Simon Blandford and More BKWSU re-writes

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Simon Blandford and More BKWSU re-writes

Post06 Feb 2007

For those of you interested in watching the BKWSU re-write the internet, here is another quote from one of the BKWSU IT Team, BK Simon Blandford. I should think card carrying BKs will be as confused as I am by this.
Simon Blandford wrote:Revision as of 13:52, 3 February 2007 (edit) (undo)
Bksimonb (Talk | contribs)
(?Hinduism - No reference and inaccurate, unverified claim removed.)

This was not on the Wikipedia article on the BKWSU but one on "End Times" predictions, e.g. Destruction. What was the original statement on the article?
Wikipedia on "End Times" wrote:The length of Kalpa is said to be different by various groups from 5,000 years according the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University to 4,320 million years in the terms of orthodox Hindus. The BKWSU is unique amongst Hindu cults in believing in a 5th age called the Confluence Age which correlates to the Christian concept of "End Times", a time of both destruction of the world and revelation of God. According to the BKWSU, humanity entered the End Times in approximately 1936 and the world will end currently in approximately 2036. Although there was a failed prediction of the end of the world in 1976.

Essentially, as far as I can see, one of Simon's modus operandi is to go about sticking "tags", such as "TotallyDisputed" on articles to attempt to defend the BKWSU by raising doubts about everything that is being said. Here he does it again to the BKWSU article. Simon writes, "so Brahma Kumaris are milleniumist [sister in charge] ... no need to over-emphasis point". I think he means "millenarianist".

I suggest this post is merged with one of the other topics, or we start a topic on BKWSU re-writes just to document what is going on for when the academics and journalist turn up.
    OK, we got to the bit about how having Yoga with the Dadis is good. Does having Yoga with the Wikipedia, as long as it is about the BKWSU, also count as BK Raja Yoga?
They are even going on to defend Heidi Fitkau who bailed out of the BKs and started her own cult, which has been covered elsewhere.
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abrahma kumar

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Post06 Feb 2007

Thank you Ex-I. And to think that all our calls for the presence of a nominated BK representative on this site fall upon deaf ears.

And, yes, I am very confused when I weigh these assertions up against the teachings of the BKWSU that I receive. One wonders whether even as we speak someone within that organisation is busy preparing a wholesale revision of the 7-Day course or considering scrapping it altogether perhaps? Maybe all we will be left with is the practice of focusing our consciousess on a point of light and and emerging reverence for the classes of Seniors? (Because the Murli as rendered by the BKWSU is definitely NOT to be trusted). So then what?

My feeling is that if this trend continues the BKWSU ought to be sued for exceptional damage upon mankind.
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Post06 Feb 2007

If only he'd stuck to lecturing everyone about the correct way to turn off the FM headsets after Sunday class :lol:.
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Post06 Feb 2007

Abrahma Kumar wrote: One wonders whether even as we speak someone within that organisation is busy preparing a wholesale revision of the 7-Day course or considering scrapping it altogether perhaps? Maybe all we will be left with is the practice of focusing our consciousess on a point of light and and emerging reverence for the classes of Seniors? (Because the Murli as rendered by the BKWSU is definitely NOT to be trusted). So then what?

I think the 7 day course is where all the damage starts. That is the first point of reference for an up-and-coming BK. After that, he/she is already brainwashed to read/interpret the Murli in a particular way and the Murli is altered to back up that way.

It would be so helpful to have all these things documented, Murli re-writes, 7 day-course re-writes, history re-writes, any changes to the main pictures.
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Hindi Course

Post08 Feb 2007

John wrote:It would be so helpful to have all these things documented, Murli re-writes, 7 day-course re-writes, history re-writes, any changes to the main pictures.

The difference between the 7 day course as it was and as it is now is startling. I have heard the original course referred to as "The Hindi Course".

Once while I was "sitting in" on an advanced course a non-surrendered Sister took over because the regular Sister had other business to attend to. She dropped a real clanger. She told a story about when she met BapDada. Of course all that is supposed to be kept secret - at first they say you can have your own god, be a Jew a Catholic, whatever. A Catholic woman in the class went nuts about it. Something like, "I thought you were talking about the concept of the one loving God, now you are telling me you met god in India and he is a little old lady." Whoooops!
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Re: Hindi Course

Post08 Feb 2007

proy wrote:Of course all that is supposed to be kept secret - at first they say you can have your own god, be a Jew a Catholic, whatever. A Catholic woman in the class went nuts about it. Something like, "I thought you were talking about the concept of the one loving God, now you are telling me you met god in India and he is a little old lady."

I can confirm that they are still saying stuff like that.

