[Email to BKWSU in Tampa] BKs need to ANSWER these questions

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Post30 Apr 2007

I have e-mailed Tampa BK letting them know that Wikipedia will cover the bad aspects of Om Shanti very soon!

Let us see how they reply.
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Post01 May 2007

SweetSajani wrote:Unfortunately I did not record what Naina bhen had said, otherwise I could have used it as evidence later or something if ever. I was listening in on my mother's phone calls with these ladies because I want to know excatly how they are corrupting my mom's life.

Not just your Mom's life but your whole family including her kids ... are these people qualified counsellors? In your State, does someone not need to be a qualified counsellor or registered relilgious practitioner in order to give advice like that? She must be on a bit of an ego trip because she is not a Senior Sister. She should not be giving advice, messing up a family, in this way.

It might also be worth doing some detective work finding out who owns the centers, who pays the mortgage, how and where they are registered as a 501 or whatever.

Someone should say that members of the BKWSU do read this forum and so they will probably read what you say. But it is a good thing. Keep them on their toes. Be completely open and honest and say why. They cannot be. When they go about kissing A' at the United Nations or Interfaith Congress meetings, do you think they are honest to people !?! After it all comes out here, they will have to be.

If it was not for IT Team such as BK Luis Riveros of the Tampa BK Center trying to suppress the truth, things such as these would probably never have gotten this exposed ... and it is a very long time in coming. This stuff has been going on for decades, Sajani.


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Post01 May 2007

Is there no way we can put the stuff back on Wikipedia?
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Post01 May 2007

Having read some of the goings on, I am now left wondering if the unwritten motto has become 'the ends justify the means'.

What I mean to say is, do some BKs think they can do and say as they please in the name of service and think that that is OK because in their rationale it will bring a soul closer to God?

Or have they indeed gone barmy.
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Post01 May 2007

SweetSajani wrote:Is there no way we can put the stuff back on Wikipedia?

What is up there right now is pretty good. You can discuss it on the back page and you will find some BK who will try and defend it. They have direct access to the top of the BK chain in the West and so it would be a good opportunity for you to discuss matters with live BKs.

You can speak to them and they can go to ask the Senior Sisters directly if what your Mom is doing and being told by Naina is correct. The BKWSU is pretty sensitive about what is going on at the Wikipedia but these BKs are a few feet away from the Senior Sisters and so they can check.

One things you have to remember is that the BK leadership do not always tell the local BK Centers what is going on (and vice versa). The leadership are not entirely honest to their followers either and cover things up. (We know this and have the evidence). So what you are doing is best;
    ... Think Local, Act Global!
john wrote:Or have they indeed gone barmy.

Spiritual inbreeding ... they need more DNA in their gene pool. I guess that is why they keep busting up families and stealing individual members.


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Post01 May 2007

Who are the senior Sisters? How can I even contact them? What if they're corrupt too? I personally don't trust anyone in this cult; no matter who it is. I just kinda lost the trust you know?

You asked what some of the teachings are:

When my Mom and Dad went to California for a wedding, the Om Shanti ladies, in particular Naina Bhen, had told my Mom not to communicate too much with the people whose house she stays at, as the bad vibrations will get to her and corrupt her, and stop her from Traffic control (if you know what that is, I am sure you do).

Another incidence was; my mother keeps asking my Dad to give her 10% of whatever money he makes in his businesses. My Dad owns two liquor stores, a gas station, and a motel. The BKs tell her that such businesses are "sins" therefore I am assuming that they must have told her that in order to get rid of the sins my Mom should convince my Dad to donate 10% of his profits to the BKs.

My dad rented out his gas station because he did not want to manage too many businesses, so now he doesn't keep cash in the house. We basically live off the credit cards, debit cards and checks. My mom has been getting very mad lately saying that without cash how is she to survive. My Father and I told her that credit cards work everywhere in the USA, so stop complaining. Slowly she said "How can I give money to the BKs then?".

Naina Bhen told my mom that she needs to keep my Dad wrapped around the thumb; in control. Naina Bhen said that if my Mom has control over my Dad then everything will go according to my Mom's way therefore Baba's way.

