ignored. Also, come ten years and Dadis have died or started dying, she would be next in the line. Imagine millions of BKs would realize that destruction have not happened yet. She would have to patch-up the tire (NOT re-invent the wheel) to cover-up another failure. These Dadis will die CARE FREE but will leave all their mess with the Seniors.

The rate by which we in this forum or the public demand answers from BKWSU is far exceeding the rate by which their teaching is evolving and being revised/rewritten.

I think I have some hunch of what is going on.
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Re: ... Warm welcome to Jayanti

Post26 Jul 2007

in the night wrote:I am very happy to hear the news that Jayanti Bhen has shown interest in the forum. I just wanted to mention that it would be nice if she decided to participate.

I think it would be a significant act for her to post here, giving up the privileges and protections of her position to communicate with outspoken critics of her faith/family/organization as well as her own acts.

It is an exceedingly public venue. The forum would amplify any failings to which she might admit, possibly with legal ramifications for herself and the organization. All these risks must make it difficult for her to "let down her hair" and talk straight about duty of care and other issues raised here, even if she would want to.
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Post26 Jul 2007

tinydot wrote:I could imagine the conflict she may be undergoing, but this is just MY assumption. Her faith in Baba may be immovable. However, the "facts" are just so overwhelming that these cannot just be ignored.

Sometimes I try to put myself in their shoes but I have been warned off feeling sympathetic because I have been told by those with more experience of such individuals that the SS are willing to use such humanity in others, along with other weakness such as a lack of courage or mental and communicative skills, to their advantage. With Jayanti specifically, she has been rolling individuals along, and arguably therefore bank rolling the BKWSU, on the basis of her famous "2 years to Destruction" mentality for the last 25 years. I know that there are fairly pronounced politics between various Seniors and I wonder what the relationships between the likes of her, even Dadi and her, and the India BKWSU is?

But at the end of the day, despite all their mental methods (yuktis) and protestations, the **** has to stop somewhere ... and it stops with those that support, defend and empower "the system" with their being. I disagree that the buck can be passed back to the holy spook ... which is the main mental method they use.

I cannot believe that either the Yoga experience, VIP service, international airtravel or all the worship and adulation that they receive is sufficient payback for what they must go through. I would not want to live in their shoes and always say that leaving Gyan, for me, was about being cured from wanting to be a guru or have followers for ever!

I wonder what your intuitions are Tinydot and would love to hear them?
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Post26 Jul 2007

ex-l wrote:Sometimes I try to put myself in their shoes but I have been warned off feeling sympathetic because I have been told by those with more experience of such individuals that the SS are willing to use such humanity in others, along with other weakness such as a lack of courage or mental and communicative skills, to their advantage.

I say be fair with them, but show no mercy. We have as much right to the truth as they have, yet they have taken it upon themselves to keep this from us. What are we asking for? What is rightfully ours by taking birth as a Brahmin.
I disagree that the buck can be passed back to the holy spook ... which is the main mental method they use.

I agree in that I see the reason of chopping and changing Murlis is to serve their personal agenda, just like the media chop and change information to suit their agenda.
But at the end of the day, despite all their mental methods (yuktis)

And, of course, the top brass setting the scenario to make themselves look so high and others below not yet worthy. I say it's a sinister manipulation to lord it over others and shut them up.
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Post26 Jul 2007

If you feel sympathy for them you don't know them.

Yes, they are human beings and deserve respect as such, but no more than anyone else.

I've always been aware of Jayanti's lack of faith in Baba, her faith is more in the organisation.
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Post26 Jul 2007

If I were in her shoes, I would demand the Dadis to come forward and answer all allegations and make corrections or admissions on the inconsistencies of the teachings and controversies surrounding the BK history. Before they (Dadis) die, I would let them finish eating their piece of cake, or else they would leave me eating their left overs. Sounds like a typical mother-daughter business where the mother dies leaving all the assets and liabilities of the business to her daughter.

Another option is, I would renounce my headship to run the business of my parents as the rightful successor, and let the "board of directors" take over. Perhaps I should call-in sick for one year, and let my deputy handle the case.


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Post27 Jul 2007

It would be a lot easier to tell all their followers in public that the whole thing was to see how far they could get. Everything was a lie, that they took advantage of vulnerable people, used them to labor for free and to make them believe that being married to the organization will make them a king in the Golden Age. Well this it it. Its over!

Tell all the followers that the organisation did there best to keep it up but they failed. They are exposed now and nothing can stop it.

Oops ... but i am human, so i do not know anything.
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Post27 Jul 2007

ex-l wrote:Perhaps members could suggest questions they would like answered and issues they think should be raised (20 words or less) ... or may be the BKWSU just wants to shut the forum down.

