The Brahma Kumaris: Spiritualism and Channeling

for ex-BKs to discuss matters related to experiences in BKWSU & after leaving.
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Dada Lehkraj

Post31 Jan 2007

bansy wrote:I hear that in BapDada meetings, when souls look at Dadi Gulzar on the big screens, they sometimes instead see Dada Lekhraj's image overlapping Dadi Gulzar's. And hence the drishti. Is this true ?

I have even seen this on web casts. Yes, it is true.

Does anyone think we should move the psychic dimensions thread over to the BK or ex-BK section to get some of the more recent input from active BKs??

My work as a consultant on psychic matters has increased my awareness of the telepathic quality of the mind. With morphic resonance all systems at all of the different levels have a pooled memory, this is called the morphic field. When a person taps into this field with conscious awareness and intent it should be for the greater good of the higher self. If it is not then it creates chaos and fear.

Between teacher and student a telepathic link is created at whatever level of understanding the student is at. When the teacher is teaching spiritual knowledge the student either accepts or rejects the information. In my experience after the 7 lessons there is little or no teaching of wisdom or of any other kind. The student becomes an object to serve the whole, a provider of energy that seems to be on tap. This is abuse of the grossest kind. But if this is what the soul needs to experience, then sooner or later it will wake up and be liberated.

We interpret many actions in our own unique way. We read into rituals and Bhakti the things we want to experience. The field of experience is full of instant feedback to stroke our ego's desire. The trick is to know what you desire and to create it. Most students I met were unaware of choice. They were hypnotised into pleasing others, regardless of any uncomfortable experiences, because their choices were censored.

As with the placebo effect, life shows that what is important is not what happens to us, but how we interpret what happens to us. We can allow ourselves to be persuaded that we have some new medical our psychiatric illness, syndrome or disorder because this allows us to avoid taking responsibility for ourselves.

We find a nice peaceful group of spiritual people who inspire us to let go of all our troubles. All our physical, mental and emotional drama. For a brief time it all seems idyllic and we give over our power to a greater source. But what is this source? We take the pill of relinquishing our responsibility for our will. The anti-will pill taken, we allow others to interpret our experiences. We are persuaded that we need nothing but God. All senses are forbidden and our fragile psychic body is invalid, we have been browbeaten down. (Ever wondered where the word "browbeaten" comes from? )

As in-valids we have no connections to others except within the chosen family. This condenses the morph-field to exclude data that can help us to get a perspective. Some of us feel a strong desire to serve, but sometimes this can be over co-operative, to an extent that debilitates both ourselves and those we are meant to be serving. For some it creates a co-dependency where we lose ourselves in an obsessive focus, pouring out and not receiving.

This one way system is very unhealthy, and needs to be done with total agreement between both parties, if it must be done at all. To surrender means to give over the will. This is fine if the will has not already been depleted within the morph-field, and if it is what you want to do. The pendulum usually then swings the other way, and that is for certain. Many people are at a disadvantage - due to conditioning - before stepping into spiritual organisations, and need to be given all the facts before making any decisions. They need the facts on which to base their judgment and to measure for themselves the quality of The Knowledge. But unfortunately some of us want to be rescued from ourselves.

Even with trained psychic abilities we are vulnerable to misinterpretation of some spiritual laws. We are all humans in desperate need to uncover our own god-like self, and we look around us for others who seem to have "something" that something, on the face of it, looks like what we are seeking ... Only the face changes from peace to mask. But Hey! That's better than anything else we have seen. So we start to compromise. We still take the pill, not knowing, or for some, not even caring what the effect will be. The psyche has a long haul to get back from this stage.

