How to re-market yourself and the BKWSU

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Re: blending in

Post24 Mar 2007

alladin wrote:Chameleon is the animal that was coming into my mind today. I never looked at the Yagya under this profile, but really I had the chance to discover the incredible qualities of this organisation and SS heads, to transform and revise everything. If we follow them,instead of becoming angels, we'll become ... cute chameleons ! The memorial of this revered intriguing reptile, is created now. :P

Our first attempt to be a chameleon is when BKs ask us to come onto the stage or sit on the ghadi and relate our experience of meditation, service, our Madhuban trip, etc. We are conditioned to say positive things and observe positive experiences of others, and so, when it's our turn to speak, we start relating positive experience and most often mixed with exageration. Any unpleasant experience, we just need to keep it to ourselves or re-invent our experiences and not contaminate the peaceful vibes in the center.
When I became aware of this, I was disgusted at myself.
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Poster of Shiva sold dishonestly.

Post11 May 2007

This is from the BK Publication limited company again. It amazes me.

I would say from a Gyani point of view it is very wrong. It is wrong because they are selling Gyan, in this case the "official" picture of God ... or at least "god Shiva". And it is unethically wrong because they are falsely advertising it.

They call it "Point of Consciousness; This poster is suitable for those who wish to meditate and to focus on a point of light"

Now, that is absolute Bull. This is the image that all BKs would instantly recognise as Shiva. So they are pushing mental impressions of Shiva onto individuals that might not actually know what is going on. Why do they always have to be dishonest? If this was just advertising, would that not just be "plugging the product" subliminally? Why not say it is God Shiva?

OK, I can hear the counter argument that this is what any "bindi" soul looks like in Paramdham ... but, no, that is not what the BKs are focusing their minds on, is it? The fact that they cannot state what it is raises suspicions, does it not? And why do they have to sell it or a profit when they are flying first class and pulling a Million Pounds a year donations!?! OK, I need this explained to me really slowly ... with Murli points please.
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Post11 May 2007

ex-l wrote:OK, I can hear the counter argument that this is what any "bindi" soul looks like in Paramdham ... but, no, that is not what the BKs are focusing their minds on, is it? The fact that they cannot state what it is raises suspicions, does it not? And why do they have to sell it or a profit when they are flying first class and pulling a Million Pounds a year donations!?! OK, I need this explained to me really slowly ... with Murli points please.

Whatever may be the colour, size and shape of the soul and the colour of the Soul World (which nobody has seen physically), a soul or the Supreme Soul is recognized in this world by its attributes, which can be seen only when any soul or the Supreme Soul is present in a body and act through it. Simply asking someone to focus on a 'designer' point of light with an artistic background will not help someone to become soul conscious in the actual circumstances where soul consciousness is tested. Only when we practice seing the soul within the body that we will be able to gain victory in the spiritual tests.

Even otherwise, in most of the Sakar Murlis narrated by ShivBaba through Brahma Baba BKs have been asked to remember the incorporeal through the corporeal and not as a point of light. Moreover, most of the souls who become BKs/PBKs have to spend most part of the 5000 years drama in this corporeal world and not in the incorporeal world. For 2500 years deities see each other not as points of light but as souls within bodies. And even from the Copper Age (Dwaparyug) the souls present in India try to practice soul consciousness indirectly by applying bindi/tilak on the forehead. Seing God as a point of light is practiced only in non-Hindu religions. So, one can understand the religions to which the souls who are trying to earn money by selling this picture of point of light belong.

As it has been mentioned on this forum many a times that ShivBaba has always exhorted the Brahmin children to keep the picture of Lakshmi-Narayan in front of them (both as pictures and as badges) to remind themselves of their aim and objective. Even in the BKWSU it was a common practice to present the picture of Lakshmi-Narayan to any non-BK or BK, but ever since the arrival of double-foreigner souls into the Yagya, the BK Administration has been encouraging BKs to own the pictures of the point of light as well and present non-BKs with the photoframes of the point of light which is not in accordance with the Shrimat.

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Post11 May 2007

Its a wonder that they have never done a Negro, a Caucasian or Mongoloid Laksmi and Narayan.

