Madhuban and BapDada Milan Experience

for ex-BKs to discuss matters related to experiences in BKWSU & after leaving.
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Re: Madhuban and BapDada Milan Experience

Post03 Apr 2019

ex-l wrote:
Is mobile phone use even sattvic? :shock:

Haha....I recall Dadi Prakashmani was against using mobile phones and commented that its like "talking like a mad person". This was in the year 2000 I guess where mobile penetration was far too less.


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Re: Madhuban and BapDada Milan Experience

Post03 Apr 2019

ex-l wrote:Is mobile phone use even sattvic? :shock:

Haha ... I recall Dadi Prakashmani was against using mobile phones and commented that it's like "talking like a mad person".

This was in the year 2000. I guess where mobile penetration was far too less.


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Re: Madhuban and BapDada Milan Experience

Post03 Apr 2019

And now, the BKs have started destroying the environment ... consuming a huge volume of water, which directly impacts the local people and the wildlife around the campus.

Looks like they will not learn, not change, but keep digging a deeper hole for themselves and pull in the gullible too with them.
Dr Nirmala wrote:Update on Health and Safety in Madhuban

The rains haven’t fallen last year and this has meant that our Brothers have had to source water from 10 different places just to keep up with the needs in Shantivan. Some figures - the 3 days around Baba’s meeting date, at least 1 crore litres of water are needed for Shantivan to function with full capacity. The kitchen itself needs 1 - 1.5 lakh litres of water! Due to recent bouts of diarrhea in Shantivan, we working to ensure that all water sources are safe.

As a precaution, we are requesting all Double Foreigner’s to drink only bottled mineral water and also brush their teeth with that. And to immediately take medical help should any of the symptoms arise.

Celebrating anything and everything associated with Hindu religion and culture - what is Spiritual here ?

Diwali, New Years, Kite-Flying on the day of Uttarayan (14 January), 50th anniversary of Brahma Baba's ascension to the angelic world: 18 January, Maha Shivratri flag-hoisting ceremonies, and Holi ...

"100 fold punishment is awaiting you ! - look at the Seniors who are experiencing it - CHANGE NOW !"
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Re: Madhuban and BapDada Milan Experience

Post03 Apr 2019

The rains haven’t fallen last year and this has meant that our Brothers have had to source water from 10 different places just to keep up with the needs in Shantivan ... all Double Foreigner’s to drink only bottled mineral water and also brush their teeth with that ... Double Foreigner's ...

I note our Masters of the Ocean of Knowledge, still have not learned how to use apostrophes.

So instead of just drinking Mount Abu try, they are shipping bottled water in by truck to feed the Westerners going there?

What effect do they think that is having on the environment?

Dammit, it's a mountain in the middle of a desert. Why go there if "God" is not turning up any more? (They used to say Mount Abu was the only place on earth pure enough for God to appear ... before they moved him down the hill to Shantivan).

BTW, something we've never covered here ... where do the BKs put all their plastic and trash? Poop, for that matter, too.

The average human being eliminates 100 to 250 grams of fresh feces every day ... and sure as hell some of those "big BK Sisters" are producing more.

200gm x 16,000 = 3,200,000gm ... let's say 3,500,000 including resident BKs. That's 3.5 tonnes of Godly manure every day.

Do they ship that up and down the mountain as well? Or is it "purifying" some farmer's field with its divine vibrations?

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Re: Madhuban and BapDada Milan Experience

Post04 Apr 2019

How about a commission from the Water supplier, wouldn't be surprised if that is a business run by a "Contact Soul,

There is opportunity out there for the visionary !!!


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Re: Madhuban and BapDada Milan Experience

Post07 Apr 2019

In early 2000, villagers had strongly protested about the BKs' humongous water requirement and digging of borewells all around Shantivan/Taleti because BK borewells will easily drain the water table leaving the locals high and dry.

The District Collector had to step in and mediate between the protesting villagers and the BK administration and finally arrived at some conclusion (I don't know the details).

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Re: Madhuban and BapDada Milan Experience

Post08 Apr 2019

The BKs should have been setting the example for the other communities on Mount Abu.

One example is the practice of being green or ecologically consciousness; the other is applying Golden Age technology to Sangam Yug.


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Re: Madhuban and BapDada Milan Experience

Post11 Apr 2019

BKs are now a VOLUME dealer rather than providing QUALITY. And it is like the Multi Level Marketing (MLMs) strategy. Encourage the low rung to work harder and harder, showing the distant wealth that they can achieve. While, at the same time, the higher ups are amassing wealth at a fast pace.

Here, the higher ups are enjoying their comforts (from wealth), even have personal attendants 24x7, travel business/first class. They might end up in Hell rather than the Golden Age Kings/Queens, but currently their body is seeking and (seems to be) enjoying the wealth.
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Re: Madhuban and BapDada Milan Experience

Post11 Apr 2019

Yes, and it is a Ponzi scheme ... or rather, from a BK point of view, it *depends* on BKs "failing" and leaving.


Because for every senior they have to support they need to pull in x number of juniors to sponsor their lifestyles and look after them. What is the conversion rate? I don't know ... I would guess, perhaps, 50:1. If anyone has a better estimate, please suggest it.

Therefore, if *every* BK was to remain a BK for life and rise to become a senior, they would have to have 50 times *more* BKs to support them too. Each BK would have to create 50 new BKs in order to support them, and then each of those 50 would have to create 50 more to support them, ie 250. Now clearly that is not happening and cannot happen exponentially. It is precisely like the MLM business cults, as you say oldBK.

Therefore it depends on a sufficient number of middle ranking BKs "failing" and dropping out, with the established Seniors sucking up their "downline" (as they are called in MLM). One could sit down and work out the mathematics/economics of the cult quite easily.

BTW, just to stay on topic, what is happening in Abu re the "Baba Milans" ... the meetings with BapDada?

Have they officially announced that they are over? Or have they just remarketed the videos as "the meeting" these days?



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Re: Madhuban and BapDada Milan Experience

Post11 Apr 2019

Well, the last day of the season was April 2, 2019 where the BapDada Milan from Dec 15, 2007 was replayed.

For next year, the dates and/or plans will be announced after the Annual Meeting from April 9 - April 16

Currently, it is the usual (new) routine... Guided meditation with Br Suraj, along with his "discourse" which sounds like "preaching from the pulpit". Followed by the older BapDada Milan programme, followed by all the senior Srs. Brs. on the stage, sharing a few words.

Hope the messengers can become invisible and leave those still there with only a "pure" message.
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Re: Madhuban and BapDada Milan Experience

Post11 Apr 2019

So it has devolved from worshipping what was there, to worshipping who were there when it happened?

I wonder what the attraction of that is to new BKs who missed out on it all? I suppose it will/has become just like any old pilgrimage to some place where a "miracle" once happened.

What about Gulzar, is she in full-time care now? Has her mind gone completely now?


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Re: Madhuban and BapDada Milan Experience

Post12 Apr 2019

Complete Silence on Dadi Gulzar's health, and no mention about her in the programme either.

Now, it is a "Parade of Senior Sisters and Brothers", along with old BapDada Milan video. Nice transition, IT is working well :| .

Future, continue to "milk" with new and innovative programs that would attract one and all, ie the generic junk that is spewed by many self-styled Gurus (pseudo-spiritual, relegious, business, health, wealth ...).

One such example, is our own Sister Shivani ... see the 2 video topics below,

4 Simple Habits For A Happy Life: BK Shivani (Hindi)

Take Your MIND OFF Problems: BK Shivani at San Francisco (English)


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