Onelink Brahmakumaris Website is Down

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Onelink Brahmakumaris Website is Down

Post05 Feb 2018

The website has been down for a few days now. did not find any reference to that anywhere, so far until today.

The following website has reference to the Onelink website being down, apparently they have backups only till March 2015. Is this true, a big IT dept not taking backups for the past 2 years ! Or is there a RE RE RE Revision happening, to clean up and present a NEW FACE to the world, one more time?

Dear Onelink Users,

The site you are now viewing is lacking much of the content that had been posted/uploaded over the past 33 months.

Due to a severe IT system failure, the server on which the website existed was damaged and the most recent backup we could restore is dated March 2015.

As a result, you will only find news items from January 1st, 2018. Additionally, some links need to be added and much of the content on the Downloads pages needs to be restored. If you discover links that are missing or need to be updated, please let us know at

Please be patient with us while we restore the most critical content, especially those of you who have login rights due to being Center Coordinators. If you are a CC or Right Hand and applied for access between March 2015 and January 2018 but can no longer log in, please let us know by emailing

Thank you for your good wishes during this trying time,

The Onelink Team
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Re: Onelink Brahmakumaris Website is Down

Post05 Feb 2018

jsear9999 wrote:Due to a severe IT system failure, the server on which the website existed was damaged and the most recent backup we could restore is dated March 2015.

Thank you for the tip off ... seems like the Beakies new buzz thing is "Inner-Technology". That sounds very Scientology like. I see Shivani has been touting it already. Or is it her thing, or just the "Residential Retreat for BK IT Professionals"? (aka Information Technology Wing of RajYoga Education & Research Foundation).

It leads back to Shashin Shah BK Director of Information Technology and owner of One Point: The Digital Architects - who we've encountered before as part of the BK IT when they included us in their circular email criticising our activities. He gets an back scratching testimonal - his only one it seems - from Girish Wadhwani, Trustee, Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University, UK as a "client" for migrate email accounts, and even manages to slip in the BKs habitual "United Nations" reference! Ha ha. wrote:Transcending Conflicts With Understanding. Ancient Values and New Technologies.

As IT professionals we are privileged to find ourselves at the frontiers of the technological revolution. However, the nature of our work means it’s easy to develop the tendency to neglect our own well being. As we focus on providing ‘service excellence’ we can be easily distracted from taking care of our self and lose our inner connection with our peace, positivity and power. This is where the quality of our work and our life has its foundations. Reconnect with your inner peace and inner power.

A server crash and lost data ain't exactly the best advertisement for their technology, or spirituality!!! Ha.

Ditto, the Bosnia BK centre - it's a Muslim country - is going under the address "" which means "personal development".

A quick look at the whois and reverseIP records shows there should be a whole lot of other BKs "down" too. It says, 33 sites and the first few at least are all BK., on another server, is also down. Someone must be having bad Yoga ... or have they been hacked?
Error displaying the error page: Application Instantiation Error: Could not connect to MySQL.
Warning: session_write_close(): Failed to write session data (user). Please verify that the current setting of session.save_path is correct (/tmp) in /home/brahmaco/ on line 193
Error 404 - Not Found

The document you are looking for may have been removed or re-named. Please contact the web site owner for further assistance.
Error establishing a database connection

    3. ...
I suppose they wanted to have their very own server just in case someone hosting something "impure" on another part of its hard drive?

I have no inside information on this but I remember a few years back someone saying the IT wallahs had talked the Kirpalani Klan into buying them lots of expensive toys ... now their chickens have come back to roost.

It looks like they might have their own Leased Line Service and their own server behind that ... It usually far better to leave hosting to someone whose business it is to host ... and, as you say, why on earth would they have a server that was not RAIDed and backuped up?

Were all the BK sites on this server?
Websites found to be sharing this IP Address
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Re: Onelink Brahmakumaris Website is Down

Post05 Feb 2018

More from the Bosnia Brahma Kumari site, I thought this choice of image was interesting.

Apart from choosing a hot looking Western woman with a visible bra line - thanks guys (click below) - the concept of cult adherence being like a mask individuals adopt temporarily while they make the changes in their life that they require, e.g. to escape unhappiness or disconnect from others, is a common one.

That's not how the BKs would see it though, they claim that the BK mask is the "True Self".

The name they gave this image is, "mozemo li prepoznati ego" ... "can we recognize the ego?"