The gradual watering down and commercialisation of The Knowledge saddens me. I think you are right, there is a move away from the inner experience to the external form ... and an external form with panders to the tastes of non-BK (who is likely to be a source of income or increased power and status for the BKs) in a way that is inoffensive and obscure. How it all looks is more important.

So who rules The Knowledge? God or the market place? Can a "Way of Truth" be promoted by clever deceits, little secrets for the BKs, such as this? I think Joel answered that one in his definition of 'Yukti-yuk' as "shrewed". Shrewed is the quality of a businessperson. A Vyas. How much time, money and energy is invested in hiding the truth now?

I was also thinking about how much money they are spending putting on all these obscure conferences, attended big paying business events like the one Dadi is going to in Florida, networking and keep up face with the high fliers in business and the United Nations etc?

That is all money that has to come out of the donation boxes rather than go to real charity, even if real charity means following The Knowledge.
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Post12 May 2007

ex- wrote:Its a wonder that they have never done a Negro, a Caucasian or Mongoloid Laksmi and Narayan.

Like other pictures the BKs have produced many version of Lakshmi-Narayan, whereas ShivBaba (through Brahma Baba) has clearly directed in the Sakar Murlis that the features of the Lakshmi-Narayan should not be changed, i.e. the features of Lakshmi-Narayan as depicted in the original picture of Lakshmi-Narayan prepared during the days of Brahma Baba on the basis of divine visions should not be changed.

Personally, I find the Lakshmi-Narayan as depicted in the original picture to be more soul-conscious than the latter versions of Lakshmi-Narayan as prepared by BKs from time to time after Brahma Baba's demise.

May be these latter versions depict the Lakshmi-Narayan with lesser celestial degrees of the 2nd to 8th generation.

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The Blonde Gopis, white Krishna of the BK Chandravanshis

Post12 May 2007

arjun wrote:Personally, I find the Lakshmi-Narayan as depicted in the original picture to be more soul-conscious than the latter versions of Lakshmi-Narayan as prepared by BKs from time to time after Brahma Baba's demise.

Spoken like a true connoisseur of soul-consciousness ... theoretically, you would have to be correct. I am fear what a contemporary Western BK Lakshmi-Narayan might look like.

White deities and worse do circulate in BK circles and I am concerned and loathed to think where the BKWSU are taking Gyan without any direct connection to the source. Looking at the Russian BKWSU Russiasite you can see examples of these that have no bearing on Gyan whatsoever. Blond gopis, Caucasian warriors, Christmas card angels all sold to them by a Hindu BK center-in-charge.

They also repeat the same contradictories lies they been fed about Lekhraj Kirpalani (age 60 etc). I am so happy that I am not responsible for all this stuff and would not want the burden for being so. I have love and feel compassion for the Russian individuals and am concerned at how they are being wayled. What would Baba say about this?


BKWSU Russian wrote:Question from TV interview: Do we need still another spiritual institution in this world where so much has been spoken and written already about spiritual truths? And if "yes", then why?
Answer by BK Sister Santosh: The Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University does not aim at opposing philosophies and systems already existing in the world. We do not claim they are wrong and we are right. The aim of the University is not just imparting certain knowledge but also creating an atmosphere suitable for spiritual personality growth.
In the Murlis it is wrote:Baba says, when there is defamation of religion, when it is the devilish kingdom, I then come to destroy all of that and establish the deity kingdom. People are sleeping in the sleep of ignorance. All of this will be destroyed.
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Re: blending in

Post22 May 2007

Tiny dot: We are conditioned to say positive things and observe positive experiences of others, and so, when it's our turn to speak, we start relating positive experience and most often mixed with exageration. Any unpleasant experience, we just need to keep it to ourselves or re-invent our experiences and not contaminate the peaceful vibes in the center.

I think it is called peaceful bullying.

And, regarding L & N pictures, the eyes of the newer ones suggest untimely death.
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Post03 Jun 2007

I notice that a Lucinda Drayton has been credited with being the author of music which was created by someone else on the BKWSU retail site; Resonate by Lucinda Drayton - BK Publications.
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Post04 Jun 2007

sparkal wrote:I notice that a Lucinda Drayton has been credited with being the author of music which was created by someone else on the BKWSU retail site; Resonate by Lucinda Drayton - BK Publications.