Thanks to our own innate inner wisdom, we get back to balance, and our energy returns to full capacity. We learn from the experience and it makes us wiser people. The damage feels, in our body, like anger and grief, but in truth it is the morph-field that holds the blueprint. So it is up to us to erase this blueprint from our thoughts.
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Post21 Feb 2007

The following is an excerpt from Journey of Souls describing the nature of the afterlife from chosen at random as it reports on or subscribes to a fairly universal understanding/belief/experience of soul worlds outside of BK Knowledge. Understand/belief/experience that strangely seems to come up all throughout history and from al around the world.

The BKWSU is almost entirely silent on such soul worlds as they contradict the BK point of view which states that soul incarnate pretty much immediate after death until their final birth/End of the World at which point they go back to an unconscious seed state in the BK Soul World. The BKWSU also believe that there is no escape, even temporarily, from The Cycle. I do not see that the two understanding/belief/experiences have to be entirely exclusive. At present, whilst still seeing my self as a soul or spirit in a body, I do not subscribe to the BKWSU faith and such an alternative one appears much more feasible.

Members of the BKWSU have told me that some souls are not able to incarnate as humans due to an excess of vices such as anger or attachment, although it does not offer any mechanism by which this happens. I do not know if this point derives from a Murli or if it is just part of general folklore that has permeated into some of the BKWSU. The BKWSU does not account for the intervention of angelic or higher spiritual beings before 1936 which its channelled entity started to possess and use Lekhrak Kripalani as a medium. Even then, it was many years before it started to talk about angelic forms etc.

In the general spiritualistic view, there are higher spiritual beings "managing" or teaching souls on their out of the body experiences and lower "guides" which are often just close human spirits or animals. Not enlightened or liberated souls, just spiritual peers wishing to help. It is often their guides that appear to individuals or come through mediums such as the BKWSU does.

I am posing this quotation not as fact, nor my faith, but as a question for BK points of view or consideration. I am fully expecting the orthodox BK answer to be, "... Maya ... Bhakti ... it does not matter, stop thinking, just have more Yoga with Baba and it will all go away" so without wishing to cause offence ... don't bother yourself with it. Murli quotes etc on the other hand will be welcome.
Dr Dr. Michael Newton wrote:The Transition After Death

There are souls who have been so severely damaged they are detached from the mainstream of souls going back to a spiritual home base after death. Compared to all returning entities, the number of these abnormal souls is not large.

There are two types of displaced souls: those who do not accept the fact their physical body is dead and fight returning to the spirit world for reasons of personal anguish, and those souls who have been subverted by, or had complicity with, criminal abnormalities in a human body. The first type we call ghosts. These spirits refuse to go home after physical death and often have unpleasant influences on those of us who would like to finish out our human lives in peace. These displaced souls are sometimes falsely called demonic spirits because they are accused of invading the minds of people with harmful intent.

Those subverted by criminal abnormalities do undergo separation in the spirit world, and this happens at the time of their orientation with guides. They are not activated along the same travel routes as other souls and will go into seclusion upon reentering the spirit world. These souls don't appear to mix with other entities in the conventional manner for quite a while.

Because wrong-doing takes so many forms on earth, spiritual instruction and the type of isolation used is varied for each soul. The nature of these variations apparently is evaluated during orientation at the end of each life. The relative time of seclusion and reindoctrination is not consistent either. For instance, I have had reports about maladjusted spirits who have returned back to earth directly after a period of seclusion in order to expunge themselves as soon as possible by a good incarnated performance.

All souls, regardless of experience, eventually arrive at a central port in the spirit world which I call the staging area. Once past the orientation station there seems to be no further travel detours for anyone entering this space of the spirit world. Apparently, large numbers of returning souls are conveyed in a spiritual form of mass transit. Spirits are brought in, collected, and then projected out to their proper final destinations similar to a central terminal of a metropolitan airport that has the capacity to fly people out in any direction. The most outstanding characteristic of this world is a continuous feeling of a powerful mental force directing everything in uncanny harmony. People say this is a place of pure thought.

After souls arrive back into their soul groups, they are summoned to appear before a Council of Elders. While the Council is not prosecutorial, they do engage in direct examination of a soul's activities before returning them to their groups.

