BKs Multi-Level Marketing has gathered strength

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BKs Multi-Level Marketing has gathered strength

Post08 Dec 2019

Here is the latest on the Multi-Level Marketing (Pyramid) scheme from the BKs. Note the money generation from this, and see the future potential for this type of activity...
March 2020 Teacher Training for the Foundation Course

Suggested contribution for the training: For participants from developing countries, Seniors suggest Rs 11,000 to 14,000 (USD $155-200) as a sensible contribution to ORC for the nine-day training. For participants from the US, Europe or Australia, they suggest Rs 23,000 ($325 US or $425 AUD or €270 Euros). This does not include the transport fee that will be collected by ORC (Rs. 1500-2000) from each participant or the USB flash drive (Rs.500), but does cover all other costs (i.e., food and all other facilities for the training). If participants want the audio and video recordings of the sessions, another flash drive can be provided at an additional charge.

And to think that the BKs do not charge any money and continue to read Murlis, that mentions so. This is like the Certified Yoga Teacher training ... and many other Certified Training courses ... let them rot in hell ... aka here on earth ...
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Re: BKs Multi-Level Marketing has gathered strength

Post09 Dec 2019

I see a link to a much longer version of it, here; Invitation to March 2020 Teacher Training for the Foundation Course in ORC Delhi, and also a new dedicated website for it, "Angel of Shiva". Note, "Please note that attending this training does not automatically qualify participants to teach".

I guess the cost of all those properties and their maintenance is starting to squeeze them?

Funny, I note on that same page, they are now profitising, sorry, "celebrating" Lekhraj Kirpalani's birth day, the 15th of December. However, that master snake oil salesman, Karuna Shetty, is still pushing it as 143 years ago on 15 December 1876, when all of the rest of the world knows it was 135 years ago in 1884.

It may seems like a small detail but why not just get it right ... and why have to push a lie and teach others to lie?
Birth Anniversary of the Founder of Brahma Kumaris, Lekhraj Khubchand Kripalani alias Prajapita Brahma Baba (15 December 1876 - 18 January 1969)

Mohini also mentions Gulzar in Mumbai and that she cannot speak any more.
I must say that even physically she is in silence but internally she is very actively connected in a subtle way with Baba, the Yagya, and the family.

There's another article that made me smile, apparent all the "fruits of the BKs' hard efforts" have been causing "health episodes" Madhuban, aka Delhi Belly or the runs, due to food hygiene and water issues ... with another begging letter for more donations to fix it.
We are happy to inform you that, with Baba's blessings, some good progress has been made in these areas. We know that quite a few of you have had health episodes during your last visits to Madhuban and you also have concerns about booking your next Madhuban visit, therefore we hope that this update will be useful and reassuring.

A good level of safety and hygiene has been achieved in the Kitchen and cross contamination risks have reduced. Amongst the main changes, a new Water Treatment Plant is in process to be set up to ensure that all water coming into the Shantivan Complex especially, is treated to WHO (World Health Organisation) standards and qualifies as potable drinking water. The water will be regularly tested and all necessary measures have been taken to ensure that the drinking water is safe in all three complexes, and the water will be regularly tested going forward.

If you are planning to stay in Shantivan anytime from October 2019 to January 2020 – we would still recommend as an extra caution that you purchase mineral water bottles for brushing teeth; especially if you have health issues and/or low immunity. The Water Treatment Plant will only be functional from beginning of February 2020, thereafter it will be safely guaranteed to brush teeth with the normal tap water.

Please find below a link video introducing especially the Health and Hygenie changes.

In addition the attached written pdf report outlines the progress with pictures in both Health, Hygiene and Water.

We hope that you enjoy all the fruits of the hard efforts over the last months by the team and the Madhuban niwasis - who are all waiting to welcome their Brothers and Sisters home.

Some of you have indicated that you would like to make financial contributions towards this progress and more details of how to do that will follow shortly.

There's a PDF report that, to me, hints at increasing environmental problems up in Mount Abu.

Seems like they've been having serious issues.


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Re: BKs Multi-Level Marketing has gathered strength

Post09 Dec 2019

ex-l wrote:I note on that same page, they are now profitising, sorry, "celebrating" Lekhraj Kirpalani's birth day, the 15th of December.

Yes, now that the Avyakt meetings are off, they have found a new Milky Way, sorry, a way to milk, the Bhagat. I say Bhagat here because, they had a lot of disdain for Bhagats, but now they are no more than Bhagats, and that too a sleazy one. Not having the guts to come out openly and ask for money to join retreats, training etc, like other Indian pueudo-spiritual orgs. are doing !
Mohini also mentions Gulzar in Mumbai and that she cannot speak any more.
    I must say that even physically she is in silence but internally she is very actively connected in a subtle way with Baba, the Yagya, and the family.