What, Sparkal, is it something of yours?
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Post17 Aug 2007

Laura AGROUM a "coil-made woman" who climbs (quickly) the levels ...

Discovering that no center exists in Italy, it asks for to the world persons in charge the permission of go there, it is accepted. The year of its 20 years it thus leaves for a very Italian adventure, it will share a housing in Rome 7 years with a professional ex-dancer, 20 years its elder. Then it will leave to open a new center in Milan with an Italian who remains with it during one year then only leaves it to continue in a new city (in Sardinia), Laura will remain 7 years in Milan then.


Ex-centerwasi ... Her company is called "L'étoile du succès". "The Star of Success", the name given to the company is a homage to God Shiva who granted this title 22 years ago (like a blessing). Involved with the Values Education Programme which appears to me to be a good bail out/commercial cross-over for talent or professional BKs. Listed as company director rather than BK.
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Re-marketeering as a reincarnation strategy for NRMs

Post18 Aug 2007

Thank's ex-l. Your post above set me to wondering whether there is a possibility that the BKWSU may have grown adept over the years at ... how did Sister Jayanti describe it ...?

Whatever the words, was she informing us (the world) that, organisations like the BKWSU and other so-called New Religious Movements , must continually assess the need for, develop and deploy re-marketeering (and disinformation) strategies?

Are these strategies sort of like "instruments for reincarnation" that NRMs use to ensure that their members are kept 'toeing the line'; and that they win friends and influence the people who influence people?

I know there is no such word as re-marketeering but i use it here - as a work in progress - for the first time as an amalgam of ideas: Marketing, Re-branding (with all its corporate associations); Racketeering; Advertising; Sanctioned Profiteering (by special invitation only); Inventiveness.

And behind the term reincarnation strategy I am trying to explore the various ways in which an NRM has to "stave off stagnation" and keep its members incentivised to spread the gospel. These reincarnation strategies ensure that the NRMs fate does not succumb to the curse of a living death :oops:

The potential spoils of this re-marketeering must be many or it would be a pointless exercise, e.g:
    1. new followers and increased influence in the life of its followers (numberwise of course);

    2. chances to exploit the increased zeal & enthusiasm of its membership (individually and collectively);
    3. infiltration of the mainstream;

    4. accreditation" by way of associating itself and its agenda with "worthy causes" and the "great and the good" or whichever society it finds itself in.

    (to name but a few possibilities)
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Post18 Aug 2007

sparkal wrote:I notice that a Lucinda Drayton has been credited with being the author of music which was created by someone else on the BKWSU retail site; Resonate by Lucinda Drayton - BK Publications.

I though Resonate was by either Matthew or MT, am I wrong Sparkal?
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professional psychoterapists

Post18 Aug 2007

Please let me know if I have got the wrong impression that amongst all the Academics and authorities the BK sect has managed to pull in to cover its bum, support and credit itself, there are few or no psychologists, psychotherapists, anthropologists or sociologists.

These are qualified people who could spot them instantly and understand the BK phenomenon. When the time is right, the right people will be tickled and their interest aroused. They will easily see, due to their background, through the thin veil of remarketing and concealing behind which the BKWSU hides itself and its real doings, aims and methods. I can predict a domino effect in the scale of a powerful earthquake. Their grandiose buildings will be a nice sight to watch collapsing.

Personally I will be just happy to be a detached observer of the rumble and crumble and fall out.

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Post18 Aug 2007

Two member of the Janki Foundation are psychiatrists. One is maybe the best friend I've ever had. She genuinely wants to improve and heal herself and uses the BKs to her own end, fully aware of the corruption at the top.

The other is S. E. (I don't like putting up names, most of you will know who I mean). She was a BK, then left and got married, and is now an active member of the Janki Foundation (Janki Foundation), but I am sure she keeps a healthy distance from the sari clad 'angels'.
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Sarah, oh, Sarah, lucky you did not drop out from college!

Post18 Aug 2007

I know S.E. from the times she lived in Shakti Bhawan, London. She is definitely not one who had been encouraged by SS to interrupt or underestimate the importance of her studies in psychiatry. Just the other way around! Otherwise, how could she ever become a mic? Not everybody is condemned to dishwashing!

What makes the difference? Maybe she was from upper class or wealthy, or determined to pursue studies and career?

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