Group placement is determined by soul level. After physical death, a soul's journey back home ends with debarkation into the space reserved for their own colony, as long as they are not a very young soul or isolated for other reasons. The souls represented in these cluster groups are intimate old friends who have the same awareness level. Members of the same cluster group are closely united for all eternity. These tightly-knit clusters are often composed of like-minded souls with common objectives which they continually work out with each other. Usually they choose lives together as relatives and close friends during their incarnations on earth.

The Levels of Soul Groupings

The Beginner Soul

There are two types of beginner souls: souls who are truly young in terms of exposure to an existence out of the spirit world, and souls who have been reincarnating on earth for a long period of relative time, but still remain immature.

I believe almost three-quarters of all souls who inhabit human bodies on earth today are still in the early stages of development. Souls end their incarnation on earth when they reach full maturity.

The beginner soul may live a number of lives in a state of confusion and ineffectiveness, influenced by an earth curriculum which is different from the coherence and supportive harmony of the spirit world. Less developed souls are inclined to surrender their will to the controlling aspects of human society, with a socio-economic structure which causes a large proportion of people to be subordinate to others. The inexperienced soul tends to be stifled by a lack of independent thinking. They also lean towards being self-centered and don't easily accept others for who they are. Every soul was once a beginner.

The Intermediate Soul

Once our souls advance into the intermediate ranges of development, group cluster activity is considerably reduced. This does not mean we return to the kind of isolation that occurs with novice souls. Souls evolving into the middle development level have less association with primary groups because they have acquired the maturity and experience for operating more independently. These souls are also reducing the number of their incarnations.

These souls are at last ready for more serious responsibilities. The relationship we have with our guides now changes from teacher-student to one of colleagues working together. Since our old guides have acquired new student groups, it is now our turn to develop teaching skills which will eventually qualify us for the responsibilities of being a guide to someone else.

This is a significant stage for souls in their development because now they are given increased responsibilities for younger souls. The status of a guide is not given to us all at once, however.

As with many other aspects of soul life, we are carefully tested. The intermediate levels are trial periods for potential teachers. Our mentors assign us a soul to look after, and then evaluate our leadership performance both in and out of physical incarnations.

Only if this preliminary training is successful are we allowed to function even at the level of a junior guide. Not everyone is suited for teaching, but this does not keep us from becoming an advanced soul. Guides, like everyone else, have different abilities and talents, as well as shortcomings. By the time we reach the advanced level, our soul aptitudes are well known in the spirit world. We are given occupational duties commensurate with our abilities. Different avenues of approach to learning eventually bring all of us to the same end in acquiring spiritual wholeness.

The Advanced Soul

I believe that people on earth who possess souls which are both old and highly advanced are scarce. A person whose maturity is this high doesn't seek out a regression therapist to resolve life-plan conflicts. In most cases, they are here as incarnated guides. Having mastered the fundamental issues most of us wrestle with daily, the advanced soul is more interested in making small refinements toward specific tasks.

We may recognize them when they appear as public figures, such as Mother Teresa; however, it is more usual for the advanced soul to go about their good works in a quiet, unassuming manner. Without displaying self-indulgence, their fulfillment comes from improving the lives of other people. They focus less on institutional matters and more on enhancing individual human values.

The mark of an advanced spirit is one who has patience with society and shows extraordinary coping skills. Most prominent is their exceptional insight. This is not to say life has no karmic pitfalls for them, otherwise they probably wouldn't be here at all. They may be found in all walks of life, but are frequently in the helping professions or combating social injustice in some fashion. The advanced soul radiates composure, kindness, and understanding toward others. Not being motivated by self-interest, they may disregard their own physical needs and live in reduced circumstances.

