Questions from an ex-PBK

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Questions from an ex-PBK

Post11 Nov 2019

Om Shanti my dear Brothers and Sisters,

Hope you are all doing great.

We have a breaking news. Please do take your time and go through this topic in forum.

They have started adding English translations from page 3.

To tell you in brief, BKs have been hiding the identity of the real Dada Lekhraj and also Om Radhe Mama. They were someone else.

This should be the end of BKs.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Questions from an ex-PBK

Post11 Nov 2019

So, let’s get this clear - this ‘exposé’ is saying that the person who claimed to be the Dada Lekhraj claiming to be Prajapita Brahma who claimed that Krishna is not God because he is Krishna and that Shiva is actually God, and this Shiva, who is not Shankar, enters him, Prajapita Brahma who is not only Krishna but also Narayan, Rama and Vikarmajeet etc, that this person is not who he says he is, he is not Dada Lekhraj?

As Clarke Gable said to Vivienne Leigh at the end of 'Gone With The Wind' just before he walks out on her, ”Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn”.


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Re: Questions from an ex-PBK

Post11 Nov 2019

Hi Pink Panther,

Let me put it briefly. See, forget that Dada Lekhraj claimed to be Prajapita, Shiv enters him etc.

I am not saying, we should believe in BKs knowledge. That, we will see later.

But, the exposé is:

The Dada Lekhraj who narrated the Murlis is someone else. The one whom BKs claim to be Dada Lekhraj and the same who enters Dadi Gulzar after he left his body in 1969 is not Dada Lekhraj. Similarly, Om Radhe Mama was someone else originally. Rest of the things are being explained there in forum and the discussion is not yet complete. Let's wait for the further posts.

Hope it makes some sense now.

Thanks for your interest.
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Re: Questions from an ex-PBK

Post11 Nov 2019

Hi xpbk,

From your name I am presuming you were a BK, then a PBK, and are now an ex-PBK. What is your current position regarding the BK "Knowledge"? Are you still a believer or, like others before you, are you starting your own sub-sect of BKism?

I had a quick look over your posts and it appears to me that,
    a) You are following VVD's model of questioning and re-assigning the identities of various key BK figures and, within that, attempt to resolve the errors or inconsistencies that Virendra Dev Dixit and the PBKs make (because, it is true, they do make errors).
    b) That you are still deeply confused by the cult and still unable to find your way out.
If I were to address some of your historical speculations, I think where you have gone wrong is to consider "Piyu" (beloved) to be a person, rather than a spirit being that spoke through an earlier BK spirit medium.

Apparently there was something called "The Golden Circle" that left the Om Mandli early in the history that may have included both the elder gentleman Virendra Dev Dixit refers to Sevakram, and believes himself to be a reincarnation of, and a female spirit medium who may have been Dadi Janki Kirpalani's Sister.

You then go on to suggest *both* Lekhraj Kirpalani and Om Radhe were imposters. I think
    a) There is no evidence to support that, and
    b) It is just part of your general confusion over being deeply confused by *both* the BKs and Virendra Dev Dixit and the PBKs.
I would go even further to suggest that deeply confusing people and separating them from both reality and their own feelings and intuitions, is one of the ways the BKs and Virendra Dev Dixit controls and exploits people.

I suggest you give up all speculation and stick only to the facts you can find evidence of, and start a habit of embracing reality. Of coming back down to earth, away from BKism and PBKism.

In PBKism they call the statements within the Murlis "proofs". They are not proof of anything. They are just more speculation and delusion that is used to confuse and brainwash people that, as you write, have been re-written many times by now.

Clearly even Lekhraj Kirpalani was deeply confused and deluded and has since led everyone astray from reality and the original Om Mandli/BKs were clueless about reality.

Virendra Dev Dixit was right to question and challenge the BKs but was suffering from his own deep delusions. I would say both suffered from some kind of mental condition - at the very least narcissism, delusion of grandeur and folie à plusieurs ("madness of several") - that BKism has instituted and encouraged in others, starting with the separation of individuals and reality, or disassociation.

Will this "revelation" bring down BKism?

Hopefully, it will bring down BKism and PBKism *WITHIN YOU*.

That is to say, to free you from them, and their possession or curse of you.

Unfortunately, it will not free others until they realise it is not true either.

You are correct, truth and falsehood cannot exist together and BKism is almost entirely false. Even where it used truth, it is to hide an even greater lie or falsehood. Neither the BKs nor the PBKs are trustworthy, so you have to find your own way in life.

Are you ready to leave them behind now?


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Re: Questions from an ex-PBK

Post11 Nov 2019

Such a long post!

Anyways, I don't think you will ever understand my view. But just to let you know, I had left BKism and PBKism long back.