2 years ago Naina Bhen said that she couldn't call long distance from her phone. So my mom started taking out phone cards from our convenient store and gave the numbers to Naina Bhen, whom claimed that she used the phone cards to call my Mom and say the Murli on the phone.

At our convenience store, my Father has began selling chicken fries, chicken nuggets and pizza to make more profit. The BKs told my Mom not to work at the store as the vibrations will be horrible from the chicken production and also the profits made from chicken are sins therefore my mom fought many times with my dad to get rid of the chicken stuff and pizza stuff. I made sure my Dad never listened to her :).

I can go on forever and ever ... after all she's been doing this bull **** for 6 years now!
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Post01 May 2007

SweetSajani wrote:Another incidence was; my mother keeps asking my Dad to give her 10% of whatever money he makes in his businesses.

If your mother is so keen to give 10%, can she not earn that money herself in some way and give that?

I don't understand why they are asking for 10% of your Dad's money if he's not a BK?
ex-l wrote:Spiritual inbreeding ... they need more DNA in their gene pool. I guess that is why they keep busting up families and stealing individual members.

:lol: Spiritual inbreeding. I think you may have coined something there.
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Post01 May 2007

SweetSajani wrote:Who are the senior Sisters? How can I even contact them? What if they're corrupt too? I personally don't trust anyone in this cult; no matter who it is. I just kinda lost the trust you know? ... I can go on forever and ever ... after all she's been doing this bull **** for 6 years now![/b]

Please do go on! It is amazing me ... you can start a new topic or do it here and once you have sorted your ideas out, you can start a dedicated "Crazy Things the BKs Say Blog" on the Userpages just to make yourself feel better and have it documented. Just follow the link and it is automatic.

One thing for sure, I think this Sister in charge is going way over the line and has to be exposed.

The Senior Sisters for the West, (we called them the SS here);
    Top dog is Janki Kripalani, aka "Dadi Janki"
    Number two is Jayanti Kripalani (is it true a female dog is called a ... )
    In the USA, President Mohini Panjabi, aka "Big Mohini", the BKWSU’s Main Representative to the United Nations & Regional Coordinator for North America, Latin America and the Caribbean. Also Gayatri Naraine. She is the daughter of some big politician in the Caribbean.
They are very controlled and fairly well polished people who put on a good show ... but it cracks now and again. All of them know or are aware of what the BKWSU IT Team are up to. Then there is sort of loyal "middle management" as we call them. This Naina is probably not even that high up. Is Waddy still in Florida? The middle management are kind of like the "kapos" to the Senior Sisters' SS.

Are they corrupt? Well, I will let others answer that one (... or go read the "financial abuse" topic). I do not know them all. The BKWSU is generally a little bit more 'subtle' than obvious "corruption". You are at an advantage because I guess you speak some Hindi. Most Westerners do not know what they say because they talk to each other in it.

Also, they treat Westerners a little bit differently from the Hindis who basically, in my opinion, get a second or third class deal on one hand BUT are expected to fund and run the centers on the other. The BKs know the Hindis, especially the Gujerati Patels, give money to religions where the Westerns really do not. But they like having the Westerners around because it is good PR for them. If Westerners go to India, they are treated like VIPs, the Indians sleep in barracks etc. This is why it is great having a "child of two cultures" like yourself on the forum. By my standards, that is all little corrupt.

The Seniors hid all the bogus 'End of the World' predictions from us and edited out the Murlis. They even hid all the old English language material from the 30s to 50s from us. Destruciton was to be in WWII, 1950, 1976 etc ... they kept BKs running around like chickens without any heads waiting for the sky to fall on us. They kept it all quiet and told us it would be between 1986 or 1996, then the Year 2000 ... They probably hid it from your Mom too.

Have a look at the History section and you will soon know BK better than most BKs do. The BKs are also "buying" young girls in India for the price of their dowries (and two or three years food keep during the trial period) and beating people up at their big meetings. Does that sound very "Om Shanti" to you?

In my opinion, the only thing that has been constant - and for sure - is that the money is going in one direction BUT it is only pressure on the Senior Sisters that will change things. In your case, I think you would have a very good chance of having this Naina put in her place. She is out of order.


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Post01 May 2007

Yeah you're right. I speak 100% Hindi, 100% English, and 100% Gujarati. So if they speak in any of those three languages, I will know what they're saying. I don't know a Waddy actually.

