Dadi Janki and the Janki Foundation

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Post18 Dec 2006

Omshanti. I have a Murli quote regarding Dadi Janaki also but do not know where to post it. There was a separate thread on Dadi Janaki on xbkchat, but I did not have this quote at that time. Anyways, for all those interested, here is the extract:

"Aksar karke gareeb hee poora potamail detey hain. Saahookar dey na sakein. Surrender ho nahee saktey, koi virlaa nikaltaa hai. Jaisey ek Janak ka naam hai. Baal-bachhey hain, joint property hai toh vah alag kaisey ho. Saahookar log apni property nikaalein kaisey, jo surrender hon? Baap hai hee garibnivaaz. Sabsey gareeb mataen hain, unsay jaasti kanyaen gareeb hain. Kanya ko kabhi varsey ka nasha nahee hoga."

"Mostly it is the poor ones who give complete potamail. The rich ones cannot give. They cannot surrender. Very rarely someone emerges. For example, one Janak is famous. She has children; there is joint property; so how can she separate? How can the rich ones extract their property to surrender? The Father is a friend of the poor ones (Garib Niwaaz). The poorest ones are the mothers. Poorer than them are the virgins (daughters). A daugher would never have the intoxication of the inheritance." (revised Sakar Murli dated 27.06.06, pg.3 published by BKs in Hindi, narrated by ShivBaba through Brahma Baba; English translation done by a PBK)

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Post18 Dec 2006

arjun wrote:For example, one Janak is famous. She has children; there is joint property; so how can she separate? How can the rich ones extract their property to surrender?

Hmmn ... I wonder if we are any closer to discovering where the Janki personal bank accounts came from if she has not worked and has not been paid all her life?

Her children could well be dead now. Was it more than one? What happened to them? Did she receive a share of the husband's or family's wealth/property?

What does it matter? Well, I do remember her exhorting others to give everything to Baba ... I'd be tickled to discover she had not done so herself. Although my guess would be on some wealthy Sindhi giving her some "pocket money", just in case.
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Post22 Dec 2006

The story I heard was that her child died young, and I doubt the money came from her husband as the story goes she ran away from her husband in the middle of the night or something.

I believe (only) it was given to her personally by a wealthy Sindhi admirer.
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Mother of Love

Post27 Dec 2006

As a footnote to the JAM event, Robin Gibb releases “Mother of Love” as digital single on iTunes etc and donates profits to Janki Foundation for Global Health Care.

You might find it and news of the gift on his myspace website.

Does anyone actually know what the Health Care foundation does?
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Re: Mother of Love

Post08 Jan 2007

ex-l wrote:Does anyone actually know what the Health Care foundation does?

I know a bit about the Janki Foundation. They mainly do talks on spiritual health for health professionals and their big baby is 'vihasa' values in healthcare, a spiritual approach ... it is a pack and course that they've put together ... similar in principle to the Living Values thing.

They basically promote this and go around talking about values and heathcare. They don't actually do anything as such ... bit like the BKs I 'spose.
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Post22 Feb 2007

As evidence of Janki Kirpalani's further step towards Guru-hood, which is entirely contrary to Gyan but encouraged and milked by the BKWSU for whom she is their star player, see; where she is listed amongst the good and great.
iyogi wrote:Paramahamsa Hariharananda
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Dadi Janki
Mother Meera

Is this really quite right?
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abrahma kumar

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Post22 Feb 2007

Hi Ex-I this is all strange.

On the way into work today I was reading a little BKWSU booklet: Words of Wisdom For A Peaceful World, containing some Q&A lifted from various DJ publications, produced as part of the annual commemoration of Brahma Baba's day. Amongst the preamble there is a section:"
Brahma Baba left the physical world on January 18th, 1969 , but his vision continues to guide and inspire. The individual who has done the most to carry that vision across the world is Dadi Janki, one of the first members of the spirirtual university. Always, Dadi insists that it is the divine insigts she gained through Brahma Baba that have made her life so valuable, enabling her to share limitless treasures with others.

When I read that together with the Q&A I too wondered whether I was being body conscious or if there was a little of what could be termed:
further step towards Guru-hood, which is entirely contrary to Gyan but encouraged and milked by the BKWSU...