Returning to the Physical

There comes that time when the soul must once again leave the sanctuary of the spirit world for another trip to earth. This decision is not an easy one. Souls must prepare to leave a world of total wisdom, where they exist in a blissful state of freedom, for the physical and mental demands of a physical body. Once back in the spirit world, souls have misgivings about even temporarily leaving a world of self-understanding, comradeship, and compassion to go to a planetary environment of uncertainty and fear brought about by aggressive, competing humans. Despite having family and friends on earth, many incarnated souls feel lonely and anonymous among large impersonal populations.

The rejuvenation of our energy and personal assessment of one's self takes longer for some souls than others, but eventually the soul is motivated to start the process of incarnation. While our spiritual environment is hard to leave, as souls we also remember the physical pleasures of life on earth with fondness and even nostalgia. When the wounds of a past life are healed and we are again totally at one with ourselves, we feel the pull of having a physical expression for our identity. Training sessions with our counselors and peer groups have provided a collaborative spiritual effort to prepare us for the next life. Our karma of past deeds towards humanity and our mistakes and achievements have all been evaluated with an eye toward the best course of future endeavors. The souls must now assimilate all this information and take purposeful action based upon three primary decisions:

(1) Am I ready for a new physical life?

(2) What specific lessons do I want to undertake to advance my learning and development?

(3) Where should I go, and who shall I be in my next life for the best opportunity to work on my goals?

Once a soul has decided to incarnate again, the next stage in the return process is to be directed to the place of life selection. Souls consider when and where they want to go on earth before making a decision on who they will be in their new life. While some spiritual locales for life selection are difficult for my subjects to describe, they use remarkably similar descriptions. He is told it resembles a movie theater which allows souls to see themselves in the future, playing different roles in various settings.

In this place of life selection, our souls preview the life span of more than one human being within the same time cycle. When we leave this area, most souls are inclined toward one leading candidate presented to us for soul occupation. However, our spiritual advisors give us ample opportunity to reflect upon all we have seen in the future before making a final decision.

After souls have completed their consultations with guides and peers about the many physical and psychological ramifications of a new life and body choice, the decision to incarnate is made. It would be logical to assume that they would then go immediately to earth. This doesn't happen before a significant element of preparation occurs. The space souls go to for this in the spirit world is commonly called the place of recognition, or recognition class. I am told the activity here is like cramming for a final exam.

One of the last requirements before embarkation for many souls is to go before the Council of Elders for the second time. The spirit world is an environment personified by order and the Elders want to reinforce the significance of a soul's goals for the next life. Some return to their spirit group after this meeting to say goodbye while others say they leave immediately for reincarnation. Those souls getting ready for embarkation to earth are like battle-hardened veterans girding themselves for combat. This is the last chance for souls to enjoy the omniscience of knowing just who they are before they must adapt to a new body.

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Post26 Feb 2007

No comments on this but the Brahma Kumaris make news on some other psychic detective's web pages, here; ... OFEDEN.htm
The Theosophical literature speaks of the Second Coming of Brahma and the emergence of his Lieutenants the Brahma Kumaris who will burn away all lesser castes with the powers of their minds. Our erudite Masters are not really all that civilised.

The Secret Doctrine tells of the second coming of Brahma whose lieutenants will burn away all the lower castes [that's us] with the power of their minds - certainly not very fraternal and loving - that's why we should fight back - with the power of OUR minds - and it's a complete lie that we cannot and that we are incapable and in need of intensive long training and special diets to do so - the social gaze of the reptile has us hypnotised and frozen, defenceless and confused - and it simply is ready to strike at its unwitting prey with forces that the handicapped human race cannot see.

They are supposed to be the Lieutenants of Brahma, burning away the chaff, perhaps as they did in ancient times during the wars between the stars. The Tibetans prophesise of the King of the World, Satan, that he will come to the surface soon from his underground Kingdoms and with his peoples, his Brahma Kumaris or Lieutenants, he will wipe the earth clean of all the lower castes. [That's us]
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The Brahma Kumaris and Spiritualism

Post10 Mar 2007

The terms "Spiritualism" is used primarily in two different ways. I would say the most common use is relating to religions involving a belief in the existence of sentient (thinking, feeling, intelligent) beings or "spiritual entities", the survival of our beings or soul after death, and the influence of deceased and disincarnate spirits into the lives of the living here and now.