Yeah, right. Mohini was able to go inside Gulzar Dadi's body/mind and verify this personally. These tricksters are in for a
    hell of a ride.
There's another article that made me smile, apparent all the "fruits of the BKs' hard efforts" have been causing "health episodes" Madhuban, aka Delhi Belly or the runs, due to food hygiene and water issues ... with another begging letter for more donations to fix it.

Soon, there would be health emergency/pandemic there, and the entire campus would be shutdown. They will be asked to move out of Mt Abu and go DOWN ... to Abu Road ... It WILL happen ...
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Re: BKs Multi-Level Marketing has gathered strength

Post10 Dec 2019

oldbk wrote:Yes, now that the Avyakt meetings are off, they have found a new ... way to milk the Bhagats

But they are still calling it ... merely sitting watching a video ... "the meeting with BapDada" to attract the curious one supposes, and - as you say - to milk them of cash.

They were clearly worried not enough people were going to come to Madhuban, on top of having no Godly puppet show from Gulzar, because of health concerns.

It must have been bad.

I think chasing Lekhraj Kirpalani's birthday anniversary is a mistake. 143 years (actually 135 in the real world) is such a non-anniversary year. 150 years, OK may be, but what happened to all the exhortations not to remember any bodily being in the Sakar Murlis, "no photographs" etc?

I suppose they tell people the world is going to end before 150 years anniversary, so they need to start milking it for money now?

They are even sticking a 100% on USB drives.


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Re: BKs Multi-Level Marketing has gathered strength

Post12 Dec 2019

Interestingly, I am now at peace with the BKs (in a bizaare manner), let me explain why. ..

BKs have now openly starting requiring money for attending their programs. They have also come down to the point of openly celebrating a human being, irrespective of being an elevated Soul (or not), and in direct conflict with the teachings in Murli.

So, the BKs are now just another pseudo-spiritual/pseudo-religious organization, doing the following like the other Indian such groups (cults ?),
    1. Conduct Retreats/Programs throughout the year and also collect money along the way
    2. Give lectures/advice on topics varying from Marriage/Sex/Environment etc
    3. Talk is always centered around Love, Peace, Green Earth ... all the generic stuff
    4. Acquire property/wealth, it being one of the main (unwritten) goals
    5. Go after Money (Business People), Power (Politicians), Publicity (VIP, Celebrities)
    6. Project a human being as their Guru. BKs were little behind on this, but with this Birthday Celebration have taken a major step forward in this direction
Here are the other Indian groups (cults ?) that are in the same category that the BKs have joined, perpetuating a mega fraud, on their followers (a big number too).
    1. Isha Yoga (Jaggi)
    2. Art of Living (Ravi)
    3. Kalki (Bhagavan)
    4. Nithyanandam (namesake rape accused)
    5. Amma (Bangaru)
    6. Hugging Woman (Amrita)
    7. Osho (Sex Guru - Gone)
    8. Rampal (In Prison)
    9. Asaram (In Prison)
    10. and many others that are not that prominent or that I am not aware of
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Re: BKs Multi-Level Marketing has gathered strength

Post12 Dec 2019

Good point. Also, even a leading Western BK (Charlie in Australia) admitted how it had become difficult to attract the same quality of followers as they used to. As in, the most were just unrealised "Bhagat souls" for whom BKism, as it is practised today, is actually intellectually easier and less demanding than traditional Hinduism.

I call it Hinduism Lite™.

Funnily enough, Osho is selling more books, and his followers doing more programmes, than when he was alive.

To add to the list; ISKCON (Hare Krishna - Prabhupada, also deceased), TM (Maharishi, also deceased), Divine Light Mission (Prem Pal Singh Rabat, aka Guru Maharaja Ji). Managed well, a guru is worth more dead than alive.

Truth be, by comparison, in many cases the BKs are still in a very minor league by comparison with some of them.

The success of "deceased guru groups", among which the BKs/Lekhraj Kirpalani sit, also highlights secondary phenomena ... the attraction of a certain class of people for whom having a dead guru is actually a benefit. That is to say, second and third class of individuals who seek to exploit and live off the spiritual and financial wealth and ideas of the originator, and adapt it to suit their own self-interests. (Of course, Christianity from Paul onwards would also be such an example).

They must look around and realised that, "there's money/status/power in them there dead gurus" to be mined ... it's a better deal because there is no one still around, a living guru, to hold them accountable.

The great thing about a dead guru is you can make them say whatever you want, "Baba says ..." style, but the BKs have been putting words in Lekhraj Kirpalani's mouth for a very long time. Perhaps almost right back to the beginning, certainly accelerated since the 1950s and Jagadish Chander's involvement.

Western BKs have long headed off down this route with their "new and improved" take on BKism sourced from other places. In fact, even as far back as when I was a BK in the 1980s, Lekhraj Kirpalani was often being passed off as a kind of silly, senile old man to be ignored.

