The BKs are finished

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Re: The BKs are finished

Post12 Jun 2018

Pink Panther wrote:... on life support and hasn’t opened her eyes for a long time.

Oh, I can imagine they'll be trying to keep her alive for a long as they can in order to make up some story to explain away what is happen ... and to fit in with all the VIP conference scheduling. They must be organising her funeral already ... it'll be a big VIP event.
"A test!!! Baba is demanding that the Children come to the Subtle Region to meet him now ... Make extra effort, it is a sign that Destruction is near!!!".

So will that mean Gulzar is only an 83 birth BK too?

How will they re-market themselves next? They have tonnes of money, armies of unpaid drivers, house sweeps, gardeners and chapati rollers, and lots of land and properties now. Will they become a kind of private club? A "Lions" type fraternity organisation?

It will be a test to see how well the religion functions without God in person, demanding that adherents believe in an unseen god. It was their USP (Unique Selling Proposition) ... but all other religions offer an unseen god, so I suppose they will get away with it.

There was a report on the BKs' "One Link" media service, but they took it down, badly, leaving just a typo "Dadi Gulzarjipan>". It said something about news about her health being released via the "Madhuban Rosary" ... what is that? The new added onto the daily Murli, or some more private channel of communication? No chatter on the internet.

The last report was ...
Good News re Dadi Gulzarji's health from BK Nirwair on 7 May

Our dear divine Sisters and Brothers: Centre Coordinators and Brahmins around the globe, please accept hearty Godly love and remembrances. Respected Dadi Gulzarji's health is improving steadily, with Baba's sakash, and the loving good wishes of the Brahmin family.

Neeluben shared with us, and later Yoginiben also informed that Dadiji has been discharged from Saifee Hospital on Monday, 7 May, and shifted to Baba's Gamdevi Centre in the late afternoon.

Dadiji needs to stay in Gamdevi Centre for a while, so that her health improves completely, and gets stabilised. Apart from Neeluben and her Team, Nihaben, Ashaben and Sisters from Gamdevi Centre have also provided a very caring atmosphere for Dadiji's recuperation over the last few weeks, and will continue to do so. Dadiji's Doctors are accessible in Mumbai to monitor progress, and so she may spend some more time there before returning to her residence in Shantivan. Dadiji will continue to receive physiotherapy as well.

All of you deserve multi-million fold thanks, on behalf of Dadiji and her team of Doctors and Carers, for your good wishes and Yoga vibrations. Kindly note it has been advised that Dadiji should not be having Visitors at present.

Many, many thanks to the divine family for your beautiful get-well-soon messages and pure love for Dadiji.

With Godly remembrances,

B.K. Nirwair
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Re: The BKs are finished

Post13 Jun 2018

I wonder if "God" stops coming in person, will it allow the BKs to admit it wasn't really God and to transform into a normal religion with an unseen "God up there".

To come to a point where they only claim that Lekhraj Kirpalani was a "inspired" individual?

It would eat at their egos ... their specialness ... but it might lead to a more sustainable future as "just another religion, as good as any other, no worse than most, better than some".

A sort of East-meets-West syncretic New Agey religion, that they pretty much are already without the dumbass Sindhi superiority complex.

"Syncretic" is a polite way of saying, based on second hand, borrowed ideas.

I mean, if they were to bury their egos after Gulzar and with, say, Dadi Janki, they might actually be turn around and do some good for the world. The Indians being led by the more enlightened Westerners ... which is also pretty much what they are already, albeit they have to go through the rituals of "paying respect" to the old fartbags*.

the amalgamation or attempted amalgamation of different religions, cultures, or schools of thought.

* (Just for the sake of veracity, I can personally confirm Dadi Janki and others fart, and not in a very royal manner. Amrit Vela in Madhuban was always a chorus of not very sweet biological reactions).