Here are some more things that have been happening with dates:

• March 25th, 2007 – Minal Foi (my Dad's cousin Sister) and the her girls just came back from Sarasota as they went there for spring break. Mom was acting all bitchy all day and giving an attitude and acting really mad. (She has been mad at Minal Foi because she believes that I threw all the BK stuff out of the house because of her as Naina Bhen has told her that Minal's vibrations have caused the family to go against my Mom's devotion).

In the evening, Minal Foi was in Arti’s (my Sister) room working on her Social Security benefits stuff on the internet, so she needed help but I was busy. I told her to ask Dad. Dad had told Mom at that moment to get his dinner warm and ready and while that was happening, he went to help Minal Foi. Mom slammed stuff and got mad that he was in the room helping Minal Foi because she's a dumbass like that.

As she started slamming stuff and not talking to Dad correctly, Dad did not eat and left to go walking because he did not want to lose his temper. Later on, Dad ate and stuff then he went to Minal Foi's room as she was crying, gave her a hug and a peck on her forehead (his Sister) and told her not to worry, that everything will be okay. (Her husband had just passed away in February). Mom came in at that point and slapped Dad really hard on his eye and broke a vein in his eye.

She said very nasty and disgusting names to dad even though Dad did not say a single word. She said that Dad never kisses her, even though in their gay Om Shanti culture they teach celibacy and to pretend that your husband is your Brother. (Even though the whole point of marrying someone is to turn them into your spouse, not your sibling). What the hell is that? Once again, she lost her temper and hit people and said the wrong things.

• April 7th, 2007 – The day of my birthday, Mom went to Blockbuster to get the movie "Event Horizon" as it was recommended by the Om Shanti people to watch. She wanted to watch the movie so badly, and I kept wondering "why?". Finally I found out that it was because Om Shanti had recommended it.

In the morning, she told Dad that she would come help him at the store if he needs help. Obviously, she was saying that to show off and pretend that she wants to help. Dad said, Yes, come around 4 pm". Mom watched the movie, and wanted me to watch it, but I said "NO" because the Om Shanti people had recommended her to watch it and I hate Om Shanti with a passion.

Afterwards, she was too lazy to go to the store, which she always was. She told Minal Foi and me that she couldn't go because she still had to cook (which was a lie, everything was done being cooked except the rice which took 5 minutes to make and even I could have made that) but she just did not want to go help. She wanted to stay home to do her damn meditation. So she told Minal Foi to go and Arti to go so Minal Foi and Dad aren't alone at the store. When I came home, she wasn't making rice, she was obviously doing Om Shanti. She was lazy and did not want to go to the store therefore she LIED and she ruined my fuking birthday. Even the food she cooked tasted like bull ****.

• April 14th, 2007 – She woke up early in the morning to do meditation. Obviously, due to lack of sleep she had a headache. She decided not to go to the party in Sarasota with Minal Foi (it was Om's 2nd birthday party) because she actually wanted to stay home to do Om Shanti meditation. She claimed that she was sick and wasn't feeling good even though she did feel good as she went walking to the park, shopping at Kash'N'Karry (to get Om Shanti stuff at NIGHT!!!). She was on the phone and all happy, and ****.

She told dad that she did not go because Kirtan was sick. Lie!!!!!! Eventually, the next day, she woke up early at 3 am and left to Tampa to go to the Center even though there was a thunderstorm outside, and at that point she did not care that Kirtan was sick.

• April 15th, 2007 – Although it was raining outside, Mom kept telling Minal Foi to put the clothes to dry outside. Dad told Minal Foi not to because it was raining so Minal Foi put it in the dryer. Once dad left, mom started slamming things because she got mad that Minal Foi put them in the dryer. She started slamming things in a really ****** off manner. She hates when people touch the laundry if they've already showered. Sometimes she makes people (guests) go shower again. She cannot do that with me as I would tell her off big time.

• April 16th, 2007 – Dad had told her to meet me on Dale Mabry to choose out the bathroom tiles/stone since we are renovating the bathroom. She said she was too tired and lazy to drive all the way to Dale Mabry. Yet when she has to go further to Om Shanti center, she goes immediately no matter what time of the day it is.

