Banishment from the BKWSU

for ex-BKs to discuss matters related to experiences in BKWSU & after leaving.
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Post16 Nov 2006

Mr Green wrote:I was propositioned in Madubhan once, by a Sister I had given the course to, "I am going to jump on you in a minute," she said ... Man, I quivered all the way to the shower :lol:.

What happened then?
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Mr Green


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Post16 Nov 2006

joel wrote:What happened then?

Well I, of course being 'senior' Brother, walked away with a sort of spiritual smile. And that was the end of it ... not long after she was whipped away by the Janki crowd ... ah well,

I could start up my own meditation school ... the spiritual hunks, or something along those lines :lol: with lots of extra curricula? activities :lol:.
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Post16 Nov 2006

I was propositioned in Madubhan once, by a Sister I had given the course to, "I am going to jump on you in a minute," she said ... Man, I quivered all the way to the shower

Omshanti. In order to avoid such situations, which may or may not be common in the BK centers, a set of rules have been framed for the PBKs. Generally, course is given to new BKs or non-BKs only by Sisters/mothers at the Gitapathshalas/mini-Madhubans/their homes. Brothers can give course to Brothers only. In such cities where there are no PBK Sisters/mothers, I think the concerned PBK Brother seeks the opinion of Baba before giving introduction or course to Sisters/mothers.

And whenever an unmarried surrendered/non-surrendered Sister gives the Advance Course/knowledge to any new BK/non-BK/PBK, a PBK mother also gives her company.
From a Western point of view these rules may appear to be a bit archaic/strict, but keeping in view the situation of the Iron-Aged world, these rules help in maintaining the level of purity/celibacy that the society expects from a religious group, leave alone the expectation of purity as per the Murlis/Avyakt Vanis. These rules remove the possibility of deterioration of thoughts/vibrations/vision on both sides (i.e. giver & seeker of knowledge) to a great extent, if not fully.

There are many BK centers where single or two BK surrendered and/or non-surrendered Sisters live. And even in the BK centers where more than two surrendered BKs live, it is generally observed that the BK Sisters give the course to Brothers/strangers alone. So, one can imagine the vibrations/visions that may be passed on by the strangers to the BK Sisters. Of course, one may contend that if one's spiritual stage is high, then no danger would be caused. But the pollution of vibrations under such free circumstances cause harm in the long run and those who have been associated with the BKs since a few decades can know the difference in the vibrations/stage of surrendered BK Sisters/Brothers then (a couple of decades ago) and now.

With regards,
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Post05 Apr 2007


IN the News and Articles section of this site someone has uploaded this pic of Manda (GRC) with the words "banned" struck across it, the article pertaining to one leaving the BKs and joining the PBK's and then being banned from being a BK because of it.

Anyone know if Manda actually did this? And if so when? Or was the pic posted 'tongue in cheek' style?
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Post05 Apr 2007

paulkershaw wrote:Anyone know if Manda actually did this? And if so when? Or was the pic posted 'tongue in cheek' style?

The pictures was used as BK Manda is understood to be one of a number of BK Sisters that have ordered the banning of another BK. She is still at Oxford and following orders.

If you have any other similar news stories to report, please contact us via the Admin email, this account or report them here.

We hoped to highlight the extent of the BKWSU's efforts to control their followers' lives through the fear of banishment.
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Post05 Apr 2007

'Banned by the BKs'. Sounds like a T-Shirt needs making for that :lol:

Is there anyway to reverse the decision or redeem oneself?
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Post05 Apr 2007

John wrote:'Banned by the BKs'. Sounds like a T-Shirt needs making for that :lol:

How about;
    I spent 15 years in Gyan and all I got was this lousy t-shirt
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Post05 Apr 2007

ex-l wrote:I spent 15 years in Gyan and all I got was this lousy t-shirt

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Mr Green


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Post05 Apr 2007

I know for certain about 2 Sisters who were at Oxford who went to the PBK centre in India.

These 2 were involved with the Janki Foundation and were asked to give a presentation to the public on the Janki Foundations behalf.

I was witness to a telephone call made by Jayanti and Manda was in the room with her. The call was made to one of the core members of the Janki Foundation. She was asked to not let these two ladies give the presentation and that someone else should be given the job as they had found out that these 2 had visited the PBK centre.

I wonder if it's the same women, I can find out !!!!!!!!!
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Post05 Apr 2007

Mr.Green wrote:I was witness to a telephone call made by Jayanti and Manda was in the room with her. The call was made to one of the core members of the Janki Foundation. She was asked to not let these two ladies give the presentation and that someone else should be given the job as they had found out that these 2 had visited the PBK centre.

Whatever the ex-BKs may write or say about BKs/PBKs on this forum, in the eyes of the BK Administration all ex-BKs participating in this forum might be PBKs only because they are reading the posts of PBKs.

They are under the wrong impression that this site is being run by PBKs.

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Post05 Apr 2007

Mr Green wrote:I know for certain about 2 Sisters who were at Oxford who went to the PBK centre in India. These 2 were involved with the Janki Foundation and were asked to give a presentation to the public on the Janki Foundations behalf.

I was witness to a telephone call made by Jayanti and Manda was in the room with her. The call was made to one of the core members of the Janki Foundation. She was asked to not let these two ladies give the presentation and that someone else should be given the job as they had found out that these 2 had visited the PBK centre. I wonder if it's the same women, I can find out !!!!!!!!!

OK. Update, I have it from a pukka source that the two ladies I refer to were banned at the time. This was around 2004!!!!!!!!!!! And there were more as well!!!!!!!!

Looks like GRC is rich pickings :lol:
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Post05 Apr 2007

Mr Green wrote:I was witness to a telephone call made by Jayanti and Manda was in the room with her. The call was made to one of the core members of the Janki Foundation. She was asked to not let these two ladies give the presentation and that someone else should be given the job as they had found out that these 2 had visited the PBK centre.

That is strange ... is not the Janki Foundation an entirely separate organization from the BKWSU with its own hierarchy ... I don't see either of Jayanti Kirpalani or Manda Patel's names on their board.
arjun wrote:Whatever the ex-BKs may write or say about BKs/PBKs on this forum, in the eyes of the BK Administration all ex-BKs participating in this forum might be PBKs only because they are reading the posts of PBKs. They are under the wrong impression that this site is being run by PBKs.

If there is one thing that I hate more than being told "what to think" (when it is wrong) ... and that is being told who I am and what I am thinking (when it is equally wrong).

It just goes to show the world what a dishonest, bunch they are in my opinion.

One should not care what they think. We have the facts.
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Post05 Apr 2007

That's one of the bad things about doing incognito service: you don't become a hero, you don't get banned, you don't get a lousy T shirt or end up on a magazine. You don't get the excitement of the rise and fall.

I wanna get physical, and visible!!
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Post10 Apr 2007

One could always go back to morning class and after a few days begin to question everything as loudly as possible, see how physical and visible you'll be then ... and then be banned, <big sigh>.

At least get some breakfast before throwing the salt over your shoulder and don't mess up the new T-Shirt either ...


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Post10 Apr 2007

Om Shanti,

I have found that the BKs are always in fear that he / she will break the party. That's why he always do same thing (banned) ... But this is not good, every one has freedom. So any body can go any where ...

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