Omshanti. It is heartening to know that BKWSU wishes to communicate with the members of this forum. I hope that the channel of communication is set up as soon as possible, either through this forum or through emails or through personal contact.

If they senior Sisters do not wish to come and participate in this forum, they can depute any BK to communicate their thoughts/replies to the world. Or they could themselves become a member anonymously, without stating that they are BK teacher(s). Just as we PBKs communicate the official versions of ShivBaba (through Baba Virendra Dev Dixit), the anonymous BK member could communicate the official replies/views of the BKWSU.

Attempts to shut down the forum either by the BKWSU or by the Admin. of this forum under duress, will not be of much use because as John Bhai has pointed out.
in the night wrote:I am very happy to hear the news that Jayanti Bhen has shown interest in the forum. I just wanted to mention that it would be nice if she decided to participate. Sister Jayanti, I would tell you personaly, but I´m rather making a statement; please follow your heart and come to share your views here; the place where the "real" service is.

Here is an extract from a recent clarification Murli narrated by ShivBaba (through Baba Virendra Dev Dixit) on the subject of surrendered or non-surrendered BKs/PBKs refusing to accept the invitation of general public either to attend their functions (in worldly sense) and refusing to accept the invitation of someone to come and give knowledge:

VCD* No.657, Cassette No.1143, dated 21.4.07 at Jaipur,
Clarification of Murli dated 29.08.67
Ref. No.VCD*.,

... Here in the world of Brahmins, all kinds of souls are present. Best actors are present as well as worst actors are present. The best actors are those who would always keep Baba's Shrimat in front of their intellect. In such a circumstance, what is Baba's opinion/direction? It is a world of male and female snakes. We get coloured by company; they belong to our family. The entire world is to be made a member of the family, they are becoming. So, it is not a matter of being happy by remaining far away (doorbaaz-khushbaaz). For example, people call us to marriages; we refuse that we will not come. What would such a person be called? He would be called - one who remains happy while living cut-off/far-away. Arey! We have developed karmic accounts since 63 births. Baba has not said in the Murli. What? (Someone said - break it) that do not maintain relationships. If someone is calling and he is calling with love. Someone is not calling us to kill us. Is anyone calling us to attack us? No. So, if someone is calling with love, one should go to his/her place, shouldn't one? One should go, but one should go having taken what firm decision in the mind? That we would serve him/her and then come. We would not get influenced by him/her. Whatever may happen, we would not get influenced by him. And we will leave our influence, Baba's influence on him/her. Similarly ..., this is a matter of the householders.

But, the one, who is not a householder, and has surrendered/dedicated himself in Godly service, the same matter also applies to them. What? If anyone calls lovingly, come and explain (The Knowledge) to me and he (i.e. the one who is being requested) knows that he (i.e. the one making the request) does not follow policies and rules and regulations. They (i.e. those making the request) are the ones, who violate rules, and if he declines their invitation, if he remains happy in living far away (doorbaaz-khushbaaz) ... If someone extends a hand of friendship/love and he declines that hand of friendship. Then, is it good? This is not a good thing. So, the tendency of rejecting/treating with contempt (thukrana) is a tendency of sanyasis (renunciates). Here, also in this world of Brahmins, those who refuse/decline (any invitation to give knowledge), they know from within that he is calling us with love, he is inviting us, he wants to obtain something from us and wants to give us something he has. We know that whatever the wordly people give, would be vices only. The only expectation that they would have from us is that we should get our children married and what would we expect? We would establish their relationship with 'one'. When we establish (their) connection with 'one' then they would also become unadulterous (avyabhichaari). The world would also become unadulterous (avyabhichaari) ...

The purport of the above paragraph is that just as Sanyasis remain celibate/happy by being away from their spouse/family, we should not run away from the world, but we should face it while living in the midst of everyone.

On Godly Service,
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Post27 Jul 2007

arjun wrote:Here is an extract from a recent clarification Murli narrated by ShivBaba (through Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit) on the subject of surrendered or non-surrendered BKs/PBKs refusing to accept the invitation of general public either to attend their functions

I have seen and heard the sort of general condescension I imagine they will respond to such a suggestion ... they are far too busy and far too important to deal with or engage a bunch of renegades on an mere internet discussion forum.

I, for one, wont be holding my breath waiting or expecting ... but in terms of the mere "damage limitation" that they so love ... they would be stupid not to engage at this point. Not just to address what is arising here but also elsewhere on the internet and out in real life.

The genie is out of the bottle.
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Post02 Aug 2007

OK. Questions for Official BKSWU

    1. How many Sakar Murlis (approximately) have there been since the beginning of the Yagya.
    2. Why are only five years supply available?
    3. In what year did Brahma Baba and BKs become aware that Shiva Baba was entering as until at least 1949 there is no mention of ShivaBaba in the BK literature of the time?

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