• April 17th, 2007 – In the morning, Savita Ba's (my Dad's mother ... therefore my grandmother) sugar was high, so Ba was explaining to Dada (my grandfather) why her sugar was high. Then Ba was trying to tell that to Mom, and Dada told Ba not to repeat the same thing over again and hurry up as Ba had a doctor's appointment. Mom yelled at Dada disrespectfully and said, "DON’T TALK TO ME! I DON'T LIKE IT WHEN YOU TALK!"

• April 18th, 2007 – In the morning mom was getting Kirtan (my Brother) ready for school and in the bathroom that he was showering in, there was no body wash. She went to the other bathroom where Minal Foi and her daughter were getting ready and she knocked on the door really hard for a while.

They did not open because Janki was on the toilet taking a dump. Mom went to Dad’s room and took the body wash from there and when she came out the door slammed really hard because she did not bother to close it slowly. She came on this side and with a very big attitude said, "WE NEED TO GET STUFF IN EACH BATHROOM SO PEOPLE DON'T TAKE IT" aiming it straight towards Minal Foi.

Excuse my language as I wrote it the day these things happened. Kinda like a diary. And when I am mad, I tend to cuss a lot.

Oh yeah ... the other day I got real mad at her so I took whatever was left of Om Shanti stuff and threw it outside the house in front of her face so she punched me on my chest ... I guess another thing Om Shanti teaches, huh!


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Post01 May 2007

By the way, she tends to get angry around Minal Foi because she wants to show that it is because of her the fights happen in the house.

BK Naina has told my mom not to leave the house and wait till Minal leaves. BK Naina says that until Minal leaves the vibrations will be all over the house because Minal is on the verge of destroying the family. Therefore, my mother acts all nice when my aunt is outside of the house but when my aunt is in the house she acts mean on purpose. Her claim is that "Minals vibrations cause the house to go chaotic"

Can we sell BK Naina to trafficking in Afghanistan?
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abrahma kumar

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Post01 May 2007

If it was not for IT Team such as BK Luis Riveros of the Tampa BK Center trying to suppress the truth, things such as these would probably never have gotten this exposed ... and it is a very long time in coming. This stuff has been going on for decades, Sajani.

Hi Ex-I, How uncanny it is that SweetSajani's dilemna has bought BK Luis Riveros of the BK Tampa Center back into 'focus again'. I remember the wiki incidents. One would do the self a dis-service to think that it was a mere co-incidence.

Taking the maxim that birds of a feather flock together the Tampa Centre sounds like quite a training ground. Souls such as would conduct wiki wars in the so-called interests of the Mothership BKWSU are ... interesting. I wonder just what sort of 'instrument' this story of SweetSajlani's will ultimately prove. Tampa might be 'tamped down' by the Seniors i.e. advised to go all incognito for a while till things quieten down.

It really sounds as if there are a lot of 'rogue elements' wandering around as 'teachers' in the BKWSU ranks. Thank Baba i stayed free of any major entanglements with them, which must be due to the fact that i am rather an impeccable BKWSU student. Cant you tell?! (do not believe a word of it!) :P

Good luck Sajani. (A bit of off-beat humour can release the tension)


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Post01 May 2007

Lol, thanks abrahama.


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Post01 May 2007

ex-l wrote:So, I presume your mother is living off your Father's money right now? Is that not bad because he and his money is so impure? Or is that OK because the BKs would be quite happy to make it "pure" for her by using to run their center?

Yes, ex-l.

My mother is living off my Father's money right now even though the money is considered sinful. We have told her this quite a few times but she doesn't care. She says that the Tampa BKs have told her that by donating 10% of the profits they can make it PURE!!!!!!


Another incidence which I mentioned in another forum room was the fact that my Mom went from no sex, slowly to sleeping in a separate room ... which was my Brother's room.

We threw her out that room, so she was forced to go back into Dad's room and sleep there ... whenever she went to Abu (supposedly the Tampa BKs said that she must go there once a year to meet Baba if she wants to become a true BK), she would expect my dad's relatives to come down from South Carolina, stay with us and take care of us three kids while my dad worked. My other aunt would cook and clean and everything.

The next day when mom comes back from India, she yells and screams and fights and wants my aunt and uncle thrown out the house because the Tampa BKs tell her that my aunt and uncle's vibrations will get all over the house if they do not leave immediately.