I wonder if that was not how he was treated back in Mount Abu in the later years?

I can see the dynamic ... by projecting Lekhraj Kirpalani at the guru/saint figure, and then sitting directly in front of them physically and metaphorically, they can then re-direct the attention of the followers on them.

In our day, the tradition became perverted to the degree that the senior Sisters' voices, only, were equivalent to god's. At first Lekhraj Kirpalani was the living god, then they became the living gods, how far has it declined since them?


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Re: BKs Multi-Level Marketing has gathered strength

Post13 Dec 2019

@ex-l . An excellent analysis from you. Thank you !
ex-l wrote:
Managed well, a guru is worth more dead than alive.

A profound statement !!!

Where you say,
Truth be, by comparison, in many cases the BKs are still in a very minor league by comparison with some of them.

I agree. I think this is reflected in the way, the BKs are going after property of BK followers, taking money, wealth, getting a Will written in BKs favor etc. The other groups don't seem to do this. They get the money upfront, by charging hefty fees for programs, front row seats, VIP darshan etc.

I am sure the BKs will soon catch up with others, move from Minor League to Major League and may be even surpass many others. Ironically, the BKs would be using the Murli here too ... where Baba says "Last come First". Just like many other points that are being practiced in direct conflict with what is mentioned in the Murlis.
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Re: BKs Multi-Level Marketing has gathered strength

Post14 Dec 2019

oldbk wrote:I agree. I think this is reflected in the way, the BKs are going after property of BK followers, taking money, wealth, getting a Will written in BKs favor etc. The other groups don't seem to do this.

... In direct opposition to Lekhraj Kirpalani's or "god's" original directions. It used to state quite clearly in the Sakar Murlis not to buy property. Why would you when you believe the world is going to end in 2 to 3 years? It would suggest some massive disconnect between what you say and what you do.

At present, in the UK, the BKs are spending something like £6.8m on renovating a luxurious leased mansion house in the countryside (on top of rent) that, basically, only individuals or families with a car can get to. Like most government projects, the estimated cost keeps going up millions.

And that's for 770 regular followers in the UK or £8,831 each (the British government adding an extra 25% in charitable subsidies). A total of all retreat attendees in the UK (to all locations) was 5,000, so that equals a subsidy of £1,300 each for them.

How many even become BKs? Crazy economics to benefit a privileged few.

Their most recent accounts state, Income £3.3m; Spending £2.3m and their Aims and Activities states what the chart does is "the prevention or relief of poverty"*. When have they ever relieve and poverty except their own by which I mean the work shy inner circle of immigrants into the country who turned up with nothing more than a suitcase, to live off the backs of other families?

Again, a huge and audacious disconnection between what is said and what is done and a willingness and ability to lie to the government and authorities of their host nations.

Where and when do they teach this alternative "knowledge" or skill set? ... not "The Knowledge™" but knowing how to lie, cheat, con and acquire power, wealth and property? Did Lekhraj Kirpalani teach the secretly inner circle in it, or does it come from somewhere else? Do they have private, unwritten manuals and tutoring? Or is it just part of their original culture?

The Murlis say that Lekhraj Kirpalani was a "clever business" by which I think it is fair to say on the basis of our understanding of his jati, history and personal nature ... means tricky. The bhaibands and amils were notorious for their secretiveness and trickiness in business. In a sense, living where and when they did, they had to be to survive, exploit opportunity, and thrive.

BKism is a global, industrial scale confidence trick.

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Re: BKs Multi-Level Marketing has gathered strength

Post16 Dec 2019

ex-l wrote:How many even become BKs? Crazy economics to benefit a privileged few.

Their most recent accounts state, Income £3.3m; Spending £2.3m and their Aims and Activities states what the chart does is "the prevention or relief of poverty"*. When have they ever relieve and poverty except their own...

Many times people will defend the BKs against such charges to say, ”I have never been asked for money” or ”The BKs mentioned the donation box but there was never any pressure”.

Well, that is because there are many, especially in the Hindustani (business and professional) communities, who get personal attention, are schmoozed and sweet talked in different ways into giving a lot, so much that the BKs don't care if they miss out on small fry donations? (Although they will lean on attendees to put in cash if times get tough).

What they want from the less affluent folk that attend is for them to advertise by word of mouth. To have them tell others that it was free and no pressure etc is excellent PR. Then out of these will also come enough people who will work for free, doing either menial or highly skilled tasks that otherwise would cost a lot if paid for. Each and every ’service” task is for one of two purposes
    - A. to attract more people who will then attract more people (pyramid scheme)
    - B. to enhance the material growth and maintenance of the organisation’s material possessions & the BK elite
Everything else comes into a sub group of these two things.

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