On balance I do acknowledge that Brahma Baba is cited as the cornerstone of wisdom from whom Dadi Janki's was able to make her life worthwhile (My words). But nonetheless ...
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Post22 Feb 2007

She was not one of the early members either. She joined much later, years later than the other Dadis. She certainly wasn't there at the beginning.
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Post23 Feb 2007

Since Dadi Janki arrived in the UK with only a suitcase, the BKWSU was set up is a charity to alleviate poverty!
    • Does anyone know if she brought any money to distribute and where it might have come from?
Recently we discussed about how the Ahmedabad center was unique as it started directly by Lekhraj Kirpalani's inspiration and with the Yagya's money. What was the situation with regards London and the West? This might be important.

Mr Green wrote:She was not one of the early members either. She joined much later, years later than the other Dadis. She certainly wasn't there at the beginning.

All part of the elastic truth the BKWSU sell. I never really got the big fuss about Janki. Truth is, I never really respected her. I never really found her that "enlightened". I could in no way say that either on a personal level or on an objective level regards understanding "The Knowledge" that she really impressed me. And, of course, what we are learning here is that there was all sorts of cover up and re-write going on of which she must have been quite aware.

I found her a little bit of a tyrant. I liked it when she joked about about, it did not bother me if she pulled my or other's ear or not. I abhored all the Sisters kissing her ass and see-sawing between being in love with her ... and being scared of her. OK, so she has some "Yoga power" ... she puts on a good show. Generally the same one time and time again. And has no shame about asking for money. But what is she doing with it all?

The above quote about may well be a key aspect to it. We know that she always felt behing the rest and wanted to make "extra efforts to catch up". She admitted in public to being a "little bit pushy". I wonder how much of the really freaky stuff she missed out on? You know, the trance stuff, visions, God entering in and out of Sisters, the channelling and mediumship. For me, the Emperor's Clothes was written for her and all her supplicants and if they are able to con a few non-BKs and help her join the pantheon of gurus, so be it. The stuff about her "nursing the sick" etc just makes me laugh.
BKWSU wrote:In 1997 in London, the Janki Foundation for Global Health Care was launched in her honor, to recognize Dadi's service in caring for the sick and aiding the healing of both soul and body.

Here is another one. For any BK that knows the truth and has been in the BKWSU for more than a few years, knows what absolute bollocks it is. And yet they keep churning it out. More fool the world for believing it.
Dadi Janki became one of the few active women spiritual leaders just following India's independence, traveling throughout India, teaching self-reliance and empowering women to become leaders in their communities. Her concern for the well-being of others has always been a driving force in her life.

Much of her youth was spent in serving the sick by comforting them with religious stories and humble prayers.

Its a joke and despite what you say, and she was not part of the orginal trustees (... was she?) the BKWSU go;
As a founding member in 1937 of the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University (BKWSU), at the age of 21, she became one of India's first female spiritual leaders. With an unrelenting search for honesty and cleanliness ... etc. She campaigns for truth and works tirelessly for world peace. She is a woman of wisdom, who in her life, through understanding spiritual truths, has come to embody personal peace, inner silence and power.

What they and their spin doctors seem to have realized is that they can market her into the slot left behind by Mother Theresa or along side Amma etc in the Hindu Guru Pantheon. Very specifically I think she may have been a little keen to have seen herself as being above God, or at least above Brahma, and carved out her own kingdom. Used her grasp on Shiva for personal power. Indeed, showed me that part of the BKWSU experience is about taking, creating and learning how to use "Power and Authority". Imbibed the "King and Kingdom" aspect most look aside in their "Love and Light" take on God.
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Janki and Prince Charles

Post23 Feb 2007


BKWSU present Dadi Janki as a "representative of Hinduism" to Prince Charles. Wait until the Hindu Council hears about this
Monday, 29 April, 2002, 14:59 GMT 15:59 UK
Prince calls for greater tolerance

Prince Charles met religious leaders in Birmingham
The Prince of Wales has launched a campaign for greater tolerance and understanding between different faiths and religions. The campaign, named Respect, is part of the prince's contribution to the Golden Jubilee celebrations. At the launch of the campaign at Birmingham's International Convention Centre on Monday, the prince met religious leaders from different faiths and called for greater understanding. Although the campaign will initially focus on greater tolerance between faiths, it will also target people in all areas of society over two years.

Embrace cultures

Speaking at the conference, the prince said there had been too many examples of intolerance over the past few years. He said: "Good neighbourliness is perhaps one of the things most in need of repair. "In the next two years, I hope the movement we are launching today will be able at least to help in the repair work.