Basically, its fair to say that in all cultures and all times, spiritualism has been accepted by individuals at all levels in society,from paupers to royalty, and that religions or cults have founded around its existence. Which is, of course, disputed. In the West, following centuries of violent suppression mainly by the Catholic Church, there was a grand revival of Spiritualism in the late 19th Century called "Modern Spiritualism", mainly in the US and USA, and Kardecism, mainly in the French speaking and South American nations.

It is clear to me that the Brahma Kumaris are actually, and should be classified not as a a Hindu religion but a "spiritualist" religion. They have much more in common with spiritualist cults than Hindu ones. For the most part Hinduism, although excepting the tenants of the Spiritualist faith, and even influencing its creation through Theosophism, does not involve spiritualism to the degree that the BKs do (although it also does).

For me, there is no more or greater a spiritualist religion than the Brahma Kumaris and what interests me is that they are still in the active spiritualist phase rather than, say, those that follower or Kardec, Swedenborg or Edgar Casey where the mediums have died. I also have information that suggests the Brahma Kumari leadership have not entirely honestly portrayed the entire nature of their spiritualism.

We know the Murlis are said to be spirits speaking through their mediums, Lekhraj Kirpalani and Gulzar. The meetings with BapDada at Mount Abu are basically mass seances. We know that various Sisters (no Brothers?) are gifted in the art of trance mediumship and many BKs report spiritualistic experiences, visions, meeting with angels, out of the body experience etc. Possession is also commonly reported, especially in India.

Most of this is not commonly and openly discussed. Even the channeled messages the Murlis are released to the followers nevermind followers. When VIPs are taken to meet BapDada to mystify them, BapDada's claimed identity is hidden to them. There is much to discussion about the spiritualist nature of the Brahma Kumaris.

I feel they, as is commonly their methodnow, willfully deceive outsiders about this part of their religion and that many followers are naively swept along by it as they know little about it from before their involvement. The phantasmogorical aspect of it all seducing them into indiscriminate wonder and submission.

The term 'Spiritualism' is used formally for a much broader philosophical position, or religousity in general, and often in oppositing to philosophical 'Materialism' and was part of a huge debate that raged across the greatest minds of Europe at a time when science was rising and the power of the church falling. I am not speaking of this use here.
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Bed Shaking

Post13 Mar 2007

Yudhishtira wrote:You mean BapDada hasnt been shaking your bed yet? You are lucky. I used to wake up convinced the telephone was ringing downstairs ... :lol: I don't have that experience now though :wink:

I used to hear this said a lot in my time as a BK. "BapDada has been shaking your bed."

As I understand it the meaning is that the ghost of Lehkraj is haunting you and making you get up early in the morning. I still get it after leaving the BKs and I do not like it. Does anyone know how to stop it?
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Post13 Mar 2007

Perhaps it would be easier to understand the 'Subtle Regions' - as taught in BK Raja Yoga - as being dimensions of non-physical reality. Inside these dimension there are different and varying experiences or 'vibrational energy'. In meditation and/or trance we can connect with these dimensions and the beings of light that reside and work within them i.e when we 'ascend' then we move into a different and higher dimensional reality and can then continue to ascend over time.

My understanding of the New World is that those who are working on themselves spiritually (and not limited to one particular religious or spiritual group) will ascend into a higher reality whilst those who are not ready will remain in the present physical reality and continue to learn their lessons they may perhaps need to master. I do not see destruction of the physical world happening, rather the old consciousness is destroyed by us connecting with the spiritual 'subtle' realms and then working with the Beings of light resident there, i.e Ascended Masters, Angelic Beings and our spirit 'guides' who have chosen to work with us as they relate in various ways to the lessons we need to master before we ourselves can move into higher subtle reality.