Well, can they?

I hope she's not wasting her breath (and bustline) on BKism.

Note to Sister Jayanti: visible bra lines are definitely "not royal" for Brahma Kumari chicks.
Brahma-Kumaris-mozemo-li-prepoznati-ego.jpg (35.54 KiB) Viewed 28127 times
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Re: Onelink Brahmakumaris Website is Down

Post05 Feb 2018

ex-l wrote:It leads back to Shashin Shah BK Director of Information Technology and owner of One Point: The Digital Architects ... He gets an back scratching testimonal - his only one it seems - from Girish Wadhwani, Trustee, Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University, UK as a "client"

Oh, looks, guess who is part of the One Point business team ... but BK Wiki-Warrior Simon Blandford.

“Una mano lava l'altra e tutt'e due lavano il viso” (one hand washes the other and both wash the face).

Remind me of what the 14th Maryadas said?

Are they all BKs? Is it business they brew up at their IT retreats these days?

maryadas.jpg (35.92 KiB) Viewed 28119 times

BTW, what's a "Right Hand"?
If you are a CC or Right Hand and applied for access between March 2015 and January 2018 but can no longer log in, please let us know by emailing


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Re: Onelink Brahmakumaris Website is Down

Post06 Feb 2018

Typically, in Indian Tradition, Right Hand is used/related to all positive/good tasks ... i.e washing with left hand for xxxx.

Now, using that analogy to differentiate between the BKs is not good - discrimination at it's worst. Why not just say Actively Servicing BKs are something else, to highlight one's task/role without implicitly degrading others ?
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Re: Onelink Brahmakumaris Website is Down

Post06 Feb 2018

jsear9999 wrote:Typically, in Indian Tradition, Right Hand is used/related to all positive/good tasks ... i.e washing with left hand for xxxx.


Hmmn, that's true. Right hand is pure, left hand is impure. (As an aside, not just for butt but traditionally handling money which was also dirty).

In BKism terms, I'd translate that as utterly submissive to their control. "Purity" is conformity to the Kirpalani Klan's authority.

But a bizarre title. I am thinking like "Game of Thrones", where "The Hand" is the position of the one who carries out the king or queen commands.

Someone wrote in her recently that the BKs had an "ethical hacking" team, I'd guess a sort of informal "wing" as I cannot imagine the leaders really understand what it means, I suspect mainly for jiggling Google results rather than breaking into websites and servers.

Do you know anything about it?

Thanks, and welcome.


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Re: Onelink Brahmakumaris Website is Down

Post06 Feb 2018

I don't have any specifics on hacking activities. However, with a little thought into this - A large group of people in different countries, being part of the IT wing and literally spending time on Content Management rather than actual Spiritual Activities ... This can only lead to ALL types of activities, and hacking, Google manipulation are only a part of it. Add to it, administrator privileges, now you are opening the flood gate ...
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Re: Onelink Brahmakumaris Website is Down

Post06 Feb 2018

... Add to which, a leadership that hasn't a clue about what computers do, the internet works and haven't really explored or discussed the ethics of IT. Which, funnily enough, it seems the "Inner Technology" seminar looks as if it was partly to do. It's just something their god spirit has told them "the scientists invented to serve them".

Was it, or was it just about how to use it to promote the Baba?

Have you had much to do with the BK IT team?

There was a time when they were conspiring to bury the likes of us in the Google search results and beat us off Wikipedia with a tag team of BK editors. I have no idea what they are up to now.

However, I do think BKs using BKism and BK connections to establish spin off businesses together is *clearly* not in the spirit of BKism as we knew, and would have been looked down upon or banned.

All life after class and meditation was for "seva", and seva alone in our time. I mean "One Point", it's clearly BK, is not it?

There's another element to this and the likes of the corporate coaching network ... it's a sort of classist thing where "important" Westerners or the more middle class are allowed to do things that I am pretty sure, like hell, they would allow ordinary BK working class followers to do ... go into business together.
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Re: Onelink Brahmakumaris Website is Down

Post06 Feb 2018

There’s also the fact that this is another glaring example of the BKs exploiting people for their skills and talents. You can be sure that the IT crowd, like their TV namesakes, are considered by those "in-charge" as best positioned in the basement of the organisation, the modern day equivalent of building caretaker/janitor, despite the detailed knowledge and skill involved.