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: The BKs are finished

Post13 Jun 2018

The accumulation of gases in the gastrointestinal system is indicative of problems in the alimentary canal, which are also indicators of health problems in other parts of the body, including the brain and the microbiome in the gut. One problem can be the incorrect food combinations and another can be a lack of synchronicity of the master clock in the brain, suprachiamastic nucleus with the clocks in the gastrointestinal system.
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Mr Green


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Re: The BKs are finished

Post13 Jun 2018

I met her a couple of times, she was unnerving and strange. But warm and sweet.

GuptaRati, your words are sweet and true.

Thank you

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: The BKs are finished

Post14 Jun 2018

Mr. G,

Thank you. Without going back in time and space to BK ego tripping and pomposity, the ordinary Western soul will not deliberately seek Eastern philosophy and immerse herself or himself in it for decades.

We should applaud ourselves for studying BKism and gaining from our mistakes.


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Re: The BKs are finished

Post14 Jun 2018

One BK finds a non-BK girl who was suffering from depression. He helped her to overcome it by giving her the courses being taught in the BKs.

In the process, he fell in love with the girl and decided to plan a settled life. He proposed to her and she agreed. To lead a clean and vice free life, he asked her to fully adopt the Bkism. She agreed.

Now the girl is in love with Baba and the boy is suffering from depression. :D


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Re: The BKs are finished

Post14 Jun 2018

There is a celebration of Western BKism "40 years of service" currently happening in California; another just occurred in the other retreat house in NY. They are actively promoting the past, as well as the future, with Sister Jayanti coming to the States in September.

New programs, from what I can see, are being formulated for new people going to Madhuban ... I do not know how many will attend the next session when there's no Dadi G and films of past milan are being shown that can now be shown on Youtube.
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Re: The BKs are finished

Post14 Jun 2018

because.parmeshwar wrote:One BK finds a non-BK girl who was suffering from depression. He helped her to overcome it by giving her the courses being taught in the BKs ...

You know, because, that's a really funny joke ... but the real joke, I am absolutely sure it is a true story too.

They would not be the first couple who became confused between their real, natural love and BKism. Using BKism as an expression of that love.

Of course, from a BK point of view, it was all wrong and the Brother got what he deserved.

I've read of Sisters doing the same thing, even Indian Sisters advertising on marriage websites looking for a BK partner ... which begs the question about how self-realised they are.

Two BK marrying would have been an unthinkable thing in my day but today it appears to becoming common. It seems like the leadership lets them do what they want as long as they can keep a little bit of them, their money and free labour. I think the leadership's attitude is, "OK, it will all end one day and then they will come back to BKism with their tail between their legs ... and then we'll get the house, the money and may be a child or two".

For the individual women, its understandable. It's one way to escape an arranged marriage with some man they don't love and what wants 'roll on, roll off' sex with all the time, and keeps up a facade of normalcy for the relatives. Would be nice at least if they also look after each other into their old age. Because the BKs won't.
Maui wrote:There is a celebration of Western BKism "40 years of service" ... They are actively promoting the past, as well as the future.

Anyone here being invited to "share their experience"?

What is, Sister Jayanti telling stories like,
"Ha ha ha ... I remember back in the 1980s when I used to tell people the world was going to end [Destruction] in two to three years ... AND THEY BELIEVED ME AND SURRENDERED EVERYTHING!!!"

I suppose it's like everything ... the main event is over but you get to watch the repeats on TV for years afterwards, and every anniversary. 40 year, 50 years, 100 years and so it. They become "revival" or "reunion" events.

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: The BKs are finished

Post15 Jun 2018

I was not invited; I do not feel I am missing a family re-union. Many decades ago many Western BKs celebrated their 10 year with BaapDada; it was a great spiritual and magical experience then. Now, without being materialistic, I enjoy my academic reunions and have transformed the pain of separation from BKism. Since such an alchemy happened many decades ago, I do not miss the BK reunions.