How long did you serve in BKism? Mine was not even a fraction of the no. of years you spent suffering since you left BKism. So I just wonder, if the suffering itself is so long and doesn't yet seem to end even now, then how long have you actually been a BK?

Anyway, that's none of my business. So, you should mind just your business too. And please stop crying, I have been watching you for a decade now.

If you have left BK, then leave it completely.

You may do whatever you want. But, at least don't mess with others. Live and let live. BKism is better than you.

Stop this stupidity or else open a comedy show or a blog may be and keep doing this. At least, this skill will make people laugh and earn you some money.

What do you know about me? Just looking at my first post, you already become a Guru and even started teaching me.

You did not understand a bit from those posts in and you are commenting on it?

Are you a human? I really doubt. Pls go and get yourself checked first. If you test positive and then go to some psychiatrist and get yourself healed.

Wish you Good luck!
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Re: Questions from an ex-PBK

Post11 Nov 2019

xpbk wrote:You may do whatever you want. But, at least don't mess with others. Live and let live. BKism is better than you.

What do you know about me? Just looking at my first post, you already become a Guru and even started teaching me.

I read your posts on

It seems that at best your intention is just to troll or confuse PBKs by making up more nonsense.

Unfortunately, we place a firm emphasis on factual accuracy here.

To the best of my knowledge, "Is This Justice?" was never re-published by the BKs. They just circulated a copy we found. And I've never seen the BKs forwarding links to the PBKs.

Are you Golden Heart or one of the other regulars on that forum? was initially set up with a sincere intention of providing an open discussion forum for BKs and PBKs. I know so, because I set it up for them. Unfortunately, the original owner's intention was for it to become an anti-PBK forum ... and it has only become worse since then. It seems to have been taken over by anti-PBK BKs, and welcome Vishnu Party associates who don't practise your "Live and let live" mantra.

I think that you are deliberately making up and spreading falsehoods.


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Re: Questions from an ex-PBK

Post11 Nov 2019

First of all, I never said that BKs republished "Is this Justice".

They re-published "An Reply To Is This Justice", which is mentioned in the book itself along with the date of re-publication.

OMG! why am I re-clarifying it for you? You don't even deserve it!

All I should says is "FU CK YOU". And keep crying.

Why are you so obsessed with BKs? Did they make you suffer so much? Could you please explain, what exactly happened? Seems to be really serious.

See, if you share it, you may feel lighter. Or we can at least suggest you a way forward. Pease try this once. I cannot see you this way.

And what are you trying to teach me? You tell me, how happy are you? What are your goals of your life? How are you going to achieve it? I know, you are just going to stay with BKs.

Who believes that you have left BKism? I don't agree at all. You are now practicing the advanced BKism. You are much more than BKs.

Let's say, in the future if BKs plan to hire some employees to look after their organization, you will be the most eligible and the highest paid employee. You think you are against BKism. The fact is, you had left BKism, but have become their advanced version.

Once again "FU CK YOU".

[Forum is not allowing me to type this word and I actually want to say this clearly]

And good bye.
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Re: Questions from an ex-PBK

Post11 Nov 2019

xpbk wrote:First of all, I never said that BKs republished "Is this Justice?".

They re-published "An Reply To Is This Justice", which is mentioned in the book itself along with the date of re-publication.

Do you know where they republished it? Do mean a paper copy? If so, it's the first time that I've heard of it.

I know we uploaded copies, here and here.

Most of the stuff the BKs have uploaded, made available for download, and were forced to acknowledge as real is stuff that we had made public first.

They even used the copies we made and paid for.
Once again "FU CK YOU".

No problem. I am not offended. It's good to vent some emotion.

I appreciate your efforts to double check all translations. It would be a worthwhile project to have a comparison of the original tape recording of the Murli, the (various) BK version, and then the PBK version.

I tried to get such a project started, the BKs could obviously make it happen in a click of a finger if they wanted, but they prefer their cover ups to truth.

I don't doubt at all that Virendra Dev Dixit is making errors. When some of the truth came out about the early days, it shocked some PBKs to discover Virendra Dev Dixit did not know, or how he responded to it. Surely if the BK god spirit was inside Virendra Dev Dixit, he would have known and be able to comment? But clearly Virendra Dev Dixit's historical knowledge only came from places such as the comics the BKWSU produced.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Questions from an ex-PBK

Post12 Nov 2019

xpbk wrote:The Dada Lekhraj who narrated the Murlis is someone else. The one whom BKs claim to be Dada Lekhraj and the same who enters Dadi Gulzar after he left his body in 1969 is not Dada Lekhraj. Similarly, Om Radhe Mama was someone else originally. Rest of the things are being explained there in forum and the discussion is not yet complete. Let's wait for the further posts. Hope it makes some sense now.

Yes it makes sense now. One false prophet claiming that another false prophet is false. The only truth spoken by either party about the other in decades!