So basically, it's OK for my Aunt and Uncle to come and cook and clean, and look after us whle she enjoys the old man sitting behind the mic in Abu, but once she comes back she expects them out of the house, as if they are a piece of toy.

So ANYWAY, the point I was getting at is when Mom came back from India once ... she goes every year BTW ... I had allowed to my aunt and uncle to sleep in my Mom and Dad's room. So when my mom found out ... she told the BK ladies and they told her that she shouldn't sleep on the same bed as my uncle and aunt must have had sex on the bed. She took out the bed comforters (which were new and cost over $300) and never used them again.

Also, whenever she goes to India, all the BK ladies from Tampa and Lakeland make my Mom rent a car, pay for it, and give them rides everywhere to centers all around India. And, of course, the dumb fool my Mother is, she gives them the ride immediately. This time when my Mom went to India, my Dad gave her no money. Tampa BKs instilled into her head that my Mom is losing control over my Dad and this is why she has done this ...

Anyway, as I remember more things I post them up. ex-l reminded me of this part as I was reading the other forums.
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The Good Ladies of Tampa BKWSU

Post01 May 2007

SweetSajani wrote:The next day when mom comes back from India, she yells and screams and fights and wants my aunt and uncle thrown out the house because the Tampa BKs tell her that my aunt and uncle's vibrations will get all over the house if they do not leave immediately.

Excuse me but a BK "yelling, screaming and fighting" is not exactly a very good Om Shanti advert for having come back directly from meeting God on the top of a hill in India, is it?

This is absolutely brilliant stuff Sajani!
I had allowed to my aunt and uncle to sleep in my Mom and Dad's room. So when my mom found out ... she told the BK ladies and they told her that she shouldn't sleep on the same bed as my uncle and aunt must have had sex on the bed. She took out the bed comforters (which were new and cost over $300) and never used them again.

So what about seats in a train or airplane ... there are a whole load of **** and ******* pressed up hard against them and I am sure very, very many of them had had sex the night before, that morning, or may be even in the inflight toilet. You should tell this to your Mom. The Good Ladies of Tampa will have a field day and ban sitting on public transport.

Do you think they might be suffering from sexual repression and becoming a little hysterical about all this stuff? If so, you could also tell them that most water in municipal water systers is recycled and so it has already pass through a ***** or two before it gets to them.
This time when my Mom went to India, my Dad gave her no money. Tampa BKs instilled into her head that my Mom is losing control over my Dad and this is why she has done this ...

Clever Dad! Cut the purse strings and see where Baba's truth lies? It is bad enough your Mother living off him but The Good Ladies of Tampa too? Paid for chauffeur?

But this is very interesting ... the Tampa Bay BKWSU Sisters are teaching BK women how to control others ... especially non-BKs!?! That they must be in control!?! Is this the mentality they expand by controlling their junior BKs like Luis Riveros and having them running around like little slaves, do you think? ... whatever happened to love, peace and understanding?

Thank you so much. The reality of it all at last! Fresh air to our system. Kick ass Sister and get your Dad on this forum. He needs help badly.
Can we sell BK Naina to trafficking in Afghanistan?

No, I am afraid not. The Taliban are bad but they do not deserve such a terrible thing. We must have compassion on the Taliban. On the other hand, the CIA might consider exporting BK in order to destablize the regime and destroy the government. (I wonder how Islam is going to be served when there are no BK centers in Islamic countries?)

What about sending them to the Antarctic where no one has sex and they can enjoy the pure atmosphere?


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Post01 May 2007

Yep, my Dad will see the entire forum stuff on Sunday when he gets off of work. By the way, like I mentioned, my Mom said she will quit Om Shanti yesterday morning. Today she is doing it right now this very moment. Anyway, my Dad said he will make my Mom read it on Sunday too and sit down to see it all.

The one who says that my Mom should keep control on my Dad is Naina Bhen!!!!!!!!!! I cussed her out sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo badly like never before that day on the phone.

And you're right ... people do it everywhere nowadays. I really agree with the fact that since these people are sexually deprived, they're getting very dillusional now!!!!! Like my Dad always says, "I need send a couple of sexually deprived guys to Naina's house to remind her about reality".

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