Several years ago, one of my alma maters, the medical school I attended, invited me as a visiting professor as part of the celebration of my 30 years since graduation. I was met at the airport by limousine and that was the start of VIP treatment by my alma mater. It was fun sharing my decades of research with my colleagues in the medical sciences and meeting with my elders my professors from decades ago and class mates. Would the BKs have given me such treatment? No!

If the BKs have had their way, I would not have become a doctor and more so a scientist. "All are healthy in Say Yug; there is no need for physicians, veterinarians, and medical scientists".
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Pink Panther

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Re: The BKs are finished

Post15 Jun 2018

Both Jayanti and Shivani will be touring Australia soon, separately.

Although the strong temptation arose to go and be a mischievous gadfly, it goes against my self-imposed principle to have as little to do with them as possible.

And, of course, we all know that logic, reason, nothing actually, makes a believer change beliefs except themselves - when they are ready.

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: The BKs are finished

Post16 Jun 2018

Pink, That's right.

Additionally, it's not a good idea to create more negative karma with the BKs. It's best to let them be, in terms of their road shows. Another generation of souls in the West needs to be recruited by the BKs after 40 years. The new generations of Western souls are needed to help the BK re brand themselves.

Will some of the IPs and VIPs be individual who can go to restaurants and bars in New York City, purchase designer beers at $50 per bottle and a sandwich for $80, and in one night purchase 4 bottles of beer per person?
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Re: The BKs are finished

Post16 Jun 2018

One pattern I see happening in Western society a lot, is how fringe element, the bohemia front, impoverished immigrants "open up" and establish new territories and turn them into vibrant quarters ... at which point the real estate agents turn up (realtors), polish up the PR, capitalise the property, and then "gentrify" the area forcing the original pioneers out.

I suppose if you look at BKism, you might see a similar pattern and be able to work out at what point in the proceedings they are?

Certainly they started out poor, immigrant and bohemian in the West ... and then prioritised acquiring nice and even grand properties - their Oxford Retreat centre currently said to be sucking up £6m in renovations - to attract and impress the "ruling classes" (VIP service) ... who, paradoxically, will never become BKs.

How many centres uplifting the poor in slum areas would £6m buy you in the developing nations? Or even depressed areas in the Mid-West or South of the USA?

I suppose, having acquire such grand properties and the relative comforts of them for yourself ... there's less of a tendency to actually want anyone else to join to challenge your occupancy of them.

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: The BKs are finished

Post17 Jun 2018

In the US, the BKs started in cities such as San Antonio, Queens, New York, and Tampa, Florida. Now they are in Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Boston. Some in the 1% and ruling class in the USA have as their core or base for wealth, capital backed by stocks not stocks supported by manufactured goods. If there is an economic crisis, the value of the stocks can be nullified.
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Re: The BKs are finished

Post17 Jun 2018

If the BKs' Baba is "The Lord of the Poor", how much "missionary work" do they do, how many centres have they established in poor parts of the USA?

In our download section, we have a couple of denied immigration applications where Hansa Raval was attempting to get a US visa for an Indian IT working BK who was earning $70,000 per year claiming that they were "ministers" in the workplace and that the BK denomination encouraged their "surrendered priests" to work.

I'd say that is pretty clear evidence of who or what interests they are "serving" in the USA. Hence targetting rich, liberal communities.
because.parmeshwar wrote:One BK finds a non-BK girl who was suffering from depression. He helped her to overcome it by giving her the courses being taught in the BKs.

Just to come back to this for one minute, is it a real story, bp?

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: The BKs are finished

Post18 Jun 2018

I am not aware of any BK centers in inner city areas of the USA. The BKs may have lots of records of photo-ops with the homeless and/or poor.

Poverty is sin for the BKs; it's spiritual and material failure. For those with spiritual wisdom it is a karmic challenge the disadvantaged use as a ladder to excel and help others.

There are many public schools in the USA, which enable students to move from the poverty line to the working class or professional class by providing great education. Those BKs who have managed to move from the poverty line to the working class, some are not BKs anymore.

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