As soon as we open up to receive the vibration or energy of these dimensions we automatically begin to download or accept the rays of spiritual energy and light which are being projected there. The irony is that our work as an ascended being or 'soul' only then truly begins as we then become a 'world' server. My viewpoint (and with all humility, repeat that its my viewpoint) is that the BKs have got the terminology right in many instances but their understanding of it is limited and perhaps 'old school' ... which may suit the older yogis but cannot compare with some of the modern day teaches being transmitted and channeled to us at this time.

Maybe someone else has another viewpoint to share - I did not want to let this one go past without replying and I hope that someone will agree to some level and perhaps take some benefit - so many of us ex-BK's may still be wrapped up in old belief systems? Share away!

Take Heart and enjoy every moment! :lol:
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Post13 Mar 2007

paulkershaw wrote:My understanding of the New World is that those who are working on themselves spiritually (and not limited to one particular religious or spiritual group) will ascend into a higher reality whilst those who are not ready will remain in the present physical reality and continue to learn their lessons they may perhaps need to master. I do not see destruction of the physical world happening

Thank you for some positive hope. Relating to another topic, I think the Destruction programming it the worst aspect of the BKWSU scene and it haunts/haunted me for many, many years after leaving.
    How do you correlate the BK labelled "Subtle Regions" with the generally perceived "Spirit Worlds"?
The way the Brahmakumaris always sold it was that the Sublte Regions were something different from the "Spirit Worlds" which have been recounted through all the ages and in most or all peoples, that they only existed for the Confluence Age, essentially that there were no such things as other realms. Naturally, the same self-important non-specifics. I can imagine that the Seniors/original westerners just did not know about these things and so it was easier to ignore them and claim theirs were special and that anyone else's were just "memorials" of theirs at this time. "Souls just die and then reincarnate", no escape from The Cycle is there big thing. However, there is too much evidence to suggest otherwise, IMHO.
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Post13 Mar 2007

paulkershaw wrote:My understanding of the New World is that those who are working on themselves spiritually (and not limited to one particular religious or spiritual group) will ascend into a higher reality whilst those who are not ready will remain in the present physical reality and continue to learn their lessons they may perhaps need to master.

Welcome back to the forum Paulkershaw, I have been hoping to see some more posts from you. There is a lot of knowledge you can give us from your perspective from the education you have had in these matters. Yes, there is a lot in what you say. See This Post where it has been discussed in more scientific terms, involving dimensions and multiverses, by Howiemac and Amaranthine. I hope you will post some more Paulkershaw, and maybe Amaranthine will join in on this one.
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Being/description versus Doing/choices

Post13 Mar 2007

ex-l wrote:How do you correlate the BK labelled "Subtle Regions" with the generally perceived "Spirit Worlds"?

Good morning everyone!

Asking "what is the Subtle Regions?" is a difficult question. Perhaps as difficult and unanswerable as "what is an electron?" Easier to talk about how an electron behaves.

I think that similarly, there is a functional approach to understanding whatever subtle or spiritual realms may exist:
    What can we do in a Subtle Region/consciousness/reality?
    How can we experience different levels of reality?
    How can I sense parts of myself in a way that gives me new (subtler, non-dualistic) choices for how I live in the world?
Perhaps I risk oversimplifying, but at this moment it seems to me that is questions are answered by spoken/written words that may connect to and/or influence other people, whereas does questions relate to choices in life.

"Who is the best blues guitarist of all time?" versus "What does it take to feel and play the blues oneself?"

I've never formally studied philosophy. Are philosophers more qualified to discuss such issues by their training and readings?
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Post14 Mar 2007

It is inside your character that is inherent in you

MITRA :lol:
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Post14 Mar 2007

Mitra wrote:It is inside your character that is inherent in you

No, it is some kind of external psychic influence. Whether it is a spook or some BK sending thoughts/energy, I don't know.
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"Lost Souls"

Post14 Mar 2007

ex-l wrote:Whether it is a spook or some BK sending thoughts/energy, I don't know.