The organisation is nowadays very much web based, streaming classes, advertising and communicating over the internet, an of course as ex-l mentioned, dominating Wikipedia etc. In this case, people like Karuna, Nirwair and Sheshi are ”The Hand” that deals with the dirty work. Their kings and queens would feign interest in what's involved but just want the job done, regardless of cost and leave it to their loyal Hands to do what needs doing, and they in turn will gladly sacrifice the lives of foot soldiers to carry out their ”duty” - not so much dying in battle but giving up their lives, relations, career or study aspiration, time for recreation and other pursuits..

. Then theres the ”department heads” (the BKs have always been grandiose in titling their people’s positions. You wouldn’t go see ”BK Eddie, he's the electrician”, you’d go to the ”electrical department” ).

I’d suggest that those BKs doing the actual IT work, spending hours, days and weeks, years of their lives, on these projects - that give them nothing material that can be invested for the future, only temporary spiritual succour that needs regular top ups - if they are reading this, you guys should keep a record of your time because one day you might find a lifetime is now behind you, you have no income support and few prospects. You may feel you have a labour law case and you will need evidence.

There was here in Australia a class action taken by ex-members of Scientology who started a case for back pay and benefits accrued that were outstanding, having worked 16 hours a day, 7 days a week for many years without proper wages - I think they got food & board & $16 a week pocket money. No sick pay, holiday pay or overtime, no superannuation etc.

This was calculated to be worth $hundreds of thousands to many of them, i.e. $millions to the organisation. They had a very strong case. Guess what happened?

Scientology denied it all publicly but as they hate bad publicity, it was settled out of court for undisclosable, probably substantial, sums of "compensation".

IT crowd thank-you-computer-man.jpg
IT crowd thank-you-computer-man.jpg (25.93 KiB) Viewed 28002 times


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Re: Onelink Brahmakumaris Website is Down

Post07 Feb 2018

The countless websites, youtube videos, facebook groups/postings,online book sale, video sale, tv channel subscription - all show a trend towards diversification and diluting the content to an extent that is equivalent to Spamming. Can it be honestly said that all the materials and information presented talk about the same elevated points and goals? If so, why even have so much spam in the media. It seems to be oriented towards competing and attracting as many people as possible. From that generate income, however minimal from each it might be, but make it up in terms of volume.

Goes completely against BK basic teaching of Internalizing (Anthar Mukhi) and NOT go into Expansion! Along with this, is the increasing number of resorts (sorry I should have said retreats)!, property purchases, travel around the world for "upper" echleons - as if the local Center In Charge and other Admins are not capable to handle the needs. Another way to provide free vacation to the chose few !
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Re: Onelink Brahmakumaris Website is Down

Post07 Feb 2018

jsear9999 wrote:Along with this, is the increasing number of resorts (sorry I should have said retreats)!

Ha ha ha, very funny ... top marks.

Yes, a few years we learned about all the sensual massages and body treatments being offered now, and they went beyond removing the Dadi's beards. How far will they go?

And, as you say, how did it all fit within the original concept?

Are Neo-BKs even having Yoga or are they all just courtiers swanning around in the Didis Golden Age?

I think for a while they held themselves back and were cautious about the internet. We've been on the go for 12 years and before us there was another ex-BK site, xBKchat, that apparently they shut down.

I can say with 100% surety that they deliberately responded to this site's existence with the intension of pushing us down the searh results, otherwise "spamming" just as you say. Others have come forward saying they take down other critical articles/pages.

And, almost absolutely, there is no concrete, information, objective, canonical resource site about what BKism. Look at the struggle they had with the concept of putting Murlis on the internet*, never mind documenting their own history or having, say, a proper news and discussion site on BKism. It's all soft sell and sales material.

What does that say about their level of spirituality?

Of course, in the old days they just used to control ordinary media by sending the young Sisters around with some toli and a rahki to tie on the editors/owners wrist.

* To being with they were all locked up and encrypted and on time limited, password control, centre only access sites. Latterly, after we put them up, they've had to use a third party Dr Luhar to publish their whitewashed, revised versions.

I've lost hope with them absolutely. They are just slippery, tacky, mediocre hucksters raking in the ruppees. Now and again some well intended Westerners come along and 'air brush' them up, give them a make over, but then they burn out, the good work is diluted down, and its back to business as usual.

IMHO ...

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