Prince Charles called for greater tolerance

"It is about the young Muslim mowing the lawn for the elderly Hindu lady down the street or the choir from the Catholic Church singing to entertain the Jewish old people's club. "It is the small things above all that will make our communities a better place to live." The prince particularly hopes to encourage children to embrace others from different backgrounds and spend more time learning to understand new cultures. The idea is that volunteers, mostly young people, will be urged to work together and share more leisure time with strangers from other backgrounds. Schools will be sent information packs and be invited to take part. Prince Charles' plan is born out of several meetings he has held over the years with various religious leaders, including the Archbishop of Canterbury.

'Faith defender'

He took a close interest in the riots in Bradford last summer and hosted a dinner at his Highgrove home for leading Muslim figures shortly after 11 September. In 1994, he declared his intention to reign as "defender of faith" rather than "defender of the faith". In Birmingham, the prince met, among others:
    Chief Rabbi, Dr Jonathan Sacks

    The Anglican Bishop of Liverpool, the Right Reverend James Jones

    Muslim scholar, Dr Zaki Badawi

    Chairman of the Sikh Network, Indarjir Singh

    Hindu representative, Dadi Janki
The campaign was put together with the government-backed TimeBank charity, which raises awareness of volunteering. It plans to mobilise hundreds of volunteers to endorse the Respect project. Spokeswoman Helen Thompson said: "It's all about giving people more time with each other." In the early stages of the project, faith networks will be used to distribute leaflets. Later, nationwide campaigns will be run to encourage people to display greater respect and understanding to others at work and in the street.
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Post23 Feb 2007

She also came after many others to England, including Jayanti.
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Post28 Feb 2007

I object to the ethos in the "foreign lands" that you have to be close to DJ in order to be close to Baba; and she is the one who who has perpetuated this. I am much closer to Shiva Baba and BB since getting myself off the approval merry go round, and I know many cases where her "Shrimat" has resulted in physical and emotional harm for souls.

I found this, when randomly looking through an Avaykt Murli from 2004 on this site;
The sign of a true server is that in every action the Father would be visible through him. His every word would remind others of the Father. Their every speciality should be a signal to point them towards the Bestower. They would always see only the Father. They would not see you but would always see the Father. The sign of your being a true server is not that someone is co-operative with you. Never ever have even the slightest thought that, because of your speciality, someone is very co-operative with you. It is my duty to give co-operation to a co-operative soul. If they see you and not the Father, that is not service. That is turning souls away from the Father just as the Copper Aged gurus do. You made them forget the Father and you did not do any service. That is making souls fall, not making them climb. That is not charity, but sin, because when the Father is not there, there is sin.

The bold emphasis is mine; I wish she would do what her dad tells her ... also I hear that BapDada told her on stage (but wasn't published in the official Murli) this year that she needs to speak less ... please!
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abrahma kumar

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Post28 Feb 2007

Yudhishtira, I too have heard that our Senior Sister's punditry stage is in full effect. Some seem to think that it is a sign of being unable to let go of 'directing' others. She wants to drive us into the Golden Age by the sheer strength of her 'preaching' alone ;).
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Post28 Feb 2007


That is a good post from the Avyakt Vani. I believe DJ is consciously or subconsciously collecting her bhagats.

I would suggest to anyone not to follow, but to study Murli. It is said in the Murli that the Murli should be read 7, 8 times a day.
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Post05 Mar 2007

Mr Green wrote:The story I heard was that her child died young, and I doubt the money came from her husband as the story goes she ran away from her husband in the middle of the night or something.

Here's a laugh for you. A few weeks after she was accused of being the no sex guru breaking up marriages in the Mail on Sunday, Janki recently starred in an Inner Space seminar called ... "It's all about Relationships".
Inner Space - BKWSU London wrote:"Join Dadi Janki as she shares her thoughts on how it's ll about relationships ... It's easy to start a relationship but not easy to sustain it. It's easy to offend someone but not so easy to forgive. And its easy to avoid the mirror which all our relationships represent, but not easy to see ourselves in otehrs.

The art of relationships is the greatest challenge, the most profound learning curve and the area in which we can experience the most significant successes in our life.

In order to have meaningful relationships, we need lightness, insight and power. What insights do we need in order to make any and every relationship work?

How do we empower ourselves to change our own ways of relating - while at the same time be able to tolerate the ways of others?

Well, I suppose someone that ran away from her husband in the middle of the night should know that it is "easy to start a relationship but not easy to sustain it" ... did her child die before she ran away or did she leave it behind? Gosh, I wonder if we know HOW her child died!?!

For any members of the public that went to this programme, at one of "London's finest venues" just behind the Savoy Hotel, you can bet that 2/3s to 3/4 of the audience where in fact already BKs.

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