I have heard about BKs sending energy. Mr. Green said, They call it 'having Yoga for those poor lost souls'. If that is what is happening, then they should know better. First of all I am not a lost soul, and, more importantly for them, they should only be having Yoga with Shiva Baba. Don't they listen to their own Murlis? I distinctly remember the Murlis saying it is wrong to have Yoga with Brothers or Sisters. Whatever happened to "Manmanubhav"?
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Re: "Lost Souls"

Post14 Mar 2007

proy wrote:I have heard about BKs sending energy. Mr. Green said, They call it 'having Yoga for those poor lost souls'.. If that is what is happening, then they should know better.

Its an interesting issue to ask what is going on and where does the practise come from. For sure, "sending pure thoughts" or whatever is often done and asked for. Does it have any roots in the Murlis?

I think it is fair to say that the practise is in theory such that one sits tuned into Shiva and then radiates out. Whether thoughts are wasted or karma incurred by thinking or directing thoughts to any particular soul, I do not know.

There is no specific training to do so, such as in Buddhist Metabhavana (Metta Bhavana) practises. I suppose World Meditation Hours/Day is in a way a practise of this, and they have asked for BKs to give their thoughts to others ... but it is not really BK Raja Yoga, is it?

Then there is the whole susperstition/belief ... reality? ... of the Seniors being able to fly about in their light bodies doing service by vibrations and spying on centers. Who knows if they do or do not. I can certainly remember being told by Sisters that they did. It is part of the whole whispered, guru-like aura surrounding them. Whether it is true or not, who knows ... but I should think their thoughts are strong enough to wake you up. The BKWSU psy-ops Wing.

So, if it is a BK Sister coming to check you out, try sleeping in then nude and see if it stops. On a more serious level, I'd look at the issue of cording, the psychic cords between you and them. If you are corded up to them, for what ever reason, it will make influence a whole lot easier. Try plugging up your chakras, exploring and transforming them into something positive and then dissolving the cords away.

Take two asprins before you go to bed and if it is not better in the morning, call me ... but not too early ;-)!
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Re: "Lost Souls"

Post15 Mar 2007

ex-l wrote:So, if it is a BK Sister coming to check you out, try sleeping in then nude and see if it stops.

:P Excuse me if i am wrong!

If a BK Sister can fly in her light body and come to any souls, then that BK soul should be very strong in Meditation, dharna, knowledge etc is not it? That means their drishti i.e. their eye will be directed only towards the SOUL not towards the BODY. So there is no question of stopping them! :lol:

MITRA :wink:
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lighthouses and mighthouses

Post15 Mar 2007

I think that if your heart is clean, and connected to the Source of white light and positivity, you can most of the times, trust your inner feelings about the nature and intentions of another soul.

The more soul conscious one is, the stronger positivity he/she will radiate, rather unequivocally. Viceversa, if you don't get complete good vibes, even from an instrument sitting on a gaddhi or stage, that must be a sign of alloy left and bodyconsciousness in that soul.

Over the years I heard contradictory things about sending positive thoughts to some1 in particular , take for example "serving lokiks": sometimes SS suggest that you invest some meditation time to invoke someone to come to Baba, or soften,so to say their heart, and sometimes I heard the exact opposite in Murlis and from SS, that we should never remember anyone in particular. I practised both ways, avoiding attachment or becoming obsessed with one soul only!

ex-l, any doubts about our role/capacity/right to act as a bridge between the "now found " God and children who are still "lost"? Baba promotes that lighthouse subtle service in Murlis and there is possibly no need to wait until we become perfect to experiment with that. Otherwise, with more humility and bhaavna only, as you said, or compassion as in Mahayana Buddhism, is also a great practise and protection from negativity.

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