As to replacement babas and mamas - Habeus corpus - show us the body. Or some undeniable evidence. A change of style is not enough. Everyday pop stars do that all the time. What you are saying is that all those who was or ever had direct contact with the BKs from the 1950s to 1969 did not notice any ”swap” or are complicit in it. That is a stretch.

Is they gone?

Now that’s how you hold an intelligent discussion. Not.

Obviously a well balanced and compassionate human being free of all biases and agendas. Not.


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Re: Questions from an ex-PBK

Post12 Nov 2019


Good to read your response. Much appreciated. Let's get back to the point.

Forget BKs. Do we have anyone in this forum, who is interested in this project and wants to contribute?

Many audio proofs are already produced in Hinglish. We need to translate them in English first. Then, we will continue with the new findings, if required. Main intention is to get the BKs to speak up the truth, not to keep collecting the proofs.

There are 4 topics under "For Ex-PBKs Only" forum in on Baba Dixit and his Advanced Knowledge. 3 of them are in Hindi. We don't have time for Hindi posts itself, there are unlimited proofs. But, Baba Dixit is not important for us. If we kill BKs, every other Baba would be killed automatically. That's the whole plan!

Trust me, I have re-verified each proof at least more than 5-6 times. My true intention is to help myself first and others. When I found out the truth on Baba Dixit, that was a real shock. I cannot afford any more mistakes in my life. So, I am very careful in whatever I am doing.

Pink Panther,

You keep stretching. You are on the right way. I have already stretched myself on many such questions to an extent that the same would require you a life time. And I only not asked the questions. I did not even ask someone else. I kept asking myself and found the answers.

You too must keep trying if you are really interested in finding the truth out and I wish you Good luck!

Time will decide, who is more intelligent, more compassionate and free of all biases.

Are you claiming that you are more intelligent, compassionate than me? I really wish it is true. I am dying to find such people.
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Re: Questions from an ex-PBK

Post12 Nov 2019

xpbk wrote:Trust me, I have re-verified each proof at least more than 5-6 times. My true intention is to help myself first and others.

"Proofs" is a PBK word and obsession. It does not mean proof, as in convincing 'real world' evidence, as the rest of the world would understanding it. It refers to interpretations of the utterances in the Sakar Murlis. You have picked this up from Virendra Dev Dixit but it is worth nothing in the real world.

You need real world evidence for whatever it is you are trying to prove.

Virendra Dev Dixit had an intuition that something was wrong with the history and philosophy of BKism, and he was right. There is no doubt. He was brainwashed and then treated badly and traumatised by the BKs. It appears that he never got over their rejection of his sincere interest. But, equally, there is no doubt that he is not god, nor has he a god or "the God" within him, so let that all go.

Why he had to come to the conclusions he did is something to with his own psychology. Perhaps a need to be special or chosen, to prove them wrong ... I don't know why, exactly.

Unfortunately, what we have discovered is that no amount of philosophical argument, nor real world historical evidence, influences the majority of BKs because their attachment and involvement with BKism is not rational nor intellectual. You might be "prove" your theory 100% ... and they would not be interested at all because BKism offers to them what they want; income, security, company, social status, a flattering look or identity, freedom from arranged marriage and so on.

You and your theory just offer them the destruction of all that and nothing to replace it but trouble.

Virendra Dev Dixit at least offered his disaffected, abused Matas a "BK analogue". A "better truth" from a BK/PBK point of view.

The real world, media, politicians etc, is not interested at all. All religions get up to sh*t. All religions re-write their history, produce hagiographic biographies. All religions have leadership schisms. It's just what they do. All politicians are interested is in numbers of voters. All the media is interested in is really serious, dirty sh*t which, in fairness, the BKs largely avoid. Sure, they destroy lives, and con and rob families but, right now, the media is more concerned by the religions that have guns and bombs.

Do I think they swapped out Lekhraj Kirpalani and Om Radhe for decoys? Not at all. I think you need a more down to earth explanation for your findings.

Do I think there is something in the PBK theory that there were other characters involved in the religion that left and have since died off? Yes, actually I do. There is a little real world evidence of it. You need to stick to the real world evidence and work like a detective piecing it all together.

Does it all really matter? Not from a real world point of view. BKism nor PBKism is not God. It's only relevent to the history of a fairly small, greedy, self-centred, narcissistic cult ... and, of course, those hurt by it.

Is the real world history and evidence worth finding out? I would say, "yes ... but unfortunately it has become very difficult to unravel now because so many of the original characters and their families etc have died off now". For example, Narain, Lekhraj Kirpalani's son, died recently.

You have Dadi Janki ... but a) she's not talking, and b) she wasn't even there in the earliest days; Gulzar ... but she's losing her marbles now and under guard 24/7. Most of the rest of the leadership only came to the BKs since the 1950s or 1970s.

