Where have all the flowers gone

for ex-BKs to discuss matters related to experiences in BKWSU & after leaving.
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Where have all the flowers gone

Post14 Jan 2007

Inspired by an old 60s hippie song, what has happened to those BKs who have come and left ? Some of them must be in their 60s or 70s or 80s, and some bless them, have also left their bodies.

How many mums and dads talk about their hippie flower power day movements to their children ? So how many of the early (older) ex-BKs talk about their life, past and present ? If the yayga that was not so to their taste when they started, but proved to be correct over the years, have any of them returned ?
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Post14 Jan 2007

Those are good questions, and I too, would like to know the answers to these questions. I used to hear from SS classes that those who defamed and left the Yagya during those earlier years either have become cooperative or have come to know that BKWSU is indeed an institution established by God. Is this a generalization or more of a misrepresentation? I would like to seek the opinion of any "experts"?
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Post15 Jan 2007

tinydot wrote:I used to hear from SS classes that those who defamed and left the Yagya during those earlier years either have become cooperative or have come to know that BKWSU is indeed an institution established by God.

How did they prove it? Or was it just another mental plug/wishful thinking to stop students asking?


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Post26 Jan 2007

Maybe all we need is one or two folks who survived the period around destruction (1976) to let us know the events and of the Murlis. If they're not already in the BKWSU, however, they're probably in their elder age, so probably wouldn't care too much about it all anymore, nor maybe have the English to discuss it. As the Murlis would have not been in English either.

BTW, when did the Murlis first get translated into English ?
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Post26 Jan 2007

I would gladly pay to put in a classified ads in major Indian newspapers looking for ex-BKs today, who have left the BKWSU after knowing destruction did not happen in 1976.
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Post27 Jan 2007

tinydot wrote:I would gladly pay to put in a classified ads in major Indian newspapers looking for ex-BKs today, who have left the BKWSU after knowing destruction did not happen in 1976.

That is fantastic and productive idea ... we could open up a whole new area of debate, proof, evidence ... I say someone sets a Paypal fund that we can all donate to and build up a war chest. I will donate too ... Worldpeace? What is are advertising rates in India.

And let the BKWSU read this and start gearing up in action to attempt to supress such a review.

With regards re-born ex-BKs, or re-born Anti-Party for that matter, amongst the 800,000 BKs how many, or has there even been one, honestly confirmed examples? As encouragement, the theory is used often. I know, I was told, encouraged to believe that I was one but I have no idea. I might have just been psychically "over-shadowed" by some BK spook to beleive all that stuff.

I bet this will set the BKWSU speculating that we are all re-born Anti-Party members ... and so it must be close to The End because such an Anti-Party was predicted on a "as was the beginning, so was the end" basis! ;-)

(Its funny but by continuing to develop this conversation, I am getting the feeling that BKs and "The BKWSU" are two quite different entities. But The BKWSU must be people too, so I wonder who they are.)


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Post27 Jan 2007

classified ads

This could be a good idea. Could point out this forum too :P . One thing to bear in mind again ... English ability. Could always have a Hindi subsection of this forum for these ex-BKs who may express themselves much easier. Indian experience is equally and maybe even more valid than many of the mostly Westerner experiences here. However better leave that to Admin, always open to ideas.
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Post27 Jan 2007

ex-l, bansy,

I would like to start drafting the ads and any one can feel free to modify as we go along.

EX-BRAHMA Kumaris <headline>

The international cyber community of ex-Brahma Kumaris is seeking to connect with ex-BKs who have left the BKWSU just after 1976. Year 1976 is a significant year for this movement as it marked some of the predictions embedded in its previous teachings.

If you care to share your experience, please email *****@***.*** or call **********

Thank you for your support. <body>

If anyone can initiate putting this ads, you can send me a private message.


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Post27 Jan 2007

Will newspapers or other media in India accept such ads ? Won't know until it is tried, I suppose.
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Post27 Jan 2007

tinydot wrote:I would like to start drafting the ads and any one can feel free to modify as we go along.

I'd like to suggest finding out how much advertising space costs in Indian newspapers. It might be possible to buy a considerable sized advert, e.g. full page in a Statewide newspaper and place one with a little bit more punch. Let us take the Mahabharata War back to India ...

Of course BKWSU India will be reading this and so expect them to to apply some editorial pressure. But, generally, paying advertisers have higher priority than freeloading editorial subjects. It is the advertisers that pay the wages.

There are also two other important issues to remember, a) 'public interest', e.g. if there are such serious issues like scriptural re-writing, personal and financial abuse etc, b) 'controversy sells' in the newspaper world.

I read from the PBKs side that the ShivShakti army geared up against them courting newspaper editorial staff. We are witnessing the BKWSU attempting to manipulate 3rd party content on the internet. BUT journalists and editors have their own professional integrities and responsibilities.

However, I am not dismissing your suggestion. Indeed, I would suggest that it might be possible to start spreading the word via online Indian Communities for free.

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