In fact, I saw it only a few months ago where one of them was pretending, or claiming, to be Christian for the sake of service and to make the BKs, or BKWSU, look like something they are not. But, don't worry, they will just say that that woman will become one of the powerful early Christian souls in the next Cycle because she managed to take so much of the 7 Day Course.

I am interested in this distinction between the courses in the West and "The Hindi Course".

Can we take this conversation over to the thread on the 7 Day Course?
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Re: Hindi Course

Post08 Feb 2007

ex-l wrote:Can we take this conversation over to the thread on the 7 Day Course?

OK. See that thread for my reply ex-l.
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Post08 Feb 2007

John wrote:It would be so helpful to have all these things documented, Murli re-writes, 7 day-course re-writes, history re-writes, any changes to the main pictures.

Here is another "official" BKWSU response;
Simon Blandford wrote:"reference to material from BKWSU published & purchasable books, teaching aids or widely used posters etc"

Teaching aids or widely used posters are more variable. Certainly the posters wants to use are very old and of historical interest only. The BKWSU is an evolving organisation, and always has been right back to 1936. We have identified that one of the pictures at least (The Ladder) has had text added that is not normally there. If we can find a less contentious source for these pictures then perhaps they can be presented in context as part of the BKWSU's history. Otherwise, there are more up to date pictures on our main website.

What he is referring to is one of the original posters that are in the Encyclopedia section, here, and has the 5 Billion population figure and the Confluence Age of 40 years, i.e. leading to the 1975/76 Destruction Age.

First of all he tried to say that it had been "doctored" using a graphics applications. Now the re-writing is presented as "evolution".

Um ... God got it wrong ... and then God evolved a bit !?!*
    Simon ... would you like to clarify?

    Are you back peddling on the accusations that it was faked now?
Its great. It just goes to show what a bunch they are ... no shame and all connivances. I am always amazed when real, live, card carrying "Brahmins" are willing to squirm dishonestly to increase their position and put down someone else down for telling the truth.

* Yes, I recognize that from a PBK point of view, God did not get it wrong but that the BKWSU did in its interpretations and I am hoping their interpretations come true because they increasingly making more, although not perfect, sense of Gyan and showing more integrity.
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Post08 Feb 2007

Maybe, just may be, the Yagya has had to be like it has been because Shiva knew peope like Simon Blandford would one day be representing the BKs ...

What I mean to say is that Simon Blandford may be a BK, but is like a breed within a breed of Brahmin. He is either outright lying or ignorant of Murli.
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Post08 Feb 2007

Simon Blandford wrote:We have identified that one of the pictures at least (The Ladder) has had text added that is not normally there

I don't know which picture of ladder is he talking about? Is he referring to the original picture of ladder uploaded on this site in the pictures section?

Actually, the PBKs have two kinds of original pictures in Hindi as well as English. One kind of pictures are the original pictures which were actually printed by BKWSU during the time of Brahma Baba or in the succeeding years. These pictures are very old and only their photographs must be available.

The second kind of pictures are the original pictures which have been modified a little by AIVV, in the sense that some words have been added in accordance with the Shrimat given in the Murlis and in the address portion the address of AIVV has also been given along with the address of BK head quarters. But no change has been made in the picture as such. It may be possible that changes may be made in the pictures in future, but that will most probably be in accordance with the Murlis or under the directions of ShivBaba. Whatever changes that are done would definitely be known to everyone.

If possible the original pictures published during the times of Brahma Baba and the pictures that have been reprinted by the PBKs (with slight changes in write-up) can be uploaded on this site. Since I do not have time to look into all this, any other PBK may kindly check up and do the needful.

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Post08 Feb 2007

arjun wrote:I don't know which picture of ladder is he talking about? Is he referring to the original picture of ladder uploaded on this site in the pictures section?

Actually, the PBKs have two kinds of original pictures in Hindi as well as English. One kind of pictures are the original pictures which were actually printed by BKWSU during the time of Brahma Baba or in the succeeding years. These pictures are very old and only their photographs must be available.

The second kind of pictures are the original pictures which have been modified a little by AIVV, in the sense that some words have been added in accordance with the Shrimat given in the Murlis and in the address portion the address of AIVV has also been given along with the address of BK head quarters.

Have a look at the one in the Encyclopedia section and tell us whether this has been doctored or not? Link to The Ladder

Is it original BKWSU or a later PBK revision? Whatever the answer, it should be documented. I have seen other versions of The Ladder without any text on them. This one has Destruction in 10 years, the 40 Years and 500 krore on it.
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Post08 Feb 2007

Have a look at the one in the Encyclopedia section and tell us whether this has been doctored or not? Link to The Ladder. Is it original BKWSU or a later PBK revision?

Thanks for that link. It has saved my time. The picture is an original BKWSU picture published either before 1969 or after that. It is definitely not a later PBK revision. You might have observed there are some signs of the picture being torn in the top portion.


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