Did you read there was no mention of God Shiva within the religion until around 1956? All of the comic book and official histories are bogus fabrications.


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Re: Questions from an ex-PBK

Post12 Nov 2019

Let me put it briefly.

1. I know very well, how the real world is and also, the reality BKs and PBKs. I have experienced it through out my life personally.

2. My point is, Dada Lekhraj, Om Radhe Mama and other special children have taken re-birth, there are proofs of it in the Murlis. But it is not Baba Virendra Dev Dixit and Sister Vedanti definitely. But, I would like to avoid further discussion on this point. Let's not talk about Murlis.

3. It is not as difficult as you feel to find out the history. People are discovering the history of more than 2000 years, which was hidden deliberately. This is not even 100 years.

I must say, it should not take a day. I have may ways too. I am only waiting for the right time.

4. There was no mention of God earlier. The Knowledge was based on 'Aham Brahmasmi' kind of concept earlier. Everything is said in the Murlis itself. There is nothing to wonder.

5. For me, this research is not at all important. I have understood, whatever was required. I am done and completely happy with it.

But then, even if I decide to expose BKs for the sake of the rest of the people or for the sake of adventures, I can do it in no time as I already said.

6. Based on the above point (point no.5), I really don't need any help. I hate bothering others. My only aim here was to share that link of, which I did yesterday. That was just an adventure for me.

Even if it was only a hatred discussion, then too, I would have taken it as a positive and better response. But, the response I got is much more than I ever expected.

What else should I ask for?

I believe in 'live and let others live'. I don't tolerate someone controlling me and my time. Similarly, I never like to take advantage of others. Only if it is mutually agreeable, if it is helping both the parties, then I involve others. Otherwise, I just enjoy doing whatever I feel like.

I would like to thank you all for the wonderful support. Specially, for this forum. It was an amazing platform and it really helped me so much, which you will realize later.

If I can be of any help to you, I would be very happy to do it.

Love you all. Take care.
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Re: Questions from an ex-PBK

Post12 Nov 2019

No one hates you here. We have all walked some of the same path, struggled with the same issues, to some degree or another.

It appears you are trying to address an issue some have question, that is the change in the character or personality of the "spirits" who speak through the Brahma Kumari mediums.

"Proof" of specific rebirths is a difficult one but, yes, I concur that the likelihood of Virendra Dev Dixit and Vedanti being who they claim is zero. I was not surprise but I was a bit disappointed by Virendra Dev Dixit's response or reaction to the discovery of the original material ... especially that which challenged his theory about being Shewakram/Sevakram. It appears his version of the BK history and, hence, his identity, was based on the comic book version of BK history the BKs produced.

Not very deep.

I know some PBKs were doing more historical research. Do you know how far they got or what they discovered?

Also the history and anthropology of the Sindhi diaspora is becoming far better documented and so it might be possible to find things out from family archives. However, in that case, I have to warn you that the BKs are chasing them too ... but with an intention to shut them down, close them off, fudge and hide ... rather than bring out a greater truth to light.

There are some old non-BK Sindhis who have lived to become 100 and more years old, perhaps one of them or their children might help us identify the missing pieces?
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Re: Questions from an ex-PBK

Post12 Nov 2019

I'd like to know more about the "Golden Circle" and those who left and why? I suspect rather than be "impure" or "weak" like the BKs might say, they were strict and more principled, and left as a matter of principle at Lekhraj Kirpalani's narcissistic "God Brahma" indulgences and his intimacies with the young women.

Unfortunately, that is only my 'guess' at present.

I'd also like to know more about the revelation of Shiva in 1956. I disagree with the BK party line of "a gradual evolution".

You simply cannot "gradually evolve" from a 'no God, Brahman concept', to a personal god and give him a name (let alone take the name of Shiva) ... and everyone agree on it and destroy all previous materials. They had centres by that time, they must have written to them. There must have been discussion, disbelief, Shrimat commandments etc.

Did they ever admit, "we were wrong!", were there members who disagreed and left etc?

Imagine yourself out at a small centre in India, as Dadi Janki was around this time I believe, and you get a letter saying,
"Oops we made a mistake. We don't believe in Aham Brahmasmi any more. Lekhraj Kirpalani is not God. There's a soul called Shiva and he's our God now".

After 20 years of committment to one idea, how are you going to respond? People must have been called back for retraining etc. Think it through.


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Re: Questions from an ex-PBK

Post12 Nov 2019

xpbk wrote:If I can be of any help to you, I would be very happy to do it.

You can be of help, starting with apologizing to ex-l and this Forum for being totally abhorrent from the beginning !

This forum has been continuing with many different view points, not all of them necessary 100% in sync. However, none of them had degraded to the level where you have started.

Let's see if you can get to realize how you have started with accusations and insults, apologize and then restart again.

Return to Commonroom
